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                       Western Australia

Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008


         Part 1 -- Preliminary matters
   1.    Short title                                               2
   2.    Commencement                                              2
         Part 2 -- The Criminal Code
         Division 1 -- Preliminary matters
   3.    Code amended in this Part                                 3
         Division 2 -- General amendments
   4.    Section 23 replaced by sections 23, 23A and 23B           3
         23.      Intention and motive                        3
         23A.     Unwilled acts and omissions                 3
         23B.     Accident                                    4
         Division 3 -- Amendments about defences
   5.    Section 25 replaced                                       4
         25.      Emergency                                   4
   6.    Section 31 replaced by sections 31 and 32                 5
         31.      Lawful authority                            5
         32.      Duress                                      6
   7.    Section 244 amended                                       7
   8.    Sections 248, 249 and 250 replaced by section 248         7
         248.     Self-defence                                7
   9.    Section 441 amended                                       8
         Division 4 -- Amendments about homicide
   10.   Sections 278, 279 and 282 replaced by section 279         9
         279.     Murder                                      9
   11.   Sections 280 and 287 replaced by section 280             11
         280.     Manslaughter                               11
   12.   Section 281 replaced                                     11
         281.     Unlawful assault causing death             11

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Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008


      13.    Sections 281A and 287A repealed                            11
      14.    Section 284 inserted                                       12
             284.      Culpable driving (other than of motor
                       vehicle) causing death or grievous bodily
                       harm                                        12
             Division 5 -- Consequential amendments
      15.    Section 144 replaced                                       13
             144.      Forcibly freeing certain offenders from
                       custody                                     13
      16.    Small amendments                                           13
      17.    Sections 739 and 740 and Schedule 1 inserted               14
             739.      Review of law of homicide                   14
             740.      Transitional provisions                     14
             Schedule 1 -- Transitional provisions
             1.       Terms used in this Schedule                  14
             2.       Wilful murder trials in progress at
                      commencement                                 15
             3.       Wilful murders committed before
                      commencement                                 15
             4.       Offenders serving life term at
                      commencement                                 15

             Part 3 -- Sentencing Act 1995
      18.    Act amended in this Part                                   17
      19.    Sections 90 and 91 replaced by section 90                  17
             90.       Imposing life imprisonment for murder       17
      20.    Section 96 replaced                                        18
             96.       Release from life imprisonment              18
      21.    Section 107 amended                                        18
      22.    Consequential amendments                                   19
             Part 4 -- Various other Acts
      23.    Adoption Act 1994                                          20
      24.    Bail Act 1982                                              20
      25.    Community Protection (Offender Reporting)
             Act 2004                                                   20
      26.    Corruption and Crime Commission Act 2003                   21
      27.    Criminal Code Act 1913                                     21
      28.    Criminal Investigation (Identifying People)
             Act 2002                                                   21

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                    Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008


29.   Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused)
      Act 1996                                              21
30.   Criminal Procedure Act 2004                           22
31.   District Court of Western Australia Act 1969          22
32.   Electoral Act 1907                                    22
33.   Evidence Act 1906                                     22
34.   Health Act 1911                                       23
35.   Interpretation Act 1984                               23
      13C.     When death of a person occurs         23
36.   Prisons Act 1981                                      24
37.   Restraining Orders Act 1997                           24
38.   Road Traffic Act 1974                                 25
39.   Sentence Administration Act 2003                      25
40.   Working with Children (Criminal Record
      Checking) Act 2004                                    28
41.   Young Offenders Act 1994                              29

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008

                               A Bill for

An Act to reform the law about homicide and for related purposes.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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    Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
    Part 1         Preliminary matters

    s. 1

                    Part 1 -- Preliminary matters
    1.       Short title
             This is the Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Act 2008.

    2.       Commencement
5            This Act comes into operation as follows:
              (a)   Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
                    Royal Assent;
              (b)   the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation,
                    and different days may be fixed for different provisions.

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                                   Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                      The Criminal Code amended         Part 2
                                              Preliminary matters  Division   1
                                                                           s. 3

                  Part 2 -- The Criminal Code amended
                        Division 1 -- Preliminary matters
     3.         Code amended in this Part
                The amendments in this Part are to The Criminal Code.

 5                     Division 2 -- General amendments
     4.         Section 23 replaced by sections 23, 23A and 23B
                Section 23 is repealed and the following sections are inserted
                instead --
10        23.         Intention and motive
                (1)   Unless the intention to cause a particular result is
                      expressly declared to be an element of the offence
                      constituted, in whole or part, by an act or omission, the
                      result intended to be caused by an act or omission is
15                    immaterial.
                (2)   Unless otherwise expressly declared, the motive by
                      which a person is induced to do or omit to do an act, or
                      to form an intention, is immaterial so far as regards
                      criminal responsibility.

