1 The course of instruction and examinations required for the award of a Statement of Attainment for the Course in Property (Agents' Representatives) and including a pass in the relevant written examinations administered by Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services (VETASSESS), or its successors in law, as the managing agent for the State-wide external examinations for the Office of Training and Tertiary Education, or its successor in law, for each of the following units of competency—
VBN723 Work effectively in the real estate industry
VBN724 Address legal and ethical requirements of property sales
VBN725 Address legal and ethical requirements of property management
conducted by the registered education and training organisations approved by the Director under section 10A of the Act as in force immediately before its repeal.
2 The course of instruction and examination required for the award of a Statement of Attainment for the—
Course in Real Estate for Agents' Representatives; or
Course in Sub-agency Practice
conducted by or under the authority of any of the educational institutions listed in clause 3 of Schedule 3 or their predecessors or successors in law.
3 The following 6 modules of the Certificate in Real Estate Operations—
Module 101 Real Estate Industry Overview
Module 211 Introduction to Property Management
Module 221 Introduction to Property Sales Consulting
Module 311 Tenancy Documentation
Module 321 Sales Documentation
Module 322 Sales Transactions
conducted by or under the authority of any of the educational institutions listed in clause 3 of Schedule 3 or their predecessors or successors in law or conducted by the Real Estate Institute of Victoria Limited.
4 The course of instruction and examination required for the award of a Sub-Agents Preliminary Education Course Certificate conducted by or under the authority of any of the educational institutions listed in clause 3 of Schedule 3 or their predecessors or successors in law.
5 The course of instruction required for the award of a Statement of Attainment for the following units of competency (based on Victorian estate agency law, practice and procedure) from the Property Services Training Package, Code CPP07 and completed on or before 30 September 2021—
CPPDSM4007A Identify legal and ethical requirements of property management to complete agency work
CPPDSM4008A Identify legal and ethical requirements of property sales to complete agency work
CPPDSM4080A Work in the real estate industry