An eligible person is a person who—
(a) has attained 16 years of age; and
(b) appears to satisfy 2 or more of the following criteria—
(i) has a mental disorder within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1986 ;
(ii) has an acquired brain injury;
(iii) has an intellectual impairment;
(iv) is an alcoholic or drug-dependent person within the meaning of the Alcoholics and Drug-dependent Persons Act 1968 ; and
(c) has exhibited violent or dangerous behaviour that caused serious harm to himself or herself or some other person or is exhibiting behaviour which is reasonably likely to place himself or herself or some other person at risk of serious harm; and
(d) is in need of intensive supervision and support and would derive benefit from receiving co-ordinated services in accordance with a care plan that may include welfare services, health services, mental health services, disability services, drug and alcohol treatment services or housing and support services.