This legislation has been repealed.
Corporate plan15. Corporate plan (1) The Council must prepare a corporate plan each year and provide a copy to the Secretary- (a) on or before 31 July in each year; or (b) at such other time as the Secretary may specify. (2) The proposed corporate plan must be in or to the effect of a form approved by the Secretary and must include- (a) a statement of corporate intent including- (i) the objectives of the Council; (ii) the main undertakings of the Council; (iii) the nature and scope of the activities to be undertaken by the Council; (iv) the accounting policies to be applied in the accounts; (v) the performance targets and other measures by which the performance of the Council may be judged in relation to its stated objectives; (vi) the kind of financial information to be provided to the Secretary by the Council during the course of those financial years, including the information to be included in each annual report; (vii) such other matters as may be agreed on by the Secretary and the Council; (b) a business plan containing the information required by the Secretary; (c) estimates of receipts and expenditure of the Council for the financial year or such other period as the Secretary may specify. (3) The Council must consider any comments on the proposed plan that are made to it by the Secretary within 2 months of the Secretary providing comment. (4) The Council must- (a) consult in good faith with the Secretary following communication to the Council of the comments; and (b) make such changes to the plan as are agreed between the Secretary and the Council; and (c) deliver the completed plan to the Secretary within 1 month after the end of the period referred to in sub-regulation (3). (5) The plan may be modified at any time with the agreement of the Secretary. (6) If the Council, by written notice to the Secretary, proposes a modification to the plan, the Council may, within 14 days, make the modification unless the Secretary, by written notice to the Council directs the Council not to make it. (7) The Secretary may, with the agreement of the Minister, from time to time direct the Council to include any specified matters in or omit any specified matters from a statement of intent, business plan or estimates. (8) Before giving any direction under sub-regulations (6) or (7), the Secretary must consult with the Council as to the matters referred to in the notice. (9) The Council must comply with a direction under sub-regulation (6) or (7). (10) At any particular time, the statement of corporate intent, business plan or the estimates for the Council are the statement, plan and estimates last completed, with any modifications or deletions made in accordance with this regulation.