(1) As soon as practicable after a person is made subject to a Community Court Assessment Order or a person who is subject to an Inpatient Court Assessment Order is received at a designated mental health service, the authorised psychiatrist must ensure that reasonable steps are taken to inform the following persons in relation to the person subject to the Order that the Order has been made—
(a) the nominated person;
(b) a guardian;
(c) a carer, if the authorised psychiatrist is satisfied that assessing the person will directly affect the carer and the care relationship;
(d) a parent, if the person is under the age of 16 years;
(e) the Secretary to the Department of Human Services, if the person is the subject of a custody to Secretary order or a guardianship to Secretary order.
(2) As soon as practicable after a person is made subject to a Community Court Assessment Order or a person who is subject to an Inpatient Court Assessment Order is received at a designated mental health service, the authorised psychiatrist must ensure that reasonable steps are taken to give a copy of the Order and the relevant statement of rights to—
(a) the person who is subject to the Order; and
(b) the persons referred to in subsection (1).
See Division 1 of Part 3 in relation to statement of rights.