Western Australian Bills

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                     Western Australia

Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019


 1.    Short title                                          2
 2.    Commencement                                         2
 3.    Issue and application of moneys                      2
 4.    Appropriation for recurrent services and purposes    2
       Schedule 1 -- Consolidated Account
           for the year ending 30 June 2020

                          126--1                            page i
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

   Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019

                               A Bill for

An Act to grant supply and to appropriate and apply out of the
Consolidated Account certain sums for the recurrent services and
purposes of the year ending 30 June 2020.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                             page 1
     Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019

     s. 1

1    1.         Short title
2               This is the Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Act 2019.

3    2.         Commencement
4               This Act comes into operation as follows --
5                (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
6                      receives the Royal Assent;
7                (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after that day.

8    3.         Issue and application of moneys
9         (1)   The sum of $20 316 487 000 is to be issued and may be applied
10              out of the Consolidated Account as supply granted for the year
11              beginning on 1 July 2019 and ending on 30 June 2020.
12        (2)   The sum referred to in subsection (1) is additional to supply
13              granted by the Appropriation (Capital 2019-20) Act 2019.

14   4.         Appropriation for recurrent services and purposes
15              The sum of $20 316 487 000 granted by section 3 as supply is
16              appropriated from the Consolidated Account for the recurrent
17              services and purposes expressed in Schedule 1 and detailed in
18              the Agency Information in Support of the Estimates for the year.

     page 2
                                     Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019
           Consolidated Account for the year ending 30 June 2020    Schedule 1

1   Schedule 1 -- Consolidated Account for the year ending
2                       30 June 2020
3                                                                                                      [s. 4]

    Item                                                                                           $
     1      Legislative Council ......................................................           6 499 000
     2      Legislative Assembly ..................................................              6 150 000
     3      Parliamentary Services ................................................             17 955 000
     4      Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative
            Investigations ...............................................................       7 431 000

     5      Premier and Cabinet ....................................................           142 489 000
     6      Public Sector Commission ...........................................                24 368 000
     7      Governor's Establishment ...........................................                 1 594 000
     8      Western Australian Electoral Commission ..................                           7 357 000
     9      Salaries and Allowances Tribunal ...............................                     1 018 000
    10      Commissioner for Equal Opportunity .........................                         3 437 000
    11      Commissioner for Children and Young People ...........                               2 710 000
    12      Office of the Information Commissioner ....................                          2 017 000
    13      Registrar, Western Australian Industrial Relations
            Commission .................................................................         9 788 000

    14      Treasury .......................................................................    79 567 000
            Treasury Administered
    15           Bunbury Water Corporation ..................................                     708 000
    16           Busselton Water Corporation .................................                    566 000

                                                                                                    page 3
Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019
Schedule 1      Consolidated Account for the year ending 30 June 2020

 Item                                                                                          $
  17        Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation
            (Synergy) ...............................................................      129 942 000
  18        Forest Products Commission .................................                      200 000
  19        Public Transport Authority of Western
            Australia .................................................................    872 019 000
  20        Regional Power Corporation (Horizon Power) ......                               18 862 000
  21        Southern Ports Authority .......................................                27 789 000
  22        Water Corporation .................................................            261 324 000
  23        Western Australian Land Authority .......................                       79 114 000
  24        Goods and Services Tax (GST)
            Administration Costs .............................................              66 600 000
  25        Health and Disability Services Complaints
            Office .....................................................................     2 546 000
  26        Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and
            Innovation ..............................................................        5 710 000
  27        Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority ................                           20 925 000
  28        Minerals Research Institute ...................................                  1 500 000
  29        Provision for Unfunded Liabilities in the
            Government Insurance Fund ..................................                     5 000 000
  30        Provision for Voluntary Targeted Separation
            Scheme ...................................................................      15 520 000
  31        Refund of Past Years Revenue Collections --
            Public Corporations ...............................................             10 000 000
  32        Resolution of Native Title in the South West
            of Western Australia (Settlement) .........................                     60 000 000
  33        Royalties for Regions .............................................            795 656 000
  34        Gaming and Wagering Commission ......................                            5 200 000
  35        State Property -- Emergency Services Levy .........                              19 663 000
  36        WA Health .............................................................           900 000

page 4
                                 Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019
       Consolidated Account for the year ending 30 June 2020    Schedule 1

