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Western Australia Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Long title amended 3 5. Part 5A inserted 3 Part 5A -- Publication of information about offenders Division 1 -- Preliminary 85A. Terms used 3 85B. Delegation by Commissioner 4 85C. Commissioner not required to publish or provide information 4 85D. Restriction on information about protected witnesses 4 Division 2 -- Commissioner may publish information 85E. Application 4 85F. Commissioner may publish personal details of certain reportable offenders 4 85G. Commissioner may publish photograph and locality of certain persons 6 85H. Removal of photograph and locality from website 9 85I. Commissioner may take into account certain matters 10 236--1 page i Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Contents 85J. Commissioner may inform child's parent or guardian whether specified person is a reportable offender 11 85K. Protection as to publication and other provision of information 12 Division 3 -- Offences 85L. Conduct intended to incite animosity towards or harassment of identified offenders 13 85M. Publication, display and distribution of identifying information 14 6. Section 115 amended 15 Part 3 -- Other Acts amended Division 1 -- Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended 7. Act amended 16 8. Section 73 amended 16 Division 2 -- Dangerous Sexual Offenders Act 2006 amended 9. Act amended 16 10. Section 18 amended 16 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 A Bill for An Act to amend the Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 and to make consequential amendments to the Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 and the Dangerous Sexual Offenders Act 2006. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Community Protection (Offender Reporting) 4 Amendment Act (No. 2) 2011. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 8 Royal Assent; 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation. page 2 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 Part 2 amended s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Community Protection (Offender Reporting) 2 Act 2004 amended 3 3. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Community Protection (Offender 5 Reporting) Act 2004. 6 4. Long title amended 7 In the long title after "may commit," insert: 8 9 to enable information to be published about certain 10 offenders, 11 12 5. Part 5A inserted 13 After section 84 insert: 14 15 Part 5A -- Publication of information 16 about offenders 17 Division 1 -- Preliminary 18 85A. Terms used 19 In this Part -- 20 DSO supervision order means a supervision order 21 under the Dangerous Sexual Offenders Act 2006; 22 locality, of a person, means a description of the general 23 locality, such as the town or suburb, in which the 24 person resides; 25 publish, except in section 85M, means make available 26 for inspection by members of the public on a website 27 maintained by the Commissioner. page 3 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Part 2 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 amended s. 5 1 85B. Delegation by Commissioner 2 The Commissioner may delegate under section 110 a 3 power of the Commissioner under Division 2 only to a 4 police officer who holds or is acting in the office of 5 Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner. 6 85C. Commissioner not required to publish or provide 7 information 8 Nothing in this Part requires the Commissioner to 9 publish or provide information about any reportable 10 offender or other person. 11 85D. Restriction on information about protected 12 witnesses 13 Nothing in this Part authorises the Commissioner to 14 publish or provide information about a person to whom 15 Part 3 Division 10 applies. 16 Division 2 -- Commissioner may publish information 17 85E. Application 18 This Division has effect despite any written or other 19 law to the contrary. 20 85F. Commissioner may publish personal details of 21 certain reportable offenders 22 (1) In this section -- 23 personal details, in relation to a reportable offender, 24 means the information listed in section 26(1) and -- 25 (a) includes a photograph or digital image of the 26 offender; but 27 (b) does not include any details that the offender 28 reports under section 26(1)(e) or any other 29 details that would identify a child. page 4 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 Part 2 amended s. 5 1 (2) The Commissioner may publish any or all of the 2 personal details of a reportable offender, other than a 3 reportable offender who is a child, if -- 4 (a) the Commissioner is satisfied that the 5 reportable offender -- 6 (i) has failed to comply with any of his or 7 her reporting obligations; or 8 (ii) in purported compliance with Part 3, has 9 provided information that is false or 10 misleading in a material particular; 11 and 12 (b) the reportable offender's whereabouts are not 13 known to the Commissioner. 14 (3) The Commissioner may at any time -- 15 (a) remove any or all of the personal details of a 16 reportable offender from the website on which 17 they are published under subsection (2); or 18 (b) again publish under subsection (2) any or all of 19 the personal details of the reportable offender 20 after their removal under paragraph (a). 