Victorian Numbered Acts
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1. Purposes
2. Commencement
3. Definitions
4. Meaning of decision making capacity
5. Assessing decision making capacity
Division 1--Definitions
6. Definitions
Division 2--Scope and making of general non-enduring powers of attorney
7. General non-enduring power of attorney
8. Appointment of more than one attorney
9. Appointment of alternative attorneys
10. When attorney's power is exercisable
Division 3--Execution of non-enduring power of attorney and execution of other documents under non-enduring power of attorney
11. How should a non-enduring power of attorney be executed?
12. Power of an attorney to execute instruments
Division 4--Protection from liability
13. Interpretation
14. Protection for an attorney who does not know of revocation or invalidity
15. Protection for a third person who does not know of revocation or invalidity when dealing with attorney
Division 5--Proof of non-enduring power of attorney
16. Proof of non-enduring power of attorney
Division 6--Powers of attorney for security
17. Definition
18. Operation of powers of attorney for security
19. Revocation of powers of attorney for security
20. Protection for a person who does not know of revocation of a power of attorney for security
Division 1--Principles
21. Principles to be applied by persons acting under this Act or an enduring power of attorney
Division 2--Scope of power
22. Enduring power of attorney
23. Who may make an enduring power of attorney?
24. Conditions and instructions in an enduring power of attorney
25. Attorney not able to delegate power
26. Matters for which power cannot be given under an enduring power of attorney
27. Power of an attorney to execute instruments
Division 3--Appointment of attorney
28. Who is eligible to be appointed as an attorney?
29. Attorney may be occupant of position
30. Appointment of more than one attorney
31. Appointment of alternative attorneys
Division 4--Making the power
32. Form of enduring power of attorney
33. How should an enduring power of attorney be executed?
34. Who is eligible to sign an enduring power of attorney at the direction of the principal?
35. Who can witness the signing of an instrument creating an enduring power of attorney?
36. Certification of witness to signing
37. Acceptance by attorney
38. Acceptance by alternative attorney
39. When attorney's power is exercisable
40. Attorney to notify if acting because the principal does not have decision making capacity
41. Regaining decision making capacity does not prevent exercise of power by attorney
42. Principal may continue to exercise power
Division 1--Provision in enduring power of attorney as to revocation
43. Terms of enduring power of attorney as to revocation
Division 2--Revocation by principal
44. Revocation by principal
45. Form of revocation
46. How should an instrument of revocation be executed?
47. Who is eligible to sign the instrument of revocation at the direction of the principal?
48. Who can witness the signing of the instrument of revocation?
49. Certification of witness to signing of instrument of revocation
50. Notification of revocation
Division 3--Other revocation
51. Death of principal
52. Death of attorney
53. Attorney does not have decision making capacity
54. Revocation of appointment and notification of revocation, winding up etc.
55. Later inconsistent enduring power of attorney
Division 4--Resignation of attorney or alternative attorney when principal has decision making capacity
56. Resignation when principal has decision making capacity
57. Form of resignation
58. Notification of resignation
Division 5--Resignation of attorney or alternative attorney when principal does not have decision making capacity
