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Western Australia Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 3 amended 3 5. Section 7A inserted 4 7A. Requesting or informing people under this Act 4 6. Section 7 amended 4 7. Section 8 amended 4 8. Section 9 amended 5 9. Section 11 amended 6 10. Section 16 amended 6 11. Section 17 amended 7 12. Section 19 amended 7 13. Section 23 amended 8 14. Section 34 amended 8 15. Section 38 amended 8 16. Section 40 amended 8 17. Section 42 amended 9 18. Section 47 amended 9 19. Section 49 amended 10 20. Section 50 amended 11 21. Section 51 amended 11 17--2 page i Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 22. Part 8A inserted 12 Part 8A -- Identifying particulars of serious offenders 52A. Terms used 12 52B. How identifying procedures are to be done 13 52C. Identifying particulars may be taken 13 52D. Request and giving of information to be recorded 14 52E. When identifying procedure may be done 14 23. Section 56 amended 15 24. Section 59 amended 16 25. Section 63 amended 16 26. Section 67 amended 17 27. Section 68A inserted 17 68A. Identifying information of serious offenders 17 28. Section 76 amended 18 Part 3 -- Amendments to other Acts 29. Criminal Investigation Act 2006 amended 20 30. Criminal Organisations Control Act 2012 amended 20 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended in Committee) Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 A Bill for An Act to amend the Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 and for related purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) 4 Amendment Act 2013. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 8 receives the Royal Assent (assent day); 9 (b) section 28 -- on a day fixed by proclamation; 10 (c) the rest of the Act -- on the day after assent day. page 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) 2 Act 2002 amended 3 3. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Criminal Investigation (Identifying 5 People) Act 2002. 6 4. Section 3 amended 7 (1) In section 3(1) in the definition of identifying feature in the 8 example delete "the face" and insert: 9 10 the face, iris or retina 11 12 (2) In section 3(1) in the definition of identifying information 13 delete "has, except in Schedule 1," and insert: 14 15 has 16 17 (3) In section 3(1) in the definition of identifying particular delete 18 "61 or Schedule 1 clause 1," and insert: 19 20 52A or 61, 21 22 (4) In section 3(1) in the definition of intimate identifying 23 procedure: 24 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "blood;" and insert: 25 26 blood; or 27 page 3 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 5 1 (b) after paragraph (c) insert: 2 3 (d) the taking of a sample of any bodily material of 4 the person, other than the person's blood, by 5 means of a procedure that is prescribed by the 6 regulations to be an intimate identifying 7 procedure; 8 9 5. Section 7A inserted 10 After section 6 insert: 11 12 7A. Requesting or informing people under this Act 13 Unless expressly provided otherwise, if this Act 14 permits a person to make a request to another person or 15 requires a person to inform another person, the request 16 or information may be given to the other person orally 17 or in writing. 18 19 6. Section 7 amended 20 In section 7 after paragraph (a) insert: 21 22 (ba) does not comply with any reasonable request 23 made to him or her in order to enable the 24 procedure to be done; or 25 26 7. Section 8 amended 27 (1) In section 8(2) after "body tissue" insert: 28 29 (including bone or teeth) 30 page 4 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 8 1 (2) After section 8(3) insert: 2 3 (4) The regulations, in relation to any specific identifying 4 particular of a person prescribed under section 17, 23, 5 34, 47 or 52A -- 6 (a) may specify one or more identifying procedures 7 that may be done on the person to obtain bodily 8 material for the purpose of obtaining that 9 identifying particular of the person; and 10 (b) in relation to an identifying procedure so 11 specified, may provide that the procedure must 12 not be used to obtain bodily material from the 13 person unless it is impracticable to use another 14 specified procedure. 15 16 Note: The heading to amended section 8 is to read: 17 Procedures for obtaining material from which to obtain specific 18 identifying particulars 19 8. Section 9 amended 20 In section 9(1) delete the definition of sample and insert: 21 22 sample means a sample of bodily material taken from a 23 person under this Act for the purpose of obtaining -- 24 (a) the DNA profile of the person; or 25 (b) any identifying particular prescribed for the 26 purposes of this definition. 