21 (4) If -- 22 (a) the Commissioner has published any personal 23 details of a reportable offender under 24 subsection (2); and 25 (b) the reportable offender subsequently reports his 26 or her whereabouts to the Commissioner under 27 Part 3, 28 the Commissioner must, as soon as is practicable after 29 receiving the report, remove those personal details 30 from the website on which they are published. page 5 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Part 2 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 amended s. 5 1 85G. Commissioner may publish photograph and locality 2 of certain persons 3 (1) In this section -- 4 Department of Corrective Services means the 5 department of the Public Service principally assisting 6 the Minister in the administration of the Prisons 7 Act 1981; 8 photograph includes a digital image; 9 prescribed offence means a Class 1 offence, a Class 2 10 offence or a sexual offence, as defined in the Evidence 11 Act 1906 section 36A. 12 (2) Subject to this section, the Commissioner may publish 13 a photograph and the locality of a person, other than a 14 person who is a child -- 15 (a) if the person is subject to a DSO supervision 16 order and that order does not provide that the 17 person's photograph and locality are not to be 18 published under this section; or 19 (b) if -- 20 (i) the person, after becoming a reportable 21 offender, commits and is found guilty of 22 a prescribed offence; and 23 (ii) any offence committed by the person, 24 including the prescribed offence, is a 25 Class 1 offence or an offence committed 26 against a child under The Criminal Code 27 section 323 or 324; 28 or 29 (c) if -- 30 (i) the person has been found guilty of an 31 offence punishable by imprisonment for 32 5 years or more; and page 6 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 Part 2 amended s. 5 1 (ii) on application by the Commissioner, 2 that publication is authorised by the 3 Minister on being satisfied that the 4 person poses a risk to the lives or sexual 5 safety of one or more persons, or 6 persons generally. 7 (3) If the Commissioner proposes to publish the 8 photograph and locality of a person under 9 subsection (2), the Commissioner -- 10 (a) must give the person written notice of the 11 proposal and the reasons for it; and 12 (b) must inform the person in that notice that he or 13 she has a specified period (of not less than 14 21 days) to make submissions or be heard in 15 relation to the proposal; and 16 (c) if subsection (2)(a) applies in relation to the 17 person, must give written notice of the proposal 18 to the chief executive officer of the Department 19 of Corrective Services. 20 (4) Before publishing the photograph and locality of the 21 person, the Commissioner must have regard to -- 22 (a) any submission made, or information or 23 document provided, by the person within the 24 period referred to in subsection (3)(b); and 25 (b) if notice is given under subsection (3)(c), any 26 submission made by the chief executive officer 27 of the Department of Corrective Services 28 within the period of 21 days after that notice is 29 given. 30 (5) For the purposes of subsection (2)(c), it is not 31 necessary that the Minister be able to identify a risk to 32 a particular person or particular persons or a particular 33 class of persons. page 7 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Part 2 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 amended s. 5 1 (6) In determining whether to authorise publication under 2 subsection (2)(c), the Minister may take into account 3 the following -- 4 (a) any medical, psychiatric, psychological or other 5 assessment relating to the person; 6 (b) any information indicating whether or not the 7 person is likely to commit a prescribed offence 8 in the future; 9 (c) whether or not there is any pattern of offending 10 behaviour on the part of the person; 11 (d) the person's antecedents and the seriousness of 12 his or her total criminal record; 13 (e) the person's age and the age of any victims of 14 any offences committed by the person at the 15 time those offences were committed; 16 (f) the difference in age between the person and 17 any victims of those offences; 18 (g) any other matter the Minister considers 19 relevant. 20 (7) The Commissioner must provide with an application 21 under subsection (2)(c) any information available to the 22 Commissioner that is relevant to the Minister's 23 determination whether to authorise publication. 24 (8) The fact that an offence in respect of which a person 25 has been found guilty becomes spent does not affect 26 the consideration of the offence as part of the person's 27 total criminal record for the purposes of 28 subsection (6)(d). page 8 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 Part 2 amended s. 5 1 85H. Removal of photograph and locality from website 2 (1) The Commissioner may at any time -- 3 (a) remove the photograph and locality of a person 4 from the website on which they are published 5 under section 85G(2); or 6 (b) again publish under section 85G(2) the 7 photograph and locality of a person after their 8 removal under paragraph (a). 