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                    Western Australia

 Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional
  Damages for Dust Diseases) Bill 2024


     Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.   Short title                                                   2
2.   Commencement                                                  2
     Part 2 -- Civil Liability Act 2002
3.   Act amended                                                   4
4.   Section 3A amended                                            4
5.   Part 2 Division 5 inserted                                    4
     Division 5 -- Provisional and subsequent damages
     Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary
     15AA.     Terms used                                    4
     15AB.     Dust disease                                  5
     Subdivision 2 -- Provisional damages
     15AC.     Award of provisional damages                  6
     15AD.     Amount of provisional damages                 7
     15AE.     Settlement agreement in initial action        7
     15AF.     Consequence of settlement in initial action   7
     Subdivision 3 -- Subsequent damages
     15AG.     Award of subsequent damages                   8
     15AH.     Court must give effect to terms of
               settlement agreements                          9
     15AI.     Evidence to apply in subsequent actions       10
     15AJ.     One award of subsequent damages for
               each subsequent dust disease                  11
     15AK.     Amount of subsequent damages                  11
     15AL.     Settlement agreement in subsequent
               action                                        11
     15AM.     Consequence of settlement in subsequent
               action                                        12
     15AN.     Costs                                         12

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Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
Bill 2024


              Subdivision 4 -- Transitional provisions
              15AO.    Transitional provision                      13

              Part 3 -- Law Reform (Miscellaneous
                   Provisions) Act 1941 amended
      6.      Act amended                                               14
      7.      Section 4 amended                                         14
              Part 4 -- Limitation Act 2005
      8.      Act amended                                               16
      9.      Section 6B inserted                                       16
              6B.      Special provisions for subsequent action
                       in respect of subsequent dust disease: no
                       limitation period                           16

              Part 5 -- Workers Compensation and
                   Injury Management Act 2023
      10.     Act amended                                               17
      11.     Section 416 amended                                       17
      12.     Section 625 amended                                       17
              Part 6 -- Workers' Compensation and
                   Injury Management Act 1981
      13.     Act amended                                               18
      14.     Section 93B amended                                       18

page ii
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

      Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional
       Damages for Dust Diseases) Bill 2024

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend --
•  the Civil Liability Act 2002; and
•  the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1941; and
•  the Limitation Act 2005; and
•  the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023; and
•  the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 1            Preliminary

     s. 1

1                             Part 1 -- Preliminary
2    1.         Short title
3               This is the Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for
4               Dust Diseases) Act 2024.

5    2.         Commencement
6         (1)   This Act comes into operation as follows --
7                (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
8                      Royal Assent;
9                (b) section 11 --
10                        (i) if the Workers Compensation and Injury
11                             Management Act 2023 section 416 comes into
12                             operation on or before the day fixed under
13                             paragraph (d) -- on the day fixed under
14                             paragraph (d); or
15                       (ii) otherwise -- immediately after the Workers
16                             Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023
17                             section 416 comes into operation;
18               (c) section 12 -- immediately after the Workers
19                     Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023
20                     section 625 comes into operation;
21               (d) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation.
22        (2)   Despite subsection (1), if the Workers Compensation and Injury
23              Management Act 2023 section 625 comes into operation on or
24              before the day fixed under subsection (1)(d), section 12 of this
25              Act --
26                (a) does not come into operation; and
27                (b) is deleted on the day fixed under subsection (1)(d).
28        (3)   Despite subsection (1), if the Workers Compensation and Injury
29              Management Act 2023 section 416 comes into operation on or

     page 2
    Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
                                                             Bill 2024
                                            Preliminary         Part 1

                                                                    s. 2

1    before the day fixed under subsection (1)(d), Part 6 of this
2    Act --
3      (a) does not come into operation; and
4      (b) is deleted on the day fixed under subsection (1)(d).

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     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 2            Civil Liability Act 2002 amended

     s. 3

1                  Part 2 -- Civil Liability Act 2002 amended
2    3.            Act amended
3                  This Part amends the Civil Liability Act 2002.