27 page 5 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 9 1 9. Section 11 amended 2 In section 11(1) in the definition of identifying particular after 3 paragraph (e) insert: 4 5 (f) an identifying particular of the person that is 6 prescribed under section 17, 23, 34, 47 or 52A; 7 8 10. Section 16 amended 9 (1) In section 16(1) insert in alphabetical order: 10 11 face covering means an item of clothing, hat, helmet, 12 mask or sunglasses, or any other thing worn by a 13 person, that totally or partially covers the person's face; 14 15 (2) After section 16(3) insert: 16 17 (4A) If -- 18 (a) an officer makes a request to a person under 19 subsection (2); or 20 (b) a police officer requests or requires a person to 21 give the police officer, under another written 22 law and for a forensic purpose, any or all of the 23 person's personal details, 24 the officer may request the person -- 25 (c) to remove or adjust any face covering worn by 26 the person; or 27 (d) to do any other thing reasonably necessary, 28 to enable the officer to see the person's face or verify 29 the correctness of any personal detail, or any evidence 30 of any personal detail, given by the person. page 6 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 11 1 (4B) It is sufficient compliance with a request made under 2 subsection (4A)(c) if only so much of the person's face 3 covering that totally or partially covers the person's 4 face is removed or adjusted. 5 (4C) If an officer makes a request to a person under this 6 section, the officer may detain the person for a 7 reasonable period for the purpose of the person's 8 compliance with the request or to verify the correctness 9 of any personal detail, or any evidence of any personal 10 detail, given by the person. 11 12 (3) In section 16(4) delete "subsection (2) or (3)" and insert: 13 14 subsection (2), (3) or (4A) 15 16 (4) In section 16(6) delete "subsection (2) or (3)" and insert: 17 18 subsection (2), (3) or (4A) 19 20 11. Section 17 amended 21 In section 17 in the definition of identifying particular after 22 paragraph (e) insert: 23 24 (f) an identifying particular of the person that is 25 prescribed for the purposes of this definition; 26 27 12. Section 19 amended 28 Delete section 19(3). page 7 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 13 1 13. Section 23 amended 2 In section 23 in the definition of identifying particular after 3 paragraph (e) insert: 4 5 (f) an identifying particular of the person that is 6 prescribed for the purposes of this definition; 7 8 14. Section 34 amended 9 In section 34 in the definition of identifying particular: 10 (a) after paragraph (b) insert: 11 12 (ca) a measurement of any identifying feature of the 13 person; 14 15 (b) after paragraph (e) insert: 16 17 (f) an identifying particular of the person that is 18 prescribed for the purposes of this definition; 19 20 15. Section 38 amended 21 In section 38(2)(a) delete "an offence" and insert: 22 23 a serious offence 24 25 16. Section 40 amended 26 After section 40(3) insert: 27 28 (4) If a suspect is a protected person and, after making 29 reasonable enquiries to find a responsible person, an 30 officer reasonably suspects that -- 31 (a) there is no responsible person; or page 8 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 17 1 (b) a responsible person cannot be found within a 2 reasonable time; or 3 (c) it is impracticable to request the consent of a 4 responsible person, 5 an identifying procedure may only be done on the 6 suspect if a magistrate issues an IP warrant (suspect) 7 that authorises it. 8 9 17. Section 42 amended 10 In section 42(2)(b) delete "section 40(2) or (3)" and insert: 11 12 section 40(2), (3) or (4) 13 14 18. Section 47 amended 15 (1) In section 47 in the definition of identifying particular, in 16 relation to a charged suspect charged with a serious offence: 17 (a) after paragraph (c) insert: 18 19 (da) an impression of an identifying feature of the 20 suspect (including a dental impression); 21 (db) a sample of the suspect's hair taken for 22 purposes other than obtaining the suspect's 23 DNA profile; 24 25 (b) after paragraph (d) insert: 26 27 (e) an identifying particular of the suspect that is 28 prescribed for the purposes of this definition; 29 page 9 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 19 1 (2) In section 47 in the definition of identifying particular, in 2 relation to a charged suspect charged with an offence other than 3 a serious offence: 4 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "suspect." and insert: 5 6 suspect; 7 8 (b) after paragraph (c) insert: 9 10 (d) an identifying particular of the suspect that is 11 prescribed for the purposes of this definition, 12 which cannot include an identifying particular 13 listed in paragraph (da), (db) or (d) of the 14 definition of identifying particular, in relation 15 to a charged suspect charged with a serious 16 offence. 17 18 19. Section 49 amended 19 (1) Delete section 49(1) and insert: 20 21 (1) If it is practicable to do so, an officer may request a 22 charged suspect to consent to an identifying procedure 23 being done on the suspect for the purpose of obtaining 24 one or more of a charged suspect's identifying 25 particulars. 