Western Australian Bills

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                       Western Australia

Children and Community Services Amendment
                Bill 2021


  1.    Short title                                                 2
  2.    Commencement                                                2
  3.    Act amended                                                 2
  4.    Section 3 amended                                           2
  5.    Part 2 Division 1A inserted                                 5
        Division 1A -- Preliminary
        5A.       Application of objects and principles       5
  6.    Section 6 amended                                           5
  7.    Section 7 replaced                                          5
        7.        Paramount consideration is best interests
                  of child                                    5
  8.    Section 8 amended                                           6
  9.    Section 9 amended                                           7
  10.   Section 10 amended                                         10
  11.   Section 12 amended                                         10
  12.   Section 13 amended                                         11
  13.   Section 14 amended                                         12
  14.   Section 22 amended                                         12
  15.   Section 22A inserted                                       13
        22A.      Approval of Aboriginal or Torres Strait
                  Islander representative organisations       13
  16.   Section 24A amended                                        14
  17.   Section 28 amended                                         14
  18.   Section 29 amended                                         15
  19.   Section 30 amended                                         16
  20.   Section 32 amended                                         16
  21.   Section 39 amended                                         16
  22.   Section 41 amended                                         18
  23.   Section 42 amended                                         18

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Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021


      24.    Section 43 amended                                         19
      25.    Section 44 amended                                         19
      26.    Section 50 amended                                         19
      27.    Section 61 amended                                         20
      28.    Section 63 replaced                                        22
             63.      Conditions of protection order (special
                      guardianship)                                22
      29.    Section 64 amended                                         23
      30.    Section 69B inserted                                       23
             69B.     Replacement of protection order (special
                      guardianship) on notification by CEO         23
      31.    Section 79 amended                                         24
      32.    Section 81 replaced                                        25
             81.      Consultation before placement of
                      Aboriginal child or Torres Strait Islander
                      child                                        25
      33.    Section 88C amended                                        26
      34.    Section 88I amended                                        26
      35.    Part 4 Division 5 Subdivision 3 heading replaced           27
             Subdivision 3 -- Plans
      36.    Section 88 deleted                                         27
      37.    Section 89 amended                                         27
      38.    Sections 89A and 89B inserted                              29
             89A.     Cultural support plan                        29
             89B.     Leaving care plan                            30
      39.    Section 90 amended                                         30
      40.    Section 91 amended                                         30
      41.    Section 92 amended                                         31
      42.    Section 94 amended                                         32
      43.    Section 98 amended                                         32
      44.    Section 99 amended                                         32
      45.    Section 100A inserted                                      33
             100A.    Provision of explanation to child            33
      46.    Section 101 amended                                        33
      47.    Section 104 amended                                        33
      48.    Section 105 amended                                        33
      49.    Section 115 amended                                        34
      50.    Section 120 amended                                        34
      51.    Section 124A amended                                       35
      52.    Section 124B amended                                       42
      53.    Section 124BA inserted                                     45
             124BA.   Provisions for ministers of religion         45

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54.   Section 125A amended                                        45
55.   Section 131B amended                                        46
56.   Section 131D amended                                        46
57.   Section 131 amended                                         46
58.   Section 132 amended                                         46
59.   Section 133 amended                                         47
60.   Section 143 amended                                         47
61.   Section 143A inserted                                       48
      143A.     Content of proposal                       48
62.   Section 144 amended                                         49
63.   Section 145 amended                                         50
64.   Section 147 amended                                         50
65.   Section 153 amended                                         50
66.   Section 157 amended                                         51
67.   Section 188 amended                                         51
68.   Section 192 amended                                         51
69.   Section 195 deleted                                         51
70.   Section 239 amended                                         51
71.   Part 10A inserted                                           52
      Part 10A -- Enforcement
      Division 1 -- Preliminary
      241A.     Terms used                                52
      241B.     Application of Part                       53
      Division 2 -- General powers
      241C.     Entry to places                           53
      241D.     Powers after entering place               54
      241E.     Directions to provide information or
                documents                                 55
      241F.     Additional powers for relevant records    56
      241G.     Contravention of directions               57
      241H.     Exercise of power may be recorded         58
      241I.     Assistance and use of force to exercise
                power                                     58
      241J.     Procedure on seizing things               58
      241K.     Application of Criminal and Found
                Property Disposal Act 2006                59
      Division 3 -- Entry warrants
      241L.     Application for entry warrant             59
      241M.     Issue and content of entry warrant        60
      241N.     Refusal of entry warrant                  62
      241O.     Effect of entry warrant                   62
72.   Section 243 amended                                         62

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      73.    Section 246 amended                           63
      74.    Section 249 replaced                          63
             249.    Review of Act                    63
      75.    Various penalties amended                     64

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Children and Community Services Amendment
                Bill 2021

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Children and Community Services Act 2004 --
•  to implement recommendations of the 2017 statutory review of
   the Act; and
•  to introduce mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse for
   certain persons; and
•  for other purposes.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

     s. 1

1    1.         Short title
2               This is the Children and Community Services Amendment
3               Act 2021.

4    2.         Commencement
5               This Act comes into operation as follows --
6                (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
7                      receives the Royal Assent;
8                (b) section 74 -- on the day on which section 3 comes into
9                      operation;
10               (c) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation,
11                     and different days may be fixed for different provisions.

12   3.         Act amended
13              This Act amends the Children and Community Services
14              Act 2004.

15   4.         Section 3 amended
16        (1)   In section 3 delete the definitions of:
17              parent
18              relative
19        (2)   In section 3 insert in alphabetical order:

21                    Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander representative
22                    organisation means an Aboriginal or Torres Strait
23                    Islander representative organisation approved under
24                    section 22A(1);
25                    care plan has the meaning given in section 89(2);
26                    community means --
27                      (a) in relation to an Aboriginal child -- the child's
28                            Aboriginal community; or

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        Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

                                                              s. 4

1     (b)    in relation to a Torres Strait Islander child --
2            the child's Torres Strait Islander community;
3    cultural support plan has the meaning given in
4    section 89A(1);
5    family, of a child, means --
6      (a) for a child who is not an Aboriginal child or
7            Torres Strait Islander child -- each of the
8            following relatives of the child (whether the
9            relationship is established by, or traced through,
10           consanguinity, marriage, a de facto
11           relationship, a written law or a natural
12           relationship) --
13              (i) parent, grandparent or other ancestor;
14             (ii) step-parent;
15            (iii) sibling;
16            (iv) uncle or aunt;
17             (v) cousin;
18            (vi) spouse or de facto partner;
19           or
20     (b) for an Aboriginal child or Torres Strait Islander
21           child -- each person regarded under the
22           customary law or tradition of the child's
23           community as the equivalent of a person
24           mentioned in paragraph (a);
25   industrial inspector has the meaning given in the
26   Industrial Relations Act 1979 section 7(1);
27   leaving care plan has the meaning given in
28   section 89B;

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     Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

     s. 4

1                   parent, of a child --
2                     (a) means a person, other than the CEO, who at
3                           law has responsibility for --
4                              (i) the long-term care, welfare and
5                                   development of the child; or
6                             (ii) the day-to-day care, welfare and
7                                   development of the child;
8                           and
9                     (b) if a protection order (other than a protection
10                          order (supervision)) has been made for the
11                          child -- includes a person who would have
12                          been a parent of the child if the order had not
13                          been made;
14                  provisional care plan has the meaning given in
15                  section 39(2);
16                  remote communication means any way of
17                  communicating at a distance including by telephone,
18                  fax, email and radio;
19                  secure care decision has the meaning given in
20                  section 88G(1);
21                  special guardian means the individual who is given, or
22                  the 2 individuals who are jointly given, parental
23                  responsibility for a child under a protection order
24                  (special guardianship);

26      (3)   In section 3 in the definition of protection application delete
27            "order;" and insert:

29            order (other than an application under section 69A);

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                                                                                s. 5

1    5.        Part 2 Division 1A inserted
2              At the beginning of Part 2 insert:

4                           Division 1A -- Preliminary
5         5A.        Application of objects and principles
6                    A person, court or tribunal is, in performing a function
7                    under this Act, to be guided by the objects of this Act
8                    and to observe the principles set out in this Part.

10   6.        Section 6 amended
11             In section 6(da) delete "in exercising appropriate control over"
12             and insert:

14             to appropriately and safely manage

16   7.        Section 7 replaced
17             Delete section 7 and insert:

19        7.         Paramount consideration is best interests of child
20                   In performing a function under this Act in relation to a
21                   child, the paramount consideration is the best interests
22                   of the child.

