Western Australian Bills

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                    Western Australia

Child Care Services Amendment Bill 2011


      Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.    Short title                                                  2
2.    Commencement                                                 2
      Part 2 -- Child Care Services Act 2007
3.    Act amended                                                  3
4.    Section 3 amended                                            3
5.    Section 5A inserted                                          6
      5A.      Term used: supervising officer                 6
6.    Part 2 Division 2 heading amended                            7
7.    Section 11 amended                                           8
8.    Section 12 amended                                           8
9.    Section 14 amended                                           9
10.   Sections 15, 16 and 17 replaced                             10
      15.      Additional restrictions on grant of licence
               to individual applicant                       10
      16.      Additional restrictions on grant of licence
               to corporate applicant                        11
11.   Section 21 amended                                          11
12.   Section 22 amended                                          12
13.   Section 23A inserted                                        13
      23A.     Further information relevant to renewal
               application                                   13
14.   Section 23 amended                                          13
15.   Part 2 Division 6 heading replaced                          14
      Division 6 -- Disciplinary matters
16.   Section 25 replaced                                         14
      25.      Suspension of licence on ground of
               unacceptable risk                             14
17.   Section 26 deleted                                          15

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Child Care Services Amendment Bill 2011


      18.    Section 27 replaced                                            16
             27.       Revocation of suspension                        16
      19.    Section 28 amended                                             16
      20.    Section 29 replaced                                            17
             29.       Disciplinary action against licensee            17
             30A.      Limitation on section 29(4)(d)                  19
             30B.      Cancellation of licence if child care service
                       no longer provided                              19
             30C.      Disciplinary action against managerial
                       officer                                         20
             30D.      Offence to employ managerial officer who
                       is disqualified                                 21
      21.    Section 30 amended                                             22
      22.    Section 32 amended                                             22
      23.    Section 38 amended                                             22
      24.    Section 40 amended                                             23
      25.    Section 41A inserted                                           24
             41A.      Functions of licensing officer                  24
      26.    Part 4 replaced                                                25
             Part 4 -- Compliance and enforcement
             Division 1 -- General powers
             42.       Power to enter place                            25
             43A.      Powers after entering place                     26
             43B.      Obtaining information, records and
                       documents                                       27
             43C.      Additional powers in relation to relevant
                       records                                         28
             43D.      Directions generally                            29
             43E.      Exercise of power may be recorded               30
             43F.      Assistance and use of force                     30
             43G.      Seizure                                         30
             43H.      Application of Criminal and Found
                       Property Disposal Act 2006                      31
             Division 2 -- Entry warrants
             43I.      Applying for entry warrant                      31
             43J.      Application for entry warrant                   32
             43K.      Issuing an entry warrant                        34
             43L.      Effect of entry warrant                         34
             Division 3 -- Compliance notices
             43M.      CEO may give compliance notice                  35
             43N.      Contravention of compliance notice              36
             43O.      Review of decision to give compliance
                       notice                                          36
             Division 4 -- Proceedings and evidence
             43P.      Legal proceedings                               36

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      43Q.     Evidentiary certificate                       37
      43.      No privilege against self-incrimination       38
      44.      Evidence Act 1906 not affected                38
27.   Section 45A inserted                                          38
      45A.     Publication of information about child care
               services                                      38
28.   Section 45 amended                                            39
29.   Section 49 replaced                                           40
      49.      False or misleading information               40
30.   Section 50 amended                                            40
31.   Section 51A inserted                                          40
      51A.     CEO may require statutory declaration         40
32.   Section 51 amended                                            41
33.   Section 53A inserted                                          41
      53A.     Regulations may refer to published
               documents                                     41
34.   Part 6 Division 1 heading inserted                            42
      Division 1 -- Provisions relating to repeal of
             Children and Community Services Act 2004
             Part 8
35.   Section 54 amended                                            42
36.   Section 55 amended                                            42
37.   Section 61 amended                                            42
38.   Part 6 Division 2 inserted                                    43
      Division 2 -- Provisions relating to Child Care
             Services Amendment Act 2011
      62A.      Interpretation Act 1984 not affected         43
      62B.      Licensing officers                           43
      62C.      Supervising officers                         43
      62D.      Suspensions                                  44
      62E.      Transitional regulations                     45
39.   Schedule 1 amended                                            46
      Part 3 -- Working with Children
           (Criminal Record Checking)
           Act 2004 amended
40.   Act amended                                                   48
41.   Section 38 amended                                            48

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                           Western Australia

                      LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

    Child Care Services Amendment Bill 2011

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Child Care Services Act 2007 and to
consequentially amend the Working with Children (Criminal Record
Checking) Act 2004.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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    Child Care Services Amendment Bill 2011
    Part 1          Preliminary

    s. 1

1                          Part 1 -- Preliminary
2   1.       Short title
3            This is the Child Care Services Amendment Act 2011.

4   2.       Commencement
5            This Act comes into operation as follows --
6             (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
7                   Royal Assent;
8             (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation,
9                   and different days may be fixed for different provisions.

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                             Child Care Services Act 2007 amended         Part 2

                                                                                s. 3

1          Part 2 -- Child Care Services Act 2007 amended
2    3.         Act amended
3               This Part amends the Child Care Services Act 2007.

4    4.         Section 3 amended
5         (1)   In section 3 delete the definitions of:
6               applicant
7               application
8               assessment notice
9               corporate applicant
10              equivalent authority
11              interim negative notice
12              licensing officer
13              managerial officer
14              negative notice
15              nominated supervising officer
16              prescribed offence
17              supervising officer
18        (2)   In section 3 insert in alphabetical order:

20                    amendment application means an application under
21                    section 32 for the amendment of a licence;
22                    approved means approved by the CEO;
23                    compliance notice means a compliance notice given
24                    under section 43M;
25                    compliance purposes means the purposes of
26                    performing one or more of the functions mentioned in
27                    section 41A;
28                    corporate applicant means a licence applicant that is a
29                    body corporate but is not a public authority;

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     Part 2          Child Care Services Act 2007 amended

     s. 4

1                  corporate licensee means a licensee that is a body
2                  corporate but is not a public authority;
3                  entry warrant means an entry warrant issued under
4                  Part 4 Division 2;
5                  licence applicant means --
6                    (a) in the case of a licence application made on
7                          behalf of a public authority -- the public
8                          authority; and
9                    (b) in the case of any other licence application --
10                         the person who makes the application;
11                 licence application means an application under
12                 section 10;
13                 licensing officer means a person designated as a
14                 licensing officer under section 40(1);
15                 managerial officer, in relation to a body corporate,
16                 means --
17                   (a) if the body corporate is an incorporated
18                         association as defined in the Associations
19                         Incorporation Act 1987 section 3(1), a member
20                         of the association who --
21                            (i) holds a prescribed office of the
22                                 association; or
23                           (ii) has a function of a prescribed class
24                                 relating to the provision of a child care
25                                 service by the association;
26                         or
27                   (b) in any other case, an individual who is an
28                         officer, as defined in the Corporations Act 2001
29                         (Commonwealth) section 9, of the body
30                         corporate;
31                 occupier, of a place, includes any person who appears
32                 to have the control or management of the place;