4    4.            Section 3A amended
5                  In section 3A(1) in the Table:
6                    (a) in item 3 column 3 delete "Division 4)." and insert:

8                          Divisions 4 and 5).

10                  (b)    delete item 6 and insert:

            6.       Damages relating to personal injury that       Parts 1A (other
                     resulted from the inhalation of asbestos or    than sections 5A,
                     silica.                                        5B, 5C and 5D),
                                                                    1B, 1D, 1E and 2
                                                                    (other than
                                                                    section 10A and
                                                                    Divisions 4
                                                                    and 5).

13   5.            Part 2 Division 5 inserted
14                 At the end of Part 2 insert:

16                 Division 5 -- Provisional and subsequent damages
17                               Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary

18               15AA. Terms used
19                 (1)    In this Division --
20                        Court means the Supreme Court;

     page 4
     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
                                                              Bill 2024
                          Civil Liability Act 2002 amended       Part 2

                                                                        s. 5

1             dust disease has the meaning given in
2             section 15AB(1);
3             initial action has the meaning given in
4             section 15AC(1);
5             provisional damages has the meaning given in
6             section 15AC(1);
7             settlement agreement --
8               (a) in relation to an initial action, has the meaning
9                      given in section 15AE;
10              (b) in relation to a subsequent action, has the
11                     meaning given in section 15AL;
12            subsequent action has the meaning given in
13            section 15AG(1);
14            subsequent damages has the meaning given in
15            section 15AG(1);
16            subsequent dust disease has the meaning given in
17            section 15AC(2)(b).

18   15AB.    Dust disease
19     (1)    A dust disease means a pathological condition of the
20            lungs, pleura or peritoneum that has resulted from the
21            inhalation of asbestos or silica.
22     (2)    Without limiting subsection (1), a dust disease includes
23            a pathological condition specified in the Table that has
24            resulted from the inhalation of asbestos or silica.
25                                  Table
             Item                         Disease

         1.         Asbestosis

         2.         Asbestos-induced carcinoma

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     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 2            Civil Liability Act 2002 amended

     s. 5

                    Item                            Disease

                3.            Asbestos-related pleural disease

                4.            Lung cancer

                5.            Mesothelioma

                6.            Pneumoconiosis or silicosis

                7.            Silico-tuberculosis

1                          Subdivision 2 -- Provisional damages

2           15AC. Award of provisional damages
3             (1)    In an action (an initial action) in respect of a dust
4                    disease suffered by a plaintiff for which personal injury
5                    damages are claimed, the Court may award damages
6                    (provisional damages) on a provisional basis for that
7                    dust disease.
8             (2)    Despite subsection (1), provisional damages can only
9                    be awarded if the initial action is commenced in the
10                   Court by an indorsed writ or a writ indorsed with a
11                   statement of claim (as the case may be) that --
12                     (a) nominates provisional damages as the remedy
13                          required; and
14                     (b) specifies another dust disease (a subsequent
15                          dust disease) or more than 1 subsequent dust
16                          disease that the plaintiff may develop, wholly
17                          or partly as a result of the act or omission
18                          giving rise to the cause of action.

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      Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
                                                               Bill 2024
                           Civil Liability Act 2002 amended       Part 2

                                                                          s. 5

1    15AD. Amount of provisional damages
2             In determining the amount of provisional damages to
3             award to a plaintiff the Court must not assume that the
4             plaintiff will develop a subsequent dust disease.

5    15AE.    Settlement agreement in initial action
6             An agreement (a settlement agreement) effecting the
7             settlement of an initial action must specify the
8             following --
9               (a) any subsequent dust disease that the plaintiff
10                   claims they may develop, wholly or partly as a
11                   result of the act or omission giving rise to the
12                   cause of action;
13              (b) whether or not the defendant admits liability
14                   for --
15                      (i) the dust disease; and
16                     (ii) if a subsequent dust disease is specified
17                           in accordance with paragraph (a) -- the
18                           subsequent dust disease;
19              (c) whether or not the plaintiff is barred from
20                   commencing a subsequent action in relation to
21                   a subsequent dust disease specified in
22                   accordance with paragraph (a).

