(1) The report and consent of the chief officer must be obtained to an application for a building permit which involves any of the following fire safety matters if those matters do not meet the deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the BCA—
(a) fire hydrants;
(b) fire hose reels;
(c) fire control centres or fire control rooms;
(d) fire precautions during construction;
(e) fire mains;
(f) control valves;
(g) booster assemblies;
(h) emergency vehicle access;
(i) fire indicator panels;
(j) proscenium curtain drencher systems;
(k) fire services controls in passenger lift cars.
(2) In a report under sub-regulation (1), the chief officer may consent to a variation of the requirements of the BCA if the chief officer is satisfied that a satisfactory degree of fire safety is achieved.
(3) When a building permit is issued which involves the installation of fire sprinklers and the installation does not meet the deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the BCA the relevant building surveyor must forward details of the installation to the chief officer.