59. Resignation when principal does not have decision making capacity
60. Form of resignation
61. Notification of resignation
Division 6--Effect of attorney's power ending where more than one attorney
62. Ending of attorney's power where more than one attorney
Division 1--Duties of attorney
63. Duties of attorney
64. Conflict transactions
65. Permitted conflict transactions
66. Keeping records
67. Gifts
68. Maintenance of principal's dependants
69. Separation of attorney's and principal's property
70. Remuneration of attorney
Division 2--Decision making between more than one attorney
71. Disagreement between attorneys
72. Attorney for financial matters to implement decision
Division 3--Protection and relief from liability
73. Interpretation
74. Relief from personal liability
75. Protection for attorney, third person who does not know of invalidity or revocation or breach of condition
76. Protection if acting on advice, direction or order of Court or VCAT
Division 4--Compensation
77. Compensation for acts of attorney
78. Who can apply for an order for compensation?
79. Time limit for application for order for compensation
80. VCAT may refer matter to Supreme Court
Division 5--General matters
81. Enduring power of attorney is a deed
82. Proof of enduring power of attorney
83. Effect of administration order or guardianship order on enduring power of attorney
Division 1--Definitions
84. Definitions
Division 2--Power to make appointment and nature of appointment
85. Power to make and scope of appointment
86. Who may make a supportive attorney appointment?
87. Information power
88. Communication power
89. Powers as to giving effect to decisions
90. Duties and obligations of supportive attorney
Division 3--Appointment of supportive attorneys
91. Who is eligible to be appointed as a supportive attorney?
92. Appointment of more than one supportive attorney
93. Appointment of alternative supportive attorneys
Division 4--Making an appointment
94. Form of appointment
95. How should an appointment be executed?
96. Who is eligible to sign an appointment form at the direction of the principal?
97. Who can witness the signing of an appointment form?
98. Certification of witness to signing of appointment form
99. Acceptance by supportive attorney
100. Acceptance by alternative supportive attorney
Division 5--Commencement and ending of supportive attorney appointment
101. When does appointment commence?
102. Effect on appointment if principal does not have decision making capacity
103. Revocation of appointment by principal
104. Form of revocation
105. How should a form of revocation be executed?
106. Who is eligible to sign the form of revocation at the direction of the principal?
107. Who can witness the signing of the form of revocation?
108. Notification of revocation by principal
109. Other revocation of supportive attorney appointment
110. Notification of revocation by operation of section 109(4)
111. Resignation
112. Form of resignation
113. Notification of resignation
Division 6--Protection and relief from liability
114. Protection for supportive attorney or other person who does not know appointment does not have effect
Division 1--Interpretation
115. Interpretation
Division 2--VCAT hearing at first instance
116. Matters about which VCAT may make an order
117. Considerations for failure to comply with execution requirements
118. Considerations for invalidity of enduring power of attorney
119. Effect of finding of invalidity on enduring power of attorney
120. Nature of VCAT orders
121. Advisory opinions
Division 3--Application and procedure, VCAT hearing at first instance
122. Who can apply for an order?
123. Who is entitled to notice?
124. Who are parties to the proceeding?
Division 4--VCAT rehearing
125. Requirement to rehear
126. Matter that cannot be subject of a rehearing
127. Powers of VCAT on rehearing
128. Effect of, stay of first instance order pending rehearing
129. Nature of rehearing
Division 5--Application and procedure, VCAT rehearing
130. Who can apply for a rehearing?
131. Who is entitled to notice of rehearing?
132. Who are parties to the proceeding for the rehearing?
133. Time limit for making application
Division 6--Effect on VCAT Act
134. Effect on VCAT Act
135. Offences as to enduring powers of attorney
136. Offences of dishonestly obtaining or using supportive attorney appointment
137. Criminal liability of officers of bodies corporate—failure to exercise due diligence
138. Recognition of enduring powers of attorney made in other States and Territories
139. Regulations
Division 1--Transitional provisions
140. Definitions
141. Transitional provision—non-enduring powers of attorney
142. Transitional provision—old enduring powers of attorney
143. Transitional provision—old enduring powers of guardianship
Division 2--Amendment of the Instruments Act 1958 and the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986
144. Amendment of the Instruments Act 1958
145. Repeal of Division 5A of Part 4 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986
Division 5A--of Part 4 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986 is repealed.
146. Repeal of sections 86 and 86A of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986
147. Repeal of Schedule 4 to the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986
148. Amendment of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986
Division 3--Amendment of other Acts
149. Amendment of the Crimes Act 1958
150. Amendment of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009
151. Amendment of the Disability Act 2006
152. Amendment of the Family Violence Protection Act 2008
153. Amendment of the Health Records Act 2001
154. Amendment of the Human Services (Complex Needs) Act 2009
155. Amendment of the Information Privacy Act 2000
156. Amendment of the Medical Treatment Act 1988
157. Amendment of the Melbourne Market Authority Act 1977
158. Amendment of the Mental Health Act 2014
159. Amendment of the Personal Safety Intervention Orders Act 2010
160. Amendment of the State Electricity Commission Act 1958
161. Amendment of the Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Act 2010
162. Amendment of the Transport Accident Act 1986
163. Amendment of the Trustee Act 1958
164. Repeal of Part 12 of Schedule 1 to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998
165. New Part 15AD inserted in Schedule 1 to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998
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