Western Australian Bills

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                     Western Australia

Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates)
                  Bill 2021


       Part 1 -- Preliminary
  1.   Short title                                              2
  2.   Commencement                                             2
       Part 2 -- Children's Court of Western
            Australia Act 1988 amended
  3.   Act amended                                              3
  4.   Section 3 amended                                        3
  5.   Part 2 Division 2 heading replaced                       3
       Division 2 -- Judges and magistrates
  6.   Section 10 amended                                       3
  7.   Section 11 inserted                                      4
       11.       Work of magistrates appointed to both
                 Magistrates Court and Children's Court    4
  8.   Section 12A inserted                                     7
       12A.      President may assign duties to
                 magistrates                               7
  9.   Part 8 inserted                                          8
       Part 8 -- Transitional provisions for Courts
              Legislation Amendment (Magistrates)
              Act 2021
       54.       Magistrates performing Children's Court
                 functions before commencement of Courts
                 Legislation Amendment (Magistrates)
                 Act 2021                                  8

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Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021


              Part 3 -- Magistrates Court Act 2004
      10.     Act amended                              10
      11.     Section 25 amended                       10
      12.     Schedule 1 clause 12 amended             10

page ii
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

  Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates)
                    Bill 2021

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988
and the Magistrates Court Act 2004.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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    Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
    Part 1          Preliminary

    s. 1

1                          Part 1 -- Preliminary
2   1.       Short title
3            This is the Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates)
4            Act 2021.

5   2.       Commencement
6            This Act comes into operation as follows --
7             (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
8                   Royal Assent;
9             (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after that day.

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                          Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
          Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended        Part 2

                                                                               s. 3

1         Part 2 -- Children's Court of Western Australia
2                      Act 1988 amended
3    3.      Act amended
4            This Part amends the Children's Court of Western Australia
5            Act 1988.

6    4.      Section 3 amended
7            In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order:

9                    Chief Magistrate means the Chief Magistrate of the
10                   Magistrates Court;

12   5.      Part 2 Division 2 heading replaced
13           Delete the heading to Part 2 Division 2 and insert:

15                    Division 2 -- Judges and magistrates

17   6.      Section 10 amended
18           In section 10(5):
19             (a) in paragraphs (a) and (b) after "those provisions" insert:

21                    (other than in Schedule 1 clause 12(6) and (7) of that
22                    Act)

24             (b)    in paragraph (c) delete "this Act." and insert:

26                    this Act; and

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     Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
     Part 2          Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended

     s. 7

1                   (c)     after paragraph (c) insert:

3                           (d)   the reference in Schedule 1 clause 14(1)(c) of
4                                 that Act to section 25(3) of that Act included a
5                                 reference to section 12A(4) of this Act; and
6                           (e)   the reference in Schedule 1 clause 14(2)(b) of
7                                 that Act to consulting the Chief Magistrate
8                                 were a reference to consulting the Chief
9                                 Magistrate and the President.

11                Note: The heading to amended section 10 is to read:
12                        Appointment of magistrates

13   7.           Section 11 inserted
14                After section 10 insert:

16          11.           Work of magistrates appointed to both Magistrates
17                        Court and Children's Court
18                (1)     In this section --
19                        Children's Court functions means functions of a
20                        magistrate of the Court;
21                        dually appointed magistrate means a person who holds
22                        office both as a magistrate of the Magistrates Court and
23                        as a magistrate of the Court.
24                (2)     The President may, by written notice, inform the Chief
25                        Magistrate that the President considers that, to deal
26                        with the workload of the Court, it is necessary or
27                        desirable for a particular dually appointed magistrate
28                        for the time being to perform Children's Court
29                        functions --
30                          (a) on a full-time basis; or
31                          (b) on a part-time basis as specified in the notice.

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                     Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
     Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended        Part 2

                                                                       s. 7

1       (3)   If the President gives a notice under subsection (2) in
2             relation to a dually appointed magistrate --
3               (a) the Chief Magistrate may consent, or refuse to
4                     consent, to the magistrate for the time being
5                     performing Children's Court functions on the
6                     basis specified in the notice; and
7               (b) if the Chief Magistrate consents -- the Chief
8                     Magistrate must, in giving any directions to the
9                     magistrate under the Magistrates Court
10                    Act 2004 section 25, take into account that for
11                    the time being the magistrate is required to
12                    perform Children's Court functions on the basis
13                    specified in the notice.
14      (4)   If a particular dually appointed magistrate has
15            performed Children's Court functions on a full-time or
16            part-time basis or has been the subject of a notice under
17            subsection (2), the President may, by written notice,
18            inform the Chief Magistrate --
19              (a) that the President considers that, to deal with
20                     the workload of the Court, it is not necessary or
21                     desirable for the magistrate for the time being
22                     to perform Children's Court functions at all; or
23              (b) that the President considers that, to deal with
24                     the workload of the Court --
25                        (i) it is not necessary or desirable for the
26                             magistrate for the time being to perform
27                             Children's Court functions on the basis
28                             that previously applied; and
29                       (ii) it is necessary or desirable that the
30                             magistrate should instead for the time
31                             being perform Children's Court
32                             functions on a part-time basis as
33                             specified in the notice (which must, in
34                             the case of a magistrate who previously

