(1) Any person may request the relevant council to provide in respect of any building or land—
(a) details of any permit or certificate of final inspection issued in the preceding 10 years; and
(b) details of any current statement issued under regulation 502 or 503 of these Regulations; and
(c) details of any current notice or order issued by the relevant building surveyor under the Act.
(2) Any person may request the relevant council to
provide in respect of any building or land details as to whether the building
or land is in an area—
(a) that is liable to flooding within the meaning of regulation 802; or
(b) that is designated under regulation 803 as an area in which buildings are likely to be subject to attack by termites; or
(c) that is determined under regulation 804 to be a designated bush fire prone area; or
(d) that is an area determined under regulation 805 to be likely to be subject to significant snowfalls; or
(e) of designated land or works within the meaning of regulation 806.
(3) An owner or mortgagee of a building or land, or a prescribed building practitioner under section 137B of the Act, may request the relevant council to provide inspection approval dates of the mandatory notification stages for building work carried out on that building or land.