20        23A.        Unwilled acts and omissions
                (1)   This section is subject to the provisions in
                      Chapter XXVII relating to negligent acts and
                (2)   A person is not criminally responsible for an act or
25                    omission which occurs independently of the exercise of
                      the person's will.

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 2         The Criminal Code amended
     Division 3     Amendments about defences
     s. 5

          23B.         Accident
                (1)    This section is subject to the provisions in
                       Chapter XXVII relating to negligent acts and
 5              (2)    A person is not criminally responsible for an event
                       which occurs by accident.
                (3)    If death or grievous bodily harm --
                          (a) is directly caused to a victim by another
                               person's act that involves a deliberate use of
10                             force; but
                         (b) would not have occurred but for an
                               abnormality, defect or weakness in the victim,
                       the other person is not, for that reason alone, excused
                       from criminal responsibility for the death or grievous
15                     bodily harm.
                (4)    Subsection (3) applies --
                        (a) even if the other person did not intend or
                              foresee the death or grievous bodily harm; and
                        (b) even if the death or grievous bodily harm was
20                            not reasonably foreseeable.

                      Division 3 -- Amendments about defences
     5.         Section 25 replaced
                Section 25 is repealed and the following section is inserted
25              instead --
          25.          Emergency
                (1)    This section does not apply if section 32, 246, 247 or
                       248 applies.

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                                   Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                      The Criminal Code amended         Part 2
                                      Amendments about defences    Division   3
                                                                           s. 6

                (2)   A person is not criminally responsible for an act done,
                      or an omission made, in an emergency under
                      subsection (3).
                (3)   A person does an act or makes an omission in an
 5                    emergency if --
                       (a) the person believes --
                               (i) circumstances of sudden or
                                    extraordinary emergency exist; and
                              (ii) doing the act or making the omission is
10                                  a necessary response to the emergency;
                       (b) the act or omission is a reasonable response to
                             the emergency in the circumstances as the
                             person believes them to be; and
15                     (c) there are reasonable grounds for those beliefs.

     6.         Section 31 replaced by sections 31 and 32
                Section 31 is repealed and the following sections are inserted
                instead --
20   "
          31.         Lawful authority
                (1)   A person is not criminally responsible for an act done,
                      or an omission made, in any of the following
                      circumstances --
25                      (a) in execution of the law;
                        (b) in obedience to the order of a competent
                             authority which the person is bound by law to
                             obey, unless the order is manifestly unlawful.
                (2)   Whether an order is or is not manifestly unlawful is a
30                    question of law.

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 2         The Criminal Code amended
     Division 3     Amendments about defences
     s. 6

          32.         Duress
                (1)   A person is not criminally responsible for an act done,
                      or an omission made, under duress under
                      subsection (2).
 5              (2)   A person does an act or makes an omission under
                      duress if --
                        (a) the person believes --
                                 (i) a threat has been made; and
                                (ii) the threat will be carried out unless an
10                                   offence is committed; and
                               (iii)   doing the act or making the omission is
                                       necessary to prevent the threat from
                                       being carried out;
15                     (b)     the act or omission is a reasonable response to
                               the threat in the circumstances as the person
                               believes them to be; and
                        (c)    there are reasonable grounds for those beliefs.
                (3)   Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply if the threat is
20                    made by or on behalf of a person with whom the
                      person under duress is voluntarily associating for the
                      purpose of --
                        (a) doing an act or making an omission of the kind
                             in fact done or made by the person under
25                           duress; or
                        (b) prosecuting an unlawful purpose in which it is
                             reasonably foreseeable such a threat would be

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                                          Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                             The Criminal Code amended         Part 2
                                             Amendments about defences    Division   3
                                                                                  s. 7

     7.              Section 244 amended
          (1)        After section 244(1) the following subsection is inserted --
                    (1A)   Despite subsection (1), it is not lawful for the occupant
 5                         to use force that is intended, or that is likely, to cause
                           death or grievous bodily harm to a home invader unless
                           the occupant believes, on reasonable grounds, that
                           violence is being or is likely to be used or is threatened
                           in relation to a person by a home invader.
10                                                                                      ".
          (2)        Section 244(4) is repealed and the following subsection is
                     inserted instead --
                     (4)   If under subsection (1)(c) it is lawful for the occupant
15                         to use a degree of force, it is lawful for another person
                           acting in good faith in aid of the occupant to use the
                           same degree of force to defend the occupant.

