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Western Australia Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Amendments and repeals relating to responsible parenting agreements Division 1 -- Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 3 amended 3 5. Section 6 amended 3 6. Section 32 amended 3 7. Part 5A inserted 4 Part 5A -- Responsible parenting agreements 131A. Terms used 4 131B. Principle to be observed in administration of this Part 5 131C. Responsible parenting agreements 5 131D. Entering into responsible parenting agreement 6 131E. Content of responsible parenting agreement 6 131F. Formal requirements 7 131G. Effect of responsible parenting agreement 7 131H. Delegation by CEO (Corrective Services) and CEO (Education) 8 8. Section 237 amended 9 9. Schedule 1 Division 7 inserted 10 84--2 page i Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Contents Division 7 -- Provisions for Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2014 29. Terms used 10 30. PSR Act parenting agreements 11 31. Departmental parenting agreements 12 Division 2 -- Repeals 10. Parental Support and Responsibility Act 2008 repealed 12 11. Parental Support and Responsibility Regulations 2009 repealed 12 12. Parental Support and Responsibility (Disclosure of Information) Guidelines 2009 repealed 12 Division 3 -- Other Acts amended Subdivision 1 -- Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended 13. Act amended 13 14. Section 20 amended 13 15. Section 24 deleted 13 16. Section 36 amended 13 17. Section 40 amended 13 Subdivision 1A -- School Education Act 1999 amended 17A. Act amended 14 17B. Section 26 amended 14 17C. Section 40 amended 14 Subdivision 2 -- Young Offenders Act 1994 amended 18. Act amended 15 19. Section 15A amended 15 20. Section 46 amended 15 Part 3 -- Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 21. Act amended 16 22. Section 3 amended 16 23. Section 8 amended 17 24. Section 9 amended 17 25. Section 23 amended 17 26. Section 24A replaced 19 page ii Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Contents 24A. Power of CEO to obtain copies of certain reports from CEO (Corrective Services) 19 27. Part 3 Division 6 inserted 20 Division 6 -- Information sharing 28A. Terms used 20 28B. Disclosure of information by prescribed authority or authorised entity 22 28C. Delegation of powers under s. 28B 23 28. Section 28 amended 24 29. Section 35 amended 25 30. Section 41 amended 25 31. Section 62 replaced 26 62. Duration of protection order (special guardianship) 26 32. Section 65 amended 27 33. Section 87 amended 27 34. Section 89 amended 27 35. Part 4 Division 5 Subdivision 4 heading amended 28 36. Section 91 amended 28 37. Section 92 amended 29 38. Section 93 amended 29 39. Section 94 amended 31 40. Section 95 amended 32 41. Section 101 amended 32 42. Section 103 replaced 32 103. Tattooing or branding 32 43. Section 124A amended 33 44. Section 124B amended 34 45. Section 124C amended 34 46. Section 145 amended 34 page iii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended during consideration in detail) Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 A Bill for An Act to -- amend the Children and Community Services Act 2004 to make provision for responsible parenting agreements and for other purposes; and repeal the Parental Support and Responsibility Act 2008 and regulations and guidelines made under that Act; and make consequential amendments to other Acts. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Children and Community Services Legislation 4 Amendment and Repeal Act 2014. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 8 Royal Assent; 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 10 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. page 2 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible Part 2 parenting agreements Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended Division 1 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Amendments and repeals relating to 2 responsible parenting agreements 3 Division 1 -- Children and Community Services 4 Act 2004 amended 5 3. Act amended 6 This Division amends the Children and Community Services 7 Act 2004. 8 4. Section 3 amended 9 In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 10 11 responsible parenting agreement has the meaning 12 given in section 131C; 13 14 5. Section 6 amended 15 After section 6(c) insert: 16 17 (da) to support and reinforce the role and 18 responsibility of parents in exercising 19 appropriate control over the behaviour of their 20 children; and 21 22 6. Section 32 amended 23 After section 32(1)(b) insert: 24 25 (ca) enter into a responsible parenting agreement in 26 respect of the child; 27 page 3 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 2 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible parenting agreements Division 1 Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended s. 7 1 7. Part 5A inserted 2 After section 130 insert: 3 4 Part 5A -- Responsible parenting agreements 5 131A. Terms used 6 In this Part -- 7 authorised CEO means -- 8 (a) the CEO; or 9 (b) the