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Western Australia Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Objects of Act 2 4. Terms used 3 5. Term used: owner 8 6. Crown bound 9 7. Inconsistency with other Acts 9 Part 2 -- WA coastal plan Division 1 -- Making of WA coastal plan 8. Draft WA coastal plan 10 9. Draft WA coastal plan must be referred to EPA 13 10. Draft WA coastal plan to be submitted to Minister for publication approval 14 11. Public notification of draft WA coastal plan 15 12. Public submissions on draft WA coastal plan 16 13. Draft WA coastal plan to be submitted to Minister for final approval 17 14. Minister's functions in deciding final approval 17 15. Gazettal of WA coastal plan 18 16. Parliament may disallow WA coastal plan 18 17. Availability of WA coastal plan 19 Division 2 -- Vulnerability assessment 18. Vulnerability assessment of Western Australian coast 20 270--1 page i Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Contents 19. Restrictions on development in areas without vulnerability assessment 22 Division 3 -- Transition zone 20. Identification of transition zone 22 21. Memorial must be lodged if land included in transition zone 22 22. Notice of memorial to be given 23 23. Amendment of transition zone on request of responsible authority or owner 23 Division 4 -- Effect of WA coastal plan 24. Responsible authority must comply with WA coastal plan 24 25. Inconsistency with schemes and local laws 24 26. WA coastal plan has legislative effect 24 Division 5 -- Review and amendment 27. General review 25 28. Change criteria review 25 29. Review report 26 30. Amendment following review 27 31. Replacement of WA coastal plan 27 Part 3 -- Adaptation and management plans 32. Terms used 28 33. Draft local coastal adaptation plans and draft local coastal management plans 28 34. Principles, guidelines and measures for preparation 29 35. Matters to be provided for in draft local coastal adaptation plan 30 36. Matters to be provided for in draft local coastal management plan 30 37. Draft local coastal plan may adopt codes or other documents 31 38. Consultation with other controlling bodies 31 39. Draft local coastal plan must be referred to EPA 32 40. Draft local coastal plan must be submitted to Minister for approval 33 41. Minister's functions as to draft local coastal plan 35 42. Gazettal and operation of local coastal plan 36 page ii Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Contents 43. Parliament may disallow local coastal plan 36 44. Review and revision of local coastal plans 37 45. Amendment of local coastal plan 37 46. Repeal of local coastal plan 38 47. Inconsistency with other instruments 38 48. Functions to be carried out in accordance with local coastal plans 38 49. Offences and penalties 38 Part 4 -- Development control in transition zone Division 1 -- Development in transition zone 50. Development principles in transition zone 40 51. What development can be carried out in transition zone 40 52. Accommodating sea level rises 41 53. Certain short-term development must not be approved 41 54. Certain exempt development must not be approved 42 55. Responsible authority must advise of effect of Act 42 56. Regulations about development in transition zone 42 Division 2 -- Transactions relating to short-term development 57. Maximum term for lease or licence 44 58. Acknowledgment in lease or licence 44 Division 3 -- Land surrender 59. Application 45 60. Minister may approve inclusion of land surrender condition 45 61. Notice of condition about land surrender 45 62. Criteria for decision 46 63. Notice of decision about land surrender 46 64. When land surrender condition may not be included 46 65. Surrendered land to be dedicated for coastal management purposes 46 Part 5 -- Coastal protection notices 66. Coastal protection notice 48 page iii Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Contents 67. Amendment of coastal protection notice 49 68. Review of coastal protection notice or amendment to, or revocation of, coastal protection notice 49 69. Registration of coastal protection notice on land title 50 70. Duties of person ceasing to be owner etc. of land subject to registered notice 50 71. WAPC to keep and publish record of orders 51 72. Action by WAPC 51 Part 6 -- Miscellaneous 73. Role of EPA 52 74. Protection from liability 52 75. No compensation for injurious affection 54 76. Regulations 54 77. Review of Act 54 Part 7 -- Consequential amendments to Environmental Protection Act 1986 78. Act amended 55 79. Section 3 amended 55 80. Section 48A amended 58 81. Section 48C amended 58 Part 8 -- Consequential amendments to Planning and Development Act 2005 82. Act amended 60 83. Schedule 2 amended 60 Defined Terms page iv Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (Introduced by the Hon. Lynn MacLaren MLC) Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 A Bill for An Act about planning and development in the coastal zone, the management of the coastal zone, and for related purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and 4 Protection) Act 2012. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows: 7 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 8 receives the Royal Assent; 9 (b) section 19 -- on the day on which the WA coastal plan 10 first comes into operation under section 16(4); 11 (c) the rest of the Act -- on the day after the day on which 12 this Act receives the Royal Assent. 13 3. Objects of Act 14 (1) The main object of this Act is to provide for the regulation of -- 15 (a) planning and development in the coastal zone; and 16 (b) the management of the coastal zone, 17 taking into account the current and projected impact of climate 18 change. 19 (2) The other objects of this Act are, so far as is consistent with its 20 main object, as follows -- 21 (a) to make decisions and take actions that will promote 22 sustainability in the coastal zone; 23 (b) to ensure that planning decisions take account of -- 24 (i) the effect of the changing coastal environment on 25 built infrastructure; and 26 (ii) the impact of built infrastructure on the coastal 27 environment; page 2 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Preliminary Part 1 s. 4 1 (c) to ensure that planning decisions take account of the 2 following -- 3 (i) the vulnerable parts of the coastal zone and its 4 associated ecosystems, ecological processes and 5 biological diversity; 6 (ii) the integrity of coastal land systems; 7 (iii) beach amenity and public access to beaches; 8 (iv) recreation, tourism and commercial activities 9 which are consistent with sustainability; 10 (v) coastal values and a sense of place; 11 (d) to ensure that the State's planning systems and strategies 12 are based on up-to-date climate science and projections; 13 (e) to apply the precautionary principle in planning 14 decisions that affect the coastal zone; 15 (f) to ensure the highest standards of environmentally 16 sensitive design are applied in coastal engineering and 17 infrastructure works; 18 (g) to involve Aboriginal traditional owners and the broader 19 community in decision-making at all stages of the 20 planning and development process; 21 (h) to protect and preserve historical and cultural sites on 22 the coast that are of Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal 23 significance. 24 (3) Any action, decision or exercise of discretion under this Act 25 must be consistent with the objects of this Act and taken or 26 made as expeditiously as is practicable. 27 4. Terms used 28 (1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears -- 29 approval, in relation to development, means approval of 30 development under a scheme or interim development order or in 31 a planning control area; page 3 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 1 Preliminary s. 4 1 coastal compartment means a component of the geological 2 framework of the coast that is -- 3 (a) bounded alongshore by large geologic structures, 4 changes in geology or geomorphic features exerting 5 structural control on the platform of the coast, and 6 containing a particular land system; and 7 (b) identified in the WA coastal plan as a coastal 8 compartment; 9 coastal hazard means a coastal process that will, or is likely to, 10 significantly affect the environment or safety of people (for 11 example, erosion, accretion and inundation); 12 Coastal Planning and Coordination Council means the body 13 established under the PAD Act Schedule 2 clause 7; 14 coastal processes means the natural processes of the coast 15 including the following -- 16 (a) sediment transport including erosion and accretion; 17 (b) inundation; 18 (c) fluctuations in the location and form of the foreshore; 19 (d) dune systems; 20 (e) tides; 21 (f) change in mean sea level; 22 (g) ecological processes (for example, migration of plant 23 and animal species); 24 (h) applicable geomorphological processes; 25 (i) the natural water cycle (for example, the role of coastal 26 wetlands in nutrient filtration and flood mitigation); 27 coastal protection notice has the meaning given by 28 section 66(2); 29 coastal zone means the area identified in the coastal plan as the 30 coastal zone; 31 controlling body has the meaning given in section 32; page 4 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Preliminary Part 1 s. 4 1 development means -- 2 (a) development for which approval under a scheme is 3 required; and 4 (b) the subdivision of a lot or the amalgamation of a lot with 5 any other lot; 6 EP Act means the Environmental Protection Act 1986; 7 EPA means the Environmental Protection Authority continued 8 in existence under the EP Act; 9 exempt development has the meaning given in section 51(5); 10 geomorphic means of or pertaining to the forms of the surface 11 of the earth; 12 geomorphological processes means the natural mechanisms of 13 weathering, erosion and deposition that result in the 14 modification of the surficial materials and landforms at the 15 earth's surface; 16 land surrender condition has the meaning given in 17 section 60(1); 18 land system means an area of characteristic landform patterns 19 suitable for mapping at regional scales of 1:50 000 to 20 1:1 000 000; 21 landform means a natural feature of the earth's surface; 22 landform pattern means several recurring landforms; 23 local coastal adaptation plan means a local coastal adaptation 24 plan, as amended from time to time, in operation under 25 section 43; 26 local coastal management plan means a local coastal 27 management plan, as amended from time to time, in operation 28 under section 43; 29 maritime infrastructure means -- 30 (a) a jetty; or 31 (b) a breakwater, groyne or seawall; or 32 (c) a dredged channel; or page 5 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 1 Preliminary s. 4 1 (d) a boat pen or vessel mooring, 2 that is necessary in relation to port activities or the 3 administration of a port; 4 owner has the meaning given in section 5; 5 PAD Act means the Planning and Development Act 2005; 6 precautionary principle means the principle that lack of full 7 scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for 8 postponing a measure to prevent degradation of the environment 9 where there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental 10 damage; 11 prescribed means prescribed by regulation; 12 public authority means any of the following -- 13 (a) a Minister of the State; 14 (b) a department of the Public Service, a State 15 instrumentality or a State public utility; 16 (c) any other person or body, whether corporate or not, who 17 or which, under the authority of a written law, 18 administers or carries on for the benefit of the State a 19 social service or public utility; 20 (d) a local government; 21 register, in relation to a memorial, means to register under the 22 Registration of Deeds Act 1856 or the Transfer of Land 23 Act 1893, as the case requires; 24 Registrar means the Registrar of Titles under the Transfer of 25 Land Act 1893 or the Registrar of Deeds and Transfers under 26 the Registration of Deeds Act 1856, as the case requires; 27 responsible authority means -- 28 (a) in relation to a local planning scheme or local interim 29 development order, or the approval of development 30 under the scheme or order, the local government 31 responsible for the enforcement of the observance of the 32 scheme or order, or the execution of any works which page 6 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Preliminary Part 1 s. 4 1 under the scheme or order, or