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Western Australia Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Mine closure plans, and other measures to minimise damage to land, under Mining Act 1978 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 6 amended 3 5. Section 46A amended 3 6. Section 63AA amended 3 7. Section 70I amended 4 8. Section 70O amended 4 9. Section 82 amended 5 10. Section 84AA inserted 5 84AA. Review of mine closure plans 5 11. Section 84 amended 6 12. Section 123 amended 6 Part 3 -- Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 13. Act amended 7 14. Section 8 amended 7 15. Section 20A amended 7 16. Section 41 amended 7 17. Section 42 amended 8 102--1 page i Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Contents 18. Section 51 amended 8 19. Section 52 amended 8 20. Section 56A amended 8 21. Section 58 amended 8 22. Section 59 amended 9 23. Section 60 amended 9 24. Section 67A amended 9 25. Section 68 amended 10 26. Section 70 amended 10 27. Section 70C amended 10 28. Section 70D amended 11 29. Section 70F amended 11 30. Section 70H amended 12 31. Section 74 amended 12 32. Section 75 amended 13 33. Section 82 amended 13 34. Section 84A amended 13 35. Section 97A amended 13 36. Section 105A amended 14 37. Section 115A amended 15 38. Section 115B amended 15 39. Section 122A amended 15 40. Section 123 amended 16 41. Section 136 amended 16 42. Section 162 amended 16 43. Second Schedule clause 13 amended 17 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 A Bill for An Act to amend the Mining Act 1978 and for related purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Part 1 Preliminary matters s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) 4 Act 2009. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 8 Royal Assent; 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 10 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. page 2 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Mine closure plans, and other measures to minimise damage Part 2 to land, under Mining Act 1978 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Mine closure plans, and other measures to 2 minimise damage to land, under Mining Act 1978 3 3. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Mining Act 1978. 5 4. Section 6 amended 6 After section 6(2) insert: 7 8 (3) Whenever a provision of the Contaminated Sites 9 Act 2003 is inconsistent with a provision of this Act or 10 a mining tenement, the provision of the Contaminated 11 Sites Act 2003 prevails. 12 13 5. Section 46A amended 14 In section 46A(1): 15 (a) delete "natural surface of the"; 16 (b) after "anything on" insert: 17 18 or below 19 20 6. Section 63AA amended 21 In section 63AA(1): 22 (a) delete "natural surface of the"; 23 (b) after "anything on" insert: 24 25 or below 26 page 3 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Part 2 Mine closure plans, and other measures to minimise damage to land, under Mining Act 1978 s. 7 1 7. Section 70I amended 2 In section 70I(1): 3 (a) delete "natural surface of the"; 4 (b) after "anything on" insert: 5 6 or below 7 8 8. Section 70O amended 9 (1) In section 70O(1) insert in alphabetical order: 10 11 mine closure plan means a document that -- 12 (a) is in the form required by the guidelines; and 13 (b) contains information of the kind required by the 14 guidelines about the decommissioning of each 15 proposed mine, and the rehabilitation of the 16 land, in respect of which a mining lease is 17 sought or granted, as the case requires; 18 relevant mining proposal, in relation to a mining lease, 19 means -- 20 (a) a mining proposal that accompanied the 21 application for the mining lease under 22 section 74(1)(ca); or 23 (b) a mining proposal for which there is approval 24 as described in section 82A(2)(b). 25 (2) In section 70O(1) in the definition of mining proposal: 26 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "requires;" and insert: 27 28 requires; and 29 page 4 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Mine closure plans, and other measures to minimise damage Part 2 to land, under Mining Act 1978 s. 9 1 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 2 3 (c) contains a mine closure plan; 4 5 9. Section 82 amended 6 (1) After section 82(1)(f) insert: 7 8 (ga) in accordance with section 84AA -- 9 (i) review the mine closure plan contained 10 in a relevant mining proposal; and 11 (ii) obtain the written approval for the 12 reviewed mine closure plan from a 13 prescribed official; 14 15 (2) Delete section 82(1a). 16 10. Section 84AA inserted 17 After section 83 insert: 18 19 84AA. Review of mine closure plans 20 (1) The lessee of a mining lease must ensure that the mine 21 closure plan contained in a relevant mining proposal is 22 reviewed -- 23 (a) in the case of a mining proposal that 24 accompanied the application for the mining 25 lease under section 74(1)(ca), no later than 26 3 years after the lease is granted; or 27 (b) in the case of a mining proposal for which there 28 is approval as described in section 82A(2)(b), 29 no later than 3 years after the approval; or page 5 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Part 2 Mine closure plans, and other measures to minimise damage to land, under Mining Act 1978 s. 11 1 (c) no later than such other time as is approved in 2 writing by a prescribed official. 