CEO (Corrective Services); or 10 (c) the CEO (Education); 11 CEO (Corrective Services) means the chief executive 12 officer of the department of the Public Service 13 principally assisting in the administration of the Young 14 Offenders Act 1994; 15 CEO (Education) means the chief executive officer of 16 the department of the Public Service referred to in the 17 School Education Act 1999 section 228; 18 corrective services officer means a person employed or 19 engaged in the department of the Public Service 20 principally assisting in the administration of the Young 21 Offenders Act 1994, whether as a public service officer 22 under the Public Sector Management Act 1994, under a 23 contract for services, or otherwise; 24 education officer means a person employed or engaged 25 in the department of the Public Service referred to in 26 the School Education Act 1999 section 228, whether in 27 a category described in section 235(1) of that Act, 28 under a contract for services, or otherwise; 29 official means an officer as defined in section 3, a 30 corrective services officer, an education officer or page 4 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible Part 2 parenting agreements Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended Division 1 s. 7 1 another person employed or engaged in a public 2 authority; 3 parenting includes the provision of day-to-day care for 4 a child by a responsible person for the child; 5 responsible person, for a child, means -- 6 (a) a parent of the child; or 7 (b) an adult, other than a parent of the child, with 8 whom the child usually lives and who provides 9 day-to-day care for the child. 10 131B. Principle to be observed in administration of 11 this Part 12 (1) In the administration of this Part a principle to be 13 observed is that public authorities should work together 14 cooperatively and effectively to give responsible 15 persons for a child the best chance of -- 16 (a) safeguarding and promoting the child's 17 wellbeing; and 18 (b) exercising appropriate control over the 19 behaviour of the child; and 20 (c) complying with any responsible parenting 21 agreement they may enter into. 22 (2) The principle set out in subsection (1) is in addition to, 23 and does not derogate from, the principles set out in 24 Part 2 Divisions 2 and 3. 25 131C. Responsible parenting agreements 26 A responsible parenting agreement is an agreement in 27 respect of a child or children between -- 28 (a) any or all of the authorised CEOs; and 29 (b) one or more responsible persons for the child or 30 children. page 5 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 2 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible parenting agreements Division 1 Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended s. 7 1 131D. Entering into responsible parenting agreement 2 An authorised CEO may enter into a responsible 3 parenting agreement if the authorised CEO is satisfied, 4 in relation to each child in respect of whom the 5 agreement is entered into, that -- 6 (a) the child engages in any of the following 7 behaviour (the relevant behaviour) -- 8 (i) criminal or antisocial behaviour; 9 (ii) persistent failure to attend school; 10 and 11 (b) the relevant behaviour is having, or is likely to 12 have, a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of 13 the child; and 14 (c) the parenting of the child may be contributing 15 to the child engaging in the relevant behaviour; 16 and 17 (d) the responsible parenting agreement may assist 18 the responsible person or persons to exercise 19 appropriate control over the behaviour of the 20 child. 21 131E. Content of responsible parenting agreement 22 (1) A responsible parenting agreement must be about one 23 or more of the following matters -- 24 (a) the responsible person engaging with a 25 counselling service, a support service or any 26 other relevant social service; 27 (b) the responsible person taking all reasonable 28 steps to ensure that the child attends school; 29 (c) the responsible person taking all reasonable 30 steps to ensure that the child avoids contact 31 with a particular person or particular persons; page 6 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible Part 2 parenting agreements Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended Division 1 s. 7 1 (d) the responsible person taking all reasonable 2 steps to ensure that the child avoids a particular 3 place or particular places; 4 (e) other matters relating to the effective parenting 5 of the child; 6 (f) the assistance to be given to the responsible 7 person or the child by a public authority to 8 assist the responsible person to comply with the 9 agreement. 10 (2) If more than one responsible person enters into the 11 responsible parenting agreement, a reference in 12 subsection (1) to the responsible person is a reference 13 to any or all of those responsible persons. 14 (3) If the responsible parenting agreement is entered into 15 in respect of more than one child, a reference in 16 subsection (1) to the child is a reference to any or all of 17 those children. 