     8.              Sections 248, 249 and 250 replaced by section 248
20                   Sections 248, 249 and 250 are repealed and the following
                     section is inserted instead --
            248.           Self-defence
                     (1)   In this section --
25                         "harmful act" means an act that is an element of an
                                offence under this Part other than Chapter XXXV.
                     (2)   A harmful act done by a person is lawful if the act is
                           done in self-defence under subsection (4).

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 2         The Criminal Code amended
     Division 3     Amendments about defences
     s. 9

                (3)   If --
                         (a)   a person unlawfully kills another person in
                               circumstances which, but for this section,
                               would constitute murder; and
 5                      (b)    the person's act that causes the other person's
                               death would be an act done in self-defence
                               under subsection (4) but for the fact that the act
                               is not a reasonable response by the person in
                               the circumstances as the person believes them
10                             to be,
                      the person is guilty of manslaughter and not murder.
                (4)   A person's harmful act is done in self-defence if --
                       (a) the person believes the act is necessary to
                             defend the person or another person from a
15                           harmful act, including a harmful act that is not
                             imminent; and
                       (b) the person's harmful act is a reasonable
                             response by the person in the circumstances as
                             the person believes them to be; and
20                     (c) there are reasonable grounds for those beliefs.
                (5)   A person's harmful act is not done in self-defence if it
                      is done to defend the person or another person from a
                      harmful act that is lawful.
                (6)   For the purposes of subsection (5), a harmful act is not
25                    lawful merely because the person doing it is not
                      criminally responsible for it.

     9.         Section 441 amended
          (1)   Section 441 is amended as follows:
30                (a) by inserting before "An Act" the subsection designation

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                                          Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                             The Criminal Code amended         Part 2
                                             Amendments about homicide    Division   4
                                                                                 s. 10

                      (b)     by inserting before "It is immaterial" the subsection
                              designation "(2)";
                      (c)     by repealing the third paragraph.
           (2)       At the end of section 441 the following subsection is inserted --
 5               "
                     (3)     A person is not criminally responsible for an act that
                             causes an injury to property if --
                               (a) the person believes the act is necessary to
                                     defend or protect the person, another person or
10                                   property from injury that the person believes is
                                     imminent; and
                               (b) the act is a reasonable response by the person in
                                     the circumstances as the person believes them
                                     to be; and
15                             (c) there are reasonable grounds for those beliefs.

                           Division 4 -- Amendments about homicide
     10.             Sections 278, 279 and 282 replaced by section 279
                     Sections 278, 279 and 282 are repealed and the following
20                   section is inserted instead --
             279.            Murder
                     (1)     If a person unlawfully kills another person and --
                                (a) the person intends to cause the death of the
25                                    person killed or another person; or
                               (b) the person intends to cause a bodily injury of
                                      such a nature as to endanger, or be likely to
                                      endanger, the life of the person killed or
                                      another person; or
30                              (c) the death is caused by means of an act done in
                                      the prosecution of an unlawful purpose, which

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 2         The Criminal Code amended
     Division 4     Amendments about homicide
     s. 10

                             act is of such a nature as to be likely to
                             endanger human life,
                     the person is guilty of murder.
                     Alternative offence: s. 280, 281, 283, 284, 290 or 291
 5                       or Road Traffic Act 1974 s. 59.
               (2)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(a) and (b), it is
                     immaterial that the person did not intend to hurt the
                     person killed.
               (3)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(c), it is immaterial
10                   that the person did not intend to hurt any person.
               (4)   A person, other than a child, who is guilty of murder
                     must be sentenced to life imprisonment unless --
                       (a)   that sentence would be clearly unjust given the
                             circumstances of the offence and the person;
15                           and
                      (b)    the person is unlikely to be a threat to the safety
                             of the community when released from
                     in which case the person is liable to imprisonment for
20                   20 years.
               (5)   A child who is guilty of murder is liable to either --
                      (a) life imprisonment; or
                      (b) detention in a place determined from time to
                            time by the Governor or under another written
25                          law until released by order of the Governor.
               (6)   A court that does not sentence a person guilty of
                     murder to life imprisonment must give written reasons
                     why life imprisonment was not imposed.

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                                 Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                    The Criminal Code amended         Part 2
                                    Amendments about homicide    Division   4
                                                                        s. 11

     11.     Sections 280 and 287 replaced by section 280
             Sections 280 and 287 are repealed and the following section is
             inserted instead --
 5         280.     Manslaughter
                    If a person unlawfully kills another person under such
                    circumstances as not to constitute murder, the person is
                    guilty of manslaughter and is liable to imprisonment
                    for 20 years.
10                  Alternative offence: s. 281, 284, 290, 291 or 294 or
                         Road Traffic Act 1974 s. 59.

