Victorian Numbered Acts
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NORTH EAST LINK ACT 2020 (NO. 18 OF 2020)
1. Purposes
2. Commencement
3. Definitions
4. Objects of Act
5. Designation of North East Link road
6. Interaction with Transport Integration Act 2010
7. Act binds the Crown
Division 1--Establishment of North East Link State Tolling Corporation
8. North East Link State Tolling Corporation
9. Trading name
10. North East Link State Tolling Corporation does not represent the Crown
11. Official seal
12. Objects of North East Link State Tolling Corporation
Division 2--Functions and powers
13. Functions of North East Link State Tolling Corporation
14. General powers of North East Link State Tolling Corporation
15. Specific powers of North East Link State Tolling Corporation
16. Extra-territoriality
17. Power of delegation
18. Consequences of delegating road management functions under the Road Management Act 2004
19. Borrowing and investment by North East Link State Tolling Corporation
20. Excluded powers
Division 3--Governance of North East Link State Tolling Corporation
21. Board of directors
22. Constitution of Board
23. Terms and conditions of appointment
24. Acting appointments—chairperson
25. Acting appointments—deputy chairperson
26. Acting appointments—director
27. Chief executive officer
28. Other employees
29. Vacancies and removal from office
30. Resignation
31. Suspension
32. Validity of acts or decisions
33. Proceedings of the Board
34. Resolutions without meetings
Division 4--General duties
35. Determination of initial capital
36. Capital
37. Repayment of capital
38. Dividends
39. Reports to Treasurer or Minister
40. Directions
41. Annual report
42. Preparation of corporate plan
43. Consultation regarding corporate plan
44. Publication of corporate plan
45. Modification of corporate plan
46. Directions in relation to corporate plan
47. Corporate plan to be followed
48. Nothing void merely because of non-compliance
49. Board to give notice of significant events
50. Publication and commencement of North East Link tolling agreements
51. Tabling of North East Link tolling agreements
52. Revocation of North East Link tolling agreement
53. Publication and commencement of amending agreements
54. Tabling of amending agreements
55. Revocation of amending agreement
Division 1--Preliminary
56. Relevant North East Link Tolling Corporation
57. Authorised persons
Division 2--Fixing of tolls and toll administration fees
58. Relevant North East Link Tolling Corporation may fix tolls
59. How tolls and toll administration fees are fixed
Division 3--Liability for and collection of tolls
60. Commencement of tolling
61. Liability to pay toll and toll administration fees
62. Toll administration fee not payable for certain vehicles
63. Operator not liable if effective statement made
64. Cancellation of authorised person's acceptance of statement as effective
65. Offence to provide false or misleading information
66. Request for payment of tolls
67. Tolling device is not surveillance device
68. Minimum debt recovery requirements
Division 4--Tolling offences and registration of vehicles
69. Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone
70. Multiple offences during prescribed period
71. Registration of vehicles
72. Ongoing registration agreements
73. Temporary registration
74. Information to be given in relation to ongoing registration or temporary registration
75. Cancellation or suspension of registration
76. Offence to tamper with tolling devices
77. Offence to fraudulently induce registration
Division 5--Tolling enforcement
78. Payment of prescribed administrative amount
79. Relevant North East Link Tolling Corporation or authorised person may notify enforcement agency of non-payment of toll
80. Disputes in relation to payment of tolls
81. Enforcement officers
82. Identification of enforcement officers
83. Power to serve an infringement notice
84. Toll administration infringement notice
85. Infringement penalty
86. Additional effect of expiation
87. Effect of conviction for non-payment of penalty
88. Application of Infringements Act 2006, Fines Reform Act 2014 and Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 procedure
89. Operator onus offence
90. Extension of time if no actual notice for offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone
91. Granting extension of time
92. The Consolidated Fund
Division 6--Evidentiary provisions
93. Proof that vehicle driven in a toll zone
94. Evidentiary certificates
95. Evidentiary certificates relating to tolls
96. Evidentiary certificate issued by relevant North East Link Tolling Corporation
Division 7--Disclosure and keeping of records
97. Secretary and others may disclose certain information
98. Secretary must disclose certain interstate information
99. Relevant North East Link Tolling Corporation to keep proper records
100. Destruction of records
Division 8--Tollway roaming agreements
101. Definitions
102. Making tollway roaming agreement
103. Roaming fees
104. Determination of net incremental marginal cost
Division 9--General
105. Declaration or revocation of declaration as a road
Division 1--Use of statutory powers and functions for North East Link Project
106. Governor in Council may require bodies to act
107. Powers of certain bodies extended
Division 2--Emergency management
108. Emergency management
Division 3--No liability for various acts and omissions
109. No liability on State or public authorities for acts or omissions of others
Division 4--Service of documents
110. Service of documents
Division 5--Proceedings for offences
111. Proceedings for offences under Part 4
112. Extension of period for commencing prosecution for summary offences
113. Regulations
Division 1--Accident Towing Services Act 2007
114. Definitions
115. Power to issue regular tow truck licences
116. Power to issue heavy tow truck licences
117. Issue of new licences and re-issue of certain limited licences
118. Period for which licence remains in force
119. Ministerial authorisation for the issue of regular tow truck licences
120. Ministerial authorisation for the issue of heavy tow truck licences
121. Transfer of tow truck licence to another person
122. Allocation offences in controlled areas
Division 2--Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987
123. Amendment of Schedule 1
Division 3--Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
124. Amendment of Schedule 3 (Infringement notice system)
Division 4--Criminal Procedure Act 2009
125. Definitions
Division 5--EastLink Project Act 2004
126. Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone
127. New section 223A inserted
128. New Division 7 of Part 9 inserted
Division 6--Fines Reform Act 2014
129. Registration of infringement fine with Director
130. Extended period for registration
131. Ministers may enter into administrative services agreements
Division 7--Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013
132. Road manager
133. Toll road authority
Division 8--Infringements Act 2006
134. Application of Division 3 of Part 2
135. Service of documents
Division 9--Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
136. Term of lease over project that is Crown land
Division 10--Melbourne City Link Act 1995
137. Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone
138. Secretary may disclose certain information
139. New section 91 inserted
140. New Division 7 of Part 4 inserted
Division 11--Road Management Act 2004
141. Definitions
142. Interpretation and application of Act
143. What is a public road?
144. Which road authority is the responsible road authority?
145. Contents of a road management plan
146. Interference with a road
147. Authorised officers
148. Principles concerning performance of road management functions
149. Right to recover for damage to road
150. New section 133D inserted
151. New sections 134H and 134I inserted
152. Schedule 1 amended
153. Schedule 7A amended
Division 12--Road Safety Act 1986
154. Definitions for Part 6AA
155. Use of effective statement to avoid liability
Division 13--Transport Integration Act 2010
156. Definitions and statute law revision
Division 14--West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019
157. Power of delegation
158. Offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone
159. Extension of time if no actual notice for offence to drive unregistered vehicle in toll zone
160. Granting extension of time
161. Secretary may disclose certain information
162. New section 59A inserted
163. New Division 8A of Part 3 inserted
164. Regulations
Division 15--Repeal of Part
165. Repeal of Part
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