18 131F. Formal requirements 19 A responsible parenting agreement must -- 20 (a) be in writing; and 21 (b) specify the period covered by the agreement; 22 and 23 (c) be signed by each authorised CEO, and each 24 responsible person, who enters into the 25 agreement. 26 131G. Effect of responsible parenting agreement 27 (1) A responsible parenting agreement does not create 28 obligations that are enforceable. 29 (2) An action in tort does not lie against the State, a 30 Minister of the State, a public authority or an official page 7 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 2 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible parenting agreements Division 1 Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended s. 7 1 for any failure of a person to comply with a responsible 2 parenting agreement. 3 131H. Delegation by CEO (Corrective Services) and CEO 4 (Education) 5 (1) The CEO (Corrective Services) may delegate to a 6 corrective services officer any power or duty of the 7 CEO (Corrective Services) under another provision of 8 this Part or section 237(3) or (4). 9 (2) The CEO (Education) may delegate to an education 10 officer any power or duty of the CEO (Education) 11 under another provision of this Part or section 237(3) 12 or (4). 13 (3) A delegation under this section must be in writing 14 signed by the CEO (Corrective Services) or the CEO 15 (Education), as the case requires. 16 (4) A delegation under this section may expressly 17 authorise the delegate to further delegate the power or 18 duty. 19 (5) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that 20 has been delegated to the person under, or as 21 authorised under, this section, is to be taken to do so in 22 accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the 23 contrary is shown. 24 (6) Nothing in this section limits the ability of the CEO 25 (Corrective Services) to perform a function through a 26 corrective services officer or agent or the ability of the 27 CEO (Education) to perform a function through an 28 education officer or agent. 29 page 8 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible Part 2 parenting agreements Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended Division 1 s. 8 1 8. Section 237 amended 2 (1) In section 237(2): 3 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "order." and insert: 4 5 order; or 6 7 (b) after paragraph (c) insert: 8 9 (d) a person who is or was a responsible person 10 under a responsible parenting agreement; or 11 (e) a person who is or was a child the subject of a 12 responsible parenting agreement. 13 14 (2) In section 237(3) delete "by the CEO." and insert: 15 16 by -- 17 (a) in the case of an identified person referred to in 18 subsection (2)(a), (b) or (c) -- the CEO; or 19 (b) in the case of an identified person referred to in 20 subsection (2)(d) or (e) -- each authorised CEO 21 (as defined in section 131A) who entered into 22 the responsible parenting agreement. 23 24 (3) In section 237(4)(b) delete "by the CEO." and insert: 25 26 by -- 27 (i) in the case of an identified person 28 referred to in subsection (2)(a), (b) or 29 (c) -- the CEO; or page 9 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 2 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible parenting agreements Division 1 Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended s. 9 1 (ii) in the case of an identified person 2 referred to in subsection (2)(d) or (e) -- 3 each authorised CEO (as defined in 4 section 131A) who entered into the 5 responsible parenting agreement. 6 7 9. Schedule 1 Division 7 inserted 8 At the end of Schedule 1 insert: 9 10 Division 7 -- Provisions for Children and Community 11 Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2014 12 29. Terms used 13 In this Division -- 14 authorised officer (Child Protection) means a person 15 designated under the PSR Act section 35 as an authorised 16 officer by the CEO (Child Protection) (as defined in the PSR 17 Act section 3); 18 authorised officer (Education) means a person designated 19 under the PSR Act section 35 as an authorised officer by the 20 CEO (Education) (as defined in the PSR Act section 3); 21 CEO (Education), except in the definition of authorised 22 officer (Education), has the meaning given in section 131A; 23 commencement day means the day on which the Children 24 and Community Services Legislation Amendment and 25 Repeal Act 2014 section 7 comes into operation; 26 departmental parenting agreement means an agreement -- 27 (a) that is about one or more of the matters referred to 28 in section 131E; and 29 (b) that is not a PSR Act parenting agreement; and 30 (c) that was entered into by an officer before 31 commencement day; and page 10 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible Part 2 parenting agreements Children and Community Services Act 2004 amended Division 1 s. 9 1 (d) that covers a period that had not expired 2 immediately before commencement day; and 3 (e) to which either or both of the following descriptions 4 apply -- 5 (i) the agreement relates to a child who has 6 reached 15 years of age but has not reached 7 18 