this Act, are to be 2 executed by a local government; 3 (b) in relation to a region planning scheme, regional interim 4 development order or planning control area, or the 5 approval of development under the scheme or order or 6 in the control area, the WAPC or a local government 7 exercising the powers of the WAPC; 8 (c) in relation to an improvement scheme or the approval of 9 development under the scheme, the WAPC; 10 (d) in relation to a scheme prepared under the Metropolitan 11 Redevelopment Authority Act 2011 or the approval of 12 development under the scheme, the Metropolitan 13 Redevelopment Authority established under section 4 of 14 that Act; 15 (e) in relation to development to which the Swan and 16 Canning Rivers Management Act 2006 Part 5 applies, 17 the Swan River Trust established under section 16 of 18 that Act; 19 (f) in relation to an approval under the PAD Act 20 section 135 or 136, the WAPC; 21 scheme has the meaning given in the EP Act section 3(1); 22 sediment cell means a section of coast and its associated 23 nearshore area within which the movement of sediment is 24 apparent through identification of areas which function as 25 sediment sources, transport pathways and sediment sinks; 26 short-term development has the meaning given in section 51(4); 27 sustainability means meeting the needs of current and future 28 generations through an integration of environmental protection, 29 social advancement and economic prosperity; 30 transition zone means the transition zone identified in the 31 WA coastal plan; 32 vulnerability assessment means an assessment of the 33 vulnerability of land systems to climate and other environmental page 7 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 1 Preliminary s. 5 1 change prepared or adopted under section 18 and included in the 2 WA coastal plan; 3 WA coastal plan means the WA coastal plan, as amended from 4 time to time, in operation under section 16; 5 WAPC means the Western Australian Planning Commission 6 established under the PAD Act section 7. 7 (2) In this Act, each of the following terms have the same meaning 8 as in the PAD Act -- 9 artificial waterway 10 improvement scheme 11 interim development order 12 local interim development order 13 local planning scheme 14 lot 15 planning control area 16 region planning scheme 17 regional interim development order 18 State planning policy 19 5. Term used: owner 20 (1) In this Act -- 21 owner means -- 22 (a) in relation to freehold land -- 23 (i) a holder of the freehold; and 24 (ii) a mortgagee in possession; 25 (b) in relation to Crown land -- 26 (i) the care, control and management of which has 27 been placed in a management body, that 28 management body; and 29 (ii) which is reserved, set apart or vested for, or 30 dedicated to, the purposes of another written law, page 8 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Preliminary Part 1 s. 6 1 the person who is responsible for the 2 administration of that Crown land while it is so 3 reserved, set apart, vested or dedicated; and 4 (iii) other than land referred to in paragraph (b)(i) 5 or (ii), the Minister for Lands, as referred to in 6 the Land Administration Act 1997 section 7(1). 7 (2) In this section each of the following terms have the same 8 meaning as in the Land Administration Act 1997 -- 9 Crown land 10 management body 11 6. Crown bound 12 This Act binds the State and, so far as the legislative power of 13 the State permits, the Crown in all its other capacities. 14 7. Inconsistency with other Acts 15 If a provision of this Act is in conflict or inconsistent with a 16 provision of another Act, the provision of this Act prevails to 17 the extent to which it is in conflict or inconsistent. page 9 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 1 Making of WA coastal plan s. 8 1 Part 2 -- WA coastal plan 2 Division 1 -- Making of WA coastal plan 3 8. Draft WA coastal plan 4 (1) The WAPC must, not later than 3 years after this section comes 5 into operation, prepare a draft WA coastal plan. 6 (2) The draft WA coastal plan must -- 7 (a) identify the coastal zone; and 8 (b) identify the natural management framework of the coast 9 including -- 10 (i) the coastal compartments; and 11 (ii) the sediment cells, 12 comprising the coastal zone; and 13 (c) include a vulnerability assessment of the coastal zone 14 prepared in accordance with section 18; and 15 (d) identify the transition zone in accordance with 16 Division 3; and 17 (e) include adaptation principles, guidelines and measures 18 for the coastal zone which give direction to the 19 following -- 20 (i) the hierarchy of planning measures for coastal 21 hazard risk management, giving preference to the 22 sequence of avoidance, planned or managed 23 retreat, accommodation and protection; 24 (ii) the protection and expansion of coastal foreshore 25 reserves; 26 (iii) disaster and emergency management; 27 (iv) the protection of coastal processes from marina 28 or artificial waterway developments other than 29 maritime infrastructure; page 10 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Making of WA coastal plan Division 1 s. 8 1 (v) the protection of areas of ecological significance 2 and the creation of ecological corridors for 3 biodiversity preservation; 4 (vi) the protection and preservation of areas of 5 Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal historical or 6 cultural significance; 7 (vii) the regular monitoring, reporting and review of 8 adaptation strategies and measures; 9 and 10 (f) include management principles, guidelines and measures 11 for the coastal zone which give direction to the 12 following -- 13 (i) management and use of land within the coastal 14 zone; 15 (ii) allowing natural current and likely future coastal 16 processes to occur without interruption; 17 (iii) the design, location and management of 18 buildings, infrastructure and other structures in 19 the transition zone; 20 (iv) avoiding or minimising the impact on the current 21 or likely future coastal processes by giving 22 preference to the sequence of avoidance, planned 23 or managed retreat, accommodation and 24 protection; 25 (v) the protection and maintenance of dunes and 26 dune vegetation; 27 (vi) the protection and conservation of areas with 28 high natural value and ecological significance; 29 (vii) maintaining the living culture of Aboriginal 30 traditional owners and their connection with 31 cultural resources within the coastal zone; 32 (viii) maintaining public access to and use of the 33 coastal zone for current and future generations; page 11 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 1 Making of WA coastal plan s. 8 1 (ix) buildings, infrastructure and other structures 2 being established on public land within the 3 coastal zone only where they are essential, 4 provide a public service and cannot be feasibly 5 located elsewhere; 6 (x) the restriction of driving on beaches except for 7 essential access or in an emergency or where low 8 impact controlled access exists; 9 (xi) keeping the community, including Aboriginal 10 traditional owners, informed and provided with 11 opportunities to participate in decision making 12 related to the management of the coastal zone; 13 (xii) building resilience and adaptive management 14 into the planning and management of the coastal 15 zone; 16 (xiii) the integration and coordination of policies and 17 activities of the various levels of government and 18 public authorities relating to the coastal zone. 19 (3) In preparing the draft WA coastal plan the WAPC -- 20 (a) must -- 21 (i) work with relevant public authorities and federal 22 agencies on relevant aspects of the development 23 of the plan and incorporate their advice to the 24 maximum extent practicable; and 25 (ii) work with, and provide feedback to, relevant 26 Aboriginal traditional owners, natural resource 27 management groups, environmental advocacy 28 groups and local coastcare community groups on 29 relevant aspects of the development of the plan; 30 and 31 (iii) seek comments from, and provide feedback to, 32 any other person that the WAPC considers would 33 be likely to be affected by the plan if it were 34 approved; page 12 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Making of WA coastal plan Division 1 s. 9 1 and 2 (b) may seek comments from, and provide feedback to, any 3 other public authority or person that the WAPC 4 considers appropriate. 5 (4) In preparing the draft WA coastal plan the WAPC must have 6 regard to the views of any public authority or person consulted 7 under subsection (3)(a). 8 9. Draft WA coastal plan must be referred to EPA 9 (1) The WAPC must refer any draft WA coastal plan to the EPA, 10 together with any written information about it as is sufficient to 11 enable the EPA to comply with the EP Act section 48A in 12 relation to it. 13 (2) If, under the EP Act section 48A(1)(b)(i), the EPA informs the 14 WAPC that the draft should be assessed by the EPA under the 15 EP Act Part IV Division 3, the WAPC must -- 16 (a) within 7 days after the last day on which submissions 17 may be made to the WAPC under section 12, send the 18 EPA a copy of each submission made under section 12 19 that relates wholly or in part to any environmental issue 20 raised by the draft; and 21 (b) within 42 days after that last day, or such longer period 22 as the Minister allows, advise the EPA of the WAPC's 23 views on and response to each environmental issue to 24 which any such submission relates. 25 (3) If, under the EP Act section 48C(1)(a), the EPA requires the 26 WAPC to undertake an environmental review of the draft, the 27 WAPC must -- 28 (a) undertake the review in accordance with the instructions 29 issued under that section; and 30 (b) report to the EPA on the review. page 13 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 1 Making of WA coastal plan s. 10 1 (4) If the EPA advises the WAPC that the environmental review 2 has not been undertaken in accordance with the instructions 3 issued under the EP Act section 48C(1)(a), the WAPC may -- 4 (a) ask the Minister to consult with the Environment 5 Minister and, if possible, agree with him or her on 6 whether or not the review has been undertaken in 7 accordance with those instructions; or 8 (b) comply with subsection (3). 9 (5) If pursuant to a request made under subsection (4)(a) the 10 Minister and the Environment Minister consult then -- 11 (a) if they agree whether or not the review has been 12 undertaken in accordance with the instructions issued 13 under the EP Act section 48C(1)(a), their decision is 14 final and cannot be appealed; 15 (b) if they cannot agree, the EP Act section 48J applies. 16 (6) If the Minister and the Environment Minister agree that the 17 review has not been undertaken in accordance with the 18 instructions issued under the EP Act section 48C(1)(a), the 19 WAPC must undertake a further review in accordance with 20 those instructions. 21 10. Draft WA coastal plan to be submitted to Minister for 22 publication approval 23 (1) After the WAPC prepares a draft WA coastal plan, the WAPC 24 must submit the draft to the Minister. 25 (2) If under section 9(3) the WAPC is required to undertake an 26 environmental review, the draft redevelopment scheme must not 27 be submitted to the Minister before the WAPC has sent the 28 review to the EPA and -- 29 (a) either -- 30 (i) the EPA has advised the WAPC; or 31 (ii) under section 9(5)(a) it is agreed; or page 14 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Making of WA coastal plan Division 1 s. 11 1 (iii) under the EP Act section 48J it is decided, 2 that the review has been undertaken in accordance with 3 the instructions issued under the EP Act 4 section 48C(1)(a); or 5 (b) 30 days have elapsed since the day on which the review 6 was sent to the EPA and the EPA has not advised 7 whether or not the review has been undertaken in 8 accordance with those instructions, 9 whichever occurs first. 10 (3) Having considered the draft WA coastal plan the Minister -- 11 (a) may consent to the public notification of the draft; or 12 (b) may refuse to consent and may require the WAPC to 13 prepare another or an amended draft in accordance with 14 the instructions given by the Minister. 15 (4) The Minister must act under subsection (3)(a) if the Minister is 16 of the opinion that the draft WA coastal plan complies with the 17 objects and provisions of this Act. 18 (5) If the Minister does not act under subsection (3) within 60 days 19 after receiving the draft WA coastal plan, the Minister is taken 20 to have consented to the public notification of the draft. 