     12.     Section 281 replaced
             Section 281 is repealed and the following section is inserted
15           instead --
           281.     Unlawful assault causing death
              (1)   If a person unlawfully assaults another who dies as a
                    direct or indirect result of the assault, the person is
20                  guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for
                    10 years.
              (2)   A person is criminally responsible under subsection (1)
                    even if the person does not intend or foresee the death
                    of the other person and even if the death was not
25                  reasonably foreseeable.

     13.     Sections 281A and 287A repealed
             Sections 281A and 287A are repealed.

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 2         The Criminal Code amended
     Division 4     Amendments about homicide
     s. 14

     14.       Section 284 inserted
               After section 283 the following section is inserted --
           284.      Culpable driving (other than of motor vehicle)
 5                   causing death or grievous bodily harm
               (1)   In this section --
                     "conveyance" does not include a motor vehicle;
                     "drive" a conveyance, includes to pilot an aircraft and
                          to navigate a vessel.
10             (2)   For the purposes of this section a person culpably
                     drives a conveyance if the person drives the
                     conveyance in a manner (including at a speed) that,
                     having regard to all the circumstances of the case, is
                     dangerous to any person.
15             (3)   If --
                        (a)   a person culpably drives a conveyance; and
                       (b)    the conveyance is involved in an incident that
                              directly or indirectly causes the death of, or
                              grievous bodily harm to, another person,
20                   the person is guilty of a crime and is liable to
                     imprisonment for --
                       (c) if death is caused, 10 years; or
                       (d) if grievous bodily harm is caused, 7 years.
                     Summary conviction penalty: imprisonment for
25                       18 months and a fine of $18 000.
               (4)   A court convicting a person of an offence under this
                     section that involves the navigation of a vessel must
                     make an order under the Sentencing Act 1995
                     section 107(1) for a term of at least 2 years.
30                                                                             ".

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                                       Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                          The Criminal Code amended         Part 2
                                           Consequential amendments    Division   5
                                                                              s. 15

                     Division 5 -- Consequential amendments
     15.         Section 144 replaced
                 Section 144 is repealed and the following section is inserted
                 instead --
 5   "
             144.      Forcibly freeing certain offenders from custody
                       Any person who forcibly frees, or attempts to free,
                       from lawful custody any person serving a sentence for,
                       or charged with, an offence that is punishable with
10                     imprisonment for life, or for 20 years or more, is guilty
                       of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 20 years.
     16.         Small amendments
           (1)   Section 47(1) is amended by deleting "commit any crime
15               punishable with strict security life imprisonment" and inserting
                 instead --
                 "   kill any person     ".
           (2)   Section 48(1)(b) is deleted and the following paragraph is
                 inserted instead --
20                    "
                          (b)   To commit any indictable offence other than
                                one entailing the killing of a person;
           (3)   Section 125 is amended by deleting "with strict security life
25               imprisonment, or".
           (4)   Section 134 is amended by deleting "to strict security life
                 imprisonment or".
           (5)   Section 277 is amended by deleting "wilful murder, murder,
                 manslaughter, or infanticide." and inserting instead --
30               "   murder or manslaughter.      ".

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 2         The Criminal Code amended
     Division 5     Consequential amendments
     s. 17

           (6)    Section 283 is amended by deleting "or, if the person commits
                  the offence in circumstances that, had the other person died,
                  would constitute the crime of infanticide, to imprisonment for
                  7 years".

 5   17.          Sections 739 and 740 and Schedule 1 inserted
                  After section 738 the following is inserted --
             739.       Review of law of homicide
                  (1)   The Minister must carry out a review of the operation
10                      and effectiveness of the amendments to this Code and
                        the Sentencing Act 1995 made by the Criminal Law
                        Amendment (Homicide) Act 2008 as soon as is
                        practicable after the fifth anniversary of the
                        commencement of section 17 of that Act.
15                (2)   The Minister must prepare a report based on the review
                        and, as soon as is practicable after the report is
                        prepared, cause it to be laid before each House of

             740.       Transitional provisions
20                      Schedule 1 sets out transitional provisions.

                        Schedule 1 -- Transitional provisions
                                                                           [s. 740]

             1.         Terms used in this Schedule
                        In this Schedule --
25                      "amendment Act" means the Criminal Law Amendment
                           (Homicide) Act 2008;
                        "commencement" means the day on which the amendment
                            Act, other than Part 1, comes into operation.

