(1) The Minister, by order in the Government Gazette, may approve the setting or use of a prescribed trap, other than in accordance with the relevant Division of this Part, to control an incursion of—
(a) a noxious aquatic species that has not previously been found in Victoria; or
(b) a declared pest animal that has not previously been found in Victoria.
(2) The Minister may impose conditions on the approval relating to—
(a) the type of trap that may be set or used; and
(b) specifications of the trap; and
(c) the areas in which the trap may be used; and
(d) who may set or use the prescribed trap under the approval; and
(e) the species of animal or fish for which the trap may be used; and
(f) the use or setting of the trap; and
(g) the fate or disposal of any off-target animals or fish that may be trapped; and
(h) the frequency of checking the trap; and
(i) the duration of the approval; and
(j) the keeping of records and provision of reports to the Minister at the intervals required by the Minister; and
(k) the protection of welfare of animals or fish which may be trapped (target or off-target); and
(l) a requirement to notify members of the public or agencies about the conduct of a trapping program.
Division 11—Minister's approval for land manager of unincorporated area approvals for managing domestic dogs and cats