(1) For the purposes of an authorised investigation, the Commissioner may, by written notice, require a person—
(a) to give the Commissioner written information specified in the notice; or
(b) to attend at a specified time and place before the Commissioner or an authorised officer to answer questions relevant to the investigation; or
(c) to produce a document to the Commissioner at a specified time and place.
(2) The Commissioner may require information or evidence that is not given orally to be provided in the form of, or verified by, a statutory declaration.
(3) The Commissioner may require evidence that is given orally to be given on oath and for that purpose the Commissioner or an authorised officer may administer an oath.
(4) The person to whom the notice is given must comply with the notice within the period specified in the notice or any extended period allowed by the Commissioner.
Penalty: In the case of an individual, 60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate, 300 penalty units.
Section 50 applies to an offence against subsection (4).