9 (2) If -- 10 (a) the Commissioner has published a photograph 11 and the locality of a person under 12 section 85G(2)(a); and 13 (b) the person ceases to be subject to the DSO 14 supervision order; and 15 (c) neither section 85G(2)(b) nor (c) applies in 16 relation to the person, 17 the Commissioner must, as soon as is practicable, 18 remove the photograph and locality from the website 19 on which they are published. 20 (3) If -- 21 (a) the Commissioner has published a photograph 22 and the locality of a person under 23 section 85G(2)(b); and 24 (b) the person's reporting obligations expire; and 25 (c) neither section 85G(2)(a) nor (c) applies in 26 relation to the person, 27 the Commissioner must, as soon as is practicable, 28 remove the photograph and locality from the website 29 on which they are published. page 9 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Part 2 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 amended s. 5 1 85I. Commissioner may take into account certain 2 matters 3 (1) In determining whether or not -- 4 (a) to publish any personal details of a person who 5 is a reportable offender under section 85F(2) or 6 a photograph and the locality of a person under 7 section 85G(2) (the identifying information); 8 or 9 (b) to remove the identifying information from a 10 website under section 85F(3) or 85H(1), 11 the Commissioner may take into account the matters to 12 which this section applies. 13 (2) This section applies to these matters -- 14 (a) whether the publication of the identifying 15 information about a person would interfere 16 with -- 17 (i) an investigation by police officers in 18 relation to the person; or 19 (ii) the person's compliance with the 20 reporting obligations of this Act; or 21 (iii) the operation of a community order 22 under the Sentencing Act 1995, a DSO 23 supervision order or any other order or 24 requirement under a written law to 25 which the person is subject; 26 (b) whether the publication of the identifying 27 information about the person might identify a 28 victim of an offence, or the school attended by 29 a victim of an offence, committed by the 30 person; 31 (c) the effect that the publication of the identifying 32 information about the person might have on a 33 victim of an offence committed by the person; page 10 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 Part 2 amended s. 5 1 (d) whether, in statements made by the victim to 2 the Commissioner, the publication of the 3 identifying information about the person has 4 been supported or opposed by a victim of an 5 offence committed by the person; 6 (e) whether the publication of the identifying 7 information about the person would increase 8 the risk of the person committing offences; 9 (f) the Commissioner's assessment of the benefit 10 to the community of the publication of the 11 identifying information about the person; 12 (g) if the identifying information is about a person 13 who is awaiting trial on a charge of an 14 offence -- whether the publication of the 15 identifying information might prejudice the fair 16 trial of the person; 17 (h) any other matter the Commissioner considers 18 relevant. 19 85J. Commissioner may inform child's parent or 20 guardian whether specified person is a reportable 21 offender 22 (1) A person may apply to the Commissioner to be 23 informed whether or not a person specified in the 24 application (the specified person), other than a person 25 who is a child, is a reportable offender. 26 (2) The application must be made in a manner approved by 27 the Commissioner. 28 (3) The applicant must provide, in support of the 29 application, any evidence required by the 30 Commissioner to be satisfied that the specified person 31 has regular unsupervised contact with a child of whom 32 the applicant is a parent or guardian. page 11 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Part 2 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 amended s. 5 1 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), a person does not 2 have regular unsupervised contact with a child unless 3 he or she has unsupervised contact with the child for at 4 least 3 days (whether consecutive or not) in any period 5 of 12 months. 6 (5) If the Commissioner is satisfied that the specified 7 person has regular unsupervised contact with a child of 8 whom the applicant is a parent or guardian, the 9 Commissioner may inform the applicant whether or not 10 the specified person is a reportable offender. 11 85K. Protection as to publication and other provision of 12 information 13 (1) In this section -- 14 information includes the identifying information 15 referred to in section 85I. 16 (2) If the Commissioner determines in good faith -- 17 (a) to publish or provide any information under this 18 Division; or 19 (b) not to publish or provide any information under 20 this Division, 21 no civil or criminal liability attaches to the 22 Commissioner or the State by reason of publishing or 23 providing that information or omitting to publish or 24 provide that information. 