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     s. 8

1    8.       Section 8 amended
2             In section 8(1):
3               (a) delete "for the purposes of this Act what is in a child's
4                     best interests" and insert:

6                     what is in the best interests of a child,

8              (b)    in paragraph (d) delete "relatives and with any" and
9                     insert:

11                    members of the child's family and with

13             (c)    in paragraph (g)(ii) delete "relative of the child; or" and
14                    insert:

16                    member of the child's family; or

18             (d)    in paragraph (g)(iii) delete "any";
19             (e)    delete paragraph (g)(iv) and insert:

21                           (iv)   other people who are significant in the
22                                  child's life;

24              (f)   delete paragraph (h) and insert:

26                    (h)   the need for the child to develop and maintain
27                          contact with the child's parents, siblings and
28                          other members of the child's family and with
29                          other people who are significant in the child's
30                          life;

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                                                                           s. 9

1          (g)   delete paragraph (j) and insert:

3                 (j)   the child's cultural, ethnic and religious identity
4                       (including the need for cultural support to
5                       develop and maintain a connection with the
6                       culture and traditions of the child's family or
7                       community);

9    9.   Section 9 amended
10        In section 9:
11          (a) delete "In the administration of this Act the following
12                principles must be observed --" and insert:

14               In performing a function under this Act, other principles
15               to be observed are as follows --

17         (b)   after paragraph (e) insert:

19               (ea)   the principle that every child should be treated
20                      as a valued member of society in a manner that
21                      respects the child's dignity and privacy;

23         (c)   delete paragraphs (g) and (ha) and insert:

25               (g)    the principle that planning for the care of a
26                      child who is in the CEO's care should occur as
27                      soon as possible in order to promote long-term
28                      stability for the child and should, as soon as
29                      possible, include consideration of whether it is
30                      appropriate to work towards returning the child
31                      to the child's parents;

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     s. 9

1                  (ga)   the principle that objectives of planning for the
2                         care of a child who is in the CEO's care include
3                         the following --
4                            (i) to achieve continuity and stability in the
5                                 child's living arrangements;
6                           (ii) to preserve and enhance the child's
7                                 relationships with the child's family and
8                                 with other people who are significant in
9                                 the child's life (subject to protecting the
10                                child from harm and meeting the child's
11                                needs);
12                         (iii) for an Aboriginal child, Torres Strait
13                                Islander child or child of a culturally or
14                                linguistically diverse background -- to
15                                preserve and enhance the child's
16                                connection with the culture and
17                                traditions of the child's family or
18                                community;
19                 (gb)   the principle that objectives of planning for a
20                        placement arrangement for a child include,
21                        subject to protecting the child from harm and
22                        meeting the child's needs, the following --
23                           (i) to place the child with a member of the
24                                child's family;
25                          (ii) to place the child with the child's
26                                siblings (subject also to protecting the
27                                siblings from harm);
28                         (iii) to place the child with a person who is
29                                willing and able to encourage and
30                                support the child to develop and
31                                maintain contact with the child's
32                                parents, siblings and other members of
33                                the child's family and with other people
34                                who are significant in the child's life,

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                                                                     s. 9

1                         subject to decisions under this Act about
2                         that contact;

4    (d)    in paragraph (h) delete "child;" and insert:

6           child and to minimising the risk of detrimental effects
7           arising from delay in decision-making;

9    (e)    in paragraph (j) delete "any";
10    (f)   in paragraph (k) delete "any" (1st occurrence);
11   (g)    delete paragraph (k)(ii) and insert:

13                 (ii)   the outcome of decisions under this Act
14                        that are likely to have a significant
15                        impact on the child's life (as described
16                        in section 10(3)), including an
17                        explanation of the reasons for the
18                        decisions; and

20   (h)    delete paragraph (l) and insert:

22          (l)   the principle that, as far as practicable, services
23                of an interpreter or other appropriate person are
24                to be made available to assist --
25                   (i) a person who has difficulty
26                        understanding or communicating in
27                        English; or
28                  (ii) a person whose disability prevents or
29                        restricts the person's understanding of,
30                        or participation in, a decision-making or
31                        other process or the person's expression
32                        of wishes or views.

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     Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

     s. 10

1                Note: The heading to amended section 9 is to read:
2                        Other principles

3    10.         Section 10 amended
4          (1)   In section 10(1) delete "should" and insert:

6                must

8          (2)   In section 10(3)(d) delete "relatives and with any" and insert:

10               members of the child's family and with

12         (3)   Delete section 10(4).

13   11.         Section 12 amended
14         (1)   In section 12(1) delete "arrangements." and insert:

16               arrangements or interim orders made under section 133(2)(c).

18         (2)   In section 12(2):
19                 (a) delete "a Torres Strait Islander child," and insert:

21                         Torres Strait Islander child, or in making an interim
22                         order under section 133(2)(c) in relation to an
23                         Aboriginal child or Torres Strait Islander child or in
24                         varying such an order,

26                 (b)     in paragraph (b) delete "a" (2nd occurrence);

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                                                                         s. 12

1            (c)   delete paragraphs (c) and (d) and insert:

3                  (c)   placement with a person who is an Aboriginal
4                        person or Torres Strait Islander who lives in
5                        close proximity to the child's community;
6                  (d)   placement with either a person who is an
7                        Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander or a
8                        person who is not an Aboriginal person or
9                        Torres Strait Islander but who --
10                         (i) lives in close proximity to the child's
11                               community; and
12                        (ii) is responsive to the cultural support
13                               needs of the child and is willing and
14                               able to encourage and support the child
15                               to develop and maintain a connection
16                               with the culture and traditions of the
17                               child's family or community;
18                 (e)   placement with a person who is not an
19                       Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander but
20                       who is responsive to the cultural support needs
21                       of the child and is willing and able to encourage
22                       and support the child to develop and maintain a
23                       connection with the culture and traditions of the
24                       child's family or community.

26   12.   Section 13 amended
27         In section 13 delete "In the administration of this Act a principle
28         to be observed is that Aboriginal people and Torres Strait
29         Islanders should be allowed" and insert:

31         Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders have a right

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     Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

     s. 13

1    13.           Section 14 amended
2          (1)     In section 14 delete the passage that begins with "In the
3                  administration" and ends with "should" and insert:

5                  (1)   A family, community or representative organisation of
6                        Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islanders must

8          (2)     At the end of section 14 insert:

10                 (2)   Consideration must be given to the wishes and views of
11                       the child, taking into account the maturity and
12                       understanding of the child, and the child's parents
13                       about the participation of a family, community or
14                       organisation under subsection (1).

16   14.           Section 22 amended
17         (1)     In section 22(4) delete "duties and responsibilities" and insert:

19                 functions

21         (2)     After section 22(4) insert:

23               (4AA) A public authority prescribed by the regulations as a
24                     public authority to which this subsection applies must
25                     prioritise a request under subsection (3) to provide
26                     assistance to the following --
27                       (a) a child in the CEO's care;
28                       (b) a person who under section 96 qualifies for
29                              assistance under Part 4 Division 6;

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                                                                           s. 15

1                    (c)   a child under a protection order (special
2                          guardianship).
3          (4AB)   If the relevant officer for a public authority to which
4                  subsection (4AA) applies forms the opinion that the
5                  public authority cannot comply with a request under
6                  subsection (3) consistently with its functions or so as to
7                  not unduly prejudice the performance of its functions,
8                  the relevant officer must, at the request of the CEO,
9                  give the CEO written reasons for the opinion.
10         (4AC)   In subsection (4AB) --
11                 relevant officer, for a public authority, means --
12                   (a) if the public authority is an entity referred to in
13                        paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of the definition of
14                        public authority in section 3 -- the principal
15                        officer (however described) of that entity; or
16                   (b) if the public authority is a body referred to in
17                        paragraph (d) of the definition of public
18                        authority in section 3 -- the principal officer
19                        (however described) of that body; or
20                   (c) if the public authority is the holder of an office,
21                        post or position referred to in paragraph (d) of
22                        the definition of public authority in
23                        section 3 -- that holder.

25   15.     Section 22A inserted
26           After section 22 insert:

28         22A.    Approval of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
29                 representative organisations
30           (1)   The CEO may, in accordance with the regulations,
31                 approve an organisation as an Aboriginal or Torres

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     Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

     s. 16

1                     Strait Islander representative organisation for the
2                     purposes of this Act.
3              (2)    An approval may be subject to conditions specified in
4                     the instrument of approval.
5              (3)    The CEO must make an up-to-date list of Aboriginal or
6                     Torres Strait Islander representative organisations
7                     available for inspection by members of the public free
8                     of charge on the Internet or otherwise, as the CEO
9                     considers appropriate.