23   15AF.    Consequence of settlement in initial action
24      (1)   If an initial action is disposed of in whole by a
25            settlement agreement that specifies that the plaintiff is
26            not barred from commencing a subsequent action in
27            relation to at least 1 subsequent dust disease specified
28            in the settlement agreement in accordance with
29            section 15AE(a), the initial action must be
30            discontinued.

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     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 2            Civil Liability Act 2002 amended

     s. 5

1             (2)   If an initial action is disposed of in whole by a
2                   settlement agreement that specifies that the plaintiff is
3                   barred from commencing a subsequent action in
4                   relation to all subsequent dust diseases identified in the
5                   indorsed writ or a writ indorsed with a statement of
6                   claim (as the case may be), the initial action may be
7                   dismissed.

8                      Subdivision 3 -- Subsequent damages

9           15AG. Award of subsequent damages
10            (1)   In an action (a subsequent action) in respect of a
11                  subsequent dust disease for which personal injury
12                  damages are claimed, the Court may award damages
13                  (subsequent damages) for that subsequent dust disease.
14            (2)   A subsequent action must be commenced in the Court.
15            (3)   A subsequent action must be in respect of a subsequent
16                  dust disease specified in the indorsed writ or a writ
17                  indorsed with a statement of claim (as the case may be)
18                  that commenced the initial action.
19            (4)   A plaintiff may commence more than 1 subsequent
20                  action, with each subsequent action relating to a
21                  subsequent dust disease or more than 1 subsequent dust
22                  disease.
23            (5)   Despite subsection (4), a plaintiff cannot commence a
24                  subsequent action in relation to a subsequent dust
25                  disease that has already been the subject of a
26                  subsequent action.
27            (6)   A plaintiff is barred from commencing a subsequent
28                  action if --
29                    (a) the initial action was disposed of in whole by a
30                          settlement agreement that specifies that the

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      Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
                                                               Bill 2024
                           Civil Liability Act 2002 amended       Part 2

                                                                        s. 5

1                    plaintiff is barred from commencing a
2                    subsequent action; or
3              (b)   any other subsequent action was disposed of in
4                    whole by a settlement agreement that specifies
5                    that the plaintiff is barred from commencing
6                    another subsequent action.

7    15AH. Court must give effect to terms of settlement
8          agreements
9       (1)   In this section --
10            information includes any document;
11            non-publication order means an order that prohibits or
12            restricts the publication of information (but that does
13            not otherwise prohibit or restrict the disclosure of
14            information);
15            publication, in relation to information, means the
16            dissemination of information to the public or a section
17            of the public by any means, including --
18              (a) in a book, newspaper, magazine or other
19                     written publication; and
20              (b) by radio broadcast, television, a website, an
21                     online facility or other electronic means;
22            suppression order means an order that prohibits or
23            restricts the disclosure of information (by publication
24            or otherwise).
25      (2)   In a subsequent action the Court must consider, and if
26            relevant give effect to, the terms of any settlement
27            agreement entered into by the parties effecting the
28            settlement, in whole or in part, of --
29              (a) the subsequent action; or
30              (b) the initial action; or
31              (c) any other subsequent action.

