Victorian Numbered Regulations

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   101.    Objective  
   102.    Authorising provision  
   103.    Commencement  
   104.    Revocation  
   105.    Definitions  
   106.    Forms, notices and reports  


   201.    General fees  
   202.    Fees for Register extracts, documents or certificates  
   203.    Permit fees  
   204.    Lease fees  
   205.    Licence fees  
   206.    Pipeline licence fees  
   207.    Infrastructure licence fees  


   301.    Form of transfer of a title  
   302.    Application for approval of dealing  


   401.    Particulars relating to a petroleum discovery  
   402.    Determination of the composition and quantity of petroleum discovered  
   403.    Survey of wells, structures or equipment  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   501.    Objects  
   502.    Definitions  
   503.    Protected confidential information  
   504.    Protected derivative information  
   505.    Contested information  
   506.    Notice inviting objections to the disclosure of information  
   507.    Application of Part  

           Division 2--Holder's General Duties

   508.    Undertaking activity without DMP or permission  
   509.    Undertaking activity with DMP or permission  

           Division 3--Information Requirements

   510.    Information—general  
   511.    Information—wells  
   512.    Information—geophysical surveys  
   513.    Information—geological and geochemical surveys  

           Division 4--Data Management Plans

              Subdivision 1--Approval of DMP

   514.    Request for approval of DMP  
   515.    Contents of DMP  
   516.    Decision on DMP  
   517.    Status of DMP submitted or accepted in parts  

              Subdivision 2--Variation of DMP

   518.    Request by holder for variation of DMP  
   519.    Decision on request for variation  
   520.    Requirement by Minister to vary DMP  
   521.    Objection to requirement to vary  
   522.    Decision on objection  

              Subdivision 3--Operation of DMP

   523.    Commencement of DMP and revisions of DMP  
   524.    Termination of DMP  

           Division 5--Undertaking Activity Without Accepted DMP

   525.    Application for approval to undertake activity without accepted DMP  
   526.    Decision on application  

           Division 6--Access to Documentary Information and Petroleum Mining Samples

              Subdivision 1--Documentary information (other than contested information) and petroleum 
              mining samples

   527.    Making documentary information (other than excluded information) publicly known after relevant day  
   528.    Making details of petroleum mining samples publicly known after relevant day  
   529.    Making documentary information known—prior availability  
   530.    Making details of petroleum mining samples known—prior availability  
   531.    Making documentary information known—non-confidential derivative information  

              Subdivision 2--Contested information

   532.    Making documentary information known—contested information  
   533.    Arrangements relating to objections  

              Subdivision 3--Fees for release of information and samples

   534.    Fees for release of documentary information and samples  
   535.    Fees for release of petroleum mining samples  

           Division 7--Miscellaneous

   536.    Safe storage of documentary information and petroleum mining samples  

           Division 8--Transitional Arrangements

   537.    Documentary information or petroleum mining sample given to the Minister before the commencement of this Part  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   601.    Object  
   602.    Relationship with other Parts  
   603.    Definitions  

           Division 2--Regulations relating to Health and Safety

   604.    Avoiding fatigue  
   605.    Possession or control of drugs or intoxicants  
   606.    Person must leave the facility when instructed to do so  
   607.    Prohibition on the use of certain hazardous substances  
   608.    Limitations on exposure to certain hazardous substances  
   609.    Exposure to noise  
   610.    Exemptions from hazardous substances and noise requirements  

           Division 3--Elections of Health and Safety Representatives

              Subdivision 1--Returning officer

   611.    Appointment of returning officer  

              Subdivision 2--The poll

   612.    Number of votes  
   613.    Right to secret ballot  
   614.    Conduct of poll by secret ballot  
   615.    Conduct of poll if no request made for secret ballot  
   616.    If no candidate is elected  

