This legislation has been repealed.
Secretary's report160A. Secretary's report (1) If a person is brought or appears before the Court under section 160, the Secretary must prepare a report on the person including- (a) the nature and circumstances of the breach of the probation order; and (b) the extent to which and the manner in which the person has complied with the probation order; and (c) the recommendation of the Secretary with respect to an appropriate sentencing order for the person; and (d) any other relevant matter. (2) Any statement made in a report under sub-section (1) must be relevant to- (a) the breach of the probation order; and (b) the sentencing order (if any) recommended in the report. (3) A report under sub-section (1) must be provided, after the Court is satisfied that a person has failed to observe a condition, or amended condition, of the probation order and before the Court makes an order under section 160(3), to- (a) the Court; and (b) the person who is the subject of the report; and (c) the legal practitioners representing the person; and (d) any other person whom the Court has ordered is to receive a copy of the report. * * * * *