26 27 (2) Delete section 49(2)(f)(i) and (ii) and insert: 28 29 (i) the suspect may be arrested; and 30 (ii) the procedure may be done on the 31 suspect against the suspect's will. 32 page 10 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 20 1 20. Section 50 amended 2 (1) In section 50(1): 3 (a) delete "A police officer" and insert: 4 5 An officer 6 7 (b) delete "the section and the charged suspect's responses 8 (if any)." and insert: 9 10 that section and whether the charged suspect 11 consented to the request or not. 12 13 (2) After section 50(1) insert: 14 15 (2A) If an officer does not make a request to a charged 16 suspect under section 49 because it is not practicable to 17 do so, the officer must ensure that a record is made of 18 the reasons why it was not practicable to make the 19 request. 20 21 (3) In section 50(2) delete "The record" and insert: 22 23 A record under this section 24 25 21. Section 51 amended 26 (1) In section 51(1)(b) delete "in accordance with" and insert: 27 28 under 29 page 11 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 22 1 (2) Delete section 51(2) and (3) and insert: 2 3 (2) If -- 4 (a) subsection (1)(a) and (b) apply but the charged 5 suspect does not consent or withdraws consent 6 to the identifying procedure; or 7 (b) it is not practicable to make a request to a 8 charged suspect under section 49, 9 an officer may -- 10 (c) if the charged suspect is not in custody -- 11 without a warrant arrest the suspect and detain 12 him or her for a reasonable period in order to 13 do the identifying procedure; and 14 (d) do the identifying procedure on the charged 15 suspect against the suspect's will. 16 17 22. Part 8A inserted 18 After section 51 insert: 19 20 Part 8A -- Identifying particulars of serious 21 offenders 22 52A. Terms used 23 In this Part -- 24 identifying particular, in relation to a serious offender, 25 means -- 26 (a) a print of the offender's hands (including 27 fingers), feet (including toes) or ears; 28 (b) a photograph of the offender (including of an 29 identifying feature of the offender); 30 (c) the offender's DNA profile; page 12 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 22 1 (d) an identifying particular of the offender that is 2 prescribed for the purposes of this definition; 3 serious offender means a person who is -- 4 (a) found guilty of a serious offence (whether or 5 not a spent conviction order is made in respect 6 of the finding of guilt or a conviction is 7 recorded); or 8 (b) found not guilty of a serious offence on account 9 of unsoundness of mind. 10 52B. How identifying procedures are to be done 11 An identifying procedure that under this Part may be 12 done on a person must be done in accordance with 13 Part 8. 14 52C. Identifying particulars may be taken 15 (1) If a police officer reasonably suspects a person is a 16 serious offender and his or her identifying 17 particulars -- 18 (a) are not held or may not be held by the WA 19 Police; or 20 (b) are or may be needed to verify the person's 21 identity by comparison with identifying 22 particulars already held by the WA Police, 23 the police officer may, within 6 months after the date 24 on which the person became a serious offender, request 25 the offender, if it is practicable to do so, to consent to a 26 non-intimate identifying procedure being done on the 27 offender for the purpose of obtaining one or more of 28 the offender's identifying particulars. 29 (2) A police officer who requests a serious offender to 30 consent to a non-intimate identifying procedure being 31 done on the offender must at the time inform the 32 offender of these matters -- 33 (a) the purpose of the procedure; page 13 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 22 1 (b) how the procedure will be done; 2 (c) that information derived from the procedure 3 may be compared with or put in a forensic 4 database; 5 (d) the circumstances in which destruction may be 6 requested under section 69; 7 (e) that the procedure may provide evidence that 8 could be used in a court against the offender; 9 (f) that if the offender does not consent or 10 withdraws consent to the procedure -- 11 (i) the offender may be arrested; and 12 (ii) the procedure may be done on the 13 offender against the offender's will. 14 52D. Request and giving of information to be recorded 15 (1) A police officer who makes a request under 16 section 52C must ensure that a record is made of the 17 request, of the information given under that section and 18 whether the serious offender consented to the request 19 or not. 20 (2) If a police officer does not make a request to a serious 21 offender under section 52C because it is not practicable 22 to do so, the police officer must ensure that a record is 23 made of the reasons why it was not practicable to make 24 the request. 25 (3) A record under this section must be an audiovisual 26 record or in writing. 