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                        Child Care Services Act 2007 amended         Part 2

                                                                          s. 4

1                 prescribed means prescribed by regulations made
2                 under section 52;
3                 record means any record of information, irrespective of
4                 how the information is recorded or stored or able to be
5                 recovered and includes --
6                   (a) any thing from which images, sounds or
7                         writings can be reproduced, with or without the
8                         aid of anything else; and
9                   (b) any thing on which information is recorded or
10                        stored, whether electronically, magnetically,
11                        mechanically or by some other means;
12                relevant record means a record or document that --
13                  (a) is required to be kept under this Act; or
14                  (b) contains information that is or may be relevant
15                        to a contravention of this Act;
16                renewal applicant means a person who makes a
17                renewal application;
18                renewal application means an application under
19                section 22 for the renewal of a licence;
20                supervising officer has the meaning given in
21                section 5A;

23   (3)   In section 3 in the definition of criminal record check:
24           (a) after "issued by" insert:

26                 the Police Force of Western Australia,

28          (b)    delete "sets out the" and insert:

30                sets out, or summarises in a manner acceptable to the
31                CEO, the

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     Part 2          Child Care Services Act 2007 amended

     s. 5

1         (4)   In section 3 in the definition of family day care service:
2                 (a) after "provided" (first occurrence) insert:

4                        by an individual

6                 (b)    in paragraph (a) delete "person" and insert:

8                        individual

10        (5)   In section 3 in the definition of individual applicant delete "an
11              applicant" and insert:

13              a licence applicant

15        (6)   In section 3 in the definition of usual occupant:
16                (a) delete "an application" and insert:

18                       a licence application

20                (b)    in paragraph (a) before "applicant" insert:

22                       licence

24   5.         Section 5A inserted
25              After section 4 insert:

27          5A.         Term used: supervising officer
28              (1)     For the purposes of this Act, the supervising officer for
29                      a child care service at a particular time is --
30                        (a) if the licensee for the service is an individual --
31                                (i) the licensee; or

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                       Child Care Services Act 2007 amended         Part 2

                                                                            s. 6

1                        (ii)   another individual who is approved by
2                               the CEO, in accordance with the
3                               regulations, to act in place of the
4                               licensee at that time;
5                       or
6                (b)    if the licensee for the service is a body
7                       corporate or public authority, an individual who
8                       is --
9                          (i) approved by the CEO, in accordance
10                               with the regulations, as a person suitable
11                               to have responsibility for the day-to-day
12                               supervision and control of the service;
13                               and
14                        (ii) nominated by the licensee, in
15                               accordance with the regulations, as the
16                               supervising officer for the service at that
17                               time.
18        (2)   Regulations made for the purposes of
19              subsection (1)(b)(ii) must not allow a licensee for a
20              child care service to nominate 2 or more individuals as
21              the supervising officer for the service at the same time.

23   6.   Part 2 Division 2 heading amended
24        In the heading to Part 2 Division 2 delete "Application" and
25        insert:

27        Licence application

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     Part 2          Child Care Services Act 2007 amended

     s. 7

1    7.         Section 11 amended
2               In section 11:
3                 (a) delete "An" and insert:

5                       A licence

7                (b)    delete paragraph (a) and insert:

9                       (a)   in the approved form; and

11   8.         Section 12 amended
12        (1)   In section 12(1):
13                (a) delete "an applicant" and insert:

15                      a licence applicant

17               (b)    before "application." insert:

19                      licence

21        (2)   Delete section 12(2) and insert:

23              (2)    Without limiting subsection (1), for the purpose of
24                     deciding whether or not an individual applicant is a fit
25                     and proper person to provide the child care service to
26                     which the licence application relates, the CEO may ask
27                     the applicant to do one or more of the following --
28                       (a) undergo an oral or written assessment as to his
29                             or her knowledge and understanding of --
30                               (i) the operation of this Act; and
31                              (ii) the field of child development;

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                                Child Care Services Act 2007 amended         Part 2

                                                                                  s. 9

1                         (b)    provide a reference or report specified by the
2                                CEO;
3                         (c)    provide evidence that the applicant holds
4                                qualifications prescribed in relation to the type
5                                of child care service to which the licence
6                                application relates;
7                         (d)    undergo a medical, psychiatric or psychological
8                                test or examination specified by the CEO.

10        (3)   In section 12(3) before "application" insert:

12              licence

14        (4)   In section 12(4) before "applicant" insert:

16              licence

18              Note: The heading to amended section 12 is to read:

19                    Further information relevant to licence application

20   9.         Section 14 amended
21        (1)   In section 14(1) before "application" insert:

23              licence

25        (2)   Delete section 14(2) and insert:

27              (2)    The CEO must not grant a licence if the licence
28                     applicant is disqualified under section 29(4)(e)(i) or
29                     30C(4)(d)(i) from holding a licence.

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     Part 2          Child Care Services Act 2007 amended

     s. 10

1                  (3)   The CEO must not grant a licence unless the CEO is
2                        satisfied that --
3                          (a) the licence applicant is capable of providing the
4                                child care service to which the licence
5                                application relates (the relevant service) in
6                                accordance with this Act and any proposed
7                                conditions of the licence; and
8                          (b) without limiting paragraph (a), the licence
9                                applicant has sufficient material and financial
10                               resources to provide the relevant service in
11                               accordance with this Act and any proposed
12                               conditions of the licence; and
13                         (c) the place at which the relevant service is to be
14                               provided is suitable for that purpose.

16   10.           Sections 15, 16 and 17 replaced
17                 Delete sections 15, 16 and 17 and insert:

19           15.         Additional restrictions on grant of licence to
20                       individual applicant
21                 (1)   The CEO must not grant a licence to an individual
22                       applicant if the applicant is disqualified --
23                         (a) under section 29(4)(e)(ii) or 30C(4)(d)(ii) from
24                              being a managerial officer of a corporate
25                              licensee; or
26                         (b) under section 29(4)(e)(iii) or 30C(4)(d)(iii)
27                              from being the supervising officer for a child
28                              care service.
29                 (2)   The CEO must not grant a licence to an individual
30                       applicant unless the CEO is satisfied that --
31                         (a) the applicant has the ability to supervise and
32                              control on a day-to-day basis the provision of

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                                 Child Care Services Act 2007 amended         Part 2

                                                                                    s. 11

1                                 the child care service to which the licence
2                                 application relates (the relevant service); and
3                          (b)    is otherwise a fit and proper person to provide
4                                 the relevant service; and
5                          (c)    if the relevant service is a family day care
6                                 service -- each usual occupant is a fit and
7                                 proper person to associate with children.