21 11. Public notification of draft WA coastal plan 22 (1) If under section 10(3)(a) the Minister consents to the public 23 notification of the draft WA coastal plan, the WAPC must 24 publish a notice stating the following -- 25 (a) where and when a copy of the draft can be inspected; 26 (b) where and when a copy of the draft can be obtained; 27 (c) the effect of section 12; 28 (d) the period within which submissions about the draft can 29 be made, set under subsection (3). page 15 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 1 Making of WA coastal plan s. 12 1 (2) The notice must be published -- 2 (a) in the Gazette; and 3 (b) in 2 issues of a newspaper circulating throughout the 4 State; and 5 (c) in 2 issues of any local or regional newspaper the 6 WAPC considers appropriate; and 7 (d) on the public comment section of the WAPC website. 8 (3) The period within which submissions about the draft can be 9 made must be set by the WAPC, and must not be less than 10 60 days after the day on which the notice is published in the 11 Gazette. 12 (4) The draft WA coastal plan must be made available by the 13 WAPC for inspection by the public during office hours free of 14 charge. 15 (5) The draft WA coastal plan must be made available for 16 inspection by the public on a website maintained by the WAPC. 17 (6) Regulations made under this Act may prescribe a fee for 18 obtaining a copy of the draft WA coastal plan. 19 12. Public submissions on draft WA coastal plan 20 (1) Any person may, within the period set under section 11(3), 21 make a written submission to the WAPC about the draft 22 WA coastal plan. 23 (2) The WAPC must publish any submission made under 24 subsection (1) -- 25 (a) on its website; and 26 (b) by making it available to the public during office hours 27 at the WAPC's office. page 16 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Making of WA coastal plan Division 1 s. 13 1 13. Draft WA coastal plan to be submitted to Minister for final 2 approval 3 (1) After section 11 has been complied with and the period within 4 which submissions about the draft WA coastal plan can be made 5 has elapsed, the WAPC must submit the draft to the Minister. 6 (2) The draft may include amendments that take account of any 7 submission made under section 12. 8 (3) The draft must be accompanied by -- 9 (a) a summary of all the submissions made under 10 section 12; and 11 (b) a report by the WAPC on the merits of those 12 submissions. 13 14. Minister's functions in deciding final approval 14 (1) After considering a draft WA coastal plan submitted to him or 15 her under section 13, the Minister must -- 16 (a) approve the plan; or 17 (b) refuse to approve the plan; or 18 (c) approve the plan subject to amendments being made to 19 it, as directed by the Minister. 20 (2) The Minister must not act under subsection (1) -- 21 (a) until -- 22 (i) under the EP Act section 48A(1)(a), the EPA has 23 informed the WAPC that the EPA considers that 24 the draft should not be assessed by the EPA 25 under the EP Act Part IV Division 3; or 26 (ii) the 28 day period referred to in the EP Act 27 section 48A(1)(b)(i) has expired without the EPA 28 having, under that section, informed the WAPC; 29 or 30 (iii) if a statement has been delivered under the 31 EP Act section 48F(2) setting out the conditions, 32 if any, to which the draft should be subject -- the page 17 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 1 Making of WA coastal plan s. 15 1 Minister is satisfied the submitted draft meets 2 those conditions; or 3 (iv) if a decision has been made under the EP Act 4 section 48J on the conditions, if any, to which 5 the draft should be subject -- the Minister is 6 satisfied the submitted draft meets those 7 conditions, 8 whichever occurs first; or 9 (b) if, under the EP Act section 48A(2)(b), the Minister and 10 the Environment Minister have made an agreement. 11 (3) The Minister must act under subsection (1)(a) if the Minister is 12 of the opinion that the draft WA coastal plan complies with the 13 objects and provisions of this Act. 14 (4) If the Minister refuses to approve a draft WA coastal plan, the 15 Minister may give directions to the WAPC as to the preparation 16 of a further plan and as to the submission of the plan under 17 section 10 or 13 as the Minister may specify. 18 15. Gazettal of WA coastal plan 19 If under section 14 the Minister approves the WA draft coastal 20 plan the WAPC must publish in the Gazette a notice of -- 21 (a) the approval; and 22 (b) where and when a copy of the approved WA coastal 23 plan can be inspected; and 24 (c) where and when a copy of the plan can be obtained. 25 16. Parliament may disallow WA coastal plan 26 (1) A copy of the WA coastal plan approved under section 14 must 27 be laid before each House of Parliament within 6 sitting days of 28 that House next following the date on which the plan is 29 published in the Gazette. 30 (2) Either House of Parliament, by resolution of which notice has 31 been given within 12 sitting days of that House after the page 18 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Making of WA coastal plan Division 1 s. 17 1 WA coastal plan has been laid before it under subsection (1), 2 may pass a resolution disallowing the plan. 3 (3) Notice of the disallowance must be published in the Gazette 4 within 21 days of the passing of the resolution. 5 (4) If neither House of Parliament passes a resolution in accordance 6 with subsection (2) disallowing the WA coastal plan laid before 7 it, the plan comes into operation immediately following the last 8 day upon which a resolution disallowing it could have been 9 passed or on such later day as is specified or provided for in the 10 plan. 11 (5) If before the expiration of 12 sitting days of a House of 12 Parliament after the WA coastal plan has been laid before that 13 House -- 14 (a) that House, being the Legislative Assembly, is dissolved 15 or expires, or the Parliament is prorogued; and 16 (b) a resolution for the disallowance of the plan has not 17 been passed by that House, 18 the WA coastal plan is, for the purposes of this section, taken to 19 have been laid before that House on the first sitting day of that 20 House after the dissolution, expiry or prorogation, as the case 21 may be. 22 17. Availability of WA coastal plan 23 (1) The WA coastal plan must be made available by the WAPC for 24 inspection by the public during office hours free of charge. 25 (2) Regulations made under this Act may prescribe a fee for 26 obtaining a copy of the WA coastal plan. 27 (3) The WA coastal plan must be made available for inspection by 28 the public on a website maintained by the WAPC. page 19 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 2 Vulnerability assessment s. 18 1 Division 2 -- Vulnerability assessment 2 18. Vulnerability assessment of Western Australian coast 3 (1) The WAPC must -- 4 (a) cause a vulnerability assessment of any part of the 5 Western Australian coast that has been developed before 6 the coming into operation of this section or that, in the 7 opinion of the WAPC, is likely to be developed within 8 5 years of the coming into operation of this section to be 9 prepared; or 10 (b) adopt an assessment of that part of the Western 11 Australian coast that, in the opinion of the WAPC, 12 conforms with the guidelines prepared under 13 subsection (5). 14 (2) The first WA coastal plan must include the vulnerability 15 assessment prepared or adopted under subsection (1). 16 (3) The WAPC must cause a vulnerability assessment of the whole 17 of the Western Australian coast to be completed and included in 18 the WA coastal plan not later than 3 years after the coming into 19 operation of this section. 20 (4) Any vulnerability assessment must be prepared having regard to 21 the vulnerability assessment guidelines prepared under 22 subsection (5). 23 (5) The WAPC must prepare vulnerability assessment guidelines 24 that address the following -- 25 (a) the identification of risk factors associated with social, 26 cultural and ecological values; 27 (b) the identification of risk factors associated with 28 development; 29 (c) the consideration of climate change impacts and 30 projections including -- 31 (i) projected mean sea level rise; and page 20 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Vulnerability assessment Division 2 s. 18 1 (ii) projected increases in storm high tides resulting 2 from increased mean sea level; and 3 (iii) projected changes in severity and frequency of 4 storm events and cyclones; and 5 (iv) projected increases in estuarine flooding; 6 (d) the consideration of likely future coastal hazards based 7 on the matters set out in paragraph (c) and on -- 8 (i) the geomorphology of the Western Australian 9 coast, identifying coastal land systems and the 10 current and likely future coastal processes that 11 affect them; and 12 (ii) existing coastal infrastructure and facilities (both 13 how current or likely future coastal processes 14 may impact on them, and how they may impact 15 on current or likely future coastal processes); and 16 (iii) coastal infrastructure and facilities that have been 17 approved but are not yet constructed (both how 18 current and likely future coastal processes may 19 impact them, and how they may impact on 20 current or likely future coastal processes); 21 (e) the determination of appropriate mechanisms for 22 managing coastal hazards, for example determining 23 setbacks or actively managing sediment transport, based 24 on the matters set out in paragraphs (c) and (d); 25 (f) the identification of coastal buffers, including whether a 26 buffer zone needs to be established on the landward side 27 of the transition zone for ecological processes, 28 connectivity of habitat and public access to beach 29 amenity, or any of those matters; 30 (g) the monitoring and review of the vulnerability 31 assessment; 32 (h) any other matter the WAPC considers relevant. 33 (6) The precautionary principle must be applied in preparing the 34 vulnerability assessment. page 21 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 3 Transition zone s. 19 1 (7) In preparing the vulnerability assessment the WAPC is to have 2 regard to the latest scientific projections available as at the date 3 of preparation as advised by the EPA under section 73(b). 4 (8) The vulnerability assessment may be amended from time to 5 time in accordance with Division 5 and this section applies to 6 the amendment as if it were a vulnerability assessment. 7 19. Restrictions on development in areas without vulnerability 8 assessment 9 A person must not commence or carry out development on land 10 within the coastal zone unless -- 11 (a) a vulnerability assessment of the land has been included 12 in the WA coastal plan; or 13 (b) the development is short-term development or exempt 14 development and is authorised under this Act and any 15 relevant scheme. 16 Division 3 -- Transition zone 17 20. Identification of transition zone 18 (1) The transition zone is the area of the coastal zone which, in the 19 opinion of the WAPC, is likely to be vulnerable to adverse 20 impacts of a coastal hazard, either current or future under the 21 latest scientific projections available as advised by the EPA 22 under section 73(b). 23 (2) The WAPC must have regard to the vulnerability assessment 24 when identifying any part of the coastal zone as the transition 25 zone in the WA coastal plan. 26 21. Memorial must be lodged if land included in transition zone 27 (1) The WAPC must cause a memorial to be lodged with the 28 Registrar in respect of land that is included in the transition zone 29 as soon as practicable after the land is included. page 22 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Transition zone Division 3 s. 22 1 (2) On the lodging of a memorial under subsection (1), the 2 Registrar must register the memorial against the relevant land. 3 (3) If the land is removed from the transition zone, the WAPC must 4 give notice to the Registrar that the memorial is to be withdrawn 5 and the Registrar must register the withdrawal of the memorial 6 in the appropriate manner. 