(1) A pyrotechnician who uses flash powder must not—
(a) mix the flash powder with any other substance; or
(b) use a flash pot which has an opening that is less than 5 times the depth of the pot; or
(c) subject the flash powder to vibration; or
(d) initiate the flash powder by any means other than an electrical firing system.
(2) A pyrotechnician using a flash pot for the discharge of flash powder must ensure that—
(a) the flash pot is not positioned near any entrances, exits or escape routes from the stage of a theatre; and
(b) the flash pot is positioned at least 3 metres from—
(i) any flammable material; and
(ii) all persons.
(3) A pyrotechnician initiating flash powder must—
(a) have a clear view of the area in which the flash powder is to be used; and
(b) not initiate the flash powder without first ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that, having regard to all the circumstances, it is safe to do so.