8            16.          Additional restrictions on grant of licence to
9                         corporate applicant
10                 (1)    The CEO must not grant a licence to a corporate
11                        applicant if a managerial officer of the applicant is
12                        disqualified under section 29(4)(e)(ii) or 30C(4)(d)(ii)
13                        from being a managerial officer of a corporate licensee.
14                 (2)    The CEO must not grant a licence to a corporate
15                        applicant unless the CEO is satisfied that each
16                        managerial officer of the applicant is a fit and proper
17                        person to be involved in the provision of the child care
18                        service to which the licence application relates.

20   11.           Section 21 amended
21         (1)     In section 21(1):
22                   (a) in paragraph (b) delete "25; or" and insert:

24                         25 or 29; or

26                  (b)    in paragraph (c) delete "29; or" and insert:

28                         29 or 30B; or

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     Part 2          Child Care Services Act 2007 amended

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1          (2)   In section 21(2) delete "The" and insert:

3                Unless it is extended under subsection (3), the

5          (3)   After section 21(2) insert:

7                (3)    If an application for another licence is made in respect
8                       of the place to which a licence document applies, the
9                       CEO may extend the period specified in the licence
10                      document so that the existing licence continues to have
11                      effect until the application is determined.

13   12.         Section 22 amended
14         (1)   In section 22(2):
15                 (a) delete "An application for renewal" and insert:

17                       A renewal application

19                (b)    delete paragraph (a) and insert:

21                       (a)   in the approved form; and

23         (2)   Delete section 22(3) and insert:

25               (3)    If a renewal application is made in accordance with
26                      subsection (2) the licence continues to have effect until
27                      the renewal application is determined unless the licence
28                      is suspended under section 25 or 29 or cancelled under
29                      section 29 or 30B.

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                             Child Care Services Act 2007 amended         Part 2

                                                                                s. 13

1          (3)   Delete section 22(4).

2    13.         Section 23A inserted
3                After section 22 insert:

5            23A.      Further information relevant to renewal application
6                (1)   The CEO may ask a renewal applicant for any
7                      additional document or information that the CEO
8                      considers is or could be relevant to making a decision
9                      on the renewal application.
10               (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), for the purpose of
11                     deciding whether or not an individual making a
12                     renewal application continues to be a fit and proper
13                     person to provide the child care service to which the
14                     renewal application relates, the CEO may ask the
15                     renewal applicant to do anything mentioned in
16                     section 12(2)(a), (b), (c) or (d).
17               (3)   If the CEO makes a request under subsection (1) or (2),
18                     the CEO does not have to consider the renewal
19                     application, or consider it further, until the request is
20                     complied with.
21               (4)   Any costs incurred in complying with a request under
22                     subsection (1) or (2) are to be paid by the renewal
23                     applicant unless the CEO determines otherwise.

25   14.         Section 23 amended
26               In section 23:
27                 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "14(2), 15, 16 or 17" and insert:

29                       14(3), 15(2) or 16(2)

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     Part 2          Child Care Services Act 2007 amended

     s. 15

1                   (b)     in paragraph (b) delete "the regulations or a term or
2                           condition of the licence; or" and insert:

4                           this Act; or

6                    (c)    in paragraph (c) before "application" insert:

8                           renewal

10   15.           Part 2 Division 6 heading replaced
11                 Delete the heading to Part 2 Division 6 and insert:

13                            Division 6 -- Disciplinary matters

15   16.           Section 25 replaced
16                 Delete section 25 and insert:

18           25.           Suspension of licence on ground of unacceptable
19                         risk
20                 (1)     The CEO may, by written notice given to the licensee,
21                         suspend a licence if the CEO considers that there are
22                         reasonable grounds for believing that the continued
23                         provision of the child care service to which the licence
24                         relates would constitute an unacceptable risk to the
25                         wellbeing of the children for whom the service is
26                         provided.
27                 (2)     The CEO may suspend a licence under subsection (1)
28                         whether or not the CEO has given the licensee an
29                         opportunity to make representations in relation to the
30                         proposed suspension.

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                       Child Care Services Act 2007 amended         Part 2

                                                                       s. 17

1          (3)   The suspension notice --
2                 (a) must specify the day on which the suspension
3                       takes effect; and
4                 (b) must specify the period of the suspension,
5                       which must not exceed 60 days; and
6                 (c) must specify the reasons for the CEO's decision
7                       to suspend the licence; and
8                 (d) must explain the effect of subsection (4); and
9                 (e) may specify measures to be taken by the
10                      licensee to remove the risk described in
11                      subsection (1).
12         (4)   Within 21 days after giving a suspension notice, the
13               CEO must, unless the suspension has been revoked
14               under section 27, make an allegation to the State
15               Administrative Tribunal in relation to the matter giving
16               rise to the suspension.
17         (5)   Section 29(4) applies in relation to proceedings
18               commenced by an allegation under subsection (4) as if
19               they were proceedings commenced by an allegation
20               under section 29(3).
21         (6)   In proceedings commenced by an allegation under
22               subsection (4), the State Administrative Tribunal may,
23               in addition to any other order it has power to make,
24               make an order confirming, revoking, or extending the
25               period of, the suspension.

27   17.   Section 26 deleted
28         Delete section 26.

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     Part 2          Child Care Services Act 2007 amended

     s. 18

1    18.           Section 27 replaced
2                  Delete section 27 and insert:

4            27.          Revocation of suspension
5                  (1)    Unless subsection (2) applies, the CEO may, by written
6                         notice given to the licensee, revoke the suspension of a
7                         licence under section 25 if the CEO --
8                           (a) is satisfied that measures specified in the
9                                 suspension notice under section 25(3)(e) have
10                                been taken; or
11                          (b) is otherwise satisfied that it is appropriate to do
12                                so in the circumstances of the particular case.
13                 (2)    The CEO cannot take action under subsection (1) if the
14                        CEO has made an allegation under section 25(4) in
15                        relation to the matter giving rise to the suspension.

