r. 13
(1) A road related area is any of the following—
(a) an area that divides a road;
(b) a footpath or nature strip adjacent to a road;
(c) an area that is not a road and that is open to the public and designated for use by cyclists or animals;
(d) an area that is not a road and that is open to or used by the public for driving, riding or parking motor vehicles;
(e) a place that is a road related area by virtue of a declaration under section 3(2)(a) of the Road Safety Act 1986 —
but does not include a place that is not a road related area by virtue of a declaration under section 3(2)(a) of the Road Safety Act 1986 .
Motor vehicle is defined in the Road Safety Act 1986 .
(2) A reference in these Rules (except in this Division) to a road related area includes a reference to any part of a road that is a shoulder of the road.
Shoulder is defined in rule 12.