The functions of Infrastructure Victoria are—
(a) to prepare and publish a 30-year infrastructure strategy that assesses the current state of infrastructure in Victoria and identifies Victoria's infrastructure needs and priorities for the next 30 years; and
(b) to provide written advice to the Minister on infrastructure matters as requested under section 44; and
(c) to provide support as requested during the development of sectoral infrastructure strategies by public service bodies or public entities; and
The transport plan that must be prepared under section 63 of the Transport Integration Act 2010 is an example of a sectoral infrastructure strategy.
(d) to undertake and publish research on matters relating to infrastructure, including—
(i) impediments to delivery; and
(ii) improving the measurement of costs and benefits; and
(iii) financing and funding models; and
(iv) policy and reform issues; and
(v) infrastructure policy issues arising from climate change, such as the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions produced by infrastructure; and
(e) to perform any other function conferred under any other Act or regulations under any other Act.