Victorian Numbered Acts
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RAIL SAFETY ACT 2006 (NO 9 OF 2006)
1. Purpose
2. Commencement
3. Definitions and interpretation
4. Declaration of substances to be a drug
5. Meaning of "control"
6. Railways to which this Act does not apply
7. Rail safety work
8. Approval of person to take blood samples for the purposes of Part 6
9. Declaration of an alcohol and drug control law of another State or Territory to be corresponding law
10. References to contraventions of Acts to be read as including references to contraventions of regulations
11. Objects and principles of rail safety
12. Crown to be bound
13. Principle of shared responsibility
14. Principle of accountability for managing safety risks
15. Principle of integrated risk management
16. Principle of enforcement
17. Principle of transparency and consistency
18. Principle of participation, consultation and involvement of all affected persons
Division 1--The Concept of Ensuring Safety
19. The concept of ensuring safety
Division 2--Safety Duties of Rail Infrastructure Managers and Rolling Stock Operators
20. Duty of rail infrastructure managers to ensure safety of rail infrastructure operations
21. Duty of rolling stock operators to ensure safety of rolling stock operations
Division 3--Safety Duties of Other Persons
22. Rail contractor duties
23. Duties of rail safety workers
Division 4--Safety Management Systems
24. What is a safety management system?
25. Form and contents of safety management systems
26. Rail operator must consult before establishing safety management system
27. Rail operator to have in place a safety management system
28. Rail operator must comply with a safety management system
Division 5--Safety Audits and Audits of Medical Records of Rail Safety Workers
29. Safety audits
30. Audit of medical records of rail safety workers
Division 6--Other Matters
31. Single charge for multiple contraventions of certain duties
32. Civil liability not affected by Division 2 or 3
33. Safety Director may require utility works or rail operations to stop
34. Safety Director may direct utility works or rail operations to be altered, demolished or taken away
Division 1--Preliminary Matters
35. Purpose of accreditation
Division 2--Accreditation
36. Offence for certain rail infrastructure managers not to be accredited
37. Rolling stock operators must not operate rolling stock unless accredited
38. Application for accreditation
39. Criteria on which accreditation applications by rail infrastructure managers are to be assessed
40. Criteria on which accreditation applications by rolling stock operators are to be assessed
41. Accreditation following direction
42. Safety Director may give directions in relation to rolling stock operator applicants
43. Safety Director may direct applicants to co-ordinate and cooperate in their accreditation applications
44. Time within which Safety Director must make decision whether to accredit
45. Notification and reasons to be given if accreditation refused
46. Restrictions and conditions concerning accreditation
47. How long accreditation lasts
48. Offence to fail to comply with conditions etc.
Division 3--Risk Management Requirements for Accreditation
49. Application of Division
50. Identification of incidents and hazards, and risk assessment
51. Measures to control likelihood, magnitude and severity of consequences of incidents
52. Emergency planning
Division 4--Variation and Surrender of Accreditation
53. Accredited rail operator may apply for variation or revocation of conditions and restrictions
54. Application for variation of accreditation is required in certain cases
55. Safety Director may vary, revoke or impose new conditions or restrictions of an accreditation on own initiative
56. Surrender of accreditation
57. False or misleading information
Division 5--Disciplinary Action
58. Power of immediate suspension
59. Disciplinary action against an accredited rail operator
60. Procedure and powers concerning disciplinary inquiries
61. Effect of suspension
Division 6--Miscellaneous
62. Accreditation cannot be transferred
63. Accreditation exemptions for private siding rail operations
64. Revocation of accreditation exemptions for private siding rail operations
65. Accredited rail operators must demonstrate ongoing compliance with risk management requirements
66. Exemption from ongoing compliance with risk management requirements
67. Accredited rail operator must investigate railway accidents and incidents
68. Accredited rail operator must put into effect emergency plan without delay
69. Accredited rail operator must notify emergency services and others of a major incident
Division 1--Preliminary Matters
70. Definitions
71. Presumptions in relation to presence of concentrations of alcohol and other drugs
72. When a rail safety worker is not to be taken to be impaired
73. When a rail safety worker is to be regarded as being about to carry out rail safety work