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                              Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                 The Criminal Code amended         Part 2
                                  Consequential amendments    Division   5
                                                                     s. 17

     2.         Wilful murder trials in progress at commencement
                If before commencement a person is charged on indictment
                with wilful murder and on commencement the person's trial
                has begun but not concluded, then the trial may continue as
 5              if the amendment Act had not been enacted.

     3.         Wilful murders committed before commencement
                If before commencement a person commits wilful murder
                and is not charged on indictment before commencement,
                then the person may, in respect of the act or omission
10              constituting the offence, be charged under section 279 as
                inserted by the amendment Act and be tried and sentenced
                as if, at the time of doing the act or making the omission,
                that section had been inserted by the amendment Act.

     4.         Offenders serving life term at commencement
15        (1)   If immediately before commencement a person is serving a
                sentence of life imprisonment for an offence other than
                murder or wilful murder, the person is eligible to be released
                on parole when he or she has served 7 years of the sentence.
          (2)   If immediately before commencement a person is serving a
20              sentence of life imprisonment for murder or wilful murder
                in respect of which a minimum period was set under the
                Sentencing Act 1995 section 90 as it was before
                commencement, the person must not be released before he
                or she has served that minimum period.
25        (3)   If immediately before commencement a person is serving a
                sentence of strict security life imprisonment in respect of
                which a minimum period was set under the Sentencing
                Act 1995 section 91(1) as it was before commencement, the
                person must not be released before he or she has served that
30              minimum period.
          (4)   If immediately before commencement a person is serving a
                sentence of strict security life imprisonment in respect of
                which an order was made under the Sentencing Act 1995
                section 91(3) as it was before commencement, the person
35              must not be released on parole.

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 2         The Criminal Code amended
     Division 5     Consequential amendments
     s. 17

               (5)   Any order for the release of a person to whom this clause
                     applies must be made in accordance with the Sentence
                     Administration Act 2003 Part 3.
               (6)   If immediately before commencement a person is serving a
 5                   sentence of strict security life imprisonment, any order made
                     after commencement in relation to the person in the exercise
                     of the Royal Prerogative of Mercy is subject to the
                     Sentencing Act 1995 section 142 as it was immediately
                     before commencement.
10             (7)   If immediately before commencement a person is serving a
                     sentence of --
                        (a) life imprisonment imposed for murder or wilful
                             murder; or
                       (b)   strict security life imprisonment imposed for wilful
15                           murder,
                     then the Sentence Administration Act 2003 sections 12A, 25
                     and 26 as they were immediately before commencement
                     continue to apply to and in respect of the person.

     page 16
                                    Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                     Sentencing Act 1995 amended         Part 3

                                                                                s. 18

                  Part 3 -- Sentencing Act 1995 amended
     18.         Act amended in this Part
                 The amendments in this Part are to the Sentencing Act 1995.

     19.         Sections 90 and 91 replaced by section 90
 5               Sections 90 and 91 are repealed and the following section is
                 inserted instead --
           90.         Imposing life imprisonment for murder
                 (1)   A court that sentences an offender to life imprisonment
10                     for murder must either --
                         (a) set a minimum period of at least 10 years that
                              the offender must serve before being eligible
                              for release on parole; or
                         (b) order that the offender must never be released.
15               (2)   Any minimum period so set begins to run when the
                       sentence of life imprisonment begins.
                 (3)   A court must make an order under subsection (1)(b) if
                       it is necessary to do so in order to meet the
                       community's interest in punishment and deterrence.
20               (4)   In determining whether an offence is one for which an
                       order under subsection (1)(b) is necessary, the only
                       matters relating to the offence that are to be taken into
                       account are --
                         (a) the circumstances of the commission of the
25                             offence; and
                         (b) any aggravating factors.

                                                                            page 17
     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 3         Sentencing Act 1995 amended

     s. 20

     20.           Section 96 replaced
                   Section 96 is repealed and the following section is inserted
                   instead --
 5           96.           Release from life imprisonment
                   (1)     A prisoner serving a sentence of life imprisonment for
                           an offence other than murder is not to be released
                           before he or she has served 7 years of the sentence.
                   (2)     A prisoner serving a sentence of life imprisonment for
10                         murder in respect of which a minimum period has been
                           set under section 90(1)(a) is not to be released before
                           he or she has served the minimum period.
                   (3)     A prisoner serving a sentence of life imprisonment for
                           murder in respect of which an order has been made
15                         under section 90(1)(b) is not to be released.
                   (4)     Any order for the release of a prisoner referred to in
                           this section must be made in accordance with Part 3 of
                           the Sentence Administration Act 2003.