17   19.           Section 28 amended
18                 In section 28:
19                   (a) in paragraph (a) after "revoked" insert:

21                         by the CEO

23                  (b)    after paragraph (a) insert:

25                        (ba)   the suspension is revoked by the State
26                               Administrative Tribunal under section 25(6) or
27                               on an application under section 30 for a review
28                               of the CEO's decision to suspend the licence;

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                               Child Care Services Act 2007 amended         Part 2

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1                  (c)    in paragraph (b) after "29" insert:

3                         or 30B

5    20.         Section 29 replaced
6                Delete section 29 and insert:

8          29.           Disciplinary action against licensee
9                (1)     In this section --
10                       specified means specified in an order under
11                       subsection (4).
12               (2)     Grounds for disciplinary action against a licensee exist
13                       if --
14                          (a) the licensee has improperly obtained a licence;
15                              or
16                         (b) the licensee has contravened this Act; or
17                          (c) the CEO is no longer satisfied as to a matter
18                              referred to in section 14(3), 15(2) or 16(2) that
19                              was relevant to the decision to grant a licence to
20                              the licensee; or
21                         (d) the licensee has contravened the Working with
22                              Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004
23                              section 22; or
24                          (e) there are reasonable grounds for believing that
25                              the continued provision of the child care service
26                              to which a licence held by the licensee relates
27                              would constitute an unacceptable risk to the
28                              wellbeing of the children for whom the service
29                              is provided.
30               (3)     If the CEO considers that grounds for disciplinary
31                       action against a licensee exist, the CEO may make an

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     Part 2          Child Care Services Act 2007 amended

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1                    allegation to the State Administrative Tribunal in
2                    respect of that person.
3              (4)   In proceedings commenced by an allegation under
4                    subsection (3) in respect of a person, the State
5                    Administrative Tribunal, if satisfied that grounds for
6                    disciplinary action exist, may make one or more of the
7                    following orders --
8                      (a) an order reprimanding the person;
9                      (b) an order that the person --
10                              (i) undertake a specified educational or
11                                   training course; or
12                             (ii) refund to a specified person or body
13                                   fees or other money received from that
14                                   person or body in connection with the
15                                   provision of the child care service to
16                                   which the licence relates; or
17                            (iii) comply with any other specified
18                                   requirement;
19                     (c) an order imposing a condition on, or amending
20                           a condition of, a licence held by the person;
21                     (d) subject to section 30A, an order requiring the
22                           person to pay a penalty not exceeding $25 000;
23                     (e) an order disqualifying the person from one or
24                           more of the following --
25                              (i) holding a licence;
26                             (ii) being a managerial officer of a
27                                   corporate licensee;
28                            (iii) being the supervising officer for a child
29                                   care service,
30                           permanently, for a specified period or until a
31                           further order is made by the Tribunal;

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1              (f)    an order suspending a licence held by the
2                     person for a specified period or until a further
3                     order is made by the Tribunal;
4             (g)     an order cancelling a licence held by the
5                     person.
6      (5)   The State Administrative Tribunal may make an order
7            under subsection (4)(a), (b)(ii) or (iii), (d) or (e) in
8            respect of a person whether or not at the time when the
9            order is made the person is a licensee.

10   30A.    Limitation on section 29(4)(d)
11     (1)   The power described in section 29(4)(d) and the power
12           of a court to impose a penalty for an offence under this
13           Act must not both be exercised in respect of an act or
14           omission of a person that is substantially the same.
15     (2)   A penalty that exceeds the relevant maximum fine
16           cannot be imposed under section 29(4)(d).
17     (3)   In subsection (2) --
18           relevant maximum fine means, if the penalty is to be
19           imposed in respect of an act or omission that
20           constitutes an offence under this Act, the maximum
21           fine that could be imposed by a court for that offence.

22   30B.    Cancellation of licence if child care service no
23           longer provided
24           The State Administrative Tribunal may, on the
25           application of the CEO, make an order cancelling a
26           licence if the Tribunal is satisfied that the licensee has
27           ceased to provide the child care service to which the
28           licence relates.

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1            30C.    Disciplinary action against managerial officer
2              (1)   In this section --
3                    specified means specified in an order under
4                    subsection (4).
5              (2)   Grounds for disciplinary action against a managerial
6                    officer of a corporate licensee exist if --
7                      (a) the licensee has contravened this Act and --
8                               (i) the contravention occurred with the
9                                    managerial officer's knowledge or
10                                   permission; or
11                             (ii) the managerial officer failed to use all
12                                   due diligence to prevent the
13                                   contravention;
14                           or
15                     (b) the managerial officer is not a fit and proper
16                           person to be involved in the provision of a child
17                           care service.
18             (3)   If the CEO considers that grounds for disciplinary
19                   action against a managerial officer of a corporate
20                   licensee exist, the CEO may make an allegation to the
21                   State Administrative Tribunal in respect of that person.
22             (4)   In proceedings commenced by an allegation under
23                   subsection (3) in respect of a person, the State
24                   Administrative Tribunal, if satisfied that grounds for
25                   disciplinary action exist, may make one or more of the
26                   following orders --
27                     (a) an order reprimanding the person;
28                     (b) an order requiring the person --
29                             (i) to undertake a specified educational or
30                                   training course; or
31                            (ii) to comply with any other specified
32                                   requirement;

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1              (c)    subject to subsection (5), an order requiring the
2                     person to pay a penalty not exceeding $2 500;
3             (d)     an order disqualifying the person from one or
4                     more of the following --
5                        (i) holding a licence;
6                       (ii) being a managerial officer of a
7                             corporate licensee;
8                      (iii) being the supervising officer for a child
9                             care service,
10                    permanently, for a specified period or until a
11                    further order is made by the Tribunal.
12     (5)   The State Administrative Tribunal is not to make an
13           order under subsection (4)(c) unless the Tribunal is
14           satisfied that grounds for disciplinary action exist under
15           subsection (2)(a).
16     (6)   The State Administrative Tribunal may make an order
17           under subsection (4)(a), (b)(ii), (c) or (d) in respect of a
18           person whether or not at the time when the order is
19           made the person is a managerial officer of a corporate
20           licensee.

21   30D.    Offence to employ managerial officer who is
22           disqualified
23           A corporate licensee must not employ or engage a
24           person as a managerial officer of the licensee if the
25           person is disqualified under section 29(4)(e)(ii) or
26           30C(4)(d)(ii).
27           Penalty: a fine of $60 000.

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1    21.         Section 30 amended
2                In section 30(1) in the definition of licensing decision
3                paragraph (e) after "amend" insert:

5                or refuse to amend

7    22.         Section 32 amended
8                After section 32(3) insert:

10               (4)   An amendment application must be --
11                      (a) in the approved form; and
12                      (b) accompanied by the prescribed fee (if any).
13               (5)   The CEO may ask a licensee making an amendment
14                     application for any additional document or information
15                     that the CEO considers is or could be relevant to
16                     making a decision on the amendment application.
17               (6)   If the CEO makes a request under subsection (5), the
18                     CEO does not have to consider the amendment
19                     application, or consider it further, until the request is
20                     complied with.
21               (7)   Any costs incurred in complying with a request under
22                     subsection (5) are to be paid by the licensee making the
23                     amendment application unless the CEO determines
24                     otherwise.

26   23.         Section 38 amended
27         (1)   In section 38(1) insert in alphabetical order:

29                     Commonwealth agency means --
30                      (a) a department of the Public Service of the
31                          Commonwealth; or

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1                         (b)    a Commonwealth agency or instrumentality; or
2                         (c)    a body, whether corporate or unincorporate, or
3                                the holder of an office, post or position,
4                                established or continued for a public purpose
5                                under a law of the Commonwealth;

7          (2)    In section 38(2) and (3) after "public authority," insert:

9                 a Commonwealth agency,

11         (3)    In section 38(4) delete "law of this State" and insert:

13                written law

15         (4)    After section 38(5) insert:

17               (6A)   Subsection (5) does not apply to the disclosure of
18                      information by a Commonwealth agency or a
19                      corresponding authority in compliance with a request
20                      under subsection (3).

