(1) In this Order—
"Commercial List" or List means a list of commercial proceedings which are to be managed by a Commercial List Judge;
"Commercial List Judge" means a Judge of the Court nominated by the Chief Justice to manage a Commercial List;
"commercial proceeding" means any proceeding commenced by writ, originating motion or originating process in Form 5F of Chapter I—
(a) which arises out of ordinary commercial transactions, including any proceeding relating to—
(i) the construction of commercial, shipping or transport documents;
(ii) the export or import of merchandise;
(iii) the carriage of goods for the purpose of trade or commerce;
(iv) insurance;
(v) banking;
(vi) finance;
(vii) commercial agency;
(viii) commercial usage; or
(b) in which there is a question that has importance in trade or commerce.
(2) The Commercial Court comprises the following—
(a) a Commercial List to which Order 2 of this Chapter applies, including, for the avoidance of doubt, the List known as the Insurance List;
(b) the TEC List to which Order 3 of this Chapter applies;
(c) the List known as the Taxation List (which, for the avoidance of doubt, is a List which may include, but is not limited to, proceedings to which Order 7 of this Chapter applies);
(d) the List known as the Arbitration List (which, for the avoidance of doubt, is a List which may include, but is not limited to, proceedings to which Order 9 applies);
(e) the Corporations List to which Chapter V applies;
(f) the Admiralty List to which Chapter VII applies;
(g) the Intellectual Property List to which Chapter VIII applies;
(h) any other list in the Commercial Court managed by a Judge of the Court;
(i) any other commercial proceeding, including those which may be dealt with by an Associate Judge or by a judicial registrar pursuant to any Act or the Rules and any practice note issued by the Court from time to time.