20   21.           Section 107 amended
           (1)     Section 107(1) is amended by deleting "certificate of
                   competency, or a particular certificate of competency, under the
                   Western Australian Marine Act 1982." and inserting instead --
                   "     marine qualification or a particular marine qualification.   ".
25         (2)     Section 107(3) is amended by deleting "certificate" and
                   inserting instead --
                   "     marine qualification   ".
           (3)     Section 107(5) is amended by inserting in the appropriate
                   alphabetical position --
30                 "
                           "marine qualification" means a certificate of
                              competency or any other qualification issued to a

     page 18
                                        Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                         Sentencing Act 1995 amended         Part 3

                                                                                    s. 22

                                person under the Western Australian Marine
                                Act 1982 in relation to navigating or operating a

 5   22.         Consequential amendments
           (1)   Section 85(1) is amended as follows:
                   (a) in the definition of "fixed term" by deleting "a life term"
                        and inserting instead --
                        " life imprisonment ";
10                (b) by deleting the definition of "life term";
                   (c) in the definition of "term" by deleting "a life term" and
                        inserting instead --
                            " life imprisonment ";
                     (d)    in the definition of "term" by deleting paragraph (a) and
15                          "or" after it and inserting the following instead --
                                (a)   detention under a sentence imposed under
                                      section 279(5)(b) of The Criminal Code; or
20         (2)   Section 88(5) is amended by deleting "a life term is to serve that
                 term" and inserting instead --
                 "    life imprisonment is to serve that sentence     ".
           (3)   Section 142 is amended by deleting "sentenced to strict security
                 life imprisonment" and inserting instead --
25               "
                           serving a sentence of life imprisonment in respect of
                           which an order has been made under section 90(1)(b)

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 4         Various other Acts amended

     s. 23

                     Part 4 -- Various other Acts amended
     23.         Adoption Act 1994
           (1)   The amendment in this section is to the Adoption Act 1994.
           (2)   Section 40(2)(e)(ii) is amended by deleting ", strict security life
 5               imprisonment".

     24.         Bail Act 1982
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Bail Act 1982.
           (2)   Section 15(1) is amended by deleting "wilful murder or".
           (3)   Schedule 2 item 1 is amended by deleting the entries relating to
10               The Criminal Code sections 278, 279 and 280 and inserting
                 instead --
                       s. 279               Murder
                       s. 280               Manslaughter
15                     s. 281               Unlawful assault causing death

     25.         Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Community
                 Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004.
20         (2)   Schedule 1 is amended as follows:
                   (a) in the entry relating to The Criminal Code section 279,
                        by deleting "(as read with s. 282)";
                  (b) by deleting the entry relating to The Criminal Code
                        section 281A.
25         (3)   Schedule 3 is amended in the entry relating to The Criminal
                 Code section 279, by deleting "(as read with s. 282)".

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                                    Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                       Various other Acts amended        Part 4

                                                                                s. 26

     26.         Corruption and Crime Commission Act 2003
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Corruption and
                 Crime Commission Act 2003.
           (2)   Schedule 1 clause 1 is amended as follows:
 5                 (a) by deleting "s. 278";
                  (b) by deleting "(except if the circumstances of the
                        attempted or intended killing are such that, if it were
                        carried out, the crime committed would be infanticide)".
     27.         Criminal Code Act 1913
10         (1)   The amendment in this section is to the Criminal Code
                 Act 1913.
           (2)   Section 3(2) is repealed.
     28.         Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Criminal
15               Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002.
           (2)   Section 3(1) is amended in the definition of "serious offence"
                 by deleting "strict security life imprisonment," and inserting
                 instead --
                 " or includes    ".
20   29.         Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Criminal Law
                 (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996.
           (2)   Schedule 1 item 1 is amended by deleting the entries relating to
                 The Criminal Code sections 278, 279 and 280 and inserting
25               instead --
                       s. 279                Murder
                       s. 280                Manslaughter
                       s. 281                Unlawful assault causing death
30                                                                                 ".

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 4         Various other Acts amended

     s. 30

     30.         Criminal Procedure Act 2004
           (1)   The amendment in this section is to the Criminal Procedure
                 Act 2004.
           (2)   Section 114(4) is amended by deleting "wilful murder or".

 5   31.         District Court of Western Australia Act 1969
           (1)   The amendment in this section is to the District Court of
                 Western Australia Act 1969.
           (2)   Section 42(2) is amended by deleting "or strict security life

10   32.         Electoral Act 1907
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Electoral Act 1907.
           (2)   Section 18 is amended as follows:
                   (a)   in paragraph (cb) by deleting "section 282(c)(iii)
                         or (d)(ii), 653 or 693(4)" and inserting instead --
15                       " section 279(5)(b) ";
                  (b)    in paragraph (cc) by deleting "661 or 662" and inserting
                         instead --
                         " 282(c)(iii) or (d)(ii), 653, 661, 662 or 693(4) ".