22   24.          Section 40 amended
23         (1)    In section 40(1) delete "appoint" and insert:

25                designate

27         (2)    In section 40(2) delete "a form approved by the CEO." and
28                insert:

30                the approved form.

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1          (3)   Delete section 40(3) and insert:

3                (3)   A licensing officer must --
4                       (a) carry his or her identity card when performing
5                             functions under this Act; and
6                       (b) if it is practicable to do so, produce his or her
7                             identity card before exercising a power under
8                             this Act.

10         (4)   In section 40(4) delete "appointment" and insert:

12               designation

14   25.         Section 41A inserted
15               After section 40 insert:

17           41A.      Functions of licensing officer
18                     The functions of a licensing officer are as follows --
19                      (a) to monitor compliance with this Act;
20                      (b) to monitor compliance with the conditions of
21                            licences and exemptions under this Act;
22                      (c) to monitor compliance with the Working with
23                            Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004
24                            by licensees, managerial officers, supervising
25                            officers and members of staff in relation to the
26                            provision of child care services;
27                      (d) to investigate suspected contraventions of this
28                            Act;
29                      (e) to investigate whether grounds for disciplinary
30                            action exist for the purposes of Part 2
31                            Division 6;

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1                         (f)    any other functions that are prescribed.

3    26.         Part 4 replaced
4                Delete Part 4 and insert:

6                      Part 4 -- Compliance and enforcement
7                               Division 1 -- General powers
8          42.          Power to enter place
9                (1)    In this section --
10                      exempt service means a child care service to which an
11                      order under section 45(1) applies.
12               (2)    A licensing officer, for compliance purposes, may enter
13                      a place if --
14                        (a) it is a place at which a child care service is
15                              provided under a licence and the entry occurs
16                              during the service's usual hours of operation; or
17                        (b) it is a place at which an exempt service is
18                              provided and the entry occurs during the
19                              service's usual hours of operation; or
20                        (c) it is a place at which children attending a child
21                              care service are present for the purposes of an
22                              excursion; or
23                        (d) its occupier gives informed consent to the
24                              entry; or
25                        (e) the entry is authorised by an entry warrant.

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1              (3)   For the purposes of subsection (2)(d), an occupier gives
2                    informed consent if the occupier gives consent after
3                    being informed by the licensing officer --
4                      (a) of the powers the officer wants to exercise in
5                            respect of the place; and
6                      (b) of the reasons why the officer wants to exercise
7                            those powers; and
8                      (c) that the occupier can refuse to consent to the
9                            officer entering the place.

10           43A.    Powers after entering place
11                   A licensing officer who enters a place under
12                   section 42(2) may do any of the following --
13                     (a) inspect the place and any thing at the place;
14                     (b) search the place and any thing at the place;
15                     (c) measure, test, photograph or film any part of
16                           the place or any thing at the place;
17                     (d) take any thing, or a sample of or from any
18                           thing, at the place for analysis or testing;
19                     (e) operate equipment or facilities at the place or
20                           direct a person at the place to do so;
21                      (f) make a copy of, or take an extract from, any
22                           record or document at the place;
23                     (g) seize any thing that is or may afford evidence
24                           of a contravention of this Act;
25                     (h) direct the occupier of the place, or a person at
26                           the place, to give the officer such assistance as
27                           the officer reasonably requires for compliance
28                           purposes.

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1    43B.    Obtaining information, records and documents
2      (1)   A licensing officer, for compliance purposes, may do
3            any of the following --
4              (a) direct a person --
5                       (i) to give such information as is required;
6                             or
7                      (ii) to answer a question put to the person,
8                    in relation to any matter;
9              (b) direct a person to produce a record or document
10                   that is in the person's possession or under the
11                   person's control;
12             (c) make a copy of a record or document produced
13                   in response to a direction under paragraph (b).
14     (2)   A direction under subsection (1)(a) --
15            (a) must specify the time at or within which the
16                  information or answer is to be given; and
17            (b) may require that the information or answer --
18                      (i) be given orally or in writing; and
19                     (ii) be given at, or sent or delivered to, a
20                          place specified in the direction; and
21                   (iii) in the case of written information or a
22                          written answer, be sent or delivered by
23                          any means specified in the direction;
24                          and
25                    (iv) be given on oath or affirmation or
26                          verified by statutory declaration.
27     (3)   A direction under subsection (1)(b) --
28            (a) must specify the time at or within which the
29                  record or document is to be produced; and

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1                     (b)   may require that the record or document be
2                           produced --
3                             (i) at any place specified in the direction;
4                                 and
5                            (ii) by any means specified in the direction.
6              (4)   If under subsection (1)(a) or (b) a licensing officer
7                    gives an oral direction to a person to give information
8                    or an answer, or to produce a record or document, the
9                    officer must inform the person that the person is
10                   required, under this Act, to give the information or
11                   answer, or produce the record or document, as the case
12                   may be.
13             (5)   If under subsection (1)(a) or (b) a licensing officer
14                   gives a written direction to a person to give information
15                   or an answer, or to produce a record or document, the
16                   direction must state that the person is required, under
17                   this Act, to give the information or answer, or produce
18                   the record or document, as the case may be.
19             (6)   A licensing officer may administer an oath or
20                   affirmation for the purposes of subsection (2)(b)(iv)
21                   and for that purpose has the authority of a
22                   commissioner for declarations.

23           43C.    Additional powers in relation to relevant records
24                   A licensing officer, for compliance purposes, may do
25                   any of the following --
26                     (a) operate a computer or other thing on which the
27                           officer suspects on reasonable grounds a
28                           relevant record is or may be stored or direct a
29                           person who has the custody or control of the
30                           computer or thing to do so;
31                     (b) direct a person who is or appears to be in
32                           control of a record or document that the officer
33                           suspects on reasonable grounds is a relevant

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1                     record to give the officer a translation, code,
2                     password or other information necessary to
3                     gain access to or interpret and understand the
4                     record or document;
5             (c)     make a copy of or take an extract from, or
6                     download or print out, or photograph or film, a
7                     record or document that the officer suspects on
8                     reasonable grounds is a relevant record;
9             (d)     seize a record or document that the officer
10                    suspects on reasonable grounds is a relevant
11                    record and retain it for as long as is necessary
12                    for the purposes of this Act;
13            (e)     seize a computer or other thing on which the
14                    officer suspects on reasonable grounds a
15                    relevant record is or may be stored and retain it
16                    for as long as is necessary for the purposes of
17                    this Act;
18             (f)    take reasonable measures to secure or protect a
19                    relevant record, or computer or other thing on
20                    which a relevant record is or may be stored,
21                    against damage or unauthorised removal or
22                    interference.