11   16.       Section 24A amended
12             In section 24A(1) in the definition of prescribed report
13             paragraph (d)(i) after "Bail Act 1982," insert:

15             the former Dangerous Sexual Offenders Act 2006,

17   17.       Section 28 amended
18             In section 28(2):
19               (a) delete "Part" and insert:

21                     Act,

23              (b)    in paragraph (a) delete "his or her" and insert:

25                     the child's

27              (c)    in paragraph (a)(ii) delete "relative" and insert:

29                     member of the child's family

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                                                                                 s. 18

1                 (d)    after paragraph (a) insert:

3                        (aa)   paragraph (a) applies and, on the parent or
4                               parents subsequently being found --
5                                 (i) there is no parent who is willing and
6                                      able to care for the child; and
7                                (ii) no suitable adult member of the child's
8                                      family or other suitable adult can be
9                                      found who is willing and able to care for
10                                     the child;
11                              or

13                 (e)   in paragraph (b) delete "relative" and insert:

15                       member of the child's family

17                 (f)   in paragraph (d)(i) and (ii) after "unable" insert:

19                       or unwilling

21   18.         Section 29 amended
22         (1)   In section 29(1) delete "Part" and insert:

24               Act

26         (2)   Delete section 29(3)(c) and insert:

28                        (c)   the Court makes an interim order under
29                              section 133(2)(c) that the child be placed with a
30                              person approved by the Court; or

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     s. 19

1    19.          Section 30 amended
2                 In section 30 delete "Part" and insert:

4                 Act,

6    20.          Section 32 amended
7                 In section 32(1)(a) and (b)(i) delete "relative of the child;" and
8                 insert:

10                member of the child's family;

12   21.          Section 39 amended
13         (1)    Delete section 39(1).
14         (2)    In section 39(2):
15                  (a) delete "This section applies" and insert:

17                         The CEO must prepare and implement a plan (a
18                         provisional care plan) for a child

20                  (b)    in paragraph (a) delete "a child" and insert:

22                         the child

24         (3)    Delete section 39(3A) and (3B) and insert:

26               (2A)     Unless section 88I(2) applies, the CEO must prepare
27                        the provisional care plan within 7 working days after
28                        the child is taken into provisional protection and care.

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               Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

                                                                  s. 21

1    (2B)   A provisional care plan for a child must --
2            (a) be in writing; and
3            (b) identify the needs of the child while the child is
4                  in provisional protection and care; and
5            (c) outline steps or measures to be taken to address
6                  those needs; and
7            (d) record decisions made by the CEO about the
8                  care of the child, including --
9                     (i) decisions about a placement
10                         arrangement for the child; and
11                   (ii) decisions about contact between the
12                         child and a parent, sibling, other
13                         member of the child's family or other
14                         person who is significant in the child's
15                         life; and
16                  (iii) decisions about a secure care
17                         arrangement for the child;
18                 and
19           (e) contain a summary of --
20                    (i) how the principle set out in section 10
21                         has been applied in connection with the
22                         decisions recorded in the plan; and
23                   (ii) the wishes and views expressed by the
24                         child about the decisions recorded in the
25                         plan.
26   (2C)   Subsection (2B)(e) only applies to the application of
27          the principle set out in section 10, and to wishes and
28          views expressed by the child, after the commencement
29          of the Children and Community Services Amendment
30          Act 2021 section 21.

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     s. 22

1                (2D)     The CEO must modify a provisional care plan for a
2                         child if a decision recorded in the plan is varied,
3                         revoked or substituted or a further decision about the
4                         care of the child is made by the CEO.
5                (2E)     The modification must be made as soon as practicable
6                         after the decision is varied, revoked or substituted or
7                         the further decision is made.

9    22.          Section 41 amended
10                In section 41(1) in the definition of appropriate person:
11                  (a) in paragraph (b) delete "relative of the child; or" and
12                        insert:

14                         member of the child's family; or

16                  (b)    in paragraph (c) delete "relative of the child," and insert:

18                         member of the child's family,

20   23.          Section 42 amended
21         (1)    In section 42 delete the definitions of:
22                parent
23                special guardian
24         (2)    In section 42 in the definition of party to the initial proceedings
25                delete "made;" and insert:

27                made.

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                                                                                 s. 24

1    24.         Section 43 amended
2                In section 43 delete "Part" and insert:

4                Act

6    25.         Section 44 amended
7          (1)   In section 44(2)(b) delete "sought; and" and insert:

9                sought and any proposed conditions of the order; and

11         (2)   In section 44(3) delete "individual or individuals to whom
12               parental responsibility for the child is proposed to be given
13               under the order." and insert:

15               proposed special guardian.

17   26.         Section 50 amended
18               Delete section 50(3) and insert:

20               (3)   A protection order (supervision) may include a
21                     condition requiring the child to live with a specified
22                     parent of the child, but otherwise must not include a
23                     condition about --
24                       (a) the person or persons with whom the child is to
25                             live; or
26                       (b) who is to have responsibility for the day-to-day
27                             care, welfare and development of the child.

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     Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

     s. 27

1    27.          Section 61 amended
2          (1)    Delete section 61(1).
3          (2)    In section 61(2)(b) delete "that, having regard to the report
4                 mentioned in subsection (3)," and insert:

6                 that

8          (3)    After section 61(2) insert:

10               (2A)    The Court must, in assessing the suitability of the
11                       proposed special guardian, have regard to the following
12                       as if the order were a placement arrangement --
13                         (a) for an Aboriginal child or Torres Strait Islander
14                                child -- the principle set out in section 12;
15                         (b) for a child of a culturally or linguistically
16                                diverse background -- the guidelines
17                                established under section 80;
18                         (c) in any case -- other principles set out in Part 2
19                                affecting the placement of a child who is in the
20                                CEO's care.
21               (2B)    The Court must not make a protection order (special
22                       guardianship) for an Aboriginal child or Torres Strait
23                       Islander child if no Aboriginal person or Torres Strait
24                       Islander is to be the special guardian unless the CEO
25                       has given the Court a written report prepared by a
26                       person who meets criteria prescribed by the
27                       regulations.

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                     Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2021

                                                                            s. 27

1    (4)   In section 61(3):
2            (a) in paragraph (a) delete "subsection (2)(b)(i) and (ii);
3                  and" and insert:

5                  subsections (2)(b)(i) and (ii) and (2A); and

7           (b)    in paragraph (b) delete "child." and insert:

9                  child; and

11          (c)    after paragraph (b) insert:

13                 (c)   without limiting paragraph (b), outlines the
14                       proposed arrangements for encouraging and
15                       supporting the child to develop and maintain
16                       contact with the child's parents, siblings and
17                       other members of the child's family and with
18                       other people who are significant in the child's
19                       life, subject to decisions under this Act about
20                       that contact; and
21                 (d)   for an Aboriginal child, Torres Strait Islander
22                       child or child of a culturally or linguistically
23                       diverse background -- is accompanied by a
24                       cultural support plan for the child.

26   (5)   Delete section 61(4) and (5) and insert:

28         (4)    However, the report need not be accompanied by a
29                cultural support plan if the application for the
30                protection order (special guardianship) is made under
31                section 69A.

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1                  (5)   The Court must, before making a protection order
2                        (special guardianship), consider each report given to
3                        the Court under this section.
4                  (6)   The CEO must give a copy of each report given to the
5                        Court under this section to the other parties to the
6                        proceedings.

8    28.           Section 63 replaced
9                  Delete section 63 and insert:

11           63.         Conditions of protection order (special
12                       guardianship)
13                 (1)   A protection order (special guardianship) may include
14                       conditions to be complied with by the special guardian
15                       about --
16                         (a) contact between the child and another person;
17                               or
18                         (b) for an Aboriginal child, Torres Strait Islander
19                               child or child of a culturally or linguistically
20                               diverse background -- matters that could be
21                               included in a cultural support plan for the child.
22                 (2)   It is a condition of a protection order (special
23                       guardianship) that the special guardian must not,
24                       except with the permission of the Court, make an
25                       application under the Births, Deaths and Marriages
26                       Registration Act 1998 section 19(1), 23(1) or 31(3) (a
27                       change of name application) in relation to the child.
28                 (3)   The Court may, on an application made by the special
29                       guardian, permit the making of a change of name
30                       application if it is satisfied that --
31                         (a) there are exceptional reasons for the change of
32                               name; and

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1                    (b)   for a child who it is satisfied has sufficient
2                          maturity and understanding to consent to the
3                          change of name -- the child consents to the
4                          change.
5            (4)   A protection order (special guardianship) must not
6                  include any conditions other than those referred to in
7                  this section.

