(1) The Minister, by order published in the Government Gazette—
(a) may establish an Independent Medical Advisory Committee; and
(b) may appoint members to the Committee.
(2) An order under subsection (1) may provide for—
(a) the terms and conditions of the appointment of a member of the Committee; and
(b) matters relating to the procedure of the Committee, including—
(i) resignation and removal of members; and
(ii) vacancies; and
(iii) quorums; and
(iv) subcommittees; and
(c) the matters related to medicinal cannabis on which the Committee is to advise the Minister.
(3) Without limiting anything in subsection (2), an order under subsection (1) may specify that the Committee is to advise the Health Secretary and the Minister on—
(a) which medicinal cannabis products should be approved medicinal cannabis products; and
(b) the regulations made for the purposes of the definition of eligible patient ; and
(c) desirable amendments to this Act and the regulations.
Part 4—Manufacture of medicinal cannabis—Health Secretary and Resources Secretary
Division 1—Manufacturing authorisation—Resources Secretary