(1) The Commission has the following functions in relation to registered disability workers and disability students—
(a) to provide administrative assistance and support to the Board to enable the Board to exercise its functions in relation to the registration and the regulation of registered disability workers and disability students and the accreditation of training programs;
(b) in conjunction with the Board, to establish and maintain a register of disability workers that is accessible to the public and a register of disability students;
(c) to implement efficient procedures for the purpose of supporting the Board to perform its function in relation to accreditation and registration;
(d) to implement efficient procedures for receiving and passing on to the Board complaints and notifications about registered disability workers and disability students;
(e) to receive, assess and investigate complaints and, if appropriate, to refer them to the Board;
(f) to receive and assess notifications and, if appropriate, to refer them to the Board;
(g) if appropriate, to conciliate complaints;
(h) to enter into an agreement with the Board about fees, the Board's budget and services to be provided by the Commission to the Board;
(i) to monitor, identify and advise the Minister about trends in relation to complaints and notifications, and other related matters;
(j) any other function conferred on the Commission in relation to the Board by this or any other Act.
(2) The Commission has the following functions in relation to unregistered disability workers—
(a) to implement efficient procedures for receiving and dealing with complaints;
(b) to receive, assess and deal with complaints and notifications and, if appropriate, refer them to the Board;
(c) if appropriate, to conciliate complaints;
(d) to provide advice to the Minister about matters referred to the Commission by the Minister;
(e) to inquire into or investigate matters referred to the Commission by the Minister and to provide reports to the Minister in relation to those matters;
(f) to monitor, identify and advise the Minister about trends in relation to complaints and notifications, and other related matters;
(g) to carry out and support research into the handling of complaints and ways of improving the practice of disability workers and the disability services they provide;
(h) to provide information and education to the public about disability workers and their conduct, the complaint handling standards and the complaints and notification processes;
(i) any other function conferred on the Commission in relation to the Commission by this or any other Act.
(3) The Victorian Disability Worker Commission has all the powers that are necessary or convenient to perform its functions under this or any other Act.