(1) A person must not hunt, take or destroy duck from a motor boat when the motor on that boat is running (whether in gear or not).
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(2) Subregulation (1) does not apply to a person who hunts, takes or destroys duck from—
(a) a motor boat under power which is operating at a speed of 5 knots or less in any waterway; or
(b) a motor boat under power which is operating at a speed of 5 knots or less for the purpose of retrieving a dead or wounded duck.
(3) A person must not cause, permit or assist in the hunting, taking or destroying of duck from a motor boat when the motor on that boat is running (whether in gear or not).
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(4) Subregulation (3) does not apply to a person who causes, permits or assists in the hunting, taking or destroying of duck from—
(a) a motor boat under power which is operating at a speed of 5 knots or less in any waterway; or
(b) a motor boat under power which
is operating at a speed of 5 knots or less for the purpose of retrieving a
dead or wounded duck.