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Western Australia Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 CONTENTS 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 4. Section 3A amended 2 5. Part IIIA inserted 3 Part IIIA -- Transfer of incorporation 10A. Terms used 3 10B. Incorporated association may apply for incorporation under another law 3 10C. Review of decision to refuse application 5 10D. Commissioner may direct an incorporated association to apply for incorporation under another law 5 10E. Commissioner to give notice of intention 6 10F. Review of proposed direction or amendment 7 10G. Association to comply with direction 8 10H. Cancellation of incorporation under this Act 8 10I. Provisions about the transition to incorporation under another law 8 154--2 page i Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (Introduced by the Hon. Sue Ellery, MLC) (As amended in Committee) Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 A Bill for An Act to amend the Associations Incorporation Act 1987. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 1 1 1. Short title 2 This is the Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of 3 Incorporation) Act 2010. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 9 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. 10 3. Act amended 11 This Act amends the Associations Incorporation Act 1987. 12 4. Section 3A amended 13 In section 3A(2): 14 (a) after paragraph (b) insert: 15 16 (ca) provisions that relate to registration as a 17 company under the Corporations Act 18 Chapter 5B to the extent that an incorporated 19 association is authorised or required under 20 Part IIIA to become registered as a company 21 under that Chapter; or 22 23 (b) after each of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) to (k) insert: 24 25 or 26 page 2 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 5 1 5. Part IIIA inserted 2 After Part II insert: 3 4 Part IIIA -- Transfer of incorporation 5 10A. Terms used 6 In this Part -- 7 Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 8 (Commonwealth); 9 prescribed body corporate means -- 10 (a) a company within the meaning of the 11 Corporations Act that is taken to be registered 12 in Western Australia; or 13 (b) an entity that is a body corporate under -- 14 (i) another Commonwealth Act; or 15 (ii) a written law other than this Act, 16 and is prescribed for the purposes of this 17 definition. 18 10B. Incorporated association may apply for 19 incorporation under another law 20 (1) An incorporated association may by special resolution 21 decide to apply for registration or incorporation as a 22 prescribed body corporate and, subject to this section, 23 the association is authorised to give effect to that 24 decision. 25 (2) An incorporated association cannot make the 26 application for registration or incorporation unless the 27 Commissioner has, on application made to the 28 Commissioner by the association, approved -- 29 (a) the application being made; and page 3 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 5 1 (b) the doing of the things that are reasonably 2 necessary to obtain the registration or 3 incorporation. 4 (3) An application made to the Commissioner under 5 subsection (2) must -- 6 (a) be in a form approved by the Commissioner; 7 and 8 (b) include a copy of the special resolution referred 9 to in subsection (1); and 10 (c) include any information required by the 11 regulations; and 12 (d) specify the period within which the application 13 for registration or incorporation is expected to 14 be made; and 15 (e) be accompanied by the fee prescribed. 16 (4) The Commissioner is to approve an application for 17 registration or incorporation being made if satisfied 18 that the continued incorporation of the association 19 under this Act would for any reason be inappropriate, 20 including -- 21 (a) on account of the incorporated association 22 having, in the opinion of the Commissioner, 23 ceased to be eligible to be incorporated under 24 this Act; or 25 (b) because of -- 26 (i) the scale or nature of the activities of the 27 incorporated association; or 28 (ii) the value or nature of the property of the 29 incorporated association; or 30 (iii) the extent or nature of the dealings 31 which the incorporated association has 32 with the public, 33 as determined by the Commissioner; or page 4 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 5 1 (c) because any prescribed circumstances exist. 2 (5) An incorporated association -- 3 (a) in making an application for registration or 4 incorporation; and 5 (b) in doing the things that are reasonably 6 necessary to obtain it, 7 must act in accordance with the terms and conditions of 8 the Commissioner's approval. 9 10C. Review of decision to refuse application 10 (1) If the Commissioner refuses an application made to the 11 Commissioner under section 10B(2) by an incorporated 12 association, the association may apply to the State 13 Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision. 14 (2) An application under subsection (1) must be made 15 within -- 16 (a) 28 days; or 17 (b) such other period as is prescribed, 18 after the incorporated association receives notice of the 19 refusal. 20 10D. Commissioner may direct an incorporated 21 association to apply for incorporation under 22 another law 23 (1) This section applies if the Commissioner is satisfied 24 that the continued incorporation of an association under 25 this Act would for any reason be inappropriate, 26 including -- 27 (a) on account of the incorporated association 28 having, in the opinion of the Commissioner, 29 ceased to be eligible to be incorporated under 30 this Act; or page 5 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 5 1 (b) because of -- 2 (i) the scale or nature of the activities of the 3 incorporated association; or 4 (ii) the value or nature of the property of the 5 incorporated association; or 6 (iii) the extent or nature of the dealings 7 which the incorporated association has 8 with the public, 9 as determined by the Commissioner; or 10 (c) because any prescribed circumstances exist. 