7 22. Notice of memorial to be given 8 As soon as practicable after a memorial is registered or 9 withdrawn under section 21, written notice that the memorial is 10 registered or withdrawn, with a copy of the memorial or notice 11 to withdraw the memorial attached, as is relevant, must be given 12 by the WAPC to -- 13 (a) each owner of the relevant land; and 14 (b) each local government which has located within its 15 district all, or part, of the relevant land; and 16 (c) each responsible authority a scheme of which applies to 17 all, or part, of the relevant land. 18 23. Amendment of transition zone on request of responsible 19 authority or owner 20 (1) In this section -- 21 change criteria has the meaning given in section 28; 22 responsible authority means a responsible authority a scheme 23 of which applies to land in the transition zone. 24 (2) A responsible authority for, or an owner of land in, the 25 transition zone may request the WAPC to prepare an 26 amendment to the transition zone if the responsible authority or 27 owner is of the opinion that -- 28 (a) one or more of the change criteria has occurred in 29 relation to land in the transition zone; or 30 (b) more recent, detailed or up-to-date geomorphological 31 work on the land has become available that leads to page 23 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 4 Effect of WA coastal plan s. 24 1 different conclusions regarding vulnerability from those 2 projected in the vulnerability assessment included in the 3 WA coastal plan in relation to the transition zone. 4 (3) The WAPC -- 5 (a) may refuse the request and give notice in writing of its 6 decision and the reasons for the decision to the 7 responsible authority or owner who requested the 8 amendment; or 9 (b) may act under section 30 as if the amendment were 10 recommended in the report of a review under section 27. 11 (4) Nothing in this section prevents the transition zone from being 12 amended under Division 5. 13 Division 4 -- Effect of WA coastal plan 14 24. Responsible authority must comply with WA coastal plan 15 A responsible authority must comply with the WA coastal plan 16 when making a decision about the approval of development in 17 the coastal zone. 18 25. Inconsistency with schemes and local laws 19 If the WA coastal plan is in conflict or inconsistent with a 20 scheme or local law, the WA coastal plan prevails to the extent 21 to which it is in conflict or inconsistent. 22 26. WA coastal plan has legislative effect 23 (1) The WA coastal plan has legislative effect. 24 (2) For the purposes of the Interpretation Act 1984, the WA coastal 25 plan is subsidiary legislation made under this Act. 26 (3) The Interpretation Act 1984 section 41 does not apply to the 27 WA coastal plan. page 24 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Review and amendment Division 5 s. 27 1 Division 5 -- Review and amendment 2 27. General review 3 (1) The WAPC must carry out a review of the WA coastal plan as 4 soon as is practicable after -- 5 (a) the 5th anniversary of the plan coming into operation; 6 and 7 (b) the expiry of each 5 yearly interval after the plan was 8 last reviewed. 9 (2) The purpose of the review is to reassess the suitability of the 10 provisions of the WA coastal plan to achieve the objects of this 11 Act. 12 28. Change criteria review 13 (1) In this section -- 14 change criteria, in relation to the WA coastal plan, means any 15 of the following -- 16 (a) the actual rise in sea level has occurred sooner than, or 17 varies significantly from, the rise projected in the 18 vulnerability assessment; 19 (b) the actual frequency and severity of extreme weather 20 events are significantly different from those projected in 21 the vulnerability assessment; 22 (c) more recent coastal climate change science has become 23 available in which there are projections that are 24 significantly different to projections in the vulnerability 25 assessment; 26 (d) more recent, detailed or up-to-date geomorphological 27 work on a part of the Western Australian coast has 28 become available that leads to significantly different 29 conclusions regarding vulnerability from those projected 30 in the vulnerability assessment; 31 (e) unforeseen events or consequences of the impact of 32 coastal processes have arisen; page 25 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 2 WA coastal plan Division 5 Review and amendment s. 29 1 (f) the harm from human settlements to hydrological, 2 ecological and coastal processes, or to biodiversity in 3 the coastal zone, is greater than projected in the 4 vulnerability assessment; 5 (g) any other factor which in the opinion of the Coastal 6 Planning and Coordination Council warrants a review of 7 the WA coastal plan. 8 (2) The WAPC must carry out a review of the WA coastal plan as 9 soon as is practicable after being advised by the Coastal 10 Planning and Coordination Council that changes are necessary 11 as the result of the occurrence of one of more of the change 12 criteria. 13 (3) In carrying out the review, and in any amendment prepared as a 14 consequence of the review, the WAPC is to have regard to the 15 latest scientific projections available as at the date of the review 16 or amendment as advised by the EPA under section 73(b). 17 29. Review report 18 (1) The WAPC must -- 19 (a) prepare a report based on a review carried out under 20 section 27 or 28; and 21 (b) submit the report to the Minister. 22 (2) The Minister must cause a copy of the report to be laid before 23 each House of Parliament within 7 days after receiving a copy 24 of the report. 25 (3) If -- 26 (a) at the time the report is submitted to the Minister a 27 House of Parliament is not sitting; and 28 (b) the Minister is of the opinion the House will not sit 29 before the end of the period referred to in subsection (2), 30 the Minister must transmit a copy of the report to the Clerk of 31 that House and make the report available to the public. page 26 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 WA coastal plan Part 2 Review and amendment Division 5 s. 30 1 (4) A copy of a report transmitted to the Clerk of a House is to be 2 regarded as having been laid before that House. 3 (5) The laying of a copy of a report that is regarded as having 4 occurred under subsection (4) must be recorded in the Minutes, 5 or Votes and Proceedings, of the House on the first sitting day 6 of the House after the Clerk received the copy. 7 30. Amendment following review 8 (1) If a review report under section 29 recommends amendments to 9 the WA coastal plan, the WAPC must prepare draft 10 amendments in accordance with the recommendations. 11 (2) Sections 8 to 16, with necessary changes, apply to a draft 12 amendment or an amendment as if -- 13 (a) any references in those sections to the draft WA coastal 14 plan were references to the draft amendment; and 15 (b) in section 10(3)(b) the words "and may require" were 16 substituted for "and require"; and 17 (c) the reference in section 14(4) to a further plan were a 18 reference to a further draft amendment; and 19 (d) any reference in section 15 or 16 to the WA coastal plan 20 were a reference to an approved amendment. 21 31. Replacement of WA coastal plan 22 (1) If a review report under section 29 recommends the making of a 23 new WA coastal plan, the WAPC must prepare a new draft 24 WA coastal plan in accordance with the recommendation. 25 (2) Sections 8 to 16 apply to the making of a new WA coastal plan. 26 (3) The new plan replaces the existing plan on and from the day the 27 new plan comes into operation under section 16. page 27 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 3 Adaptation and management plans s. 32 1 Part 3 -- Adaptation and management plans 2 32. Terms used 3 In this Part -- 4 controlling body means -- 5 (a) in relation to land that is in a coastal compartment 6 within the district of a local government, the local 7 government; 8 (b) in relation to any other land that is in a coastal 9 compartment, the person that has the care, control and 10 management of the land or, if there is no such person, 11 the WAPC; 12 local coastal plan means -- 13 (a) a local coastal adaptation plan; or 14 (b) a local coastal management plan. 15 33. Draft local coastal adaptation plans and draft local coastal 16 management plans 17 (1) A local government of a district in which is land in a coastal 18 compartment must prepare in accordance with this Part -- 19 (a) a draft local coastal adaptation plan for the land; and 20 (b) a draft local coastal management plan for the land. 21 (2) If the land in a coastal compartment is in 2 or more local 22 government districts, the local governments for those districts 23 must jointly prepare in accordance with this Part -- 24 (a) a draft local coastal adaptation plan for the land; and 25 (b) a draft local coastal management plan for the land. 26 (3) If, under subsection (2), 2 or more local governments are 27 required to prepare a draft local coastal adaptation plan or draft 28 local coastal management plan jointly, a reference in this Part to 29 a local government includes a reference to those local 30 governments. page 28 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Adaptation and management plans Part 3 s. 34 1 (4) If land in a coastal compartment is not in a local government 2 district, the controlling body in relation to the land must prepare 3 in accordance with this Part -- 4 (a) a draft local coastal adaptation plan for the land; and 5 (b) a draft local coastal management plan for the land. 6 (5) In preparing a draft local coastal plan the controlling body -- 7 (a) must -- 8 (i) work with relevant public authorities and federal 9 agencies on relevant aspects of the development 10 of the plan and incorporate their advice to the 11 maximum extent practicable; and 12 (ii) work with, and provide feedback to, relevant 13 Aboriginal traditional owners, natural resource 14 management groups, environmental advocacy 15 groups and local coastcare community groups on 16 relevant aspects of the development of the plan; 17 and 18 (iii) seek comments from, and provide feedback to, 19 any other person that the controlling body 20 considers would be likely to be affected by the 21 plan if it were approved; 22 and 23 (b) may consult any other public authority or person that the 24 controlling body considers appropriate. 25 (6) In preparing a draft local coastal plan the controlling body must 26 have regard to the views of any public authority or person 27 consulted under subsection (5)(a). 28 34. Principles, guidelines and measures for preparation 29 A controlling body must prepare a draft local coastal plan in 30 accordance with the principles, guidelines and measures 31 referred to in section 8(2)(e) and (f) and included in the 32 WA coastal plan. page 29 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 3 Adaptation and management plans s. 35 1 35. Matters to be provided for in draft local coastal adaptation 2 plan 3 (1) A draft local coastal adaptation plan must provide for the 4 following matters in relation to the coastal compartment to 5 which it applies -- 6 (a) land use planning that will supplement development 7 controls; 8 (b) dune management and revegetation to contain or reverse 9 erosion; 10 (c) planned retreat and buffers; 11 (d) a statement of performance indicators, monitoring and 12 reporting arrangements. 13 (2) Regulations may prescribe other matters that are to be provided 14 for in a draft local coastal adaptation plan. 15 (3) The projection used for a draft local coastal adaptation plan 16 must be 30 years from the date of preparation. 17 36. Matters to be provided for in draft local coastal 18 management plan 19 (1) A draft local coastal management plan must provide for the 20 following matters in relation to the coastal compartment to 21 which it applies -- 22 (a) a description of the physical natural processes of the 23 area and a statement of integrated management practices 24 and actions required to maintain these processes; 25 (b) an integrated management strategy detailing how the 26 hierarchy of planning measures set out in 27 section 8(2)(e)(i) must be applied if coastal erosion is 28 posing a threat to structures and infrastructure that 29 cannot be relocated or removed or where a public beach 30 may be lost; page 30 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Adaptation and management plans Part 3 s. 37 1 (c) a description of the natural coastal resources of the area 2 and a statement of integrated management practices and 3 actions for their conservation or rehabilitation; 4 (d) a description of the recreation, public access and scenic 5 values of the area and a statement of the integrated 6 management practices and actions required to manage 7 those values; 8 (e) a management plan in relation to driving on beaches; 9 (f) a statement of performance indicators, monitoring and 10 reporting arrangements; 11 (g) a programme of annual works and maintenance. 