(1) For the purposes of this Act, an approved auditor is—
(a) a person who—
(i) is a member of CPA Australia, the National Institute of Accountants or the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia; and
(ii) meets the requirements of one of those bodies to practise as a public accountant; and
(iii) has obtained a degree in commerce, accounting, business studies or a similar discipline from an Australian university or from a foreign university approved by the Director; and
(iv) has successfully completed any courses of education required by the Director under section 90(1)(a); and
(v) has completed or substantially assisted in carrying out the audit of the trust records of at least 2 (or such higher number as is prescribed) licensees or Australian legal practitioners in respect of any of the previous 3 financial years; or
(b) a person who—
(i) is approved by the Director as an approved auditor; or
(ii) comes within a class of persons that is approved by the Director as an approved class of auditor.
(2) Despite sub-section (1), a person is not an approved auditor for the purposes of this Act if he or she is subject to a direction under section 89(3).