23   43D.    Directions generally
24     (1)   A direction under this Division may be given orally or
25           in writing.
26     (2)   A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
27           comply with a direction given to the person under this
28           Division commits an offence.
29           Penalty: a fine of $12 000.

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1            43E.    Exercise of power may be recorded
2                    A licensing officer may record the exercise of a power
3                    under this Division, including by making an
4                    audiovisual recording.

5            43F.    Assistance and use of force
6              (1)   This section applies in relation to the exercise of a
7                    power under this Division.
8              (2)   A licensing officer exercising the power may authorise
9                    as many other people to assist in exercising the power
10                   as are reasonably necessary in the circumstances.
11             (3)   In exercising the power a licensing officer, and any
12                   person authorised under subsection (2) to assist a
13                   licensing officer, may use any force that is reasonably
14                   necessary in the circumstances.
15             (4)   A person authorised under subsection (2) who assists a
16                   licensing officer in the exercise of the power is to be
17                   taken, for the purposes of this Act, to be performing a
18                   function under this Act.

19           43G.    Seizure
20             (1)   If a licensing officer seizes any thing under this
21                   Division, the officer must give the person who was in
22                   possession of it a receipt for it in the approved form.
23             (2)   If a licensing officer seizes any thing under this
24                   Division, the officer must if practicable allow a person
25                   who is otherwise entitled to possession of it to have
26                   reasonable access to it.
27             (3)   A licensing officer who seizes any thing under this
28                   Division may take reasonable measures to prevent the
29                   thing being concealed, lost, damaged or destroyed.

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1       (4)   If it is not practicable to move any thing that has been
2             seized, a licensing officer may do whatever is
3             reasonably necessary to secure it where it is situated
4             and to notify people that it is under seizure.
5       (5)   A person must not, without a licensing officer's
6             approval, interfere or deal with any thing that the
7             person knows, or ought reasonably to know, has been
8             seized by a licensing officer.
9             Penalty: a fine of $12 000.

10   43H.     Application of Criminal and Found Property
11            Disposal Act 2006
12      (1)   The Criminal and Found Property Disposal Act 2006
13            applies to and in respect of any thing that is seized
14            under this Division.
15      (2)   For the purposes of the Criminal and Found Property
16            Disposal Act 2006 the Department is a prescribed
17            agency.

18                  Division 2 -- Entry warrants
19   43I.     Applying for entry warrant
20      (1)   A licensing officer may apply to a JP for an entry
21            warrant authorising the entry of a place for compliance
22            purposes.
23      (2)   A licensing officer may apply for an entry warrant for a
24            place even if, under section 42(2), the officer may enter
25            the place without an entry warrant.
26      (3)   The application must be made in accordance with
27            section 43J and must include the prescribed
28            information, if any.

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1            43J.    Application for entry warrant
2              (1)   In this section --
3                    application means an application under section 43I;
4                    remote communication means any way of
5                    communicating at a distance including by telephone,
6                    fax, email and radio.
7              (2)   A reference in this section to making an application
8                    includes a reference to giving information in support of
9                    the application.
10             (3)   An application must be made in person before a JP
11                   unless --
12                     (a) the warrant is needed urgently; and
13                    (b) the applicant reasonably suspects that a JP is
14                          not available within a reasonable distance of the
15                          applicant,
16                   in which case --
17                     (c) the application may be made to the JP by
18                          remote communication; and
19                     (d) the JP must not grant it unless satisfied about
20                          the matters in paragraphs (a) and (b).
21             (4)   An application must be made in writing unless --
22                    (a) the application is made by remote
23                          communication; and
24                    (b) it is not practicable to send the JP written
25                          material,
26                   in which case --
27                     (c) the application may be made orally; and
28                     (d) the JP must make a written record of the
29                          application and any information given in
30                          support of it.

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1    (5)   An application must be made on oath unless --
2           (a) the application is made by remote
3                 communication; and
4           (b) it is not practicable for the JP to administer an
5                 oath to the applicant,
6          in which case --
7            (c) the application may be made in an unsworn
8                 form; and
9            (d) if the JP issues an entry warrant, the applicant
10                must as soon as is practicable send the JP an
11                affidavit verifying the application and any
12                information given in support of it.
13   (6)   If on an application made by remote communication a
14         JP issues an entry warrant, the JP must if practicable
15         send a copy of the original warrant to the applicant by
16         remote communication, but otherwise --
17           (a) the JP must send the applicant by remote
18                 communication any information that must be
19                 set out in the warrant; and
20           (b) the applicant must complete a form of warrant
21                 with the information received and give the JP a
22                 copy of the form as soon as is practicable after
23                 doing so; and
24           (c) the JP must attach the copy of the form to the
25                 original warrant and any affidavit received
26                 from the applicant and make them available for
27                 collection by the applicant.
28   (7)   The copy of the original warrant sent, or the form of
29         the warrant completed, as the case may be, under
30         subsection (6) has the same force and effect as the
31         original warrant.
32   (8)   If an applicant contravenes subsection (5)(d) or (6)(b),
33         any evidence obtained under the entry warrant is not

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1                    admissible in proceedings in a court or the State
2                    Administrative Tribunal.

3            43K.    Issuing entry warrant
4              (1)   On an application under section 43I, a JP may issue an
5                    entry warrant if satisfied that it is necessary for a
6                    licensing officer to enter a place for compliance
7                    purposes.
8              (2)   An entry warrant must contain the following
9                    information --
10                     (a) a reasonably particular description of the place
11                          to which it relates;
12                     (b) a reasonably particular description of the
13                          compliance purposes for which entry to the
14                          place is required;
15                     (c) if a contravention of this Act is suspected, the
16                          provision concerned;
17                     (d) the period, not exceeding 14 days, during which
18                          it may be executed;
19                     (e) the name of the JP who issued it;
20                      (f) the date and time when it was issued.
21             (3)   An entry warrant must be in the prescribed form.
22             (4)   If a JP refuses to issue an entry warrant, the JP must
23                   record on the application the fact of, the date and time
24                   of, and the reasons for, the refusal.

25           43L.    Effect of entry warrant
26             (1)   An entry warrant has effect according to its content and
27                   this section.
28             (2)   An entry warrant comes into force when it is issued by
29                   a JP.

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1      (3)   An entry warrant may be executed by any licensing
2            officer.

3                Division 3 -- Compliance notices
4    43M.    CEO may give compliance notice
5      (1)   The CEO may give a licensee a compliance notice if
6            the CEO believes on reasonable grounds that the
7            licensee --
8              (a) is contravening a provision of this Act; or
9              (b) has contravened a provision of this Act in
10                   circumstances that make it likely that the
11                   contravention will be repeated.
12     (2)   A compliance notice must --
13            (a) be in writing; and
14            (b) specify the provision of this Act (the relevant
15                 provision) that the CEO believes is being, or
16                 has been, contravened; and
17            (c) state, briefly, how it is believed the relevant
18                 provision is being, or has been, contravened;
19                 and
20            (d) specify the measures the licensee must take to
21                 remedy the contravention, or to prevent a
22                 further contravention, of the relevant provision,
23                 as the case requires; and
24            (e) specify the day on or before which the
25                 measures are to be taken; and
26             (f) state that contravention of the notice is an
27                 offence under this Act and grounds for
28                 disciplinary action under Part 2 Division 6; and
29            (g) inform the licensee that the licensee has a right
30                 to apply under section 43O for a review of the
31                 CEO's decision to give the notice.

