(1) Subject to subsection (3), a specialist medical practitioner may apply to the Health Secretary for a practitioner medicinal cannabis authorisation—research purposes in respect of a person or class of persons who are to participate in research or a trial.
(2) An application for a practitioner medicinal cannabis authorisation—research purposes must—
(a) be in the form approved by the Health Secretary; and
(b) specify the prescribed details for each participant in the research or trial in respect of which the practitioner medicinal cannabis authorisation—research purposes is sought; and
(c) specify the medical condition or symptoms in relation to which the practitioner medicinal cannabis authorisation—research purposes is sought; and
(d) specify the medicinal cannabis product or class of product the applicant seeks to use during the research or trial; and
(e) include a statement that the applicant is satisfied as to the matters set out in subsection (3); and
(f) specify the prescribed details regarding the research or trial; and
(g) identify each registered medical practitioner (other than the applicant) whom the applicant requests be authorised to issue a patient medicinal cannabis access authorisation to a participant.
(3) A specialist medical practitioner must not apply for a practitioner medicinal cannabis authorisation—research purposes unless the practitioner is satisfied that—
(a) it is appropriate in all the circumstances that a participant should be treated with a medicinal cannabis product for research purposes; and
(b) the prescribed additional criteria (if any) are met.