Item                                                                                           $
37           Western Australia Police .......................................                3 634 000
38      Treasury -- All Other Grants, Subsidies and
        Transfer Payments, comprising:
             Acts of Grace .........................................................          300 000
             Incidentals ..............................................................       240 000
             Interest on Public Moneys Held in
             Participating Trust Fund Accounts ........................                      5 260 000
             Administration Costs -- National Tax
             Equivalent Regime Scheme ...................................                     100 000
             Western Australian Treasury Corporation
             Management Fees ..................................................               732 000
39      Office of the Auditor General ......................................                 7 763 000
40      Finance ........................................................................   168 291 000
41      Finance -- Administered Grants, Subsidies and
        Other Transfer Payments .............................................              188 739 000

42      Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation .......................                      152 441 000
43      Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation --
        Administered Grants, Subsidies and Other
        Transfer Payments .......................................................           22 279 000
44      Primary Industries and Regional Development ...........                            163 598 000
45      Primary Industries and Regional Development --
        Administered Grants, Subsidies and Other
        Transfer Payments .......................................................            1 550 000
46      Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety .......................                      124 345 000
47      Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety --
        Administered Grants, Subsidies and Other
        Transfer Payments .......................................................           87 398 000
48      Small Business Development Corporation ..................                           13 777 000

                                                                                                page 5
Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019
Schedule 1      Consolidated Account for the year ending 30 June 2020

 Item                                                                                           $
  49     Rural Business Development Corporation ..................                             236 000
  50     Economic Regulation Authority ..................................                     2 439 000

  51     WA Health ................................................................... 4 979 425 000
  52     Mental Health Commission .........................................                 710 334 000
  53     Mental Health Commission -- Mental Health
         Advocacy Service ........................................................            2 719 000
  54     Mental Health Commission -- Mental Health
         Tribunal .......................................................................     2 677 000
  55     Mental Health Commission -- Office of the Chief
         Psychiatrist ..................................................................      3 127 000

  56     Education ..................................................................... 4 066 704 000
  57     Education -- Administered Grants, Subsidies and
         Other Transfer Payments .............................................              451 873 000
  58     Training and Workforce Development ........................                        335 419 000

  59     Western Australia Police ............................................. 1 384 498 000
  60     Western Australia Police -- Administered Grants,
         Subsidies and Other Transfer Payments ......................                        16 094 000
  61     Justice .......................................................................... 1 255 602 000
  62     Fire and Emergency Services ......................................                  23 715 000
  63     Fire and Emergency Services -- Western
         Australia Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery
         Arrangements ..............................................................        244 347 000
  64     Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions ..............                        37 745 000

page 6
                                 Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019
       Consolidated Account for the year ending 30 June 2020    Schedule 1

Item                                                                                           $
65      Corruption and Crime Commission .............................                       27 635 000
66      Chemistry Centre (WA) ...............................................                5 043 000
67      Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services ..............                         3 295 000
68      Parliamentary Inspector of the Corruption and
        Crime Commission ......................................................               529 000

69      Communities ................................................................ 1 767 965 000
70      Communities -- Administered Grants, Subsidies
        and Other Transfer Payments ......................................                    300 000
71      Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries .......                            111 602 000
72      Local Government, Sport and Cultural
        Industries -- Art Gallery of Western Australia ...........                            8 091 000
73      Local Government, Sport and Cultural
        Industries -- Contribution to Community
        Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund .....................                       15 000 000
74      Local Government, Sport and Cultural
        Industries -- Library Board of Western Australia ......                              28 821 000
75      Local Government, Sport and Cultural
        Industries -- Perth Theatre Trust ................................                    9 262 000
76      Local Government, Sport and Cultural
        Industries -- Western Australian Museum ..................                           24 141 000
77      Local Government, Sport and Cultural
        Industries -- Administered Grants, Subsidies and
        Other Transfer Payments .............................................               38 401 000
78      Western Australian Sports Centre Trust ......................                       95 189 000

79      Transport ......................................................................   204 692 000

                                                                                                page 7
Appropriation (Recurrent 2019-20) Bill 2019
Schedule 1      Consolidated Account for the year ending 30 June 2020

 Item                                                                                       $
  80     Transport -- Western Australian Coastal Shipping
         Commission .................................................................      100 000
  81     Commissioner of Main Roads .....................................               349 411 000

  82     Water and Environmental Regulation .........................                    83 936 000
  83     Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions .................                   238 173 000

  84     Planning, Lands and Heritage ......................................             91 530 000
  85     Western Australian Planning Commission ..................                        5 904 000
  86     Western Australian Land Information Authority ........                          33 407 000
  87     Heritage Council of Western Australia .......................                    1 390 000
  88     National Trust of Australia (WA) ................................                3 145 000
              GRAND TOTAL ................................................... 20 316 487 000


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