11 (2) The Commissioner may in writing direct the 12 incorporated association to apply for, and do all things 13 that are reasonably necessary to obtain, registration or 14 incorporation as a prescribed body corporate. 15 (3) A direction under subsection (2) -- 16 (a) must specify the period within which the 17 application is to be made; and 18 (b) may specify any terms and conditions that are 19 to be observed in making the application for 20 registration or incorporation or doing the things 21 that are reasonably necessary to obtain it. 22 (4) The Commissioner may, by notice in writing to the 23 incorporated association -- 24 (a) from time to time extend the period referred to 25 in subsection (3)(a); or 26 (b) revoke or amend a direction given under 27 subsection (2). 28 10E. Commissioner to give notice of intention 29 (1) Before the Commissioner gives a direction to an 30 incorporated association under section 10D(2) or notice 31 of an amendment under section 10D(4)(b), the page 6 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 5 1 Commissioner must give notice in writing to the 2 association stating -- 3 (a) the Commissioner's intention to give the 4 direction or make the amendment; and 5 (b) the grounds on which the Commissioner is 6 proposing to act; and 7 (c) that written submissions on the proposed 8 direction or amendment may be made to the 9 Commissioner within a specified period. 10 (2) The period specified under subsection (1)(c) is not to 11 be less than 90 days after the notice is given but the 12 Commissioner may, on application made by the 13 association, extend the specified period for a further 14 period not exceeding 90 days. 15 (3) Before the Commissioner gives or amends a direction 16 to an incorporated association under section 10D, the 17 Commissioner must have regard to any submission 18 made by the association in accordance with the notice. 19 10F. Review of proposed direction or amendment 20 (1) An incorporated association to which a notice is given 21 under section 10E may, not later than the end of the 22 period specified under section 10E(1)(c) or any 23 extension of that period, apply to the State 24 Administrative Tribunal for a review of the proposed 25 direction or amendment. 26 (2) If an application is so made, the Commissioner cannot 27 give the direction or make the amendment unless -- 28 (a) the application results in the Commissioner's 29 proposed action being confirmed; or 30 (b) the application is dismissed or struck out. page 7 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 5 1 10G. Association to comply with direction 2 (1) Subject to section 10F, an incorporated association 3 must comply with a direction given to the association 4 under section 10D(2) or a direction as amended under 5 section 10D(4)(b). 6 (2) A contract to which an incorporated association is a 7 party is not illegal, void or unenforceable by reason 8 only of a failure by the association to comply with a 9 direction or notice under section 10D. 10 10H. Cancellation of incorporation under this Act 11 (1) The registration or incorporation of an incorporated 12 association as a prescribed body corporate 13 automatically cancels the incorporation of the 14 association under this Act. 15 (2) Where an incorporated association becomes registered 16 or incorporated as a prescribed body corporate, the 17 body must notify the Commissioner in writing of the 18 registration or incorporation within 14 days after it 19 occurs. 20 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 21 10I. Provisions about the transition to incorporation 22 under another law 23 (1) In this section, a reference to a transfer of incorporation 24 by an incorporated association is a reference to an 25 incorporated association becoming registered or 26 incorporated as a prescribed body corporate (the body 27 corporate). page 8 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 5 1 (2) The transfer of incorporation by an incorporated 2 association does not affect -- 3 (a) the identity of the association which is to be 4 taken to be the same body before and after the 5 transfer of incorporation; or 6 (b) any act, matter or thing done or omitted to be 7 done, or any circumstance subsisting, before 8 the transfer to the extent that the act, matter, 9 thing, omission or circumstance has any 10 relevance to the association after the transfer. 11 (3) Without limiting subsection (2) -- 12 (a) proceedings by or against an incorporated 13 association subsisting immediately before the 14 transfer of incorporation may be continued by 15 or against the body corporate in the name of the 16 incorporated association; and 17 (b) proceedings that might have been brought by or 18 against an incorporated association 19 immediately before the transfer of 20 incorporation may be commenced by or against 21 the body corporate. 22 (4) Without limiting subsection (2), a transfer of 23 incorporation does not affect -- 24 (a) any obligation or liability incurred under this 25 Act; or 26 (b) any penalty or forfeiture incurred in respect of 27 any offence committed against this Act; or 28 (c) any investigation, proceeding or remedy in 29 respect of any such obligation, liability, penalty 30 or forfeiture, 31 and any such investigation, proceeding or remedy may 32 be instituted, continued or enforced and any such page 9 Associations Incorporation Amendment (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2010 s. 5 1 penalty or forfeiture may be imposed as if section 10H 2 had not been enacted. 3 (5) This section has effect in relation to a matter 4 concerning an incorporated association that is 5 registered as a company under the Corporations Act 6 only to the extent that the matter is not dealt with by 7 that Act. 8
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