9    29.     Section 64 amended
10           In section 64(1) in the definition of condition delete "(special
11           guardianship)." and insert:

13           (special guardianship) other than the condition referred to in
14           section 63(2).

16   30.     Section 69B inserted
17           At the end of Part 4 Division 3 Subdivision 7 insert:

19         69B.    Replacement of protection order (special
20                 guardianship) on notification by CEO
21           (1)   If the CEO becomes aware that each individual who is
22                 a special guardian under a protection order (special
23                 guardianship) has died, the CEO must give written
24                 notice of that fact to the Court as soon as practicable.
25           (2)   If the CEO gives written notice to the Court under
26                 subsection (1), the protection order (special
27                 guardianship) is revoked and replaced by a protection
28                 order (time-limited) in respect of the child on the day
29                 (notification day) on which the CEO gives the notice.

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1              (3)   The protection order (time-limited) --
2                     (a) comes into force on notification day; and
3                     (b) for the purposes of Subdivision 4, is taken to
4                           specify the shorter of the following periods --
5                             (i) the period of 2 years beginning on
6                                   notification day;
7                            (ii) the period beginning on notification day
8                                   and ending on the day before the day on
9                                   which the child reaches 18 years of age.
10             (4)   As soon as practicable after notification day, the CEO
11                   must give written notice of the protection order
12                   (time-limited) to the following --
13                      (a) the child;
14                     (b) each other party to the initial proceedings (other
15                           than the special guardian);
16                      (c) each other person considered by the CEO to
17                           have a direct and significant interest in the
18                           wellbeing of the child.
19             (5)   Section 67 applies in relation to a protection order
20                   (time-limited) that comes into force under this section
21                   as if the reference in section 67(1) to a party to the
22                   initial proceedings were a reference to a person notified
23                   of the order under subsection (4).

25   31.       Section 79 amended
26             In section 79(2):
27               (a) in paragraph (a)(iii) delete "authority;" and insert:

29                    authority; or

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1                 (b)    after paragraph (a)(iii) insert:

3                               (iv)   as otherwise prescribed by the
4                                      regulations;

6    32.         Section 81 replaced
7                Delete section 81 and insert:

9          81.          Consultation before placement of Aboriginal child
10                      or Torres Strait Islander child
11               (1)    Before making a placement arrangement in respect of
12                      an Aboriginal child or Torres Strait Islander child, the
13                      CEO must consult with each of the following --
14                        (a) Aboriginal persons or Torres Strait Islanders
15                             who are members of the child's family;
16                        (b) subject to the regulations, an Aboriginal or
17                             Torres Strait Islander representative
18                             organisation;
19                        (c) an officer who is an Aboriginal person or
20                             Torres Strait Islander who, in the opinion of the
21                             CEO, has relevant knowledge of the child, the
22                             child's family or the child's community.
23               (2)    If it is not practicable, for reasons of urgency or
24                      otherwise, to consult as required under subsection (1)
25                      before making a placement arrangement, the
26                      consultation must take place as soon as practicable
27                      after the placement arrangement is made.

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1    33.         Section 88C amended
2                After section 88C(5) insert:

4                (6)    The removal of a child from a secure care facility on a
5                       temporary basis or in an emergency situation, in
6                       accordance with procedures approved by the CEO for
7                       the secure care facility, does not affect the secure care
8                       arrangement to which the child is subject.

10   34.         Section 88I amended
11         (1)   Delete section 88I(1).
12         (2)   In section 88I(5):
13                 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "again." and insert:

15                       again; and

17                (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

19                        (c)   contains a summary of --
20                                (i) how the principle set out in section 10
21                                     has been applied in connection with the
22                                     matters referred to in paragraphs (a)
23                                     and (b); and
24                               (ii) the wishes and views expressed by the
25                                     child in connection with those matters.

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1          (3)    After section 88I(5) insert:

3                 (6)   Subsection (5)(c) only applies to the application of the
4                       principle set out in section 10, and to wishes and views
5                       expressed by the child, after the commencement of the
6                       Children and Community Services Amendment
7                       Act 2021 section 34.

9    35.          Part 4 Division 5 Subdivision 3 heading replaced
10                Delete the heading to Part 4 Division 5 Subdivision 3 and insert:

12                                  Subdivision 3 -- Plans

14   36.          Section 88 deleted
15                Delete section 88.

16   37.          Section 89 amended
17         (1)    Delete section 89(1).
18         (2)    In section 89(2) delete "care plan" and insert:

20                plan (a care plan)

22         (3)    After section 89(3) insert:

24               (3A)   A care plan for a child must --
25                       (a) be in writing; and
26                       (b) identify the needs of the child; and
27                       (c) outline steps or measures to be taken to address
28                             the needs of the child; and

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1                      (d)    for an Aboriginal child, Torres Strait Islander
2                             child or child of a culturally or linguistically
3                             diverse background -- incorporate a cultural
4                             support plan for the child; and
5                      (e)    for a child who has reached 15 years of age
6                             (subject to subsection (3F)) -- incorporate a
7                             leaving care plan for the child; and
8                       (f)   record decisions made by the CEO about the
9                             care of the child, including --
10                               (i) decisions about a placement
11                                    arrangement for the child; and
12                              (ii) decisions about contact between the
13                                    child and a parent, sibling, other
14                                    member of the child's family or other
15                                    person who is significant in the child's
16                                    life; and
17                             (iii) secure care decisions;
18                            and
19                     (g)    contain a summary of --
20                               (i) how the principle set out in section 10
21                                    has been applied in connection with the
22                                    decisions recorded in the plan; and
23                              (ii) the wishes and views expressed by the
24                                    child about the decisions recorded in the
25                                    plan.
26             (3B)   Subsection (3A)(d), (e) and (g) do not apply to a care
27                    plan in existence immediately before the
28                    commencement of the Children and Community
29                    Services Amendment Act 2021 section 37 until the
30                    completion of the first review of the plan under
31                    section 90 after that commencement.
32             (3C)   Subsection (3A)(g) only applies to the application of
33                    the principle set out in section 10, and to wishes and

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1                       views expressed by the child, after the commencement
2                       of the Children and Community Services Amendment
3                       Act 2021 section 37.
4                (3D)   The CEO must modify a care plan if a decision
5                       recorded in the plan is varied, revoked or substituted or
6                       a further decision about the care of the child is made by
7                       the CEO.
8                (3E)   The modification must be made as soon as practicable
9                       after the decision is varied, revoked or substituted or
10                      the further decision is made.
11               (3F)   The CEO must modify a care plan to include a leaving
12                      care plan as soon as practicable after the child reaches
13                      15 years of age.

15         (4)    Delete section 89(5A) and (5) and insert:

17                (5)   However, the CEO cannot modify a care plan in a
18                      manner that would be contrary to section 94(3).

20                Note: The heading to amended section 89 is to read:
21                      Care plan

22   38.          Sections 89A and 89B inserted
23                After section 89 insert:

25           89A.       Cultural support plan
26                (1)   A cultural support plan for a child is a plan that
27                      contains arrangements for developing and maintaining
28                      the child's connection with the culture and traditions of
29                      the child's family or community.

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1                 (2)   Subject to the regulations, an Aboriginal or Torres
2                       Strait Islander representative organisation is to be given
3                       an opportunity to participate in the preparation of a
4                       cultural support plan for an Aboriginal child or Torres
5                       Strait Islander child.

6            89B.       Leaving care plan
7                       A leaving care plan for a child is a plan that --
8                        (a) identifies the needs of the child in preparing to
9                              leave the CEO's care and in transitioning to
10                             other living arrangements; and
11                       (b) outlines steps or measures to be taken to assist
12                             the child to meet those needs (including the
13                             social services proposed to be provided when
14                             the child leaves the CEO's care).

16   39.          Section 90 amended
17                After section 90(2) insert:

19               (2A)   In the course of the review of a care plan for an
20                      Aboriginal child or Torres Strait Islander child, the
21                      CEO must, subject to the regulations, give an approved
22                      Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander representative
23                      organisation an opportunity to participate in the review
24                      of the cultural support plan for the child.