3 (2) The lessee of a mining lease must ensure that a mine 4 closure plan is reviewed no later than -- 5 (a) 3 years after its most recent review; or 6 (b) such other time as is approved in writing by a 7 prescribed official. 8 (3) The lessee of a mining lease must ensure that a 9 reviewed mine closure plan is lodged, for the approval 10 of a prescribed official, in the prescribed manner and 11 within the prescribed time. 12 13 11. Section 84 amended 14 In section 84(1): 15 (a) delete "natural surface of the"; 16 (b) after "anything on" insert: 17 18 or below 19 20 12. Section 123 amended 21 In section 123(4)(b) delete "natural surface of the". page 6 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 Part 3 s. 13 1 Part 3 -- Lodgment of documents under Mining 2 Act 1978 3 13. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Mining Act 1978. 5 14. Section 8 amended 6 In section 8(1) delete the definition of the office of the mining 7 registrar. 8 15. Section 20A amended 9 In section 20A(3): 10 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "at the office of the mining 11 registrar or the principal office of the Department at 12 Perth; and" and insert: 13 14 in the prescribed manner; and 15 16 (b) after paragraph (a) insert: 17 18 and 19 20 16. Section 41 amended 21 In section 41(1): 22 (a) in paragraph (e) delete "at the office of the mining 23 registrar;" and insert: 24 25 in the prescribed manner; and 26 27 (b) after each of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) insert: 28 29 and 30 page 7 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Part 3 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 s. 17 1 17. Section 42 amended 2 In section 42(1) delete "at the office of the mining registrar". 3 18. Section 51 amended 4 In section 51 delete "with the Department at Perth". 5 19. Section 52 amended 6 (1) In section 52(1) delete "at the office of the mining registrar" and 7 insert: 8 9 in the prescribed manner and 10 11 (2) In section 52(1a) delete "lodge at the office of the mining 12 registrar or the Department at Perth," and insert: 13 14 lodge, in the prescribed manner and 15 16 20. Section 56A amended 17 In section 56A(5a) delete "period, lodge at the office of the 18 mining registrar" and insert: 19 20 period and in the prescribed manner, lodge 21 22 21. Section 58 amended 23 (1) In section 58(1): 24 (a) in paragraph (d) delete "at the office of the mining 25 registrar; and" and insert: 26 27 in the prescribed manner; and 28 page 8 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 Part 3 s. 22 1 (b) after each of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) insert: 2 3 and 4 5 (c) in paragraph (b) after each of subparagraphs (i) and (ii) 6 insert: 7 8 and 9 10 (2) Delete section 58(1a). 11 22. Section 59 amended 12 In section 59(1) delete "at the office of the mining registrar". 13 23. Section 60 amended 14 (1) In section 60(1) delete "lodge at the office of the mining 15 registrar" and insert: 16 17 lodge, in the prescribed manner and 18 19 (2) In section 60(1a) delete "lodge at the office of the mining 20 registrar or the Department at Perth," and insert: 21 22 lodge, in the prescribed manner and 23 24 24. Section 67A amended 25 In section 67A(6a)(c) delete "at the office of the mining 26 registrar." and insert: 27 28 in the prescribed manner. 29 page 9 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Part 3 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 s. 25 1 25. Section 68 amended 2 In section 68(3) delete "with the Department at Perth". 3 26. Section 70 amended 4 In section 70(5a) delete "period, lodge at the office of the 5 mining registrar" and insert: 6 7 period and in the prescribed manner, lodge 8 9 27. Section 70C amended 10 (1) In section 70C(1): 11 (a) in paragraph (d) delete "at the office of the mining 12 registrar;" and insert: 13 14 in the prescribed manner; and 15 16 (b) in paragraph (e)(ii) delete "work; and" and insert: 17 18 work. 19 20 (c) delete paragraph (f); 21 (d) after each of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) insert: 22 23 and 24 page 10 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 Part 3 s. 28 1 (2) After section 70C(1) insert: 2 3 (2A) An applicant is to lodge within the prescribed time and 4 in the prescribed manner a statutory declaration made 5 by the applicant to the effect that -- 6 (a) there is an identified mineral resource in the 7 area in respect of which the licence is sought; 8 and 9 (b) mining of that identified mineral resource is for 10 the time being impracticable for one or more of 11 the reasons referred to in subsection (2) (that 12 reason or those reasons being set out in the 13 statutory declaration). 14 15 (3) In section 70C(2) delete "(1)(f)(ii)" and insert: 16 17 (2A)(b) 18 19 28. Section 70D amended 20 In section 70D(1) delete "at the office of the mining registrar". 