(1) An application for a WWC check must—
(a) be in the approved application form for a WWC check; and
(b) subject to subsection (3), be signed by the applicant; and
(c) be accompanied by the approved identifying information; and
(d) include the authorisations and consents referred to in subsection (2); and
(e) unless the applicant holds an NDIS clearance, be accompanied by the prescribed application fee; and
(f) include any prescribed information; and
(g) state whether the child-related work in which the applicant is engaged or intends to engage is for profit or gain; and
(h) contain the name, address and telephone number of each person with whom the applicant is engaged in child-related work.
(2) An applicant for a WWC check must—
(a) authorise the conduct of a police record check on the applicant in connection with the consideration of the application and, if a WWC clearance is given, from time to time while that clearance remains in force; and
(b) consent to enquiries being made about the applicant to the ACC or any disciplinary or regulatory entity in connection with the consideration of the application and, if a WWC clearance is given, from time to time while that clearance remains in force; and
(c) authorise the disclosure of any relevant information by any disciplinary or regulatory entity for the purposes of the enquiries described in paragraph (b).
(3) The Secretary must enable reasonable modifications to be made in relation to the requirement set out in subsection (1)(b) if the applicant has a disability that prevents the applicant signing an application.
(4) Despite subsection (1)(c), the Secretary may consider an application that does not include all the approved identifying information.
(5) If the Secretary receives an application that does not include all the information required by this section, the Secretary may require the applicant to provide the information in the manner required by the Secretary within 28 days or any longer period determined by the Secretary.
(6) If an applicant has included approved identifying information for a previous application for a WWC check completed within 5 years and 3 months before the current application, the Secretary may exempt the applicant from the requirement to provide approved identifying information under subsection (1)(c).
(7) If an application for a WWC check specifies that the applicant is engaged or intends to engage in child-related work described in section 7(6), that application is taken not to specify an intention to engage in child-related work for profit or gain.