26   40.          Section 91 amended
27         (1)    In section 91 delete the definitions of:
28                care plan
29                parent

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1          (2)    In section 91 in the definition of care planning decision delete
2                 "decision referred to in section 88G;" and insert:

4                 decision;

6          (3)    In section 91 in the definition of care plan review panel delete
7                 "section 92;" and insert:

9                 section 92.

11   41.          Section 92 amended
12         (1)    After section 92(3) insert:

14               (3A)   At least 1 member of the care plan review panel must
15                      be an Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander.

17         (2)    After section 92(8) insert:

19                (9)   If there are more than 3 members of the care plan
20                      review panel --
21                        (a) the panel to which an application under
22                               section 93(1) or (2A) is referred must be
23                               constituted by 3 members; and
24                        (b) the panel, separately constituted under
25                               paragraph (a), may sit simultaneously to hear
26                               and determine separate applications referred to
27                               the panel.

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1              (10)   If an application referred to the care plan review panel
2                     concerns an Aboriginal child or Torres Strait Islander
3                     child, the panel constituted for the review must include
4                     at least 1 Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander.

6    42.        Section 94 amended
7               In section 94(3) delete "in section 89(4)" and insert:

9               to modify a care plan

11   43.        Section 98 amended
12              Delete section 98(1) and insert:

14              (1)   The CEO must ensure that a child who leaves the
15                    CEO's care is provided with social services that the
16                    CEO considers appropriate having regard to the needs
17                    of the child.

19   44.        Section 99 amended
20              In section 99 delete the passage that begins with "Without" and
21              ends with "for" and insert:

23              The CEO must ensure that a person who qualifies for, and
24              seeks,

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1    45.     Section 100A inserted
2            At the end of Part 4 Division 6 insert:

4          100A.   Provision of explanation to child
5                  The CEO must ensure that, before a child leaves the
6                  CEO's care, the child is provided with a written
7                  explanation of the assistance that may or must be
8                  provided to the child under this Division.

10   46.     Section 101 amended
11           After section 101(1) insert:

13          (1A)   It is a defence to a charge under subsection (1)
14                 involving conduct that may result in a child suffering
15                 harm as a result of emotional abuse comprised of
16                 exposure to family violence for the accused to prove
17                 that the accused was a victim of that family violence.

19   47.     Section 104 amended
20           In section 104(2)(b) delete "relative of the child; or" and insert:

22           member of the child's family; or

24   48.     Section 105 amended
25           After section 105(2)(a) insert:

27                  (aa)   for a child who is the subject of a secure care
28                         arrangement -- the act is done in accordance

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1                               with procedures approved by the CEO for the
2                               secure care facility where the child lives; or

4    49.          Section 115 amended
5          (1)    In section 115(2)(a) delete "subsection (3), who is of the same
6                 sex as the child; and" and insert:

8                 subsection (3); and

10         (2)    After section 115(3) insert:

12               (3A)   In determining the appropriateness of a person to do
13                      the search or assist in doing the search --
14                        (a) if there is no reason to suspect that the child is
15                              transgender or intersex -- the person must be
16                              of the same sex as the child; and
17                        (b) in any other case, consideration must be given
18                              to --
19                                 (i) whether the child and the person
20                                      identify as male, female, transgender or
21                                      intersex; and
22                                (ii) the views of the child (taking into
23                                      account the maturity and understanding
24                                      of the child); and
25                               (iii) any known views of a member of the
26                                      child's family or other person who is
27                                      significant in the child's life.

29   50.          Section 120 amended
30                Delete section 120(1).

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1    51.         Section 124A amended
2          (1)   In section 124A insert in alphabetical order:

4                      departmental officer --
5                        (a) means an officer --
6                                (i) who is a public service officer; or
7                               (ii) who holds an office or position
8                                    prescribed, or of a class prescribed, for
9                                    the purposes of this subparagraph; or
10                             (iii) whose duties include duties prescribed,
11                                   or of a class prescribed, for the purposes
12                                   of this subparagraph;
13                            but
14                      (b) does not include an officer who is --
15                               (i) employed or engaged as a student or
16                                   volunteer; or
17                              (ii) under 18 years of age;

19         (2)   In section 124A insert in alphabetical order:

21                     early childhood worker means an adult who is --
22                       (a) any of the following for the purposes of the
23                             Education and Care Services National Law
24                             (Western Australia) --
25                                (i) an approved provider;
26                               (ii) a person with management or control of
27                                    an education and care service;
28                              (iii) a nominated supervisor for an approved
29                                    education and care service;
30                              (iv) an educator;

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1                              (v) a family day care co-ordinator;
2                             (vi) a family day care educator assistant;
3                            or
4                     (b)    a licensee as defined in the Child Care Services
5                            Act 2007 section 3; or
6                      (c)   a supervising officer as defined in the Child
7                            Care Services Act 2007 section 5A(1); or
8                     (d)    a member of staff of a child care service, as
9                            defined in the Child Care Services Act 2007
10                           section 4, whose duties include the provision of
11                           education and care to children;

13      (3)    In section 124A insert in alphabetical order:

15                   minister of religion --
16                    (a) means a person who is recognised in
17                          accordance with the practices of a faith or
18                          religion as a person who is authorised to
19                          conduct services or ceremonies in accordance
20                          with the tenets of the faith or religion; and
21                    (b) includes such a person regardless of how the
22                          person's position or title is described (for
23                          example, member of the clergy, priest, minister,
24                          imam, rabbi or pastor);

26      (4)    In section 124A insert in alphabetical order:

28                   out-of-home care service provider means a person who
29                   has entered into an agreement under section 15(1) for
30                   the provision of placement services;

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1                out-of-home care worker --
2                 (a) means an adult who holds an office or position
3                       with, or is otherwise employed or engaged by,
4                       an out-of-home care service provider and
5                       whose duties include --
6                         (i) the provision of social services to
7                               children who are the subject of a
8                               placement arrangement or to carers of
9                               those children; or
10                       (ii) duties prescribed, or of a class
11                              prescribed, for the purposes of this
12                              subparagraph;
13                      but
14                (b) does not include an adult who --
15                        (i) provides care, at the adult's usual place
16                              of residence, for children who are the
17                              subject of a placement arrangement; or
18                       (ii) is employed or engaged as a student or
19                              volunteer;

21   (5)   In section 124A insert in alphabetical order:

23               psychologist means a person registered under the
24               Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western
25               Australia) in the psychology profession (other than as a
26               student);

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1       (6)    In section 124A insert in alphabetical order:

3                    school counsellor --
4                      (a) means an adult who is employed or engaged in
5                           a school, as defined in the School Education
6                           Act 1999 section 4, to provide counselling or
7                           pastoral care to children who attend the school;
8                           but
9                      (b) does not include an adult who is employed or
10                          engaged as a student or volunteer;

12      (7)    In section 124A insert in alphabetical order:

14                   youth justice worker --
15                     (a) means an adult who is --
16                             (i) a custodial officer, as defined in the
17                                  Young Offenders Act 1994 section 3,
18                                  whose duties include the supervision or
19                                  monitoring of children; or
20                            (ii) a member of the council, as defined in
21                                  the Young Offenders Act 1994
22                                  section 17A, of an Aboriginal
23                                  community and is involved in the
24                                  supervision of a child under an
25                                  agreement entered into by the council
26                                  under section 17B of that Act; or
27                           (iii) appointed as a monitor under the Young
28                                  Offenders Act 1994 section 17C(1); or
29                           (iv) appointed as a Juvenile Justice Team
30                                  Coordinator under the Young Offenders
31                                  Act 1994 section 36(1); or

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1                        (v)   assigned as a supervising officer under
2                              the Young Offenders Act 1994
3                              section 77, 108 or 139; or
4                       (vi)   employed or engaged in the department
5                              of the Public Service principally
6                              assisting in the administration of the
7                              Children's Court of Western Australia
8                              Act 1988 or the Young Offenders
9                              Act 1994 and whose duties include
10                             duties prescribed, or of a class
11                             prescribed, for the purposes of this
12                             subparagraph;
13                      but
14                (b)   does not include an adult who is employed or
15                      engaged as a student or volunteer.