years of age; 8 (ii) the agreement was entered into by an adult, 9 other than a parent of the child, with whom 10 the child to whom the agreement relates 11 usually lives and who provides day-to-day 12 care for the child; 13 PSR Act means the Parental Support and Responsibility 14 Act 2008 as in force immediately before commencement 15 day; 16 PSR Act parenting agreement means a responsible 17 parenting agreement that -- 18 (a) was entered into under the Parental Support and 19 Responsibility Act 2008 before commencement day; 20 and 21 (b) covers a period that had not expired immediately 22 before commencement day. 23 30. PSR Act parenting agreements 24 (1) On and after commencement day -- 25 (a) a PSR Act parenting agreement entered into by an 26 authorised officer (Child Protection) is to be taken 27 to be a responsible parenting agreement entered into 28 by the CEO under section 131D; and 29 (b) a reference in a PSR Act parenting agreement 30 referred to in paragraph (a) to the authorised officer 31 (Child Protection) who entered into the agreement 32 is to be taken to be a reference to the CEO. 33 (2) On and after commencement day -- 34 (a) a PSR Act parenting agreement entered into by an 35 authorised officer (Education) is to be taken to be a page 11 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 2 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible parenting agreements Division 2 Repeals s. 10 1 responsible parenting agreement entered into by the 2 CEO (Education) under section 131D; and 3 (b) a reference in a PSR Act parenting agreement 4 referred to in paragraph (a) to the authorised officer 5 (Education) who entered into the agreement is to be 6 taken to be a reference to the CEO (Education). 7 31. Departmental parenting agreements 8 On and after commencement day -- 9 (a) a departmental parenting agreement is to be taken to 10 be a responsible parenting agreement entered into 11 by the CEO under section 131D; and 12 (b) a reference in a departmental parenting agreement 13 to the officer who entered into the agreement is to 14 be taken to be a reference to the CEO. 15 16 Division 2 -- Repeals 17 10. Parental Support and Responsibility Act 2008 repealed 18 The Parental Support and Responsibility Act 2008 is repealed. 19 11. Parental Support and Responsibility Regulations 2009 20 repealed 21 The Parental Support and Responsibility Regulations 2009 are 22 repealed. 23 12. Parental Support and Responsibility (Disclosure of 24 Information) Guidelines 2009 repealed 25 The Parental Support and Responsibility (Disclosure of 26 Information) Guidelines 2009 are repealed. page 12 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible Part 2 parenting agreements Other Acts amended Division 3 s. 13 1 Division 3 -- Other Acts amended 2 Subdivision 1 -- Children's Court of Western Australia 3 Act 1988 amended 4 13. Act amended 5 This Subdivision amends the Children's Court of Western 6 Australia Act 1988. 7 14. Section 20 amended 8 In section 20(1): 9 (a) in paragraph (d) delete "Act 1911; and" and insert: 10 11 Act 1911. 12 13 (b) delete paragraph (e). 14 15. Section 24 deleted 15 Delete section 24. 16 16. Section 36 amended 17 Delete section 36(1)(ab). 18 17. Section 40 amended 19 (1) In section 40(1) delete "person" (each occurrence) and insert: 20 21 child 22 page 13 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 2 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible parenting agreements Division 3 Other Acts amended s. 17A 1 (2) In section 40(2): 2 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "person," and insert: 3 4 child, 5 6 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "if the person is a child, by" and 7 insert: 8 9 by 10 11 Subdivision 1A -- School Education Act 1999 amended 12 17A. Act amended 13 This Subdivision amends the School Education Act 1999. 14 17B. Section 26 amended 15 In section 26(3) delete "Parental Support and Responsibility 16 Act 2008" and insert: 17 18 Children and Community Services Act 2004 19 20 17C. Section 40 amended 21 In section 40(3A) delete "Parental Support and Responsibility 22 Act 2008" and insert: 23 24 Children and Community Services Act 2004 25 page 14 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Amendments and repeals relating to responsible Part 2 parenting agreements Other Acts amended Division 3 s. 18 1 Subdivision 2 -- Young Offenders Act 1994 amended 2 18. Act amended 3 This Subdivision amends the Young Offenders Act 1994. 4 19. Section 15A amended 5 Delete section 15A(3a), (3b) and (3c). 6 20. Section 46 amended 7 After section 46(2)(c) insert: 8 9 (da) any responsible parenting agreement entered 10 into in respect of the offender under the 11 Children and Community Services Act 2004 12 section 131D; and 13 page 15 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 21 1 Part 3 -- Other amendments to Children and 2 Community Services Act 2004 3 21. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Children and Community Services 5 Act 2004. 