(1) A laboratory or drug testing service that receives 2 containers must—
(a) store the second container for a period of not less than 12 months; and
(b) if requested under subregulation (2), send that container for analysis to the registered medical practitioner, laboratory or drug testing service nominated by the IBAC Officer from whom the sample was taken or collected.
(2) An IBAC Officer from whom a blood sample or urine sample has been taken or collected may request that the sample in the second container be sent to a registered medical practitioner, laboratory or drug testing service nominated by the IBAC Officer.
(3) A request must be made by the IBAC Officer within 12 months after the taking of the sample.
(4) Any analysis undertaken by a registered medical practitioner, laboratory or drug testing service nominated by the IBAC Officer is at the officer's own expense.
(5) Regulations 28 and 29 do not apply to an analysis conducted under this regulation.