The main purposes of this Act are—
(a) to amend the Mineral Resources Development Act 1990 —
(i) to rename that Act; and
(ii) to provide for exploration or mining work in prohibited areas; and
(iii) to require licensees to carry out community consultation; and
(iv) to require licensees to offset the environmental impact of exploration or mining work; and
(v) to provide further for the rehabilitation of land affected by exploration or mining work; and
(vi) to provide for the direct allocation of licences relating to coal; and
(vii) to include sustainable development principles; and
(viii) to provide for the appointment of panels to advise the Minister; and
(ix) to provide for the making of codes of practice; and
(x) to provide for further inspection powers; and
(xi) to make other amendments to that Act to improve its efficiency and operation; and
(b) to make consequential amendments to the Environment Protection Act 1970 and to other Acts.