6 22. Section 3 amended 7 (1) In section 3 delete the definitions of: 8 police officer 9 wellbeing 10 (2) In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 11 12 act of family and domestic violence has the meaning 13 given in the Restraining Orders Act 1997 section 6(1); 14 exposed, in relation to an act of family and domestic 15 violence, includes the following -- 16 (a) to see or hear the act of family and domestic 17 violence; 18 (b) to witness physical injuries resulting from the 19 act of family and domestic violence; 20 wellbeing, of a child, includes the following -- 21 (a) the care of the child; 22 (b) the physical, emotional, psychological and 23 educational development of the child; 24 (c) the physical, emotional and psychological 25 health of the child; 26 (d) the safety of the child; 27 page 16 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 23 1 23. Section 8 amended 2 In section 8(1): 3 (a) in paragraph (k) delete "spiritual, developmental and 4 educational" and insert: 5 6 spiritual and developmental 7 8 (b) after paragraph (k) insert: 9 10 (la) the child's educational needs; 11 12 24. Section 9 amended 13 After section 9(h) insert: 14 15 (ia) the principle that decisions about a child with 16 disability should be made giving special 17 consideration to any difficulties or 18 discrimination that may be encountered by the 19 child because of the child's disability and 20 should support the child's full and effective 21 participation in society; 22 23 25. Section 23 amended 24 (1) In section 23(1) delete the definition of relevant information. 25 (2) In section 23(1) insert in alphabetical order: 26 27 non-government provider has the meaning given in 28 section 28A; page 17 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 25 1 relevant information means -- 2 (a) information that, in the opinion of the CEO, is, 3 or is likely to be, relevant to -- 4 (i) the wellbeing of a child or a class or 5 group of children; or 6 (ii) the wellbeing of a person who under 7 section 96 qualifies for assistance for 8 the purposes of Part 4 Division 6; or 9 (iii) the safety of a person who has been 10 subjected to, or exposed to, one or more 11 acts of family and domestic violence; or 12 (iv) the performance of a function under this 13 Act; 14 or 15 (b) other information of a kind prescribed by the 16 regulations for the purposes of this paragraph. 17 18 (3) In section 23(1) in the definition of interested person delete 19 "wellbeing of a child or a class or group of children;" and insert: 20 21 wellbeing of -- 22 (a) a child or a class or group of children; or 23 (b) a person who under section 96 qualifies for 24 assistance for the purposes of Part 4 Division 6; 25 26 (4) In section 23(2) and (3) delete "service provider" and insert: 27 28 non-government provider 29 page 18 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 26 1 (5) In section 23(4) delete "written law relating to secrecy or 2 confidentiality." and insert: 3 4 enactment that prohibits or restricts its disclosure. 5 6 26. Section 24A replaced 7 Delete section 24A and insert: 8 9 24A. Power of CEO to obtain copies of certain reports 10 from CEO (Corrective Services) 11 (1) In this section -- 12 CEO (Corrective Services) means the chief executive 13 officer of the department of the Public Service 14 principally assisting in the administration of the 15 Sentence Administration Act 2003 Part 8; 16 prescribed report means any of the following -- 17 (a) a written pre-sentence report, or a record of an 18 oral pre-sentence report, made under the 19 Sentencing Act 1995 Part 3 Division 3; 20 (b) a report prepared for the purposes of the 21 Sentence Administration Act 2003 section 11A, 22 17 or 51; 23 (c) a report prepared for the purposes of the Young 24 Offenders Act 1994 section 47, 48(1) or 159; 25 (d) a report -- 26 (i) made under, or prepared for the 27 purposes of, the Bail Act 1982, the 28 Dangerous Sexual Offenders Act 2006, 29 the Sentence Administration Act 2003, 30 the Sentencing Act 1995, the Prisons page 19 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 27 1 Act 1981 or the Young Offenders 2 Act 1994; and 3 (ii) of a kind prescribed by the regulations 4 for the purposes of this definition. 5 (2) The CEO may request the CEO (Corrective Services) 6 to give to the CEO a copy of a prescribed report if, in 7 the opinion of the CEO, the report is, or is likely to be, 8 relevant to the wellbeing of a child or a class or group 9 of children. 10 (3) The CEO (Corrective Services) must comply with a 11 request under subsection (2). 12 (4) Subsection (3) applies despite any enactment that 13 prohibits or restricts disclosure of the report or 14 information in it. 15 (5) This section does not limit the operation of section 23. 