(1) The Game Management Authority may suspend the registration of a hound, by written notice given to the owner of the hound, if the Game Management Authority is satisfied on reasonable grounds that—
(a) the dog is not a hound; or
(b) the owner of the hound knowingly provided false or misleading information with the application for registration of the hound; or
(c) the hound has been found in circumstances that appear to constitute a contravention of regulation 47; or
(d) the owner of the hound has been found guilty of an offence against the Act or these Regulations in respect of the hound; or
(e) the hound no longer complies with the condition of registration under regulation 26(1)(b); or
(f) the owner of the hound, has not complied with a notice under regulation 28.
(2) A suspension under this regulation has effect—
(a) from the time specified in the notice given under subregulation (1), which must be after the day on which the notice is given; and
(b) subject to regulation 31, for the period (not exceeding 90 days) specified in the notice.