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1              (3)   The day specified under subsection (2)(e) must be at
2                    least 7 days after the day on which the compliance
3                    notice is given to the licensee.
4              (4)   The CEO may, by written notice given to the licensee,
5                    amend or cancel a compliance notice.

6            43N.    Contravention of compliance notice
7                    A licensee who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
8                    comply with a compliance notice given to the licensee
9                    commits an offence.
10                   Penalty: a fine of $12 000.

11           43O.    Review of decision to give compliance notice
12                   A licensee aggrieved by a decision of the CEO to give
13                   a compliance notice may apply to the State
14                   Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision.

15                   Division 4 -- Proceedings and evidence
16           43P.    Legal proceedings
17             (1)   Proceedings for an offence under this Act or in respect
18                   of any other matter arising under this Act may be
19                   commenced in the name of the CEO by the CEO or a
20                   person authorised to do so by the CEO.
21             (2)   In any proceedings no proof is required of --
22                     (a) the appointment of the CEO; or
23                     (b) the authorisation of a person under
24                           subsection (1),
25                   but an averment in a prosecution notice or other
26                   document that the person is so appointed or authorised
27                   is to be taken to be proved in the absence of evidence
28                   to the contrary.

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1      (3)   Subsection (1) does not limit the ability of a person to
2            commence or conduct the prosecution of an offence if
3            the person has authority at law to do so.

4    43Q.    Evidentiary certificate
5      (1)   In proceedings under this Act production of a
6            certificate containing a statement described in
7            subsection (2) and purporting to be signed by the CEO
8            is, without proof of any appointment or signature,
9            evidence of the facts stated in the certificate.
10     (2)   A certificate may state any or all of the following --
11            (a) that a person holds or held, or does not or did
12                   not hold, a licence in relation to a particular
13                   child care service;
14            (b) that a licence specifies or specified, or does not
15                   or did not specify, a particular place;
16            (c) the conditions to which a licence is or was
17                   subject;
18            (d) that a licence has or had been suspended or
19                   cancelled;
20            (e) that a person has or had been disqualified
21                   from --
22                      (i) holding a licence; or
23                     (ii) being a managerial officer of a
24                           corporate licensee; or
25                    (iii) being the supervising officer for a child
26                           care service;
27             (f) that a compliance notice has or had been given
28                   to a person;
29            (g) the day, days or period on or during which
30                   anything referred to in any of paragraphs (a)
31                   to (f) applied.

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1            43.         No privilege against self-incrimination
2                  (1)   A person is not excused from complying with a
3                        direction under section 43B(1)(a) to give information,
4                        answer a question or produce a record or document on
5                        the ground that complying with the direction might
6                        tend to incriminate the person or render the person
7                        liable to a penalty.
8                  (2)   However, any information or answer given by an
9                        individual in compliance with such a direction is not
10                       admissible in evidence against the individual in
11                       proceedings under Part 2 Division 6 or in criminal
12                       proceedings other than proceedings for perjury or for
13                       an offence under section 49.

14           44.         Evidence Act 1906 not affected
15                       This Division is in addition to and does not affect the
16                       operation of the Evidence Act 1906.

18   27.           Section 45A inserted
19                 At the beginning of Part 5 insert:

21           45A.        Publication of information about child care services
22                 (1)   The CEO may cause to be published, in any form or
23                       manner the CEO considers appropriate, information
24                       concerning any of the following --
25                         (a) child care services;
26                         (b) licensees or other persons involved in the
27                              provision of child care services;
28                         (c) matters that adversely affect or may adversely
29                              affect the interests of children to whom child
30                              care services are provided.

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1           (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), information published
2                 under this section may include details of --
3                   (a) compliance notices; and
4                  (b) orders made by the State Administrative
5                         Tribunal in proceedings under Part 2
6                         Division 6.
7           (3)   Information published under this section may identify a
8                 particular child care service or a particular person, but
9                 not a child.
10          (4)   The CEO must not publish information under this
11                section unless satisfied that it is in the public interest to
12                do so.
13          (5)   Without limiting section 51, no civil or criminal
14                liability is incurred by the CEO or any other person in
15                respect of the publication, in good faith, of information
16                under this section.

18   28.    Section 45 amended
19          After section 45(2) insert:

21         (3A)   An order made under subsection (1) may specify
22                conditions subject to which the exemption is to apply.
23         (3B)   A person who provides a child care service to which an
24                order made under subsection (1) applies must not
25                contravene a condition specified in the order.
26                Penalty: a fine of $12 000.

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1    29.           Section 49 replaced
2                  Delete section 49 and insert:

4            49.         False or misleading information
5                        A person must not --
6                         (a) in, or in connection with, an application under
7                               this Act; or
8                         (b) in compliance or purported compliance with a
9                               direction or requirement under this Act; or
10                        (c) for any other purpose under this Act,
11                       give information that the person knows is false or
12                       misleading in a material particular.
13                       Penalty: a fine of $6 000.

15   30.           Section 50 amended
16                 Delete section 50(2)(b) and insert:

18                         (b)   for the purpose of proceedings under this Act;
19                               or

21   31.           Section 51A inserted
22                 After section 50 insert:

24           51A.        CEO may require statutory declaration
25                       The CEO may require any document or information
26                       provided to the CEO or a departmental officer for the
27                       purposes of this Act to be verified by statutory
28                       declaration.

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1    32.         Section 51 amended
2          (1)   Delete section 51(3) and insert:

4                (3)   The State is also relieved of any liability that it might
5                      otherwise have had for another person having done
6                      anything as described in subsection (1).

8          (2)   Delete section 51(4).

9    33.         Section 53A inserted
10               After section 52 insert:

12           53A.      Regulations may refer to published documents
13               (1)   Regulations made under section 52 may adopt the text
14                     of any published document specified in the
15                     regulations --
16                       (a) as that text exists at a particular date; or
17                       (b) as that text may from time to time be amended.
18               (2)   The text may be adopted --
19                      (a) wholly or in part; or
20                      (b) as modified by the regulations.
21               (3)   The adoption may be direct (by reference made in the
22                     regulations), or indirect (by reference made in any text
23                     that is itself directly or indirectly adopted).
24               (4)   The adoption of text is of no effect unless --
25                      (a) the adopted text; and
26                      (b) if text is adopted as it may from time to time be
27                            amended, either --
28                              (i) the amendments to the text; or

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1                                (ii)   the text as amended,
2                      can at all reasonable times be inspected or purchased
3                      by the public.

