After regulation 32 of the Principal Regulations insert —
A nurse practitioner must not write a chart instruction on a residential medication chart unless—
(a) in the case of a Schedule 4 poison or a Schedule 8 poison—
(i) the instruction is for the treatment of a person other than the nurse practitioner; and
(ii) that person is—
(A) under the nurse practitioner's care; and
(B) named in the instruction; and
(iii) the nurse practitioner has taken all reasonable steps to ensure a therapeutic need exists for that poison; and
(iv) the instruction is given not merely for the purpose of supporting the drug dependence of a person; and
(b) in the case of a Schedule 4 poison that is a drug of dependence, or a Schedule 8 poison, the nurse practitioner has taken all reasonable steps to ascertain the identity of the person for whose treatment the instruction is given; and
(c) in the case of a Schedule 8 poison, the residential medication chart is an electronic medication chart.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
This regulation prohibits a nurse practitioner from writing a chart instruction on a residential medication chart for a Schedule 8 poison if the residential medication chart is in paper form.".