              Subdivision 3--Polling by secret ballot

   617.    Ballot-papers  
   618.    Distribution of ballot papers  
   619.    Manner of voting by secret ballot  

              Subdivision 4--The count

   620.    Envelopes given to returning officer  
   621.    Scrutineers  
   622.    Returning officer to be advised of scrutineers  
   623.    Persons present at the count  
   624.    Conduct of the count  
   625.    Prescribed manner of drawing of lots  
   626.    Informal ballot-papers  
   627.    Completion of the count  
   628.    Destruction of election material  

              Subdivision 5--Result of election

   629.    Request for recount  
   630.    Irregularities at election  
   631.    Result of poll  

           Division 4--Advice, Investigations and Inquiries

   632.    Taking samples for testing etc.  
   633.    Form of certain notices  

           Division 5--Exemptions from the Requirements in Part 3 of Schedule 7 to the Act

   634.    Orders under clause 45 of Schedule 7 to the Act  

           Division 6--State Laws that Do Not Apply

   635.    Prescribed occupational health and safety laws  

           Division 7--Miscellaneous

   636.    Service of notices  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   701.    Object  
   702.    Relationship with other Parts  
   703.    Definitions  

           Division 2--Operators

   704.    Nomination of operator  
   705.    Acceptance or rejection of nomination of operator  
   706.    Register of operators  

           Division 3--Safety Cases

              Subdivision 1--Contents of Safety Case

   707.    Facility description, formal safety assessment and safety management system  
   708.    Implementation and improvement of the safety management system  
   709.    Standards to be applied  
   710.    Command structure  
   711.    Members of the workforce must be competent  
   712.    "Permit to work" system for safe performance of various activities  
   713.    Involvement of members of the workforce  
   714.    Design, construction, installation, maintenance and modification  
   715.    Medical and pharmaceutical supplies and services  
   716.    Machinery and equipment  
   717.    Drugs and intoxicants  
   718.    Evacuation, escape and rescue analysis  
   719.    Fire and explosion risk analysis  
   720.    Emergency communications systems  
   721.    Control systems  
   722.    Emergency preparedness  
   723.    Pipelines  
   724.    Vessel and aircraft control  
   725.    Arrangements for records  

              Subdivision 2--Submission and acceptance of safety cases

   726.    Safety case to be submitted to Safety Authority  
   727.    Safety Authority may request more information  
   728.    Acceptance or rejection of a safety case  
   729.    Notice of decision on safety case  
   730.    Consent to undertake work outside of the requirements of the safety case  
   731.    Duties under Part 2 of Schedule 7 to the Act  

              Subdivision 3--Revised safety cases

   732.    Revision of a safety case because of a change of circumstances or operations  
   733.    Revision on request by the Safety Authority  
   734.    Revision after 5 years  
   735.    Safety Authority may request more information  
   736.    Acceptance or rejection of a revised safety case  
   737.    Notice of decision on revised safety case  
   738.    Effect of rejection of revised safety case  

              Subdivision 4--Withdrawal of acceptance of a safety case

   739.    Grounds for withdrawal of acceptance  
   740.    Notice before withdrawal of acceptance  

              Subdivision 5--Exemptions

   741.    Safety Authority may give an exemption  

           Division 4--Validation

   742.    Validation of design, construction and installation, significant modification or decommissioning of a facility  

           Division 5--Notifying and reporting accidents and dangerous occurrences

   743.    Prescribed period of incapacity  
   744.    Meaning of dangerous occurrence  
   745.    Reporting accidents and dangerous occurrences  

           Division 6--Penalty provisions

   746.    Facility must have registered operator  
   747.    Safety case required for the relevant stage in the life of a facility  
   748.    Work on a facility must comply with the safety case  
   749.    New health and safety risk  
   750.    Maintaining records  
   751.    Person on a facility must comply with safety case  
   752.    Interference with accident sites  

           Division 7--Miscellaneous

   753.    Details in applications or submissions  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   801.    Object  
   802.    Definitions  
   803.    Meaning of "validation"  
   804.    Relationship with other Parts  