25 (3) If information is published or provided by the 26 Commissioner under this Division, that publication or 27 provision of information is not to be regarded -- 28 (a) as a breach of any duty of confidentiality or 29 secrecy imposed by law; or 30 (b) as a breach of professional ethics or standards 31 or as unprofessional conduct. page 12 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 Part 2 amended s. 5 1 Division 3 -- Offences 2 85L. Conduct intended to incite animosity towards or 3 harassment of identified offenders 4 (1) In this section -- 5 animosity towards means hatred of or serious contempt 6 for; 7 harassment includes threat, serious and substantial 8 abuse and severe ridicule; 9 identified offender means -- 10 (a) a person whose personal details are published 11 by the Commissioner under section 85F; or 12 (b) a person whose photograph and locality are 13 published by the Commissioner under 14 section 85G; or 15 (c) a person in relation to whom the Commissioner 16 provides the information under section 85J that 17 the person is a reportable offender; 18 public place includes -- 19 (a) a place to which the public, or any section of 20 the public, has or is permitted to have access, 21 whether on payment or otherwise; and 22 (b) a privately owned place to which the public has 23 access with the express or implied approval of, 24 or without interference from, the owner, 25 occupier or person who has the control or 26 management of the place; and 27 (c) a school, university or other place of education, 28 other than a part of it to which neither students 29 nor the public usually have access. 30 (2) A reference in subsection (4) or (5) to conduct includes 31 a reference to conduct occurring on a number of 32 occasions over a period of time. page 13 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Part 2 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 amended s. 5 1 (3) For the purposes of subsection (4) or (5), conduct is 2 taken not to occur in private if it -- 3 (a) consists of any form of communication with the 4 public or a section of the public; or 5 (b) occurs in a public place or in sight or hearing of 6 people who are in a public place. 7 (4) A person must not engage in any conduct, otherwise 8 than in private, by which the person intends to create, 9 promote or increase animosity towards, or harassment 10 of, a person as an identified offender. 11 Penalty: imprisonment for 10 years. 12 (5) An offence under subsection (4) is a crime. 13 (6) A person must not engage in any conduct, otherwise 14 than in private, that is likely to create, promote or 15 increase animosity towards, or harassment of, a person 16 as an identified offender. 17 Penalty: imprisonment for 2 years. 18 85M. Publication, display and distribution of identifying 19 information 20 (1) In this section -- 21 display means display in or within view of a public 22 place, as defined in section 85L(1); 23 distribute means distribute to the public or a section of 24 the public; 25 identifying information means information that is 26 identifiable as -- 27 (a) the personal details of a person published by 28 the Commissioner under section 85F; or 29 (b) the photograph and locality of a person 30 published by the Commissioner under 31 section 85G; or page 14 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 Part 2 amended s. 6 1 (c) the information that a person is a reportable 2 offender provided by the Commissioner under 3 section 85J; 4 publish means publish to the public or a section of the 5 public. 6 (2) A person must not, without having first obtained the 7 written approval of the Minister, publish, distribute or 8 display any identifying information. 9 Penalty: imprisonment for 2 years. 10 11 6. Section 115 amended 12 (1) After section 115(1) insert: 13 14 (2A) The Minister must carry out a review of the operation 15 and effectiveness of the amendments made to this Act 16 by the Community Protection (Offender Reporting) 17 Amendment Act (No. 2) 2011 as soon as is practicable 18 after the third anniversary of the coming into operation 19 of section 5 of that Act. 20 21 (2) In section 115(2) delete "the review" and insert: 22 23 each review 24 page 15 Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 Part 3 Other Acts amended Division 1 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended s. 7 1 Part 3 -- Other Acts amended 2 Division 1 -- Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) 3 Act 2002 amended 4 7. Act amended 5 This Division amends the Criminal Investigation (Identifying 6 People) Act 2002. 7 8. Section 73 amended 8 After section 73(1)(nb) insert: 9 10 (nc) for the purposes of the Community Protection 11 (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 section 85F or 12 85G; 13 14 Division 2 -- Dangerous Sexual Offenders Act 2006 amended 15 9. Act amended 16 This Division amends the Dangerous Sexual Offenders 17 Act 2006. 18 10. Section 18 amended 19 After section 18(2) insert: 20 21 (3) Without limiting subsection (2), the supervision order 22 may provide that the photograph and locality of the 23 person are not to be published under the Community 24 Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 section 85G. 25
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