(1) The Secretary may notify the Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services of the following in relation to a current WWC clearance, the application for which specifies that the applicant is engaged or intends to engage in child-related work described in section 7(6) —
(a) if the holder surrenders the WWC clearance;
(b) if the Secretary revokes or suspends the WWC clearance;
(c) if the holder notifies the Secretary of a change in any person by whom the holder is engaged in child-related work.
(2) The Secretary may notify the Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services of the following in relation to an application for a WWC clearance that specifies that the applicant is engaged or intends to engage in child-related work described in section 7(6)—
(a) if the application is made, withdrawn or reinstated;
(b) if the Secretary gives a WWC clearance, an interim WWC exclusion or a WWC exclusion in relation to the application;
(c) if the applicant notifies the Secretary of a change in any person by whom the applicant is engaged in child-related work.