           Division 2--Operators

   805.    Nomination of operator  
   806.    Acceptance or rejection of nomination of operator  
   807.    Register of operators  
   808.    Pipeline must have registered operator  

           Division 3--Consents to Construct and Operate a Pipeline

              Subdivision 1--Consent to construct

   809.    Consent to construct required to construct a pipeline  
   810.    Matters to be agreed before pipeline licensee applies for consent to construct  
   811.    Application for consent to construct  
   812.    Deciding an application for a consent to construct  
   813.    Construction must comply with pipeline management plan  
   814.    Notice of route followed by pipeline  

              Subdivision 2--Consent to operate

   815.    Consent to operate required before a pipeline is operated  
   816.    Matters to be agreed before pipeline licensee applies for consent to operate  
   817.    Application for consent to operate  
   818.    Deciding an application for a consent to operate  
   819.    Operation must comply with pipeline management plan  
   820.    Using pipeline to convey compositions of petroleum  

              Subdivision 3--Modifying or decommissioning a pipeline

   821.    Modifying or decommissioning a pipeline  

           Division 4--Pipeline Management Plans

              Subdivision 1--Acceptance of a pipeline management plan

   822.    Submission of a pipeline management plan  
   823.    Handling pipeline management plan  
   824.    Time limit for accepting or not accepting a pipeline management plan  
   825.    Acceptance of a pipeline management plan  

              Subdivision 2--Contents of a pipeline management plan

   826.    Contents of a pipeline management plan  
   827.    Description of safety policy  
   828.    Description of pipeline  
   829.    Description of pipeline management system  
   830.    Statement of standards  
   831.    Arrangements for documents  
   832.    Arrangements for reporting  

              Subdivision 3--Revision of a pipeline management plan

   833.    Revision because of a change, or proposed change, of circumstances or operations  
   834.    Revision on request by the Minister  
   835.    Revision at the end of each 5 years  
   836.    Form of proposed revision  
   837.    Time limit for accepting or not accepting a proposed revision  
   838.    Acceptance of a proposed revision of a pipeline management plan  
   839.    Effect of non-acceptance of proposed revision  

              Subdivision 4--Withdrawal of acceptance of a pipeline management

   840.    Withdrawal of acceptance of a pipeline management plan  
   841.    Steps to be taken before withdrawal of acceptance  
   842.    Withdrawal of acceptance not affected by other provisions  

           Division 5--Pipeline Safety Management Plans

              Subdivision 1--Preliminary

   843.    Definition  

              Subdivision 2--Acceptance of a pipeline safety management plan

   844.    Consideration of a pipeline safety management plan  
   845.    Notice to pipeline licensee about a pipeline safety management plan  
   846.    Revision of a pipeline management plan—request by the Safety Authority concerning a pipeline safety management plan  
   847.    Submission about proposed revision of a pipeline management plan  
   848.    Proposed revision of a pipeline management plan  
   849.    Notice to pipeline licensee about proposed revision of a pipeline safety management plan  

              Subdivision 3--Withdrawal of acceptance of a pipeline safety management

   850.    Request for withdrawal of acceptance of a pipeline management plan  
   851.    Steps to be taken before request for withdrawal of acceptance  
   852.    Withdrawal of acceptance of a pipeline management plan on request  

           Division 6--Notifying and Reporting Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

   853.    Prescribed period of incapacity  
   854.    Meaning of "dangerous occurrence"  
   855.    Reporting accidents and dangerous occurrences  
   856.    Reportable incidents  
   857.    Dealing with documents  
   858.    Reporting to Minister  

           Division 7--Miscellaneous

              Subdivision 1--Requirements about workers

   859.    Competence of workers  
   860.    Awareness of legislation  
   861.    Involvement of workers in pipeline management plan  

              Subdivision 2--Providing information

   862.    Notice of contact details  
   863.    Minister may decline to consider application or submission if information is not given  

              Subdivision 3--Transitional

   864.    Application of Part to licences granted before 1 November 2001  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   901.    Application  
   902.    Definitions  
   903.    Meaning of "diving"  
   904.    When a diving operation begins and ends  