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     Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
     Part 2          Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended

     s. 7

1                                  performed those functions on a
2                                  part-time basis or was the subject of a
3                                  notice under subsection (2)(b), be a
4                                  reduced part-time basis).
5             (5)   If the President gives a notice under subsection (4) in
6                   relation to a dually appointed magistrate, the Chief
7                   Magistrate must, in giving directions to the magistrate
8                   under the Magistrates Court Act 2004 section 25, take
9                   into account --
10                    (a) in the case of a notice under
11                          subsection (4)(a) -- that for the time being the
12                          magistrate is not required to perform Children's
13                          Court functions; or
14                    (b) in the case of a notice under
15                          subsection (4)(b) -- that for the time being the
16                          magistrate is required to perform Children's
17                          Court functions on the specified part-time basis
18                          and not otherwise.
19            (6)   In determining whether to give a notice under
20                  subsection (2) or (4) in relation to a dually appointed
21                  magistrate, the President has absolute discretion and is
22                  not required to take into account the seniority or length
23                  of service of the magistrate or any other matter.
24            (7)   A notice under this section in relation to a magistrate is
25                  subject to any subsequent notice under this section in
26                  relation to the magistrate.

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                          Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
          Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended        Part 2

                                                                             s. 8

1    8.      Section 12A inserted
2            At the end of Part 2 Division 2 insert:

4         12A.     President may assign duties to magistrates
5            (1)   The President, by directions given from time to time to
6                  a person who is a magistrate, may --
7                    (a) specify which case or cases, or class or classes
8                         of case, the person is to deal with; and
9                    (b) specify which administrative duties the person
10                        is to perform for the time being; and
11                   (c) specify where, when and at what times to deal
12                        with those cases or perform those duties.
13           (2)   A direction given under subsection (1) must relate only
14                 to the person's functions as a magistrate of the Court.
15           (3)   A direction given to a magistrate under subsection (1)
16                 does not limit the functions of the magistrate.
17           (4)   A magistrate must comply with a direction given under
18                 subsection (1).
19           (5)   A contravention of subsection (4) is not an offence.
20           (6)   The Chief Magistrate is not entitled, under the
21                 Magistrates Court Act 2004 or any other law, to direct
22                 a person to perform functions as a magistrate of the
23                 Court or in relation to the performance of those
24                 functions.

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     Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
     Part 2          Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended

     s. 9

1    9.           Part 8 inserted
2                 After section 53 insert:

4              Part 8 -- Transitional provisions for Courts
5             Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Act 2021
6           54.         Magistrates performing Children's Court functions
7                       before commencement of Courts Legislation
8                       Amendment (Magistrates) Act 2021
9                 (1)   In this section --
10                      Children's Court functions and dually appointed
11                      magistrate have the meanings given in section 11(1).
12                (2)   This section applies to a dually appointed magistrate
13                      who has performed Children's Court functions on a
14                      full-time or part-time basis before the day
15                      (commencement day) on which the Courts Legislation
16                      Amendment (Magistrates) Act 2021 Part 2 comes into
17                      operation.
18                (3)   Without limiting section 11, the President may give the
19                      Chief Magistrate a notice under section 11(2) or (4) in
20                      relation to the magistrate.
21                (4)   If no notice has been given under section 11(2) or (4)
22                      in relation to the magistrate, section 11 applies in
23                      relation to the magistrate as if on commencement
24                      day --
25                        (a) the President, by notice under section 11(2),
26                               informed the Chief Magistrate that the
27                               President considers that, to deal with the
28                               workload of the Court, it is necessary or
29                               desirable for the magistrate for the time being
30                               to perform Children's Court functions on the

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                    Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
    Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended        Part 2

                                                                    s. 9

1                    basis on which those functions were performed
2                    before commencement day; and
3              (b)   the Chief Magistrate consented under
4                    section 11(3)(a) to the magistrate for the time
5                    being performing Children's Court functions on
6                    that basis.

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     Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
     Part 3          Magistrates Court Act 2004 amended

     s. 10

1            Part 3 -- Magistrates Court Act 2004 amended
2    10.       Act amended
3              This Part amends the Magistrates Court Act 2004.

4    11.       Section 25 amended
5              After section 25(5) insert:

7              (6)   If a person holds office both as a magistrate of the
8                    Court and as a magistrate of the Children's Court, the
9                    Chief Magistrate must not give a direction under
10                   subsection (1) in relation to the person's functions as a
11                   magistrate of the Children's Court.

13   12.       Schedule 1 clause 12 amended
14             After Schedule 1 clause 12(5) insert:

16             (6)   If a person holds office both as a magistrate of the Court and
17                   as a magistrate of the Children's Court, and the person
18                   resigns from only one of those offices, the resignation is
19                   taken to be a resignation from both of those offices.
20             (7)   If, before the day (commencement day) on which the Courts
21                   Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Act 2021 Part 3 came
22                   into operation, a person held office both as a magistrate of
23                   the Court and as a magistrate of the Children's Court and
24                   resigned from only one of those offices (the first office) --
25                     (a)   the resignation is taken to have been a resignation
26                           from both the first office and the other office; and
27                     (b)   the resignation from the other office is taken to take
28                           effect on the later of --
29                              (i)   commencement day; and

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    Courts Legislation Amendment (Magistrates) Bill 2021
      Magistrates Court Act 2004 amended          Part 3

                                                           s. 12

1      (ii)   the day on which the resignation from the
2             first office takes effect under subclause (4).


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