12 (2) Regulations may prescribe other matters that are to be provided 13 for in a draft local coastal management plan. 14 (3) The projection used for a draft local coastal management plan 15 must be 30 years from the date of preparation. 16 37. Draft local coastal plan may adopt codes or other documents 17 (1) A draft local coastal plan may adopt the text of -- 18 (a) an approved local coastal plan of any other controlling 19 body; or 20 (b) any code, rules, specifications or standard issued by 21 Standards Australia or by another body specified in the 22 plan. 23 (2) The text may be adopted -- 24 (a) wholly or in part or as modified by the draft plan; and 25 (b) as it exists at a particular date or as amended from time 26 to time. 27 38. Consultation with other controlling bodies 28 (1) Before submitting a draft local coastal plan in respect of a 29 coastal compartment to the Minister under section 40, the 30 controlling body which prepared the draft (the responsible page 31 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 3 Adaptation and management plans s. 39 1 body) must submit it to the controlling body of any land 2 adjoining the coastal compartment. 3 (2) At any time before a draft local coastal plan is submitted to the 4 Minister under section 40 -- 5 (a) a controlling body to which the draft was submitted 6 under subsection (1) may give the responsible body 7 written submissions about the draft; and 8 (b) the responsible body may amend the draft to take 9 account of those submissions. 10 39. Draft local coastal plan must be referred to EPA 11 (1) After a controlling body prepares a draft local coastal plan, it 12 must refer the draft to the EPA, together with any written 13 information about it as is sufficient to enable the EPA to comply 14 with the EP Act section 48A in relation to it. 15 (2) If, under the EP Act section 48A(1)(b)(i), the EPA informs the 16 controlling body that the draft should be assessed by the EPA 17 under the EP Act Part IV Division 3, the controlling body 18 must -- 19 (a) within 7 days after the last day on which submissions 20 may be made to the controlling body under 21 section 40(3), send the EPA a copy of each submission 22 made under section 38 that relates wholly or in part to 23 any environmental issue raised by the draft; and 24 (b) within 42 days after that last day, or such longer period 25 as the Minister allows, advise the EPA of the controlling 26 body's views on and response to each environmental 27 issue to which any such submission relates. 28 (3) If, under the EP Act section 48C(1)(a), the EPA requires the 29 controlling body to undertake an environmental review of the 30 draft, the controlling body must -- 31 (a) undertake the review in accordance with the instructions 32 issued under that section; and page 32 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Adaptation and management plans Part 3 s. 40 1 (b) report to the EPA on the review. 2 (4) If the EPA advises the controlling body that the environmental 3 review has not been undertaken in accordance with the 4 instructions issued under the EP Act section 48C(1)(a), the 5 controlling body may -- 6 (a) ask the Minister to consult with the Environment 7 Minister and, if possible, agree with him or her on 8 whether or not the review has been undertaken in 9 accordance with those instructions; or 10 (b) comply with subsection (3). 11 (5) If pursuant to a request made under subsection (4)(a) the 12 Minister and the Environment Minister consult then -- 13 (a) if they agree whether or not the review has been 14 undertaken in accordance with the instructions issued 15 under the EP Act section 48C(1)(a), their decision is 16 final and cannot be appealed; 17 (b) if they cannot agree, the EP Act section 48J applies. 18 (6) If the Minister and the Environment Minister agree that the 19 review has not been undertaken in accordance with the 20 instructions issued under the EP Act section 48C(1)(a), the 21 WAPC must undertake a further review in accordance with 22 those instructions. 23 40. Draft local coastal plan must be submitted to Minister for 24 approval 25 (1) After a controlling body prepares a draft local coastal plan, the 26 controlling body must submit to the Minister -- 27 (a) the draft; and 28 (b) any submissions made under section 38(2). 29 (2) The draft must be accompanied by a report of the controlling 30 body on the merits of submissions made under section 38(2). page 33 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 3 Adaptation and management plans s. 40 1 (3) The draft must not be submitted to the Minister before -- 2 (a) each controlling body to which the draft was submitted 3 under section 38(1) has made final submissions under 4 section 38(2) in respect of the draft; or 5 (b) 42 days have elapsed since the controlling body which 6 prepared the draft complied with section 38(1) in respect 7 of the draft, 8 whichever occurs first. 9 (4) If under section 39(3) the controlling body is required to 10 undertake an environmental review, the draft must not be 11 submitted to the Minister before the controlling body has sent 12 the review to the EPA and -- 13 (a) either -- 14 (i) the EPA has advised the controlling body; or 15 (ii) under section 39(5)(a) it is agreed; or 16 (iii) under the EP Act section 48J it is decided, 17 that the review has been undertaken in accordance with 18 the instructions issued under the EP Act 19 section 48C(1)(a); or 20 (b) 30 days have elapsed since the day on which the review 21 was sent to the EPA and the EPA has not advised 22 whether or not the review has been undertaken in 23 accordance with those instructions, 24 whichever occurs first. 25 (5) Each controlling body that, at the time this section comes into 26 operation, is required to prepare a draft local coastal adaptation 27 plan and a draft local coastal management plan must submit the 28 draft plans to the Minister within 5 years of the coming into 29 operation of this Act. page 34 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Adaptation and management plans Part 3 s. 41 1 41. Minister's functions as to draft local coastal plan 2 (1) After considering a draft local coastal plan submitted under 3 section 40, the Minister must -- 4 (a) approve the draft local coastal plan; or 5 (b) refuse to approve the draft local coastal plan; or 6 (c) approve the plan subject to amendments being made to 7 it, as directed by the Minister. 8 (2) The Minister must not act under subsection (1) -- 9 (a) until -- 10 (i) under the EP Act section 48A(1)(a), the EPA has 11 informed the controlling body that the EPA 12 considers that the draft should not be assessed by 13 the EPA under the EP Act Part IV Division 3; or 14 (ii) the 28 day period referred to in the EP Act 15 section 48A(1)(b)(i) has expired without the EPA 16 having, under that section, informed the 17 controlling body; or 18 (iii) if a statement has been delivered under the 19 EP Act section 48F(2) setting out the conditions, 20 if any, to which the draft should be subject -- the 21 Minister is satisfied the submitted draft meets 22 those conditions; or 23 (iv) if a decision has been made under the EP Act 24 section 48J on the conditions, if any, to which 25 the draft should be subject -- the Minister is 26 satisfied the submitted draft meets those 27 conditions, 28 whichever occurs first; or 29 (b) if, under the EP Act section 48A(2)(b), the Minister and 30 the Environment Minister have made an agreement. page 35 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 3 Adaptation and management plans s. 42 1 (3) The Minister must act under subsection (1)(a) if the Minister is 2 of the opinion that the draft complies with the objects and 3 provisions of this Act and the WA coastal plan. 4 42. Gazettal and operation of local coastal plan 5 (1) If under section 41 the Minister approves a draft local coastal 6 plan prepared by a controlling body, the controlling body must 7 publish in the Gazette a notice of -- 8 (a) the approval; and 9 (b) where and when a copy of the plan can be inspected; 10 and 11 (c) where and when a copy of the plan can be obtained. 12 (2) A local coastal plan must be made available by the controlling 13 body that prepared the plan during office hours free of charge. 14 (3) Regulations made under this Act may prescribe a fee for 15 obtaining a copy of the local coastal plan. 16 43. Parliament may disallow local coastal plan 17 (1) A copy of a local coastal plan approved under section 41 must 18 be laid before each House of Parliament within 6 sitting days of 19 that House next following the date on which the plan is 20 published in the Gazette. 21 (2) Either House of Parliament, by resolution of which notice has 22 been given within 12 sitting days of that House after the 23 WA coastal plan has been laid before it under subsection (1), 24 may pass a resolution disallowing the plan. 25 (3) Notice of the disallowance must be published in the Gazette 26 within 21 days of the passing of the resolution. 27 (4) If neither House of Parliament passes a resolution in accordance 28 with subsection (2) disallowing the local coastal plan laid before 29 it, the plan comes into operation immediately following the last 30 day upon which a resolution disallowing it could have been page 36 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Adaptation and management plans Part 3 s. 44 1 passed or on such later day as is specified or provided for in the 2 plan. 3 (5) If before the expiration of 12 sitting days of a House of 4 Parliament after the local coastal plan has been laid before that 5 House -- 6 (a) that House, being the Legislative Assembly, is dissolved 7 or expires, or the Parliament is prorogued; and 8 (b) a resolution for the disallowance of the plan has not 9 been passed by that House, 10 the local coastal plan is, for the purposes of this section, taken to 11 have been laid before that House on the first sitting day of that 12 House after the dissolution, expiry or prorogation, as the case 13 may be. 14 44. Review and revision of local coastal plans 15 (1) A controlling body must -- 16 (a) review any local coastal plan prepared by it and 17 approved by the Minister -- 18 (i) not later than 10 years after the local coastal plan 19 comes into operation; and 20 (ii) not later than 10 years after the last review under 21 this section; 22 and 23 (b) if it considers that circumstances so require, prepare 24 amendments to that plan or a revised plan. 25 (2) The projection used for a review must be 30 years from the date 26 of the review. 27 45. Amendment of local coastal plan 28 (1) A controlling body which prepared a local coastal plan may 29 prepare a draft amendment to the plan. page 37 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 3 Adaptation and management plans s. 46 1 (2) Sections 38 to 43, with necessary changes, apply to a draft 2 amendment or amendment as if -- 3 (a) any reference in those sections to a draft plan were a 4 reference to the draft amendment; and 5 (b) any reference in section 42 or 43 to a local coastal plan 6 were a reference to an approved amendment. 7 46. Repeal of local coastal plan 8 A local coastal plan may be repealed by a subsequent local 9 coastal plan. 10 47. Inconsistency with other instruments 11 (1) A local coastal plan is inoperative to the extent that it is 12 inconsistent with -- 13 (a) this Act; or 14 (b) subject to subsection (2), any other written law; or 15 (c) the WA coastal plan. 16 (2) If a local coastal plan is inconsistent with a local law or a 17 scheme, the plan prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. 18 48. Functions to be carried out in accordance with local coastal 19 plans 20 A controlling body carrying out functions in relation to a coastal 21 compartment must comply with any local coastal plan that 22 applies to the carrying out of those functions. 23 49. Offences and penalties 24 (1) A local coastal plan may provide that contravention of a 25 provision of the plan is an offence, and may provide for the 26 offence to be punishable on conviction by a penalty not 27 exceeding $200 000. 28 (2) If the offence is of a continuing nature, the local coastal plan 29 may make the person liable to a further penalty not exceeding a page 38 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Adaptation and management plans Part 3 s. 49 1 fine of $25 000 in respect of each day or part of a day during 2 which the offence has continued. 