           Division 2--Diving Safety Management Systems

   905.    No diving without DSMS  
   906.    Contents of DSMS  
   907.    Acceptance of new DSMS  
   908.    Acceptance of revised DSMS  
   909.    Grounds for rejecting DSMS  
   910.    Notice of reasons  
   911.    Register of DSMSs  
   912.    Revision of DSMS  
   913.    Notice to revise DSMS  

           Division 3--Diving Project Plans

   914.    Diving project plan to be approved  
   915.    Diving project plan to Safety Authority if there is no operator  
   916.    Diving project plan to Safety Authority if requested  
   917.    Updating diving project plan  
   918.    Contents of diving project plan  
   919.    No diving without approved diving project plan  

           Division 4--Involvement of Divers and Members of the Workforce

   920.    Involvement of divers and members of the workforce in DSMS and diving project plan  

           Division 5--Safety Responsibilities

   921.    Safety responsibilities of diving contractors  
   922.    Safety in the diving area  
   923.    Diving depths  

           Division 6--Diving Supervisors

   924.    Appointment of diving supervisors  
   925.    Duties of diving supervisors  

           Division 7--Start-up Notices

   926.    Start-up notice  

           Division 8--Diving Operations

   927.    Divers in diving operations  
   928.    Medical certificates  

           Division 9--Records

   929.    Diving operations record  
   930.    Divers' log books  


   1001.   Definition  
   1002.   Declaration of current datum (Act s151T)  
   1003.   Variation of instruments (Act s151W)  
   1004.   Variation of titles etc. (Act s151W)  
   1005.   Variation of applications for titles (Act s151X)  
   1006.   Documents submitted to Minister  
   1007.   Documents made or prepared under Act etc.  
   1008.   Transitional provisions (Act s151Z)  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   1101.   Object  
   1102.   Definitions  
   1103.   References to a petroleum activity  

           Division 2--Environment Plans

              Subdivision 1--Requirement for an environment plan

   1104.   Accepted environment plan required for a petroleum activity  
   1105.   Operations must comply with the accepted environment plan  
   1106.   Operations must not continue where new environmental risk etc.  

              Subdivision 2--Acceptance of an environment plan

   1107.   Submission of an environment plan  
   1108.   Time limit for accepting or not accepting an environment plan  
   1109.   Acceptance of an environment plan  

              Subdivision 3--Contents of an environment plan

   1110.   Contents of an environment plan  
   1111.   Environmental assessment  
   1112.   Implementation strategy for the environment plan  
   1113.   Reporting etc. arrangements  
   1114.   Other information in the environment plan  

              Subdivision 4--Revision of an environment plan

   1115.   Revision because of a change, or proposed change, of circumstances or operations  
   1116.   Revision on request by the Minister  
   1117.   Revision at the end of each 5 years  
   1118.   Form of proposed revision  
   1119.   Consideration of proposed revision  
   1120.   Effect of non-acceptance of proposed revision  

              Subdivision 5--Withdrawal of acceptance of an environment plan

   1121.   Withdrawal of acceptance of environment plan  
   1122.   Steps to be taken before withdrawal of acceptance  
   1123.   Withdrawal of acceptance not affected by other provisions  

           Division 3--Incidents, Reports and Records

   1124.   Incidents, reports and records  
   1125.   Storage of records  
   1126.   Making records available  

           Division 4--Miscellaneous

              Subdivision 1--Discharges of produced formation water

   1127.   Discharges of produced formation water  

              Subdivision 2--Operators of activities

   1128.   Definition  
   1129.   Notification of appointment of operator  
   1130.   Operator to give details  
   1131.   No requirement to give information more than once  
   1132.   Minister may decline to consider submission if information is not given  
   1133.   Minister to keep register  
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2
           SCHEDULE 3
           SCHEDULE 4
           SCHEDULE 5
           SCHEDULE 6
           SCHEDULE 7

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