16 17 27. Part 3 Division 6 inserted 18 After section 27 insert: 19 20 Division 6 -- Information sharing 21 28A. Terms used 22 In this Division -- 23 authorised entity means -- 24 (a) the CEO of a non-government provider; or 25 (b) the governing body of a registered school or 26 school system under the School Education 27 Act 1999 Part 4; page 20 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 27 1 CEO means -- 2 (a) in relation to a prescribed authority -- 3 (i) if the prescribed authority is an entity 4 referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of 5 the definition of public authority in 6 section 3 -- the principal officer 7 (however described) of that entity; or 8 (ii) if the prescribed authority is a body 9 referred to in paragraph (d) of the 10 definition of public authority in 11 section 3 -- the principal officer 12 (however described) of that body; or 13 (iii) if the prescribed authority is the holder 14 of an office, post or position referred to 15 in paragraph (d) of the definition of 16 public authority in section 3 -- that 17 holder; 18 or 19 (b) in relation to a non-government provider -- 20 (i) if the non-government provider is an 21 individual -- that individual; or 22 (ii) otherwise -- the principal officer 23 (however described) of the 24 non-government provider; 25 non-government provider means -- 26 (a) a service provider; or 27 (b) a person who provides social services under a 28 contract or other agreement (excluding an 29 agreement for a monetary grant) entered into 30 between the person and a prescribed authority 31 or an officer or employee of a prescribed 32 authority; page 21 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 27 1 prescribed authority means a public authority (other 2 than the Department) prescribed by the regulations for 3 the purposes of this definition; 4 relevant information means -- 5 (a) information that is, or is likely to be, relevant 6 to -- 7 (i) the wellbeing of a child or a class or 8 group of children; or 9 (ii) the safety of a person who has been 10 subjected to, or exposed to, one or more 11 acts of family and domestic violence; 12 or 13 (b) other information of a kind prescribed by the 14 regulations for the purposes of this paragraph. 15 28B. Disclosure of information by prescribed authority 16 or authorised entity 17 (1) The CEO of a prescribed authority (the disclosing 18 CEO) may disclose information to the CEO of another 19 prescribed authority or an authorised entity if, in the 20 opinion of the disclosing CEO, the information is 21 relevant information. 22 (2) The CEO of a prescribed authority (the requesting 23 CEO) may request the CEO of another prescribed 24 authority or an authorised entity to disclose information 25 to the requesting CEO if, in the opinion of the 26 requesting CEO, the information is relevant 27 information. 28 (3) An authorised entity may disclose information to the 29 CEO of a prescribed authority if, in the opinion of the 30 authorised entity, the information is relevant 31 information. page 22 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 27 1 (4) An authorised entity may request the CEO of a 2 prescribed authority to disclose information to the 3 authorised entity if, in the opinion of the authorised 4 entity, the information is relevant information. 5 (5) Information may be disclosed under subsection (1) or 6 (3), or in compliance with a request under 7 subsection (2) or (4), despite any enactment that 8 prohibits or restricts its disclosure. 9 (6) If information is disclosed, in good faith, under 10 subsection (1) or (3) or in compliance with a request 11 under subsection (2) or (4) -- 12 (a) no civil or criminal liability is incurred in 13 respect of the disclosure; and 14 (b) the disclosure is not to be regarded as a breach 15 of any duty of confidentiality or secrecy 16 imposed by law; and 17 (c) the disclosure is not to be regarded as a breach 18 of professional ethics or standards or any 19 principles of conduct applicable to a person's 20 employment or as unprofessional conduct. 21 28C. Delegation of powers under s. 28B 22 (1) The CEO of a prescribed authority may, in writing, 23 delegate a power conferred by section 28B(1) or (2) to 24 an officer or employee of the prescribed authority. 25 (2) A delegation under subsection (1) must be in writing 26 signed by the CEO of the prescribed authority. 27 (3) An authorised entity may, in writing, delegate a power 28 conferred by section 28B(3) or (4) to -- 29 (a) if the authorised entity is the CEO of a 30 non-government provider -- an officer or 31 employee of the non-government provider; or page 23 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 28 1 (b) if the authorised entity is the governing body of 2 a registered school or school system -- 3 (i) an officer or employee of the governing 4 body; or 5 (ii) in the case of the governing body of a 6 school system -- the principal of a 7 school that is a member of the school 8 system. 9 (4) A delegation under subsection (3) must be in writing 10 signed or executed by the authorised entity. 11 (5) A person to whom a power is delegated under this 12 section cannot delegate the power. 13 (6) A person exercising a power that has been delegated to 14 the person under this section is to be taken to do so in 15 accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the 16 contrary is shown. 17 (7) Nothing in this section limits the ability of the CEO of 18 a prescribed authority or an authorised entity to 19 exercise a power through an officer or agent. 