5    34.        Part 6 Division 1 heading inserted
6               After the heading to Part 6 insert:

8              Division 1 -- Provisions relating to repeal of Children
9                     and Community Services Act 2004 Part 8

11   35.        Section 54 amended
12              In section 54 delete "Part --" and insert:

14              Division --

16              Note: The heading to amended section 54 is to read:

17                    Terms used

18   36.        Section 55 amended
19              In section 55 delete "Part" (first occurrence) and insert:

21              Division

23   37.        Section 61 amended
24              In section 61(1) delete "Part" and insert:

26              Division

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1    38.     Part 6 Division 2 inserted
2            At the end of Part 6 insert:

4          Division 2 -- Provisions relating to Child Care Services
5                          Amendment Act 2011
6          62A.    Interpretation Act 1984 not affected
7                  The provisions of this Division are additional to and do
8                  not affect the application of the Interpretation Act 1984
9                  Part V.

10         62B.    Licensing officers
11                 An appointment that was in effect under section 40(1)
12                 immediately before the day on which the Child Care
13                 Services Amendment Act 2011 section 24(1) (the
14                 amending provision) comes into operation is, on and
15                 after that day, to be taken to be a designation under
16                 section 40(1) as amended by the amending provision.

17         62C.    Supervising officers
18           (1)   In this section --
19                 commencement day means the day on which the Child
20                 Care Services Amendment Act 2011 section 4(2) comes
21                 into operation;
22                 old definition means the definition of supervising
23                 officer in section 3 as in force immediately before the
24                 commencement day.
25           (2)   An individual who, immediately before the
26                 commencement day, was the supervising officer for a
27                 child care service under paragraph (a)(ii) of the old
28                 definition is, on and after that day, to be taken to be an
29                 individual approved for the purposes of
30                 section 5A(1)(a)(ii) in relation to that service.

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1              (3)   An individual who, immediately before the
2                    commencement day, was the supervising officer for a
3                    child care service under paragraph (b)(i) or (ii) of the
4                    old definition is, on and after that day, to be taken to be
5                    an individual approved for the purposes of
6                    section 5A(1)(b)(i) in relation to that service.

7            62D.    Suspensions
8              (1)   This section applies if, immediately before the day on
9                    which the Child Care Services Amendment Act 2011
10                   section 16 comes into operation, a suspension of a
11                   licence (the existing suspension) was in effect under
12                   this Act.
13             (2)   The existing suspension continues to have effect until
14                   one of the following happens --
15                     (a) the suspension is revoked by the CEO under
16                           subsection (3);
17                    (b) the suspension is revoked by the State
18                           Administrative Tribunal on an application
19                           under section 30 for a review of the CEO's
20                           decision to suspend the licence;
21                     (c) the licence is cancelled under section 29 or 30B
22                           or expires;
23                    (d) the licence is surrendered in accordance with
24                           the regulations.
25             (3)   The CEO may, by written notice given to the licensee,
26                   revoke the existing suspension if the CEO --
27                     (a) is satisfied that the steps specified in the
28                          suspension notice relating to the suspension
29                          have been taken; or
30                     (b) is otherwise satisfied that it is appropriate to do
31                          so in the circumstances of the particular case.

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1    62E.    Transitional regulations
2      (1)   If there is no sufficient provision in this Division for
3            dealing with a transitional matter, regulations made
4            under this Act may prescribe all matters that are
5            required or necessary or convenient to be prescribed
6            for dealing with the matter.
7      (2)   In subsection (1) --
8            transitional matter means a matter that needs to be
9            dealt with for the purpose of effecting the transition
10           from this Act as in force immediately before the
11           commencement of a provision of the Child Care
12           Services Amendment Act 2011 to this Act as in force
13           after that commencement.
14     (3)   Regulations referred to in subsection (1) may provide
15           that a specified provision of this Act does not apply, or
16           applies with specified modifications, to or in relation to
17           any matter.
18     (4)   If regulations referred to in subsection (1) provide that
19           a specified state of affairs is to be taken to have
20           existed, or not to have existed, on and from a day that
21           is earlier than the day on which the regulations are
22           published in the Gazette but not earlier than the
23           commencement of the relevant provision of the Child
24           Care Services Amendment Act 2011, the regulations
25           have effect according to their terms.
26     (5)   In subsections (3) and (4) --
27           specified means specified or described in the
28           regulations.
29     (6)   If regulations contain a provision referred to in
30           subsection (4), the provision does not operate so as --
31             (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person
32                   (other than the State, an authority of the State
33                   or a local government), the rights of that person

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1                                existing before the regulations were published
2                                in the Gazette; or
3                         (b)    to impose liabilities on any person (other than
4                                the State, an authority of the State or a local
5                                government), in respect of anything done or
6                                omitted to be done before the regulations were
7                                published in the Gazette.

9    39.          Schedule 1 amended
10         (1)    Delete Schedule 1 item 2 and insert:

12           2.          Regulating --
13                         (a) objections to the grant of licences; and
14                         (b) the surrender of licences.

16         (2)    In Schedule 1 item 5:
17                  (a) delete "an applicant or licensee" and insert:

19                        a person

21                 (b)    after "application" insert:

23                        under this Act

25         (3)    Delete Schedule 1 items 7 and 8 and insert:

27           7.          Providing for and in relation to the approval of individuals
28                       by the CEO for the purposes of section 5A(1)(a)(ii) and
29                       (b)(i), including --
30                          (a) the making of applications for approval; and
31                         (b) matters of which the CEO has to be satisfied before
32                             giving approval, including requirements as to the

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1                          qualifications, training or experience of applicants
2                          for approval; and
3                    (c) the suspension or cancellation of approval by the
4                        State Administrative Tribunal.
5      8.         Providing for and in relation to the nomination of
6                 individuals as supervising officers for the purposes of
7                 section 5A(1)(b)(ii).

9    (4)     Delete Schedule 1 item 19 and insert:

11     19.        Prescribing fees payable in respect of matters under this Act
12                including --
13                   (a)    fees for applications; and
14                   (b)    fees by way of penalty for the late lodgment of
15                          applications; and
16                   (c)    fees for licences,
17                and prescribing the persons liable to pay those fees.

19   (5)     Delete Schedule 1 item 20.
20   (6)     After Schedule 1 item 22 insert:

22     23.        Conferring a right to apply to the State Administrative
23                Tribunal for a review of a decision of the CEO made under
24                the regulations.

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    Child Care Services Amendment Bill 2011
    Part 3          Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004

    s. 40

1         Part 3 -- Working with Children (Criminal Record
2                  Checking) Act 2004 amended
3   40.       Act amended
4             This Part amends the Working with Children (Criminal Record
5             Checking) Act 2004.

6   41.       Section 38 amended
7             In section 38(3)(b) delete "a nominated supervising officer,".


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