After section 3 of the Parole Orders (Transfer) Act 1983 insert —
The Minister, by notice published in the Government Gazette, may declare a law of another State or a Territory relating to the transfer of parole orders to be a corresponding law for the purposes of this Act.
(1) Anything done under this Act on or after 1 May 1984 and before 21 October 2014 in relation to a parole order made under a law of another State or a Territory whose law relating to the transfer of parole orders had not been declared at that time to be a corresponding law has the same effect, and gives rise to the same consequences, and is to be regarded as always having had the same effect and having given rise to the same consequences, as if the law of that State or Territory relating to the transfer of parole orders had been declared to be a corresponding law for the purposes of this Act.
(2) Any act or thing done or omitted to be done, whether under a power conferred by or under an enactment or otherwise, in reliance, directly or indirectly, on a parole order referred to in subsection (1) made under the law of another State or Territory is not invalid by reason only of the fact that, but for subsection (1), the law of that State or Territory relating to the transfer of parole orders was not a corresponding law.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), an act or thing may be done or omitted to be done before or after the commencement of section 44 of the Corrections Legislation Amendment Act 2015 and includes but is not limited to a proceeding for a breach of the conditions of the parole order and any penalty imposed.".
Part 4—Repeal of amending Act