     33.         Evidence Act 1906
20         (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Evidence Act 1906.
           (2)   The Second Schedule Part 1 is amended as follows:
                  (a) in the entry relating to section 144 by deleting "Using
                        force to rescue a person undergoing, or liable to, strict
                        security life imprisonment" and inserting instead --
25                      " Forcibly freeing certain offenders from custody ";

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                                        Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                           Various other Acts amended        Part 4

                                                                                      s. 34

                     (b)    by deleting the entries relating to sections 278, 279, 280,
                            281 and 281A and inserting instead --
                           s. 279               Murder
 5                         s. 280               Manslaughter
                           s. 281               Unlawful assault causing death
     34.         Health Act 1911
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Health Act 1911.
10         (2)   Section 246ZV(1) is amended by deleting "section 23" and
                 inserting instead --
                 "    section 23A      ".
           (3)   Section 246ZW(1) is amended by deleting "section 23" and
                 inserting instead --
15               "    section 23A      ".

     35.         Interpretation Act 1984
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Interpretation
                 Act 1984.
           (2)   Section 5 is amended by inserting in the appropriate
20               alphabetical position --
                       "death" of a person, has a meaning affected by
                            section 13C;
25         (3)   After section 13B the following section is inserted --
             13C.          When death of a person occurs
                           For the purposes of the law of this State, a person dies
                           when there occurs --
30                           (a) irreversible cessation of all function of the
                                   person's brain; or

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 4         Various other Acts amended

     s. 36

                            (b)   irreversible cessation of circulation of blood in
                                  the person's body.
     36.             Prisons Act 1981
 5         (1)       The amendments in this section are to the Prisons Act 1981.
           (2)       Section 16(6) is repealed and the following subsection is
                     inserted instead --
                     (6)   Subsection (5) does not apply in respect of a
10                         prisoner --
                             (a) who is serving a sentence that requires him or
                                  her to spend --
                                     (i) 20 years or more in custody before
                                          being eligible for parole; or
15                                  (ii) his or her whole life in custody;
                             (b) whose release is to be determined by the
20         (3)       Section 26(2) is amended by inserting after "life
                     imprisonment" --
                           or a sentence of life imprisonment in respect of which
                           an order has been made under section 90(1)(b) of the
25                         Sentencing Act 1995

     37.             Restraining Orders Act 1997
           (1)       The amendment in this section is to the Restraining Orders
                     Act 1997.
30         (2)       Section 63B(3) is amended in the definition of "violent personal
                     offence" paragraph (a) by deleting "(other than infanticide)".

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                                    Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                       Various other Acts amended        Part 4

                                                                              s. 38

     38.         Road Traffic Act 1974
           (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Road Traffic
                 Act 1974.
           (2)   Section 59(1) is amended in the summary conviction penalty by
 5               deleting "160 PU" and inserting instead --
                 "   360 PU    ".
           (3)   Section 59(3)(b) is deleted and the following paragraph is
                 inserted instead --
10                       (b)   in any other circumstances, to a fine of any
                               amount and to imprisonment for --
                                  (i) 10 years, if the person has caused the
                                      death of another person; or
                                 (ii) 7 years, if the person has caused
15                                    grievous bodily harm to another person,

     39.         Sentence Administration Act 2003
           (1)   The amendments in this clause are to the Sentence
                 Administration Act 2003.
20         (2)   Section 4(2) is amended as follows:
                   (a) by inserting in the appropriate alphabetical position --
                      "Governor's pleasure detainee" means --
                         (a) a person in, or regarded as being in, strict or
25                            safe custody by virtue of an order made
                              under the repealed section 282 of The
                              Criminal Code; or
                         (b) a person subject to a sentence of detention
                              imposed under section 279(5)(b) of The
30                            Criminal Code;

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 4         Various other Acts amended

     s. 39

                   (b)   in the definition of "prisoner" paragraph (b) by deleting
                         "life term;" and inserting instead --
                         " life imprisonment; ";
                   (c)   in the definition of "prisoner" by deleting paragraph (d)
 5                       and inserting instead --
                             (d)   a Governor's pleasure detainee;
        (3)    Section 11(2) is amended by deleting "person who is in, or is
10             regarded as being in, strict custody by virtue of an order made
               under section 282 of The Criminal Code" and inserting
               instead --
               "    Governor's pleasure detainee     ".
        (4)    Section 11(3) is amended in the definition of "Minister" by
15             deleting "section 282" and inserting instead --
               "    Chapter XXVIII       ".
        (5)    Section 12(6) is amended by deleting "section 282" and
               inserting instead --
               "    Chapter XXVIII       ".
20      (6)    The Table to section 12A is deleted and the following Table is
               inserted instead --
               Type of sentence           When report due When subsequent
                                                            reports are due
               Life imprisonment for      7 years after the Every 3 years after
               an offence other than      day on which the that
               murder                     term began or is
                                          taken to have