17   (8)   In section 124A in the definition of commencement day:
18           (a) delete "means --" and insert:

20                means the following --

22          (b)   in paragraph (a) delete "operation; or" and insert:

24                operation;

26   (9)   In section 124A in the definition of commencement day insert
27         in alphabetical order according to paragraph designation:

29                (c)   in relation to a minister of religion -- the day
30                      on which the Children and Community Services
31                      Amendment Act 2021 section 51(9) came into
32                      operation;

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1      (10)    In section 124A in the definition of commencement day insert
2              in alphabetical order according to paragraph designation:

4                     (d)   in relation to an assessor -- the day on which
5                           the Children and Community Services
6                           Amendment Act 2021 section 51(10) came into
7                           operation;

9      (11)    In section 124A in the definition of commencement day insert
10             in alphabetical order according to paragraph designation:

12                    (e)   in relation to a departmental officer -- the day
13                          on which the Children and Community Services
14                          Amendment Act 2021 section 51(11) came into
15                          operation;

17     (12)    In section 124A in the definition of commencement day insert
18             in alphabetical order according to paragraph designation:

20                    (f)   in relation to an early childhood worker -- the
21                          day on which the Children and Community
22                          Services Amendment Act 2021 section 51(12)
23                          came into operation;

25     (13)    In section 124A in the definition of commencement day insert
26             in alphabetical order according to paragraph designation:

28                    (g)   in relation to an out-of-home care worker --
29                          the day on which the Children and Community
30                          Services Amendment Act 2021 section 51(13)
31                          came into operation;

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1    (14)   In section 124A in the definition of commencement day insert
2           in alphabetical order according to paragraph designation:

4                  (h)    in relation to a psychologist -- the day on
5                         which the Children and Community Services
6                         Amendment Act 2021 section 51(14) came into
7                         operation;

9    (15)   In section 124A in the definition of commencement day insert
10          in alphabetical order according to paragraph designation:

12                  (i)   in relation to a school counsellor -- the day on
13                        which the Children and Community Services
14                        Amendment Act 2021 section 51(15) came into
15                        operation;

17   (16)   In section 124A in the definition of commencement day insert
18          in alphabetical order according to paragraph designation:

20                  (j)   in relation to a youth justice worker -- the day
21                        on which the Children and Community Services
22                        Amendment Act 2021 section 51(16) came into
23                        operation;

25   (17)   In section 124A in the definition of doctor delete "profession;"
26          and insert:

28          profession (other than as a student);

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1      (18)      In section 124A in the definition of midwife delete "profession;"
2                and insert:

4                profession (other than as a student);

6      (19)      In section 124A in the definition of nurse delete "profession;"
7                and insert:

9                profession (other than as a student);

11     (20)      In section 124A in the definition of teacher paragraph (e) delete
12               "section." and insert:

14               section;

16   52.         Section 124B amended
17         (1)   Delete section 124B(1)(a) and insert:

19                          (a)   is a person specified in the Table (a specified
20                                person); and
21                                               Table
                              boarding supervisor         doctor

                              midwife                     nurse

                              police officer              teacher

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1    (2)   In section 124B(1)(a) in the Table insert in alphabetical order:


4    (3)   In section 124B(1)(a) in the Table insert in alphabetical order:

             departmental officer

7    (4)   In section 124B(1)(a) in the Table insert in alphabetical order:

             early childhood worker

10   (5)   In section 124B(1)(a) in the Table insert in alphabetical order:

             minister of religion

13   (6)   In section 124B(1)(a) in the Table insert in alphabetical order:

             out-of-home care worker

16   (7)   In section 124B(1)(a) in the Table insert in alphabetical order:


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1       (8)    In section 124B(1)(a) in the Table insert in alphabetical order:

                 school counsellor

4       (9)    In section 124B(1)(a) in the Table insert in alphabetical order:

                 youth justice worker

7      (10)    In section 124B(1)(c)(i) delete "doctor, nurse, midwife, police
8              officer, teacher or boarding supervisor; and" and insert:

10             specified person; and

12     (11)    In section 124B(4):
13               (a) delete "A requirement" and insert:

15                    The duty

17              (b)   delete "doctor, nurse, midwife, police officer, teacher or
18                    boarding supervisor." and insert:

20                    specified person.

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1    53.      Section 124BA inserted
2             After section 124B insert:

4          124BA. Provisions for ministers of religion
5             (1)   In this section --
6                   religious confession means a confession made by a
7                   person to a minister of religion in the minister's
8                   capacity as a minister of religion in accordance with
9                   the tenets of the minister's faith or religion.
10            (2)   For the purposes of section 124B(1)(c)(i), a minister of
11                  religion who forms a belief on the basis of information
12                  disclosed to the minister in the minister's capacity as a
13                  minister of religion is taken to form the belief in the
14                  course of the minister's work.
15            (3)   A minister of religion is not excused from criminal
16                  responsibility for an offence under section 124B(1) on
17                  the grounds that --
18                    (a) the minister's belief is based on information
19                          disclosed to the minister during a religious
20                          confession; or
21                    (b) disclosure of the minister's belief or
22                          information on which the belief is based is
23                          otherwise contrary to the tenets of the
24                          minister's faith or religion.

26   54.      Section 125A amended
27            In section 125A(4A) delete "relative of a child in a facility," and
28            insert:

30            member of the child's family,

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1    55.         Section 131B amended
2                In section 131B(1)(b) delete "exercising appropriate control
3                over" and insert:

5                appropriately and safely managing

7    56.         Section 131D amended
8                In section 131D(d) delete "exercise appropriate control over"
9                and insert:

11               appropriately and safely manage

13   57.         Section 131 amended
14         (1)   In section 131 delete the definition of parent.
15         (2)   In section 131 in the definition of child delete "proceedings;"
16               and insert:

18               proceedings.

20   58.         Section 132 amended
21         (1)   In section 132 delete "The Court" and insert:

23               (1)   The Court

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1          (2)   At the end of section 132 insert:

3                (2)   However, protection proceedings must not be
4                      adjourned if the proceedings are for an interim order
5                      (secure care).
6                (3)   Subsection (2) does not apply if the Court is satisfied
7                      that there are exceptional reasons for an adjournment
8                      and adjourns the proceedings for a period not
9                      exceeding 2 working days.

11   59.         Section 133 amended
12               In section 133(2)(f) delete "sibling or other relative of the child
13               or any" and insert:

15               sibling, other member of the child's family or

17   60.         Section 143 amended
18         (1)   Delete section 143(1).
19         (2)   Delete section 143(3)(c) and insert:

21                       (c)   an application under section 68 --
22                               (i) for the replacement of a protection order
23                                    (supervision) by another protection
24                                    order (supervision); or
25                              (ii) for the replacement of a protection order
26                                    (time-limited), protection order (until
27                                    18) or protection order (special
28                                    guardianship) by another protection
29                                    order (other than a protection order
30                                    (special guardianship)),

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1          (3)   Delete section 143(4) and insert:

3                (4)   If the CEO makes an application under section 68 for
4                      the replacement of a protection order (supervision) by a
5                      protection order (time-limited) or protection order
6                      (until 18), the CEO must provide the Court with a
7                      proposal for the child as soon as practicable after the
8                      application is made.

10   61.         Section 143A inserted
11               After section 143 insert:

13           143A.     Content of proposal
14               (1)   A proposal under section 143 for a protection order
15                     (supervision) must outline proposed arrangements for
16                     the supervision of the wellbeing of the child.
17               (2)   A proposal under section 143 for a protection order
18                     (time-limited) or protection order (until 18) must
19                     outline proposed arrangements for safeguarding and
20                     promoting the wellbeing of the child, including --
21                        (a) proposed arrangements for promoting, where
22                             appropriate, the relationship between the child
23                             and the child's family or other people who are
24                             significant in the child's life; and
25                       (b) for an Aboriginal child, Torres Strait Islander
26                             child or child of a culturally or linguistically
27                             diverse background --
28                               (i) proposed arrangements for placement of
29                                     the child in accordance with the
30                                     principle set out in section 12 or
31                                     guidelines established under section 80

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1                                (as the case requires) and the principle
2                                set out in section 9(gb); and
3                         (ii)   a cultural support plan for the child.
4          (3)   A proposal under section 143 for a protection order
5                (time-limited) or protection order (until 18) for an
6                Aboriginal child or Torres Strait Islander child must
7                outline the consultation that has occurred or is
8                proposed to occur as required under section 81.
9          (4)   A proposal under section 143 for a protection order
10               (time-limited) must --
11                  (a) outline proposed arrangements for working
12                       towards the child being returned to or placed
13                       with the child's parents; or
14                 (b) if the CEO is of the opinion that such
15                       arrangements would be contrary to the best
16                       interests of the child or not practicable --
17                       contain an explanation of the reasons for the
18                       opinion.
19         (5)   A proposal under section 143 for the extension of a
20               protection order (time-limited) must include plans for
21               securing long-term stability, security and safety in the
22               child's relationships and living arrangements.

