r. 26
(1) An accepted ESMS operator must, in accordance with this regulation, establish and maintain a system for keeping records relating to its accepted ESMS.
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(2) The records required to be kept under subregulation (1) are—
(a) the accepted ESMS; and
(b) any revisions of the accepted ESMS; and
(c) any written audit reports of the accepted ESMS; and
(d) any reports of investigations of incidents involving—
(i) in the case of an employer operator, the carrying out of electrical work;
(ii) in the case of an MEC, the MEC's supply network; and
(e) a copy of each report given by the accepted ESMS operator to Energy Safe Victoria; and
(f) in the case of an employer operator, a register of the names and qualifications of persons nominated to carry out electrical work under the accepted ESMS.
(3) The records must be kept—
(a) at the address nominated by the accepted ESMS operator in the accepted ESMS; and
(b) in a manner that makes their retrieval reasonably practicable; and
(c) in a secure manner; and
(d) for the period of 7 years after the creation of the record.