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                                   Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                      Various other Acts amended        Part 4

                                                                               s. 39

                Type of sentence        When report due When subsequent
                                                          reports are due
                Life imprisonment for   At the end of the Every 3 years after
                murder where a          minimum period    that
                minimum period has
                been set under
                section 90(1)(a) of the
                Sentencing Act 1995
                Indefinite imprisonment One year after the   Every 3 years after
                                        day on which the     that
                                        sentence began
     (7)        The heading to Part 3 Division 5 is amended by deleting "term".
     (8)        Section 25(1) is repealed and the following subsections are
                inserted instead --
 5         "
                (1)   The Governor may make a parole order in respect of a
                      prisoner serving life imprisonment for murder but only
                      if --
                         (a) a minimum period has been set under
10                           section 90(1)(a) of the Sentencing Act 1995;
                         (b) the prisoner has served the minimum period;
                         (c) a report has been given by the Board to the
15                           Minister under section 12 or 12A.
               (1A)   The Governor may make a parole order in respect of a
                      prisoner serving life imprisonment for an offence other
                      than murder but only if --
                        (a) the prisoner has served the period required by
20                           section 96(1) of the Sentencing Act 1995; and
                        (b) a report has been given by the Board to the
                             Minister under section 12 or 12A.

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     Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
     Part 4         Various other Acts amended

     s. 40

           (9)       Section 26 is repealed.
       (10)          Section 27B(1) is amended by deleting "section 282" and
                     inserting instead --
                     "     Chapter XXVIII      ".
 5     (11)          Section 50(b) is amended by deleting "a life term" and inserting
                     instead --
                     "     life imprisonment    ".
       (12)          Section 68(2) is repealed and the following subsection is
                     inserted instead --
10               "
                     (2)     If a parole order in respect of a prisoner serving life
                             imprisonment is suspended, the prisoner is then liable
                             to resume serving the sentence in custody.
15     (13)          Section 69(2) is repealed and the following subsection is
                     inserted instead --
                     (2)     If a parole order in respect of a prisoner serving life
                             imprisonment is cancelled after the prisoner is released
20                           under the order, the prisoner is then liable to resume
                             serving the sentence in custody.
     40.             Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004
           (1)       The amendments in this section are to the Working with
25                   Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004.
           (2)       Schedule 2 is amended by deleting the entries relating to The
                     Criminal Code sections 279, 280 and 281A and inserting
                     instead --
30                           s. 279                  Murder
                             s. 280                  Manslaughter
                             s. 281                  Unlawful assault causing death

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                                        Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
                                           Various other Acts amended        Part 4

                                                                                    s. 41

     41.             Young Offenders Act 1994
           (1)       The amendments in this section are to the Young Offenders
                     Act 1994.
           (2)       Section 179(6) is repealed and the following subsection is
 5                   inserted instead --
                     (6)   If the detainee is a person --
                              (a) who is undergoing a sentence of imprisonment
                                   for life; or
10                           (b) whose release is to be determined by the
                           the superintendent is to give the chief executive officer
                           notice when the detainee is removed from or returned
                           to a detention centre under an order made under this
15                         section.
           (3)       Section 189(1) is repealed and the following subsection is
                     inserted instead --
20                   (1)   This section does not apply to, or in relation to, a
                           person convicted of murder, attempt to murder or
           (4)       Schedule 1 item 1 is amended as follows:
25                     (a) in the entry relating to section 125, by deleting "with
                            strict security life imprisonment, or";
                      (b) in the entry relating to section 134, by deleting "to strict
                            security life imprisonment or";
                       (c) in the entry relating to section 144, by deleting "Forcibly
30                          rescuing offenders sentenced or liable to strict security
                            life imprisonment" and inserting instead --
                            " Forcibly freeing certain offenders from custody ";

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    Criminal Law Amendment (Homicide) Bill 2008
    Part 4         Various other Acts amended

    s. 41

                  (d)    by deleting the entry relating to section 281A.
       (5)    Schedule 2 item 1 is amended by deleting the entries relating to
              sections 278, 279 and 280 and inserting instead --
5                       s. 279              Murder
                        s. 280              Manslaughter
                        s. 281              Unlawful assault causing death


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