24   62.   Section 144 amended
25         In section 144(2) delete "section 143(4)" and insert:

27         section 143A(5),

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1    63.       Section 145 amended
2              Delete section 145(3) and insert:

4              (3)    Protection proceedings are to be concluded as
5                     expeditiously as possible so as to minimise the risk of
6                     detrimental effects arising from delay in
7                     decision-making.
8            (3A)     Subsection (3) does not prevent an adjournment of
9                     proceedings to allow for a trial period for particular
10                    arrangements or for other appropriate reasons.

12   64.       Section 147 amended
13             Delete section 147(d) and insert:

15                     (d)    if the proceedings relate to a protection order
16                            (special guardianship) -- the special guardian
17                            or proposed special guardian;

19   65.       Section 153 amended
20             In section 153(2):
21               (a) in paragraph (a) before "has" insert:

23                     is a person who

25              (b)    delete paragraph (b) and insert:

27                     (b)    is a person whose disability prevents or restricts
28                            the party's understanding of, or participation in,
29                            protection proceedings,

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1                  (c)   delete "that prevents or restricts the party's
2                        understanding of, or participation in, protection
3                        proceedings,".

4    66.         Section 157 amended
5                In section 157(1) delete the definition of parent.

6    67.         Section 188 amended
7          (1)   In section 188 delete the definition of industrial inspector.
8          (2)   In section 188 in the definition of family business delete "parent
9                or other relative of the child;" and insert:

11               member of the child's family.

13   68.         Section 192 amended
14               In section 192(3)(a)(iii) delete "female, her breasts;" and insert:

16               female child or a transgender or intersex child who identifies as
17               female, the breasts;

19   69.         Section 195 deleted
20               Delete section 195.

21   70.         Section 239 amended
22               In section 239(1):
23                 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "child's relative; or" and insert:

25                       member of a child's family; or

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1                (b)    in paragraph (c) delete "child's relative" and insert:

3                       member of a child's family

5    71.       Part 10A inserted
6              After section 241 insert:

8                            Part 10A -- Enforcement
9                              Division 1 -- Preliminary
10           241A.     Terms used
11                     In this Part --
12                     authorised purpose means --
13                       (a) for an authorised officer -- investigating a
14                              suspected offence under this Act; or
15                       (b) for an industrial inspector or an authorised
16                              officer designated under section 25 as an
17                              authorised officer for Part 7 -- investigating a
18                              suspected offence under that Part or monitoring
19                              compliance with that Part;
20                     entry warrant has the meaning given in section 241L;
21                     magistrate means a magistrate of the Court or a
22                     magistrate of the Magistrates Court;
23                     record means a record of information, irrespective of
24                     how the information is recorded or stored or able to be
25                     recovered and includes --
26                       (a) any thing from which images, sounds or
27                              writings can be reproduced, with or without the
28                              aid of anything else; and

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1             (b)   any thing on which information is recorded or
2                   stored, whether electronically, magnetically,
3                   mechanically or by some other means;
4            relevant record means a record or document that --
5              (a) is required to be kept under this Act; or
6              (b) contains information that is or may be relevant
7                   to an offence under this Act.

8    241B.   Application of Part
9      (1)   The powers conferred by this Part on an industrial
10           inspector are in addition to, and do not limit, the
11           powers conferred by the Industrial Relations Act 1979.
12     (2)   The powers conferred by this Part may be exercised in
13           relation to a suspected offence under this Act, or other
14           conduct, whether occurring before or after the
15           commencement of the Children and Community
16           Services Amendment Act 2021 section 71.

17                  Division 2 -- General powers
18   241C.   Entry to places
19     (1)   An authorised officer or industrial inspector may, for
20           an authorised purpose, enter a place if --
21             (a) its occupier gives informed consent to the
22                  entry; or
23             (b) the entry is authorised by an entry warrant.
24     (2)   An occupier gives informed consent to entry to a place
25           if the occupier gives consent after being informed by
26           an authorised officer or industrial inspector --
27              (a) of the powers the officer or inspector wants to
28                    exercise in respect of the place; and

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1                     (b)   of the reasons why the officer or inspector
2                           wants to exercise those powers; and
3                     (c)   that the occupier can refuse to consent to the
4                           officer or inspector entering the place.
5              (3)   To investigate a suspected offence under Part 7 or
6                    monitor compliance with that Part, an authorised
7                    officer or industrial inspector may, at any reasonable
8                    time, enter a place in which --
9                      (a) a child is employed; or
10                     (b) the officer or inspector believes on reasonable
11                           grounds a child is, or may in the future be,
12                           employed.
13             (4)   Entry to a place under subsection (3) may be without
14                   informed consent of its occupier or an entry warrant.

15           241D.   Powers after entering place
16                   An authorised officer or industrial inspector who enters
17                   a place under section 241C may, for an authorised
18                   purpose, do any of the following --
19                     (a) inspect the place and any thing at the place;
20                     (b) search the place and any thing at the place;
21                     (c) measure, test, photograph or film any part of
22                           the place or any thing at the place;
23                     (d) take any thing, or a sample of or from any
24                           thing, at the place for analysis or testing;
25                     (e) operate equipment or facilities at the place or
26                           direct a person at the place to do so;
27                      (f) make a copy of, or take an extract from, any
28                           record or document at the place;
29                     (g) seize any thing that is or may afford evidence
30                           of an offence under this Act;

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1             (h)   direct (orally or in writing) the occupier of the
2                   place, or a person at the place, to give the
3                   officer or inspector such assistance as the
4                   officer or inspector reasonably requires.

5    241E.   Directions to provide information or documents
6      (1)   An authorised officer or industrial inspector may, for
7            an authorised purpose, do any of the following --
8              (a) direct a person --
9                      (i) to give information; or
10                    (ii) to answer a question put to the person;
11             (b) direct a person to produce a record or document
12                  that is in the person's possession or under the
13                  person's control;
14             (c) make a copy of a record or document produced
15                  in response to a direction under paragraph (b).
16     (2)   A direction under subsection (1)(a) --
17            (a) must specify the time at or within which the
18                  information or answer is to be given; and
19            (b) may require that the information or answer --
20                      (i) be given orally or in writing; and
21                     (ii) be given at, or sent or delivered to, a
22                          place specified in the direction; and
23                   (iii) in the case of written information or a
24                          written answer, be sent or delivered by a
25                          means specified in the direction; and
26                    (iv) be verified by statutory declaration.
27     (3)   A direction under subsection (1)(b) --
28            (a) must specify the time at or within which the
29                  record or document is to be produced; and

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1                     (b)   may require that the record or document be
2                           produced --
3                             (i) at a place specified in the direction; and
4                            (ii) by a means specified in the direction.
5              (4)   A person is not excused from complying with a
6                    direction under this section to give information, answer
7                    a question or produce a record or document on the
8                    ground that complying with the direction might tend to
9                    incriminate the person or render the person liable to a
10                   penalty.
11             (5)   However, any information or answer given by an
12                   individual in compliance with such a direction is not
13                   admissible in evidence against the individual in
14                   criminal or civil proceedings other than proceedings for
15                   perjury or for an offence under section 244.
16             (6)   In giving a direction to a person under this section, an
17                   authorised officer or industrial inspector must explain
18                   to the person that it is an offence to contravene the
19                   direction and the effect of subsections (4) and (5).
20             (7)   A direction under this section may be given orally or in
21                   writing.

22           241F.   Additional powers for relevant records
23                   An authorised officer or industrial inspector may, for
24                   an authorised purpose, do any of the following --
25                     (a) operate a computer or other thing on which the
26                          officer or inspector suspects on reasonable
27                          grounds a relevant record is or may be stored or
28                          direct a person who has the custody or control
29                          of the computer or thing to do so;

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1             (b)    direct (orally or in writing) a person who is or
2                    appears to be in control of a record or document
3                    that the officer or inspector suspects on
4                    reasonable grounds is a relevant record to give
5                    the officer or inspector a translation, code,
6                    password or other information necessary to
7                    gain access to or interpret and understand the
8                    record or document;
9             (c)    make a copy of or take an extract from, or
10                   download or print out, or photograph or film, a
11                   record or document that the officer or inspector
12                   suspects on reasonable grounds is a relevant
13                   record;
14            (d)    seize a record or document that the officer or
15                   inspector suspects on reasonable grounds is a
16                   relevant record and retain it for as long as is
17                   necessary for the purposes of this Act;
18            (e)    seize a computer or other thing on which the
19                   officer or inspector suspects on reasonable
20                   grounds a relevant record is or may be stored
21                   and retain it for as long as is necessary for the
22                   purposes of this Act;
23             (f)   take reasonable measures to secure or protect a
24                   relevant record, or computer or other thing on
25                   which a relevant record is or may be stored,
26                   against damage or unauthorised removal or
27                   interference.