3 (3) The local coastal plan may provide for the imposition of a 4 minimum penalty for the offence. 5 (4) The regulations may specify the method and the means by 6 which any fines imposed under a local coastal plan are to be 7 paid and collected, or recovered. page 39 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 4 Development control in transition zone Division 1 Development in transition zone s. 50 1 Part 4 -- Development control in transition zone 2 Division 1 -- Development in transition zone 3 50. Development principles in transition zone 4 (1) A responsible authority -- 5 (a) must comply with this Division when making a decision 6 about the approval of development in the transition 7 zone; and 8 (b) must not grant an approval that conflicts with the 9 provisions of this Division. 10 (2) Subsection (1) applies in relation to approval of development 11 whether subdivision approval for the land on which 12 development is proposed was given before or after the coming 13 into operation of this section. 14 51. What development can be carried out in transition zone 15 (1) A responsible authority must not grant approval for 16 development in the transition zone unless -- 17 (a) the development is -- 18 (i) short-term development other than short-term 19 development to which section 53 applies; or 20 (ii) exempt development; 21 and 22 (b) the responsible authority has complied with section 55. 23 (2) Nothing in subsection (1) affects the power of a responsible 24 authority to refuse to grant approval for development. 25 (3) A public authority must not carry out development in the 26 transition zone unless the development is -- 27 (a) short-term development other than short-term 28 development to which section 53 applies; or 29 (b) exempt development. page 40 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Development control in transition zone Part 4 Development in transition zone Division 1 s. 52 1 (4) Short-term development is development that -- 2 (a) is for public use or public enjoyment; and 3 (b) by its nature, must be carried out in the transition zone 4 despite the risk of impact from a present or likely future 5 coastal hazard; and 6 (c) is capable of being abandoned, if necessary, without 7 significant adverse impact on the transition zone, 8 but does not include an artificial waterway or a canal 9 development. 10 (5) Exempt development is development that is -- 11 (a) a minor renovation or change to an existing 12 development that does not have an adverse impact on 13 present or likely future coastal processes; or 14 (b) essential services infrastructure -- 15 (i) prescribed to be exempt development; or 16 (ii) in an area prescribed as a cyclone prone area. 17 (6) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (5) must not 18 prescribe a marina or artificial waterway development, other 19 than maritime infrastructure, as exempt development. 20 52. Accommodating sea level rises 21 (1) If development in the transition zone is exempt development, 22 the responsible authority must prioritise the accommodation of 23 sea level rise rather than protecting against sea level rise with 24 hard defences that may have an adverse effect on adjacent areas. 25 (2) Development approval for hard defences must not be granted 26 unless there is no reasonable alternative available. 27 53. Certain short-term development must not be approved 28 A responsible authority must not grant approval for short-term 29 development in the transition zone if the development poses a 30 significant risk to coastal processes unless the responsible page 41 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 4 Development control in transition zone Division 1 Development in transition zone s. 54 1 authority is satisfied that the impact of the development will not 2 endure beyond the useful life of the development. 3 54. Certain exempt development must not be approved 4 A responsible authority must not grant approval for exempt 5 development in the transition zone if -- 6 (a) the development is at significant risk of being harmed 7 by a coastal hazard; or 8 (b) the development poses a significant risk to coastal 9 processes, 10 unless the responsible authority is satisfied that the development 11 will meet the prescribed standards for reasonable resistance to 12 damage from coastal hazards for the duration of its expected 13 useful life. 14 55. Responsible authority must advise of effect of Act 15 Before a responsible authority grants approval for short-term 16 development or exempt development in the transition zone, the 17 responsible authority must give the applicant for approval notice 18 of the provisions of this Act that will apply to the development, 19 including that the development may have to be removed or 20 abandoned under regulations made under section 56(1)(d) or in 21 accordance with a coastal protection notice. 22 56. Regulations about development in transition zone 23 (1) The Governor may make regulations for the following 24 purposes -- 25 (a) to prescribe criteria to be applied by responsible 26 authorities when determining whether development is 27 short-term development or exempt development; 28 (b) to regulate, restrict or prohibit any specified class of 29 development in the transition zone; 30 (c) to prescribe conditions that apply to approval of 31 development in the transition zone; page 42 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Development control in transition zone Part 4 Development in transition zone Division 1 s. 56 1 (d) to prescribe circumstances in which a responsible 2 authority may order, or is required to order, the removal 3 or abandonment of a short-term development or exempt 4 development from the transition zone and make 5 provision in relation to the following -- 6 (i) the making of the order; 7 (ii) requirements for compliance with the order; 8 (iii) remediation requirements that may be imposed 9 under the order; 10 (iv) the enforcement of the order; 11 (v) the recovery of any costs incurred by the 12 responsible authority in enforcing the order. 13 (2) No compensation is payable in relation to the removal or 14 abandonment of short-term development or exempt 15 development from the transition zone pursuant to an order made 16 under regulations referred to in subsection (1)(d). 17 (3) A regulation may impose a penalty not exceeding a fine of 18 $200 000 and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further fine 19 of $25 000 for each day during which the breach continues, for 20 a breach of the regulation. 21 (4) If the regulations are in conflict or inconsistent with a scheme or 22 local law, the regulations prevail to the extent to which they are 23 in conflict or inconsistent. 24 (5) Before regulations are made under this section, the Minister 25 must, as far as is appropriate and reasonably practicable, consult 26 with the following -- 27 (a) the WAPC; 28 (b) local governments; 29 (c) communities which appear to the Minister to be likely to 30 be affected by, or interested in, the regulations. page 43 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 4 Development control in transition zone Division 2 Transactions relating to short-term development s. 57 1 Division 2 -- Transactions relating to short-term development 2 57. Maximum term for lease or licence 3 (1) In this section -- 4 licence to use or occupy does not include an easement. 5 (2) A person must not -- 6 (a) lease to any person land on which a short-term 7 development has been carried out; or 8 (b) grant a licence to use or occupy land on which a 9 short-term development has been carried out, 10 for a term or period exceeding 5 years. 11 (3) A lease or licence referred to in subsection (2) may include an 12 option to renew or extend the term or period of the lease or 13 licence for a term or period, or successive terms or periods, not 14 exceeding 5 years but must provide that the option is not 15 exercisable if the lessor or grantor gives the lessee or grantee 16 written notice that the option is not to be exercised because the 17 land or premises on the land are at risk from coastal hazards. 18 (4) A person who contravenes subsection (2) commits an offence. 19 Penalty: a fine of $200 000 and, in the case of a continuing 20 offence, a further fine of $25 000 for each day during 21 which the offence continues. 22 (5) The Registrar must not register a lease if the lessor has 23 contravened subsection (2) in respect of the lease. 24 58. Acknowledgment in lease or licence 25 (1) This section applies to a lease or licence to use or occupy land 26 in the transition zone on which short-term development has 27 been carried out if the lease or licence is entered into after the 28 coming into operation of this section. 29 (2) Every lease or licence to which this section applies must 30 contain, and is subject to, an acknowledgment by the parties to page 44 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Development control in transition zone Part 4 Land surrender Division 3 s. 59 1 the lease or licence that any short-term development on the land 2 may be required by a responsible authority to be removed or 3 abandoned. 4 Division 3 -- Land surrender 5 59. Application 6 This Division applies to an approval under the PAD Act 7 section 135 to -- 8 (a) subdivide a lot situated completely or partly within the 9 transition zone; or 10 (b) amalgamate a lot with any other lot if any of the lots are 11 situated completely or partly within the transition zone. 12 60. Minister may approve inclusion of land surrender condition 13 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 64, the WAPC may 14 include in an approval to which this Division applies a condition 15 (land surrender condition) that a part of the lot (the land) in the 16 transition zone must be surrendered to the State for coastal 17 management. 18 (2) The land must not be required to be surrendered under 19 subsection (1) unless the Minister approves the inclusion of the 20 land surrender condition. 21 61. Notice of condition about land surrender 22 (1) Before including a land surrender condition under section 60, 23 the WAPC must give written notice to the applicant. 24 (2) The notice must -- 25 (a) state that the WAPC is considering including a land 26 surrender condition; and 27 (b) include details of the land to be surrendered. 28 (3) The period within which the WAPC must make a decision 29 under the PAD Act section 143 stops on the day the notice is page 45 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 4 Development control in transition zone Division 3 Land surrender s. 62 1 given to the applicant and starts again on the day the WAPC 2 gives the applicant a notice under section 63. 3 62. Criteria for decision 4 In deciding whether to include a land surrender condition, and 5 the land to be surrendered, the WAPC must consider how the 6 surrender of the land would avoid or minimise detrimental 7 impact on coastal management and coastal processes. 8 63. Notice of decision about land surrender 9 (1) After making a decision about whether or not to include a land 10 surrender condition, the WAPC must give written notice to the 11 applicant. 12 (2) The notice must -- 13 (a) state the decision and the date it was made; and 14 (b) if the decision is to include a land surrender condition -- 15 (i) state the day the Minister approved the inclusion 16 of the land surrender condition; and 17 (ii) include details of the land to be surrendered. 18 64. When land surrender condition may not be included 19 The WAPC must not include a land surrender condition on the 20 approval if -- 21 (a) a lot relating to the application for approval was part of 22 another lot that has been the subject of an application 23 under the PAD Act section 135; and 24 (b) a part of the other lot was surrendered to the State under 25 a land surrender condition. 26 65. Surrendered land to be dedicated for coastal management 27 purposes 28 (1) If the WAPC has approved the subdivision or amalgamation of 29 a lot subject to a land surrender condition in relation to one or 30 more portions of land shown on a diagram or plan of survey page 46 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Development control in transition zone Part 4 Land surrender Division 3 s. 65 1 relating to the subdivision or amalgamation, then the land 2 subject to the condition vests in the State by force of this section 3 without any conveyance, transfer or assignment or the payment 4 of any fee. 5 (2) Land vested under subsection (1) is vested at the time the new 6 certificate, or if more than one, all the new certificates for the 7 land the subject of the diagram or plan of survey has or have 8 been registered under the Transfer of Land Act 1893. 