(1) A person who intends to make a claim against an estate under Part IV of the Act may require the Registrar by filing a notice in Form 3–6A to notify the person of the making of a grant.
(2) A notice may be filed at any time after the death of the deceased and before a grant is made.
(3) As soon as practicable after the making of a grant the Registrar shall give notice in Form 3–6B to every person who under paragraph (1) has given a notice in Form 3–6A that has not lapsed.
(4) Twelve months after the date of filing the notice under paragraph (1), the Registrar shall notify in writing (at the address in the notice) the person who lodged the notice that—
(a) unless the notice is renewed within 21 days of the Registrar's notification the original notice will lapse; and
(b) if not renewed, the notice will lapse.