(1) Except where otherwise provided by these Rules, an Associate Judge, in addition to exercising the powers and authorities conferred on an Associate Judge by any other provision of these Rules or by any Act, in any proceeding to which these Rules apply, may give any judgment or make any order, including any judgment or order in the exercise of the inherent jurisdiction of the Court.
(2) Subject to paragraph (3) and these Rules—
(a) the trial of a proceeding shall not be held before an Associate Judge; and
(b) an Associate Judge shall not give any judgment or make any order at the trial of a proceeding.
(3) Except as provided by paragraph (4), an Associate Judge may—
(a) at the trial of a proceeding give judgment or make an order by consent of all parties;
(b) hear and determine a trial of an undefended civil proceeding.
(4) An Associate Judge shall not have authority to hear and determine any application which by these Rules or any Act is required to be heard only by a Judge of the Court.
(5) This Rule has effect as if it contained, modified as necessary, Rules 77.03, 77.04, 77.05 and 77.08 of Chapter I.