9 (3) Land vested under subsection (1) -- 10 (a) is Crown land; and 11 (b) is to be taken to be reserved under the Land 12 Administration Act 1997 for the purpose of coastal 13 management; and 14 (c) may be dealt with in accordance with the Land 15 Administration Act 1997; and 16 (d) is to be reserved under any applicable local planning 17 scheme for the public purpose of coastal management. 18 (4) The Registrar must do all things necessary to give effect to this 19 section. page 47 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 5 Coastal protection notices s. 66 1 Part 5 -- Coastal protection notices 2 66. Coastal protection notice 3 (1) In this section -- 4 specified means specified by the WAPC in the coastal 5 protection notice concerned. 6 (2) If short-term development on land in the transition zone is 7 damaged by the impact of a coastal hazard, the WAPC may 8 cause a notice (a coastal protection notice) to be given 9 requiring a person to -- 10 (a) remove the development; and 11 (b) restore that land to a condition as near as possible to the 12 condition of the land before the development occurred, 13 within a specified period. 14 (3) A coastal protection notice may be given to one or more of the 15 following -- 16 (a) the owner of the land; 17 (b) the occupier of the land; 18 (c) a person other than the owner or occupier of the land, if 19 the WAPC considers that it is practicable for that person 20 to comply with and give effect to the coastal protection 21 notice. 22 (4) A coastal protection notice is to specify the following -- 23 (a) the name and address of the person to whom it is given; 24 (b) the reason for which it is given; 25 (c) a description of the relevant development and the 26 location of the development sufficient to identify both. 27 (5) A coastal protection notice -- 28 (a) while it subsists, binds each person to whom it is given; 29 and page 48 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Coastal protection notices Part 5 s. 67 1 (b) if it is, and while it remains, registered under section 69, 2 binds each successive owner or occupier of the land to 3 which it relates. 4 (6) A person who is bound by a coastal protection notice and who 5 does not comply with a requirement contained in the notice 6 commits an offence. 7 Penalty: a fine of $200 000 and, in the case of a continuing 8 offence, a further fine of $25 000 for each day during 9 which the offence continues. 10 67. Amendment of coastal protection notice 11 The WAPC may by notice in writing served on every person 12 bound by a coastal protection notice revoke the notice or amend 13 it -- 14 (a) by extending the period within which a requirement 15 contained in the notice must be complied with if the 16 WAPC is satisfied that the circumstances of the case 17 justify the extension; or 18 (b) by revoking or amending any requirement contained in 19 the notice. 20 68. Review of coastal protection notice or amendment to, or 21 revocation of, coastal protection notice 22 (1) A person to whom a coastal protection notice has been given 23 may apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a review of 24 the decision of the WAPC. 25 (2) A person to whom a notice revoking or amending a coastal 26 protection notice has been given may apply to the State 27 Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision of the 28 WAPC. page 49 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 5 Coastal protection notices s. 69 1 69. Registration of coastal protection notice on land title 2 (1) When a coastal protection notice is given under section 66, the 3 WAPC must give a copy of the notice -- 4 (a) in the case of a notice relating to land which is under the 5 operation of the Transfer of Land Act 1893 or Land 6 Administration Act 1997, to the Registrar of Titles; or 7 (b) in the case of a notice relating to land which is alienated 8 from the Crown but which is not under the operation of 9 the Transfer of Land Act 1893, to the Registrar of Deeds 10 and Transfers. 11 (2) On receiving a copy of a coastal protection notice given under 12 subsection (1), the Registrar must, without payment of a fee, 13 register the notice and endorse or note accordingly the 14 appropriate register or record in respect of the land to which that 15 notice relates. 16 (3) If a coastal protection notice is revoked under section 67, the 17 WAPC must give the Registrar a certificate signed by the 18 WAPC and certifying that revocation took place on a date 19 specified in the certificate. 20 (4) On receiving a certificate given under subsection (3), the 21 Registrar must cancel the registration of the relevant coastal 22 protection notice and endorse or note accordingly the 23 appropriate register or record in respect of the land to which that 24 certificate relates. 25 70. Duties of person ceasing to be owner etc. of land subject to 26 registered notice 27 (1) This section applies if the person, or at least one of the persons, 28 to whom a coastal protection notice is given is the owner or 29 occupier of the land. 30 (2) While a coastal protection notice remains registered under 31 section 69, each owner or occupier of the land to which the page 50 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Coastal protection notices Part 5 s. 71 1 coastal protection notice relates must, when that person ceases 2 to be the owner or occupier of the land, notify in writing -- 3 (a) the WAPC of that fact and of the name and address of 4 each person who succeeds in the ownership or 5 occupation or both, as the case requires, of the land; and 6 (b) each person who succeeds in the ownership or 7 occupation, or both, as the case requires, of that land of 8 the content of the coastal protection notice and of the 9 fact that the coastal protection notice is binding on that 10 person. 11 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 12 71. WAPC to keep and publish record of orders 13 (1) The WAPC must keep a record of the prescribed particulars of a 14 coastal protection notice. 15 (2) The WAPC must publish from time to time in a prescribed 16 manner prescribed particulars of the record. 17 72. Action by WAPC 18 (1) If action required by a coastal protection notice to be taken has 19 not been taken, the WAPC may -- 20 (a) cause that action to be taken; and 21 (b) recover the cost of the taking of that action from any 22 person bound by the notice in a court of competent 23 jurisdiction as a debt due to the Crown. 24 (2) Any cost recovered under subsection (1)(b) must be paid into 25 the Consolidated Account. page 51 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 6 Miscellaneous s. 73 1 Part 6 -- Miscellaneous 2 73. Role of EPA 3 The EPA must -- 4 (a) keep itself informed of changes to coastal climate 5 science and the impact of those changes on projections 6 in relation to the transition zone, having regard to the 7 most up-to-date research by relevant State, national and 8 international scientific bodies; and 9 (b) advise relevant public authorities of those changes. 10 74. Protection from liability 11 (1) In this section -- 12 coastal management works includes the placement and 13 management of emergency coastal protection works; 14 protected person means any of the following -- 15 (a) a public authority; 16 (b) a member or employee of a public authority; 17 (c) a public service officer; 18 (d) a person acting under the direction of a public authority 19 or the State; 20 (e) a member of the council, or of a committee of the 21 council, of a local government. 22 (2) In this section a reference to the doing of anything includes a 23 reference to the omission to do anything. 24 (3) A civil action does not lie against a protected person for -- 25 (a) anything that the protected person has done, in good 26 faith, in the performance or purported performance of a 27 function under this Act; or 28 (b) any advice furnished in good faith by the protected 29 person relating to the likelihood of any land in the page 52 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Miscellaneous Part 6 s. 74 1 coastal zone being adversely affected by a coastal 2 hazard or the nature or extent of a coastal hazard; or 3 (c) anything that the protected person has done, in good 4 faith, insofar as it relates to the likelihood of land in the 5 coastal zone being adversely affected by coastal 6 processes. 7 (4) The State and the Minister are also relieved of any liability that 8 either of them might otherwise have had for another person 9 having done anything as described in subsection (3). 10 (5) Without limiting subsection (3), that subsection applies to the 11 following -- 12 (a) the preparation or making of a scheme; 13 (b) the grant or refusal of approval of development; 14 (c) the imposition of a condition in relation to an approval 15 of development; 16 (d) the preparation or making of the WA coastal plan; 17 (e) the giving of a coastal protection notice; 18 (f) the carrying out of coastal management works in the 19 coastal zone; 20 (g) the failure to upgrade coastal management works in the 21 coastal zone in response to projected or apparent actual 22 impact of climate change; 23 (h) anything done regarding beach erosion or shoreline 24 recession; 25 (i) the failure to take action to enforce the removal of 26 illegal or unauthorised structures in the coastal zone that 27 results in erosion of a beach or land adjacent to a beach; 28 (j) the provision of information relating to projected 29 impacts of climate change, including mean sea level 30 rise. 31 (6) Without limiting any other circumstances in which a protected 32 person may have acted in good faith, a protected person is, page 53 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 6 Miscellaneous s. 75 1 unless the contrary is proved, taken to have acted in good faith 2 for the purposes of this section if the advice was furnished, or 3 the thing was done, substantially in accordance with the 4 WA coastal plan and any local coastal adaptation plan or local 5 coastal management plan for the relevant area. 6 (7) The protection given by this section applies even though the 7 thing done as described in subsection (3) may have been 8 capable of being done whether or not this Act had been enacted. 9 75. No compensation for injurious affection 10 (1) Compensation is not payable in respect of land that is 11 injuriously affected by the making or amendment of the 12 WA coastal plan or a local coastal plan. 13 (2) Compensation is not payable under the PAD Act Part 11 14 Division 2, or under any Act that applies to that Division, in 15 respect of land that is injuriously affected by the making or 16 amendment of a scheme that applies to any part of the coastal 17 zone if the relevant provisions of the scheme are consistent with 18 the WA coastal plan. 19 76. Regulations 20 The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that 21 are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed, or are 22 necessary or convenient to be prescribed, for giving effect to the 23 purposes of this Act. 24 77. Review of Act 25 (1) The Minister must cause a review of the operation and 26 effectiveness of this Act, and the need for its continuation, to be 27 carried out as soon as is practicable after the 5th anniversary of 28 the day on which this section comes into operation. 29 (2) The Minister must cause a report based on that review to be 30 prepared and, as soon as is practicable after the report is 31 prepared, cause it to be laid before each House of Parliament. page 54 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Consequential amendments to Environmental Protection Act Part 7 1986 s. 78 1 Part 7 -- Consequential amendments to Environmental 2 Protection Act 1986 3 78. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986. 