28   241G.   Contravention of directions
29           A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
30           comply with a direction given to the person under this
31           Division commits an offence.
32           Penalty: a fine of $12 000.

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1            241H.    Exercise of power may be recorded
2                     An authorised officer or industrial inspector may
3                     record the exercise of a power under this Division,
4                     including by making an audiovisual recording.

5            241I.    Assistance and use of force to exercise power
6               (1)   An authorised officer or industrial inspector exercising
7                     a power under this Division may authorise as many
8                     other people to assist in exercising the power as are
9                     reasonably necessary in the circumstances.
10              (2)   In exercising the power, an authorised officer or
11                    industrial inspector, and a person authorised under
12                    subsection (1) to assist the officer or inspector, may use
13                    force that is reasonably necessary in the circumstances.

14           241J.    Procedure on seizing things
15              (1)   If an authorised officer or industrial inspector seizes
16                    any thing under this Division, the officer or inspector
17                    must give the person who was in possession of it a
18                    receipt for it in the approved form.
19              (2)   If an authorised officer or industrial inspector seizes
20                    any thing under this Division, the officer or inspector
21                    must, if practicable, allow a person who is otherwise
22                    entitled to possession of it to have reasonable access to
23                    it.
24              (3)   An authorised officer or industrial inspector who seizes
25                    any thing under this Division may take reasonable
26                    measures to prevent the thing being concealed, lost,
27                    damaged or destroyed.
28              (4)   If it is not practicable to move any thing that has been
29                    seized, an authorised officer or industrial inspector may
30                    do whatever is reasonably necessary to secure it where

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1            it is situated and to notify people that it is under
2            seizure.
3      (5)   A person must not, without the approval of an
4            authorised officer or industrial inspector, interfere or
5            deal with any thing that the person knows, or ought
6            reasonably to know, has been seized by an authorised
7            officer or industrial inspector.
8            Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $12 000.

9    241K.   Application of Criminal and Found Property
10           Disposal Act 2006
11     (1)   The Criminal and Found Property Disposal Act 2006
12           applies to any thing that is seized under this Division.
13     (2)   For the purposes of the Criminal and Found Property
14           Disposal Act 2006, the Department is a prescribed
15           agency.

16                  Division 3 -- Entry warrants
17   241L.   Application for entry warrant
18     (1)   An authorised officer or industrial inspector may apply
19           to a magistrate for a warrant (an entry warrant)
20           authorising the entry of a place for an authorised
21           purpose.
22     (2)   Subject to this section --
23            (a) an application for an entry warrant must be in
24                  writing and include the information prescribed
25                  by the regulations; and
26            (b) the grounds of the application must be verified
27                  by affidavit; and
28            (c) the applicant must appear in person before the
29                  magistrate to provide information in support of
30                  the application on oath.

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1              (3)   If the warrant is needed urgently and the applicant
2                    reasonably suspects that a magistrate is not available
3                    within a reasonable distance of the applicant, an
4                    application for an entry warrant may be made by
5                    remote communication.
6              (4)   A magistrate must reject an application for an entry
7                    warrant made by remote communication unless
8                    satisfied that --
9                      (a) the warrant is needed urgently; and
10                     (b) a magistrate is not available within a reasonable
11                           distance of the applicant.
12             (5)   If an application for an entry warrant is made by
13                   remote communication and it is not practicable to send
14                   the magistrate written material --
15                     (a) the application may be made orally; and
16                     (b) the magistrate must make a written record of
17                           the application and information given in
18                           support of it; and
19                     (c) if the warrant is issued -- the applicant must, as
20                           soon as practicable, send the magistrate an
21                           affidavit verifying the application and
22                           information given in support of it.

23           241M. Issue and content of entry warrant
24             (1)   On an application for an entry warrant, a magistrate
25                   may issue the warrant if satisfied that it is necessary for
26                   an authorised officer or industrial inspector to enter a
27                   place for an authorised purpose.
28             (2)   An entry warrant must contain the following
29                   information --
30                     (a) a reasonably particular description of the place
31                          to which it relates;

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1           (b)   a reasonably particular description of the
2                 authorised purpose for which entry to the place
3                 is required;
4           (c)   if the authorised purpose is investigating a
5                 suspected offence under this Act -- the
6                 provision of the Act suspected of being
7                 contravened;
8           (d)   the period, not exceeding 14 days, during which
9                 it may be executed;
10          (e)   the name of the magistrate who issued it;
11          (f)   the date and time when it was issued.
12   (3)   An entry warrant must be in the form prescribed by the
13         regulations.
14   (4)   If a magistrate issues an entry warrant on an
15         application made by remote communication --
16           (a) if it is practicable to send a copy of the original
17                 warrant to the applicant by remote
18                 communication, the magistrate must do so; or
19           (b) if that is not practicable --
20                    (i) the magistrate must provide the
21                         applicant by remote communication
22                         with the information that must be set out
23                         in the warrant; and
24                   (ii) the applicant must complete a form of
25                         warrant with the information received
26                         and give the magistrate a copy of the
27                         form as soon as practicable after doing
28                         so; and
29                  (iii) the magistrate must attach the copy of
30                         the form to the original warrant and any
31                         affidavit received from the applicant
32                         and make them available for collection
33                         by the applicant.

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1              (5)   The copy of the original warrant sent, or the form of
2                    the warrant completed, under subsection (4) has the
3                    same force and effect as the original warrant.

4            241N.   Refusal of entry warrant
5                    If a magistrate refuses to issue an entry warrant, the
6                    magistrate must record on the application, or the
7                    written record of the application, the fact of, the date
8                    and time of, and the reasons for, the refusal.

9            241O.   Effect of entry warrant
10             (1)   An entry warrant comes into force when it is issued by
11                   a magistrate.
12             (2)   An entry warrant may be executed according to its
13                   terms by an authorised officer or industrial inspector
14                   entitled to enter the place for the authorised purpose
15                   specified in the warrant.
16             (3)   However, if an applicant for an entry warrant
17                   contravenes section 241L(5)(c) or 241M(4)(b)(ii),
18                   evidence obtained under the entry warrant is not
19                   admissible in proceedings in a court or tribunal.

21   72.       Section 243 amended
22             In section 243 delete "assessor or an authorised officer." and
23             insert:

25             assessor, authorised officer or industrial inspector.

27             Note: The heading to amended section 243 is to read:
28                   Impersonating assessor, authorised officer or industrial inspector

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1    73.     Section 246 amended
2            In section 246(4) delete "officer or an authorised officer, assists
3            the officer" and insert:

5            officer, authorised officer or industrial inspector, assists the
6            officer or inspector

8    74.     Section 249 replaced
9            Delete section 249 and insert:

11         249.    Review of Act
12           (1)   The Minister must review the operation and
13                 effectiveness of this Act, and prepare a report based on
14                 the review --
15                   (a) as soon as practicable after the 5th anniversary
16                         of the day on which the Children and
17                         Community Services Amendment Act 2021
18                         section 74 comes into operation; and
19                   (b) after that, at intervals of not more than 5 years.
20           (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), the first review under
21                 that subsection must address --
22                   (a) recommendations 4 and 11 set out in Report 44
23                         of the Standing Committee on Legislation of
24                         the Legislative Council; and
25                   (b) the need for the continuation of section 241E(4)
26                         and (5).

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1              (3)   The Minister must cause the report to be laid before
2                    each House of Parliament as soon as practicable after
3                    it is prepared, but not later than 12 months after the
4                    5th anniversary or the expiry of the period of 5 years, as
5                    the case may be.

7    75.       Various penalties amended
8              In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Penalty:" and insert:

10             Penalty for this subsection:

12                                      Table
       s. 40(8)                               s. 84(3)

       s. 103(1) and (2)                      s. 104A(2) and (4)

       s. 104(2)                              s. 107(2) and (3)

       s. 110(2)                              s. 124B(1)

       s. 124C(1) and (4)                     s. 124F(2)

       s. 137(3)                              s. 141(1)

       s. 187(1)                              s. 190(1) and (3)

       s. 193(5) and (6)                      s. 194A(3) and (4)

       s. 237(2)                              s. 238(5) and (7)

       s. 240(2)                              s. 241(2)


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