(1) An authorised psychiatrist may apply to the Tribunal for a Treatment Order in relation to a person who is currently subject to a Treatment Order if the authorised psychiatrist—
(a) has examined the person; and
(b) is satisfied that the treatment criteria apply to the person.
(2) In determining whether the treatment criteria apply to the person, the authorised psychiatrist may consider information communicated to the authorised psychiatrist by persons other than the person who was examined.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), an application to the Tribunal must be made at least 10 business days before the expiry of the Treatment Order to which the person is currently subject.
(4) Despite anything to the contrary in this section or section 187, the principal registrar of the Tribunal may accept an application made under this section if—
(a) the application is made not more than 10 business days before the expiry of the Treatment Order to which the person was last subject; and
(b) accepting the application is reasonable having regard to all the circumstances.
(5) The Tribunal must conduct a hearing to determine whether to make a Treatment Order in relation to a person who is currently subject to a Treatment Order if the application is made in accordance with this section.