20 21 28. Section 28 amended 22 (1) In section 28(1) insert in alphabetical order: 23 24 emotional abuse includes -- 25 (a) psychological abuse; and 26 (b) being exposed to an act of family and domestic 27 violence; 28 page 24 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 29 1 (2) In section 28(1) in the definition of harm delete "wellbeing;" 2 and insert: 3 4 wellbeing, whether caused by -- 5 (a) a single act, omission or circumstance; or 6 (b) a series or combination of acts, omissions or 7 circumstances; 8 9 (3) Delete section 28(2)(c)(iv). 10 29. Section 35 amended 11 (1) After section 35(1)(b) insert: 12 13 (ca) in a case where the child is temporarily in a 14 safe place (for example, a hospital) -- believes 15 that, when the child leaves that place, the child 16 is likely to be living in circumstances that pose 17 an unacceptable risk to the child's wellbeing; or 18 19 (2) In section 35(3)(b)(ii) delete "(1)(b) or (c)." and insert: 20 21 (1)(b), (ca) or (c). 22 23 30. Section 41 amended 24 (1) In section 41(1) delete the definition of responsible person. 25 (2) In section 41(1) insert in alphabetical order: 26 27 appropriate person, in relation to a child, means -- 28 (a) a parent of the child; or page 25 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 31 1 (b) an adult, other than a parent of the child, who is 2 a relative of the child; or 3 (c) an adult, other than a parent or other relative of 4 the child, with whom the child usually lives; 5 6 (3) In section 41(1) in the definition of officer delete "police 7 officer;" and insert: 8 9 police officer. 10 11 (4) In section 41(6), (7) and (8) delete "a responsible person" (each 12 occurrence) and insert: 13 14 an appropriate person 15 16 31. Section 62 replaced 17 Delete section 62 and insert: 18 19 62. Duration of protection order (special guardianship) 20 A protection order (special guardianship) remains in 21 force, unless it is revoked under Subdivision 7, until 22 the earlier of -- 23 (a) the child reaching 18 years of age; or 24 (b) an adoption order being made in relation to the 25 child under the Adoption Act 1994. 26 page 26 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 32 1 32. Section 65 amended 2 After section 65(3) insert: 3 4 (4A) An order made under subsection (1) ceases to be in 5 force if the protection order (special guardianship) in 6 relation to which it was made ceases to be in force. 7 8 33. Section 87 amended 9 (1) After section 87(2) insert: 10 11 (3A) An officer may apprehend a child and take the child to 12 such place as the CEO directs if -- 13 (a) a person has failed to comply with a 14 requirement under section 84 to hand over the 15 child; and 16 (b) the officer suspects on reasonable grounds that 17 there is an immediate or substantial risk to the 18 wellbeing of the child. 19 20 (2) In section 87(3) after "subsection (2)" insert: 21 22 or (3A) 23 24 34. Section 89 amended 25 (1) After section 89(4) insert: 26 27 (5A) The power in subsection (4) is subject to section 94(3). 28 page 27 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 35 1 (2) In section 89(6) delete "ensure that a copy of the care plan or 2 modification, as the case requires, is given to --" and insert: 3 4 give a copy of the care plan or modification, as the case 5 requires, to -- 6 7 (3) After section 89(6) insert: 8 9 (7) Despite subsection (6), the CEO may decide not to give 10 a copy of the care plan or modification to a person 11 mentioned in that subsection if the CEO considers that 12 to do so would pose an unacceptable risk to the safety 13 of the child or another person. 14 (8) If the CEO decides under subsection (7) not to give a 15 person a copy of the care plan or modification, the 16 CEO must give the person written notice of the 17 decision and written reasons for it. 18 19 35. Part 4 Division 5 Subdivision 4 heading amended 20 In the heading to Part 4 Division 5 Subdivision 4 delete "care 21 planning" and insert: 22 23 certain 24 25 36. Section 91 amended 26 (1) In section 91 delete the definition of case review panel. 27 (2) In section 91 insert in alphabetical order: 28 29 care plan review panel means the care plan review 30 panel established under section 92; 31 page 28 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 37 1 (3) In section 91 in the definition of applicant delete 2 "section 93(1);" and insert: 3 4 section 93(1) or (2A); 5 6 37. Section 92 amended 7 (1) In section 92(1), (2) and (3) delete "case review panel" and 8 insert: 9 10 care plan review panel 11 12 (2) In section 92(4) and (5) delete "case review panel." and insert: 13 14 care plan review panel. 15 16 (3) In section 92(6), (7) and (8) delete "case review panel" and 17 insert: 18 19 care plan review panel 20 21 Note: The heading to amended section 92 is to read: 22 Care plan review panel 23 38. Section 93 amended 24 (1) After section 93(1) insert: 25 26 (2A) An application for the review of a decision under 27 section 89(7) may be made to the CEO by the person 28 given notice of the decision under section 89(8). 