(1) In section 3 of the Principal Act, in the definition of "nurse", for "student)." substitute "student);".
(2) In section 3 of the Principal Act insert the following definitions—
""applicable entity" means—
(a) an incorporated body or association; or
(b) an unincorporated body or association (however structured); or
(c) an individual who—
(i) carries on a business; and
(ii) engages contractors, employees or volunteers to assist the business in providing services or facilities;
category 1 entity means an applicable entity that is referred to in Schedule 1;
category 2 entity means an applicable entity that—
(a) is referred to in Schedule 2; and
(b) is not referred to in Schedule 1;
"child abuse" includes—
(a) any act committed against a child involving—
(i) a sexual offence; or
(ii) an offence under section 49B(2) of the Crimes Act 1958 ; and
(b) the infliction, on a child, of—
(i) physical violence; or
(ii) serious emotional or psychological harm; and
(c) the serious neglect of a child;
"Child Safe Standards "means the standards made under section 17(1);
"State contract" has the same meaning as it has in the Commission for Children and Young People Act 2012 .".
(3) At the end of section 3 of the Principal Act insert —
"(2) A reference in this Act to the provision of a service or facility by an applicable entity applies, in relation to an applicable entity that is an individual carrying on a business, as a reference to the provision of the service or facility by the business.".