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     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 2            Civil Liability Act 2002 amended

     s. 5

1              (3)   The Court may, on its own initiative or on the
2                    application of a party to the proceedings, make a
3                    suppression order or non-publication order in relation
4                    to any terms of a settlement agreement considered
5                    under subsection (2).
6              (4)   The Court may only make a suppression order or
7                    non-publication order under subsection (3) if the Court
8                    considers that making the order is necessary for the
9                    proper administration of justice.
10             (5)   In deciding whether it is necessary to make a
11                   suppression order or non-publication order, the Court
12                   must take into account that a primary objective of the
13                   administration of justice is to safeguard the public
14                   interest in open justice.
15             (6)   A suppression order or non-publication order may be
16                   made subject to any exceptions or conditions as the
17                   Court thinks fit and specifies in the order.
18             (7)   This section does not limit or otherwise affect any
19                   powers that the Court has apart from this section to
20                   regulate its proceedings or to deal with a contempt of
21                   the Court.

22          15AI.    Evidence to apply in subsequent actions
23                   In a subsequent action, the Court may --
24                     (a) admit into evidence any evidence admitted in
25                           the initial action or any other subsequent action;
26                           and
27                     (b) make a finding of fact that has been made in the
28                           initial action or any other subsequent action.

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      Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
                                                               Bill 2024
                           Civil Liability Act 2002 amended       Part 2

                                                                       s. 5

1    15AJ.   One award of subsequent damages for each
2            subsequent dust disease
3            Only 1 award of subsequent damages can be made for
4            each subsequent dust disease that is claimed in a
5            subsequent action.

6    15AK. Amount of subsequent damages
7            In determining the amount of subsequent damages to
8            award, the Court must take into account any amount --
9              (a) awarded to the plaintiff --
10                     (i) in the initial action by way of
11                         provisional damages; and
12                    (ii) in any other subsequent action by way
13                         of subsequent damages;
14                   and
15             (b) received by the plaintiff in settlement of --
16                     (i) the initial action; or
17                    (ii) any other subsequent action.

18   15AL.   Settlement agreement in subsequent action
19           An agreement (a settlement agreement) effecting the
20           settlement of a subsequent action must specify the
21           following --
22             (a) any other subsequent dust disease that the
23                  plaintiff claims they may develop, wholly or
24                  partly as a result of the act or omission giving
25                  rise to the cause of action;
26             (b) whether or not the defendant admits liability
27                  for --
28                     (i) the subsequent dust disease; and
29                    (ii) if another subsequent dust disease is
30                           specified in accordance with

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     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 2            Civil Liability Act 2002 amended

     s. 5

1                                    paragraph (a) -- that subsequent dust
2                                    disease;
3                      (c)   whether or not the plaintiff is barred from
4                            commencing another subsequent action in
5                            relation to a subsequent dust disease specified
6                            in accordance with paragraph (a).

7           15AM. Consequence of settlement in subsequent action
8              (1)   If a subsequent action is disposed of in whole by a
9                    settlement agreement that specifies that the plaintiff is
10                   not barred from commencing another subsequent
11                   action, the subsequent action must be discontinued.
12             (2)   If a subsequent action is disposed of in whole by a
13                   settlement agreement that specifies that the plaintiff is
14                   barred from commencing another subsequent action,
15                   the subsequent action may be dismissed.

16          15AN. Costs
17                   In determining costs in relation to a subsequent action,
18                   the Court must have regard to --
19                     (a) any amount of costs awarded in relation to --
20                              (i) the initial action; and
21                             (ii) any other subsequent action;
22                           and
23                     (b) if costs were awarded under paragraph (a) --
24                           whether a basis for which costs were awarded
25                           is duplicated in a basis for which costs are
26                           subsequently claimed.

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      Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
                                                               Bill 2024
                           Civil Liability Act 2002 amended       Part 2