29 page 29 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 38 1 (2) In section 93(2) delete "The application --" and insert: 2 3 An application under subsection (1) or (2A) -- 4 5 (3) In section 93(3) delete "The application" and insert: 6 7 An application under subsection (1) 8 9 (4) After section 93(3) insert: 10 11 (4A) An application under subsection (2A) must be made 12 within -- 13 (a) 14 days after the day on which the applicant 14 received written notice of the decision under 15 section 89(8); or 16 (b) any longer period that the CEO in special 17 circumstances allows. 18 19 (5) In section 93(4): 20 (a) delete "the application," and insert: 21 22 an application under subsection (1) or (2A), 23 24 (b) delete "case review panel." and insert: 25 26 care plan review panel. 27 28 (6) In section 93(5) delete "case review panel" and insert: 29 30 care plan review panel 31 page 30 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 39 1 (7) Delete section 93(6) and insert: 2 3 (6) The CEO, after considering the report of the care plan 4 review panel and other information available to the 5 CEO, must -- 6 (a) confirm, vary or reverse the care planning 7 decision or decision under section 89(7); or 8 (b) substitute another decision for the care planning 9 decision or decision under section 89(7); or 10 (c) refer the matter back to the care plan review 11 panel for further consideration and report. 12 13 39. Section 94 amended 14 (1) In section 94 delete "A person" and insert: 15 16 (1) A person 17 18 (2) At the end of section 94 insert: 19 20 (2) Subsection (3) applies if -- 21 (a) an application is made to the State 22 Administrative Tribunal under subsection (1); 23 and 24 (b) the State Administrative Tribunal's decision on 25 the application (the Tribunal decision) results 26 in the modification of a care plan (the relevant 27 modification). 28 (3) The CEO must not, within the period of 12 months 29 after the Tribunal decision, exercise the power in 30 section 89(4) so as to affect the relevant modification 31 unless the CEO is satisfied that there has been a page 31 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 40 1 significant change in facts or circumstances, or that 2 new facts or circumstances have arisen, since the 3 Tribunal decision was made. 4 5 40. Section 95 amended 6 In section 95(1) and (2) delete "case review panel" (each 7 occurrence) and insert: 8 9 care plan review panel 10 11 41. Section 101 amended 12 Delete section 101(1)(a)(iii) and (iv) and insert: 13 14 (iii) emotional abuse as defined in 15 section 28(1); or 16 17 42. Section 103 replaced 18 Delete section 103 and insert: 19 20 103. Tattooing or branding 21 (1) A person must not in any manner tattoo or brand any 22 part of the body of a child who has not reached 23 16 years of age. 24 Penalty: a fine of $12 000 and imprisonment for one 25 year. 26 (2) A person must not in any manner tattoo or brand any 27 part of the body of a child who has reached 16 years of 28 age unless the person has first obtained the written 29 consent of a parent of the child to tattoo or brand the page 32 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Part 3 Act 2004 s. 43 1 child in that manner and on that part of the child's 2 body. 3 Penalty: a fine of $12 000 and imprisonment for one 4 year. 5 (3) This section does not apply to tattooing or branding 6 carried out for a medical or therapeutic purpose. 7 8 43. Section 124A amended 9 (1) In section 124A delete the definition of commencement day. 10 (2) In section 124A insert in alphabetical order: 11 12 boarding facility means a place used to provide 13 residential accommodation for children while they 14 attend a school as defined in the School Education 15 Act 1999 section 4; 16 boarding supervisor means a person who holds an 17 office or position at a boarding facility the duties of 18 which include the supervision of children living at the 19 facility; 20 commencement day means -- 21 (a) in relation to a doctor, nurse, midwife, police 22 officer or teacher -- the day on which the 23 Children and Community Services Amendment 24 (Reporting Sexual Abuse of Children) Act 2008 25 section 5 came into operation; or 26 (b) in relation to a boarding supervisor -- the day 27 on which the Children and Community Services 28 Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2014 29 section 44 came into operation; 30 page 33 Children and Community Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2014 Part 3 Other amendments to Children and Community Services Act 2004 s. 44 1 44. Section 124B amended 2 (1) In section 124B(1)(a) and (c)(i) delete "police officer or teacher; 3 and" and insert: 4 5 police officer, teacher or boarding supervisor; and 6 7 (2) In section 124B(4) delete "police officer or teacher." and insert: 8 9 police officer, teacher or boarding supervisor. 10 11 45. Section 124C amended 12 In section 124C(3)(c)(iii) delete "responsible" and insert: 13 14 appropriate 15 16 46. Section 145 amended 17 After section 145(3) insert: 18 19 (4) Protection proceedings are to be conducted, as far as 20 possible, in a way that promotes cooperation and 21 consensus. 22 23
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