74. Findings of guilt and convictions and subsequent offences
75. Entry into residential premises not allowed without a warrant
Division 2--Offences, Testing and Analysis
76. Offences involving alcohol
77. Preliminary breath tests
78. Breath analysis
79. Drug assessment
80. Blood and urine samples
81. Destruction of identifying information
82. Blood samples to be taken in certain cases
Division 3--Evidentiary Provisions
83. Evidentiary provisions—blood tests
84. Evidentiary provisions—urine tests
85. Evidentiary provisions—breath tests
Division 4--Other Matters
86. Approvals
87. Reviewable decisions
Division 2--of Part 5 (refusal to accredit)
88. Internal review
89. Review by the Tribunal
90. Special right of review concerning interstate applicants
91. Codes of practice
92. Revisions to approved codes of practice
93. Revocation of approvals of codes of practice
94. Availability of approved codes of practice
95. Minister must consult before approving code of practice or revision to code of practice
96. Effect of approved code of practice
Division 1--Offences by Bodies Corporate
97. Imputing conduct to bodies corporate
98. Liability of officers of bodies corporate
Division 2--Offences by Partnerships and Unincorporated Bodies or Associations
99. Liability of officers of partnerships and unincorporated bodies or associations
Division 3--Proceedings against the Crown
100. Responsible agency for the Crown
Division 4--Other Matters
101. Interaction with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
102. Effect of compliance with regulations or approved codes of practice
103. Fees for service
104. Tabling and disallowance of certain Orders, notices and approved codes of practice
Division 5--Regulations
105. Accreditation
106. Safety duties and risk management requirements and minimisation
107. Safety management systems
108. Rail safety work
109. Alcohol and other drug controls
110. General regulation making powers
111. Definitions
112. New Subdivision 1 heading inserted into Division 1 of Part II
113. Objects and functions of the Department
114. New Subdivision 2 heading inserted into Division 1 of Part II
115. Functions and powers of Director
116. New sections 9AA to 9AC inserted
117. New Subdivision 3 of Division 1 of Part II inserted
118. New Subdivision 4 heading inserted into Division 1 of Part II
119. Repeal
--Divisions 2 and 3 of Part VI of the Transport Act 1983 are repealed.
120. Amendment of heading to Part VII
121. Definition
122. New Division 4AAA of Part VII inserted
123. Repeal of certain offences
124. New section 223 substituted
125. New Division 4B of Part VII inserted
126. New section 229A and 229B inserted
127. New section 230A and Divisions 6 and 7 of Part VII inserted
128. Service
129. Statute law revision
Division 1--Amendment of Public Transport Competition Act 1995
130. Application for accreditation
131. Matters to be considered
132. Giving or refusal of accreditation
133. Conditions of accreditation
134. Change of conditions etc.
135. Duration of accreditation
136. Requirement to notify of charges etc.
137. Periodical returns
138. Application for renewal of accreditation
139. Renewal of accreditation
140. Nature of accreditation
141. Safety Director not liable for giving accreditation
142. Supervision of accredited persons
143. Procedure and powers
144. Immediate power of suspension
145. Review by Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
146. Codes of practice
147. Fees
148. Delegation
149. No compensation payable
Division 2--Amendment of Rail Corporations Act 1996
150. New definition inserted
151. Objective of Rail Track
152. Functions and powers of Rail Track
153. New section 12 inserted
154. Definition of "access provider" amended and new definitions inserted
155. Decisions not to interfere with certain directions of the Safety Director
156. Statute law revision
Division 3--Other Amendments
157. Electricity Industry Act 2000 amendment—New section 85 substituted and new sections 93A to 93C inserted
158. Gas Industry Act 2001 amendment—New sections 147A and 149A to 149C inserted
159. Magistrates' Court Act 1989 amendment—Certain indictable offences triable summarily etc.
160. Road Management Act 2004 amendment—New Division 4A of Part 4 of that Act inserted
161. Water Act 1989 amendment—New sections 137A to 137C inserted
162. Water Industry Act 1994 amendment—New sections 62A to 62C inserted
Division 4--Savings and Transitionals
163. Definitions
164. General transitional provision
165. Savings and transitional regulations
166. Declaration in relation to tourist and heritage railways
167. Orders and approvals relating to alcohol and other drug controls under the Transport Act 1983
168. Existing accreditations for accredited commercial rail operators
169. Existing accreditations for accredited tourist and heritage rail operators
170. Compliance with safety management system requirements not required until old accreditations expire
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