                                                                        s. 5

1              Subdivision 4 -- Transitional provisions

2    15AO. Transitional provision
3       (1)   In this section --
4             proclamation day means the day on which the Civil
5             Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust
6             Diseases) Act 2024 Part 2 comes into operation.
7       (2)   If an action in respect of a dust disease suffered by a
8             plaintiff for which personal injury damages are claimed
9             is commenced before proclamation day, the claim may
10            be amended to specify --
11              (a) that provisional damages are the remedy
12                     required; and
13              (b) a subsequent dust disease or more than
14                     1 subsequent dust disease that the plaintiff may
15                     develop, wholly or partly as a result of the act
16                     or omission giving rise to the cause of action.
17      (3)   Despite subsection (2), this section does not apply if,
18            before proclamation day --
19              (a) the hearing of the action has commenced; or
20             (b) damages have been awarded or a settlement
21                    reached in the action.
22      (4)   If a claim is commenced in a court other than the Court
23            and the claim is amended in accordance with
24            subsection (2), a registrar of the court in which the
25            action was commenced must transfer the action to the
26            Court.

                                                                  page 13
     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 3            Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1941 amended

     s. 6

1           Part 3 -- Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)
2                        Act 1941 amended
3    6.          Act amended
4                This Part amends the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)
5                Act 1941.

6    7.          Section 4 amended
7         (1)    Before section 4(1) insert:

9               (1A)      In this section --
10                        proceedings includes an initial action and a subsequent
11                        action (as those terms are defined in the Civil Liability
12                        Act 2002 Part 2 Division 5).

14        (2)    In section 4(2)(d) after "(2a)" insert:

16               or (3)

18        (3)    After section 4(2a) insert:

20               (3)      Subsection (2)(d) does not apply if --
21                         (a) the death of the person occurs after the day on
22                               which the Civil Liability Amendment
23                               (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
24                               Act 2024 Part 3 comes into operation; and
25                         (b) the death results from a latent injury that
26                               resulted from the inhalation of silica which has
27                               been caused by the act or omission giving rise
28                               to the cause of action; and

     page 14
       Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
                                                                Bill 2024
    Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1941 amended         Part 3

                                                                          s. 7

1                (c)   that person had instituted proceedings in
2                      respect of the cause of action that were pending
3                      at the time of death.

                                                                  page 15
     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 4            Limitation Act 2005 amended

     s. 8

1                 Part 4 -- Limitation Act 2005 amended
2    8.        Act amended
3              This Part amends the Limitation Act 2005.

4    9.        Section 6B inserted
5              After section 6A insert:

7           6B.      Special provisions for subsequent action in respect
8                    of subsequent dust disease: no limitation period
9              (1)   Despite anything in this or any other Act, no limitation
10                   period applies to a subsequent action for subsequent
11                   damages in respect of a subsequent dust disease (as
12                   those terms are defined in the Civil Liability Act 2002
13                   Part 2 Division 5).
14             (2)   This section applies regardless of whether the action is
15                   brought in tort (including trespass), in contract, under
16                   statute or otherwise.

     page 16
            Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
                                                                     Bill 2024
           Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023          Part 5

                                                                           s. 10

1             Part 5 -- Workers Compensation and Injury
2                   Management Act 2023 amended
3    10.       Act amended
4              This Part amends the Workers Compensation and Injury
5              Management Act 2023.

6    11.       Section 416 amended
7              In section 416:
8                (a) in paragraph (f) delete "Division." and insert:

10                     Division; or

12              (b)    after paragraph (f) insert:

14                     (g)   an award of subsequent damages to which the
15                           Civil Liability Act 2002 Part 2 Division 5
16                           applies.

18   12.       Section 625 amended
19             In section 625 delete "Division 4)." and insert:

21             Divisions 4 and 5).

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     Civil Liability Amendment (Provisional Damages for Dust Diseases)
     Bill 2024
     Part 6            Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981

     s. 13

1            Part 6 -- Workers' Compensation and Injury
2                  Management Act 1981 amended
3    13.       Act amended
4              This Part amends the Workers' Compensation and Injury
5              Management Act 1981.

6    14.       Section 93B amended
7              In section 93B(3):
8                (a) in paragraph (c) delete "Division." and insert:

10                    Division; or

12              (b)   after paragraph (c) insert:

14                    (d)   subsequent damages to which the Civil Liability
15                          Act 2002 Part 2 Division 5 applies.


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