(1) If a report prepared under section 84 recommends changes to the entitled patient's current treatment, the authorised psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable—
(a) review the entitled patient's treatment; and
(b) decide whether to adopt any of the recommendations made in the report.
(2) If the authorised psychiatrist decides under subsection (1)(b) to adopt any of the recommendations made in the report prepared under section 84, the authorised psychiatrist must revise the treatment of the entitled patient.
(3) If the authorised psychiatrist decides under subsection (1)(b) to adopt none or to adopt only some of the recommendations made in the report prepared under section 84, the authorised psychiatrist must—
(a) give his or her reasons to the entitled patient for adopting none or only some of the recommendations and provide an explanation of those reasons; and
(b) advise the entitled patient that he or she has the right to apply to the chief psychiatrist for a review of his or her treatment.