(1) The writ, originating motion, originating process in Form 5F of Chapter I, summons, or other document commencing an intellectual property case may, at the option of the plaintiff, be marked with the words "Intellectual Property List" and, upon the filing of a document so marked, is taken to be entered in the List.
See Rule 28A.01(1) of Chapter I (electronic filing in RedCrest).
(2) A party to an intellectual property case in which the document commencing it has not been marked in accordance with paragraph (1) may, within 14 days after appearance, apply to the Judge for an order entering the case in the List and the Judge shall make an order entering the case in the List unless satisfied that there are good reasons for not making such an order.
(3) In any other proceeding, any party or the Commissioner may apply to the Judge for an order entering the proceeding in the List and the Judge may make an order entering the proceeding in the List if satisfied that there are good reasons for making such an order.
See Rule 28A.01(2) of Chapter I (electronic filing in RedCrest).