(1) Parks Victoria has the following functions—
(a) to control and manage Parks Victoria managed land, in a manner that protects, conserves and enhances the land and in a manner which provides for the land to be appropriately used, enjoyed and appreciated, including doing all or any of the following—
(i) developing management and other plans and strategies for Parks Victoria managed land in consultation with the community;
(ii) supporting the involvement of a specified aboriginal party for an area of land that is Parks Victoria managed land in the management of the land;
(iii) undertaking works, improvements and other activities on Parks Victoria managed land;
(iv) providing opportunities for the community to enjoy and appreciate Parks Victoria managed land and providing facilities, information and services to support that enjoyment and appreciation;
(v) monitoring and evaluating the condition and use of Parks Victoria managed land;
(vi) conducting, co-ordinating and encouraging research activities relating to Parks Victoria managed land;
(b) to enforce and ensure compliance with laws applying to Parks Victoria managed land;
(c) to confer with and co-operate with the Secretary or any other land manager or body on the management of Parks Victoria managed land or land managed by the Secretary or another land manager;
(d) to provide services for the prevention, suppression of or recovery from fire or any other emergency under any agreement or arrangement under section 11;
(e) to provide services under any agreement or arrangement under section 12 ;
(f) to provide advice to the Minister and the Secretary on matters relevant to its functions;
(g) to promote good relations between Parks Victoria and the community;
(h) to inform and educate the community about the benefits of and the threats to Parks Victoria managed land;
(i) act as an agent of the Secretary in the carrying out of the Secretary's functions, powers and duties in relation to the management of land;
(j) to carry out any other function conferred on it by or under this or any other Act.
Other functions of Parks Victoria may include—
(a) acting as a committee of management under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 or the Forests Act 1958 , when appointed as such a committee; and
(b) acting as a waterway manager under the Marine Safety Act 2010 , when declared as such a manager; and
(c) acting as the port manager of a local port under the Port Management Act 1995 , when appointed as such a manager.
(2) Parks Victoria must exercise its functions under subsection (1) in relation to any area of land consistently with the enactments applying to the management of the land.