5 79. Section 3 amended 6 (1) In section 3(1) in the definition of final approval: 7 (a) in paragraph (g) delete "section;" and insert: 8 9 section; or 10 11 (b) after paragraph (g) insert: 12 13 (h) the WA coastal plan, or an amendment to the 14 WA coastal plan, prepared under the Climate 15 Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and 16 Protection) Act 2012, means an approval given 17 under section 14 of that Act, or under 18 section 30 of that Act as read with section 14 of 19 that Act; or 20 (i) a local coastal adaptation plan or a local coastal 21 management plan prepared under the Climate 22 Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and 23 Protection) Act 2012, or an amendment to such 24 a plan, means an approval given under 25 section 41 of that Act, or under section 45 of 26 that Act as read with section 41 of that Act; 27 page 55 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 7 Consequential amendments to Environmental Protection Act 1986 s. 79 1 (2) In section 3(1) in the definition of period of public review: 2 (a) in paragraph (g) delete "section;" and insert: 3 4 section; or 5 6 (b) after paragraph (g) insert: 7 8 (h) the WA coastal plan, or an amendment to the 9 WA coastal plan, prepared under the Climate 10 Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and 11 Protection) Act 2012, means the period set and 12 notified under section 11 of that Act, or under 13 section 30 of that Act as read with section 11 of 14 that Act; or 15 (i) a local coastal adaptation plan or a local coastal 16 management plan prepared under the Climate 17 Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and 18 Protection) Act 2012, or an amendment to such 19 a plan, means the period referred to in 20 section 40(3); 21 22 (3) In section 3(1) in the definition of responsible authority: 23 (a) in paragraph (a)(x) delete "Act;" and insert: 24 25 Act; or 26 27 (b) after paragraph (a)(x) insert: 28 29 (xi) the WA coastal plan, or an amendment 30 to the WA coastal plan, prepared under 31 the Climate Change Readiness (Coastal 32 Planning and Protection) Act 2012, 33 means the Western Australian Planning 34 Commission; or page 56 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Consequential amendments to Environmental Protection Act Part 7 1986 s. 79 1 (xii) a local coastal adaptation plan or a local 2 coastal management plan prepared 3 under the Climate Change Readiness 4 (Coastal Planning and Protection) 5 Act 2012, or an amendment to such a 6 plan, means the controlling body that is 7 responsible for the plan or amendment; 8 9 (4) In section 3(1) in the definition of scheme: 10 (a) in paragraph (j) delete "scheme;" and insert: 11 12 scheme; or 13 14 (b) after paragraph (j) insert: 15 16 (k) the WA coastal plan, or an amendment to 17 the WA coastal plan, prepared under the 18 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal 19 Planning and Protection) Act 2012; or 20 (l) a local coastal adaptation plan or a local coastal 21 management plan prepared under the Climate 22 Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and 23 Protection) Act 2012, or an amendment to such 24 a plan; 25 26 (5) In section 3(1) in the definition of scheme Act after 27 paragraph (c) insert: 28 29 (d) the Climate Change Readiness (Coastal 30 Planning and Protection) Act 2012; 31 page 57 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 7 Consequential amendments to Environmental Protection Act 1986 s. 80 1 80. Section 48A amended 2 (1) In section 48A(1)(b)(ii) delete "scheme;" and insert: 3 4 scheme or the matters referred to in subsection (2A), as the case 5 requires; 6 7 (2) After section 48A(1) insert: 8 9 (2A) In the case of the assessment of the WA coastal plan, a 10 local coastal adaptation plan or a local coastal 11 management plan, prepared under the Climate Change 12 Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Act 2012 13 or an amendment to such a plan, the Authority must 14 assess under this Division -- 15 (a) any provisions of the plan that will affect 16 development in the coastal zone or reservation 17 or zoning under any scheme; and 18 (b) the climate assumptions and modelling used in 19 the plan. 20 21 81. Section 48C amended 22 In section 48C(7) in the definition of public review: 23 (a) in paragraph (g) delete "sections." and insert: 24 25 sections; or 26 27 (b) after paragraph (g) insert: 28 29 (h) the WA coastal plan, or an amendment to the 30 WA coastal plan, prepared under the Climate 31 Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and 32 Protection) Act 2012, means the procedure page 58 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Consequential amendments to Environmental Protection Act Part 7 1986 s. 81 1 referred to in sections 11 and 12 of that Act, or 2 in section 30 of that Act as read with those 3 sections; or 4 (i) a local coastal adaptation plan or local coastal 5 management plan, prepared under the Climate 6 Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and 7 Protection) Act 2012, means the procedure 8 referred to in sections 38 and 40 of that Act, or 9 in section 45 of that Act as read with those 10 sections. 11 page 59 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Part 8 Consequential amendments to Planning and Development Act 2005 s. 82 1 Part 8 -- Consequential amendments to Planning and 2 Development Act 2005 3 82. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Planning and Development Act 2005. 5 83. Schedule 2 amended 6 Delete Schedule 2 clause 7(3) and insert: 7 8 (3) The Coastal Planning and Coordination Council is to -- 9 (a) advise the Commission on matters relating to 10 coastal planning and coordination throughout the 11 State; and 12 (b) for the purposes of the Climate Change Readiness 13 (Coastal Planning and Protection) Act 2012 14 section 28, monitor change criteria and advise the 15 Commission when changes are required to the 16 WA coastal plan under that Act; and 17 (c) perform such of the functions of the Commission 18 under this Act, or any other written law, as are 19 delegated to the Coastal Planning and Coordination 20 Council under section 16. 21 page 60 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Defined Terms Defined Terms [This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.] Defined Term Provision(s) approval ........................................................................................................... 4(1) artificial waterway ........................................................................................... 4(2) change criteria......................................................................................23(1), 28(1) coastal compartment ........................................................................................ 4(1) coastal hazard .................................................................................................. 4(1) coastal management works ............................................................................ 74(1) Coastal Planning and Coordination Council.................................................... 4(1) coastal processes.............................................................................................. 4(1) coastal protection notice ........................................................................4(1), 66(2) coastal zone ..................................................................................................... 4(1) controlling body......................................................................................... 4(1), 32 Crown land ...................................................................................................... 5(2) development..................................................................................................... 4(1) EP Act.............................................................................................................. 4(1) EPA.................................................................................................................. 4(1) exempt development........................................................................................ 4(1) geomorphic ...................................................................................................... 4(1) geomorphological processes ............................................................................ 4(1) improvement scheme ....................................................................................... 4(2) interim development order............................................................................... 4(2) land ................................................................................................................ 60(1) land surrender condition ........................................................................4(1), 60(1) land system ...................................................................................................... 4(1) landform .......................................................................................................... 4(1) landform pattern .............................................................................................. 4(1) licence to use or occupy................................................................................. 57(1) local coastal adaptation plan ............................................................................ 4(1) local coastal management plan ........................................................................ 4(1) local coastal plan ................................................................................................32 local interim development order ...................................................................... 4(2) local planning scheme...................................................................................... 4(2) lot..................................................................................................................... 4(2) management body............................................................................................ 5(2) maritime infrastructure .................................................................................... 4(1) owner .......................................................................................................4(1), 5(1) PAD Act .......................................................................................................... 4(1) planning control area ....................................................................................... 4(2) precautionary principle .................................................................................... 4(1) prescribed ........................................................................................................ 4(1) page 61 Climate Change Readiness (Coastal Planning and Protection) Bill 2012 Defined Terms protected person............................................................................................. 74(1) public authority................................................................................................ 4(1) region planning scheme ................................................................................... 4(2) regional interim development order................................................................. 4(2) register ............................................................................................................. 4(1) Registrar ......................................................................................................... 4(1) responsible authority..............................................................................4(1), 23(1) responsible body ............................................................................................ 38(1) scheme ............................................................................................................. 4(1) sediment cell .................................................................................................... 4(1) short-term development ................................................................................... 4(1) specified......................................................................................................... 66(1) State planning policy ....................................................................................... 4(2) sustainability.................................................................................................... 4(1) transition zone.................................................................................................. 4(1) vulnerability assessment .................................................................................. 4(1) WA coastal plan............................................................................................... 4(1) WAPC.............................................................................................................. 4(1)
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