21 29. Section 70F amended 22 (1) In section 70F(1) delete "lodge at the office of the mining 23 registrar," and insert: 24 25 lodge, in the prescribed manner and 26 page 11 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Part 3 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 s. 30 1 (2) In section 70F(2) delete "lodge at the office of the mining 2 registrar or the Department at Perth," and insert: 3 4 lodge, in the prescribed manner and 5 6 30. Section 70H amended 7 In section 70H(1)(f) delete "lodge with the Department at Perth" 8 and insert: 9 10 lodge, in the prescribed manner, 11 12 31. Section 74 amended 13 (1) In section 74(1): 14 (a) in paragraph (d) delete "at the office of the mining 15 registrar." and insert: 16 17 in the prescribed manner. 18 19 (b) after each of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) insert: 20 21 and 22 23 (2) After section 74(1) insert: 24 25 (1AA) Instead of accompanying an application for a mining 26 lease under subsection (1)(ca), a mining proposal may 27 be lodged within the prescribed time and in the 28 prescribed manner and, if so lodged, is to be treated for 29 the purposes of this Division as a mining proposal that 30 accompanied the application for the mining lease under 31 section 74(1)(ca). 32 page 12 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 Part 3 s. 32 1 32. Section 75 amended 2 In section 75(1) delete "at the office of the mining registrar". 3 33. Section 82 amended 4 In section 82(1)(e) delete "lodge with the Department at Perth" 5 and insert: 6 7 lodge, in the prescribed manner, 8 9 34. Section 84A amended 10 (1) In section 84A(1) delete "lodge at the office of the mining 11 registrar," and insert: 12 13 lodge, in the prescribed manner and 14 15 (2) In section 84A(2) delete "lodge at the office of the mining 16 registrar or the Department at Perth," and insert: 17 18 lodge, in the prescribed manner and 19 20 35. Section 97A amended 21 (1) In section 97A(3): 22 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "at the office of the mining 23 registrar; and" and insert: 24 25 in the prescribed manner; and 26 page 13 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Part 3 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 s. 36 1 (b) after paragraph (a) insert: 2 3 and 4 5 (2) In section 97A(6) delete "at the office of the mining registrar". 6 36. Section 105A amended 7 (1) In section 105A(3): 8 (a) delete "same time," and insert: 9 10 same time or within a prescribed period, 11 12 (b) delete "at the office of the mining registrar" and insert: 13 14 in the prescribed manner and 15 16 (2) In section 105A(4)(a) delete "at the office of the mining 17 registrar;" and insert: 18 19 in the prescribed manner; 20 21 (3) In section 105A(4)(b): 22 (a) in subparagraph (ia) delete "at the office of the mining 23 registrar;" and insert: 24 25 in the prescribed manner; 26 27 (b) in subparagraph (ii) delete "at the office of the mining 28 registrar;" and insert: 29 30 in the prescribed manner; 31 page 14 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 Part 3 s. 37 1 37. Section 115A amended 2 In section 115A(3) delete "with the Department at Perth" and 3 insert: 4 5 in the prescribed manner 6 7 38. Section 115B amended 8 In section 115B(2) delete "with the Department at Perth" and 9 insert: 10 11 in the prescribed manner and 12 13 39. Section 122A amended 14 (1) In section 122A(1) delete "lodge at the Department at Perth or 15 at the office of the mining registrar --" and insert: 16 17 lodge -- 18 19 (2) In section 122A(2) delete "at the Department at Perth or at the 20 office of the mining registrar". 21 (3) In section 122A(3): 22 (a) after paragraph (a) insert: 23 24 (ba) be lodged in the prescribed manner; and 25 26 (b) after each of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) insert: 27 28 and 29 page 15 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Part 3 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 s. 40 1 40. Section 123 amended 2 In section 123(3)(a) delete "lodged at the office of the mining 3 registrar and". 4 41. Section 136 amended 5 After section 136(2) insert: 6 7 (3) The rules of court may provide for documents to be 8 lodged with or issued by a warden's court, or served, in 9 an electronic form. 10 11 42. Section 162 amended 12 (1) After section 162(2)(d) insert: 13 14 (ea) provide for matters relating to the lodgment, in 15 electronic form, of mining tenement 16 documents; 17 (eb) provide for the time at which a mining 18 tenement document is to be taken to have been 19 lodged; 20 21 (2) In section 162(2)(ka)(v) delete "surveys with the Department;" 22 and insert: 23 24 surveys; 25 26 (3) After section 162(2)(rb) insert: 27 28 (rca) provide for documents for use in Part IV 29 proceedings to be lodged with or issued by the 30 warden, or served, in electronic form; 31 page 16 Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 2) (Mining) Bill 2009 Lodgment of documents under Mining Act 1978 Part 3 s. 43 1 (4) After section 162(2a) insert: 2 3 (3A) In subsection (2) -- 4 mining tenement document means -- 5 (a) an application for a mining tenement; or 6 (b) an agreement, claim, notice of objection, 7 security, or any other document, in respect of a 8 mining tenement. 9 10 43. Second Schedule clause 13 amended 11 In the Second Schedule clause 13 delete "registrar." and insert: 12 13 registrar of the mineral field or district in which the largest 14 portion of the land to which the application relates is 15 situated. 16 17
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