27 52E. When identifying procedure may be done 28 (1) If -- 29 (a) under section 52C a request is made to a serious 30 offender; and 31 (b) the offender is informed under that section; and page 14 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 23 1 (c) the offender consents to the identifying 2 procedure being done, 3 then the non-intimate identifying procedure may be 4 done on the offender. 5 (2) If -- 6 (a) subsection (1)(a) and (b) apply but the serious 7 offender does not consent or withdraws consent 8 to the identifying procedure; or 9 (b) it is not practicable to make a request to a 10 serious offender under section 52C, 11 an officer may -- 12 (c) if the offender is not in custody -- without a 13 warrant arrest the offender and detain him or 14 her for a reasonable period in order to do the 15 non-intimate identifying procedure; and 16 (d) do the non-intimate identifying procedure on 17 the offender against the offender's will. 18 19 23. Section 56 amended 20 (1) In section 56 delete "When" and insert: 21 22 (1) When 23 24 (2) At the end of section 56 insert: 25 26 (2) If the regulations, for the purpose of the definition of 27 identifying particular in section 17, 23, 34, 47 or 52A, 28 prescribe an identifying particular, the regulations 29 may -- 30 (a) for each identifying procedure needed to obtain 31 the identifying particular, prescribe powers that 32 may be exercised to do the procedure; and page 15 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 24 1 (b) for each power, prescribe the person, or class of 2 persons, who may exercise it. 3 4 24. Section 59 amended 5 (1) Before section 59(1) insert: 6 7 (1A) This section applies if, under other provisions of this 8 Act, a person may be requested or required to undergo 9 an identifying procedure. 10 11 (2) In section 59(1) delete "requested --" and insert: 12 13 requested or required -- 14 15 (3) In section 59(2) after "requested" insert: 16 17 or required 18 19 (4) In section 59(3) after "request" insert: 20 21 or requirement 22 23 25. Section 63 amended 24 After section 63(1)(b) insert: 25 26 (ca) may be used to obtain any identifying particular 27 of the deceased person in accordance with the 28 direction of a coroner; and 29 page 16 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 26 1 26. Section 67 amended 2 (1) After section 67(1)(b) insert: 3 4 (ca) may be used to obtain any identifying particular 5 of the suspect; and 6 7 (2) In section 67(2) delete "Part 7." and insert: 8 9 Part 7 as if the references in subsection (1)(a) and (b) to 10 "as soon as it is obtained" were deleted. 11 12 27. Section 68A inserted 13 After section 67 insert: 14 15 68A. Identifying information of serious offenders 16 (1) In this section -- 17 former Schedule 1 clause 6 means Schedule 1 clause 6 18 as in effect under the former section 95; 19 former section 95 means section 95 as in effect before 20 it was repealed by the Criminal Investigation 21 (Consequential Provisions) Act 2006 section 40. 22 (2) Identifying information of a serious offender obtained 23 under Part 8A -- 24 (a) may be compared with other information, 25 whether or not in a forensic database, as soon 26 as it is obtained; and 27 (b) may be put in a forensic database as soon as it 28 is obtained; and 29 (c) may be used to obtain any identifying particular 30 of the offender; and page 17 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 28 1 (d) must be destroyed if the serious offender ceases 2 to be a serious offender and destruction is 3 requested under section 69 by or on behalf of 4 the offender. 5 (3) Subsection (2) applies in relation to identifying 6 information of a serious offender obtained under the 7 former Schedule 1 clause 6 as if the references in 8 subsection (2)(a) and (b) to "as soon as it is obtained" 9 were deleted. 10 11 28. Section 76 amended 12 (1) In section 76 delete the definitions of: 13 crime scene index 14 DNA database index 15 missing persons index 16 offenders index 17 suspects index 18 unknown deceased persons index 19 volunteers (limited purposes) index 20 volunteers (unlimited purposes) index 21 (2) In section 76 in the definition of DNA database: 22 (a) delete paragraph (a); 23 (b) delete paragraph (c) and insert: 24 25 (c) any index prescribed by the regulations for the 26 purposes of this definition; 27 page 18 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 2 s. 28 1 (3) In section 76 in the definition of statistical index delete "Part;" 2 and insert: 3 4 Part. 5 page 19 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Amendments to other Acts s. 29 1 Part 3 -- Amendments to other Acts 2 29. Criminal Investigation Act 2006 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Criminal Investigation Act 2006. 4 (2) In section 102(4) delete "identifying" and insert: 5 6 forensic 7 8 (3) In section 132(1)(f) delete "under a warrant issued". 9 30. Criminal Organisations Control Act 2012 amended 10 (1) This section amends the Criminal Organisations Control 11 Act 2012. 12 (2) In section 88(1)(a) delete "section 67(1)(a) and (b)," and insert: 13 14 section 67(1)(a), (b) and (ca), 15 16
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