For the purposes of paragraph (j) of the definition of firearm in section 3(1) of the Act, the following classes of device are prescribed—
(a) any device which is designed to throw a net to catch animals (commonly known as a cannon net);
(b) any device that is designed to launch a projectile attached to a line, for the purposes of establishing a line to a branch or other part of a tree (commonly known as a line thrower or line launcher);
(c) a device that is designed to fire retrievable projectiles, such as bait or balls, for the purpose of training gun dogs;
(d) any cannon or field gun, by whatever name known, which has been constructed as a piece of military ordinance and which has a calibre in excess of 25 millimetres and—
(i) which is rendered permanently inoperable; or
(ii) for which fixed ammunition is not commercially available;
(e) any compressed-air or gas-powered device with a calibre no greater than 7 millimetres and a maximum muzzle velocity no greater than 50 metres per second that is designed to be mounted on a radio-controlled model warship and when used in model warship activities.